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io.hydrosphere.mist.master.mqtt.MqttPubSub.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.hydrosphere.mist.master.mqtt
import{Props, Terminated, Actor, ActorRef}
import io.hydrosphere.mist.{Constants, MistConfig, Logger}
import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.{IMqttActionListener, IMqttDeliveryToken, IMqttToken, MqttAsyncClient, MqttCallback, MqttConnectOptions, MqttMessage}
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.concurrent.duration.{Deadline, DurationInt}
private[mist] class MqttPubSub(connectionUrl: String) extends Actor with Logger{
lazy val connectionOptions = {
val opt = new MqttConnectOptions
private[this] val client = {
val client = new MqttAsyncClient(connectionUrl, MqttAsyncClient.generateClientId(), null)
client.setCallback(new MqttPubSub.Callback(self))
private[this] val connectionListener = new MqttPubSub.ConnectionListener(self)
private[this] val msgBuffer = ListBuffer.empty[(Deadline, Any)]
def receive: Receive = {
case MqttPubSub.Connect =>"connecting to $connectionUrl..")
try {
client.connect(connectionOptions, None, connectionListener)
} catch {
case e: Exception => logger.error(s"can't connect to $connectionUrl")
case MqttPubSub.Connected =>
for ((deadline, x) <- msgBuffer if deadline.hasTimeLeft()) {
self ! x
context become ready
case x @ (_: MqttPubSub.Publish | _: MqttPubSub.Subscribe) =>
if (msgBuffer.length > 1000) {
msgBuffer.remove(0, 500)
msgBuffer += Tuple2( +, x)
def ready: Receive = {
case p: MqttPubSub.Publish =>
try {
client.publish(MistConfig.MQTT.publishTopic, p.message())
} catch {
case e: Exception => logger.error(s"can't publish to ${MistConfig.MQTT.publishTopic}")
case [email protected] (ref) =>
context.child(Constants.Actors.mqttServiceName) match {
case Some(t) => t ! msg
case None =>
val t = context.actorOf(Props[MqttPubSub.Subscribers], name = Constants.Actors.mqttServiceName)
t ! msg
context watch t
try {
client.subscribe(MistConfig.MQTT.publishTopic, 0, None, MqttPubSub.SubscribeListener)
} catch {
case e: Exception => logger.error(s"can't subscribe to ${MistConfig.MQTT.publishTopic}", e)
case msg: MqttPubSub.Message => context.child(Constants.Actors.mqttServiceName) foreach (_ ! msg)
case Terminated(topicRef) =>
try {
} catch {
case e: Exception => logger.error(s"can't unsubscribe from ${}", e)
case MqttPubSub.Disconnected =>
context become receive
self ! MqttPubSub.Connect
self ! MqttPubSub.Connect
private[mist] object MqttPubSub {
class Publish(payload: Array[Byte]) {
def message(): MqttMessage = {
new MqttMessage(payload)
case class Subscribe(ref: ActorRef)
case class SubscribeAck(subscribe: Subscribe)
class Message(val payload: Array[Byte])
case object Connect
case object Connected
case object Disconnected
class Subscribers extends Actor {
private var subscribers = Set.empty[ActorRef]
def receive: Receive = {
case msg: Message =>
subscribers foreach (_ ! msg)
case msg @ Subscribe(ref) =>
context watch ref
subscribers += ref
ref ! SubscribeAck(msg)
case Terminated(ref) =>
subscribers -= ref
if (subscribers.isEmpty) context stop self
class Callback(owner: ActorRef) extends MqttCallback with Logger{
def connectionLost(cause: Throwable): Unit = {"connection lost")
owner ! Disconnected
def deliveryComplete(token: IMqttDeliveryToken): Unit = {
def messageArrived(topic: String, message: MqttMessage): Unit = {
owner ! new Message(message.getPayload)
class ConnectionListener(owner: ActorRef) extends IMqttActionListener {
def onSuccess(asyncActionToken: IMqttToken): Unit = {
owner ! Connected
def onFailure(asyncActionToken: IMqttToken, e: Throwable): Unit = {
owner ! Disconnected
object SubscribeListener extends IMqttActionListener with Logger{
def onSuccess(asyncActionToken: IMqttToken): Unit = {"subscribed to " + asyncActionToken.getTopics.mkString("[", ",", "]"))
def onFailure(asyncActionToken: IMqttToken, e: Throwable): Unit = {"subscribe failed to " + asyncActionToken.getTopics.mkString("[", ",", "]"))