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import static com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.JsonNodeFactory.instance;
import static;
import static;
import static;

import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;

import jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
import jakarta.inject.Inject;
import jakarta.persistence.EntityManager;
import jakarta.persistence.NoResultException;
import jakarta.persistence.PersistenceException;
import jakarta.persistence.Query;
import jakarta.persistence.TransactionRequiredException;
import jakarta.persistence.Tuple;
import jakarta.transaction.InvalidTransactionException;
import jakarta.transaction.SystemException;
import jakarta.transaction.Transaction;
import jakarta.transaction.TransactionManager;
import jakarta.transaction.Transactional;

import org.hibernate.ScrollMode;
import org.hibernate.ScrollableResults;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.query.NativeQuery;
import org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import org.jboss.resteasy.reactive.multipart.FileUpload;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.JsonNodeFactory;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.TextNode;

import io.quarkus.narayana.jta.runtime.TransactionConfiguration;
import io.quarkus.runtime.Startup;

public class RunServiceImpl implements RunService {
    private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(RunServiceImpl.class);

    private static final String FIND_AUTOCOMPLETE = """
         SELECT * FROM (
            SELECT DISTINCT jsonb_object_keys(q) AS key
            FROM run, jsonb_path_query(, ? ::jsonpath) q
            WHERE jsonb_typeof(q) = 'object') AS keys
         WHERE keys.key LIKE CONCAT(?, '%');
    protected static final String FIND_RUNS_WITH_URI = """
         SELECT id, testid
         FROM run
         WHERE NOT trashed
            AND (data->>'$schema' = ?1
            OR (CASE
               WHEN jsonb_typeof(data) = 'object' THEN ?1 IN (SELECT values.value->>'$schema' FROM jsonb_each(data) as values)
               WHEN jsonb_typeof(data) = 'array' THEN ?1 IN (SELECT jsonb_array_elements(data)->>'$schema')
               ELSE false
            OR (metadata IS NOT NULL AND ?1 IN (SELECT jsonb_array_elements(metadata)->>'$schema'))
    private static final String[] CONDITION_SELECT_TERMINAL = { "==", "!=", "<>", "<", "<=", ">", ">=", " " };
    private static final String UPDATE_TOKEN = "UPDATE run SET token = ? WHERE id = ?";
    private static final String CHANGE_ACCESS = "UPDATE run SET owner = ?, access = ? WHERE id = ?";
    private static final String SCHEMA_USAGE = "COALESCE(jsonb_agg(jsonb_build_object(" +
            "'id',, 'uri', rs.uri, 'name',, 'source', rs.source, " +
            "'type', rs.type, 'key', rs.key, 'hasJsonSchema', schema.schema IS NOT NULL)), '[]')";

    EntityManager em;

    SecurityIdentity identity;

    RoleManager roleManager;

    TransactionManager tm;

    SqlServiceImpl sqlService;

    TestServiceImpl testService;

    LabelValuesService labelValuesService;

    ObjectMapper mapper;

    ServiceMediator mediator;
    BackendResolver backendResolver;

    Session session;

    private final ConcurrentHashMap transformations = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

    @WithRoles(extras = Roles.HORREUM_SYSTEM)
    void onTestDeleted(int testId) {
        log.debugf("Trashing runs for test (%d)", testId);
        ScrollableResults results = session.createNativeQuery("SELECT id FROM run WHERE testid = ?1", Integer.class)
                .setParameter(1, testId)
        while ( {
            int id = results.get();

    // plain trash does not have the right privileges and @RolesAllowed would cause ContextNotActiveException
    @WithRoles(extras = Roles.HORREUM_SYSTEM)
    void trashDueToTestDeleted(int id) {
        trashInternal(id, true);

    // We cannot run this without a transaction (to avoid timeout) because we have not request going on
    // and EM has to bind its lifecycle either to current request or transaction.
    @TransactionConfiguration(timeout = 3600) // 1 hour, this may run a long time
    @WithRoles(extras = Roles.HORREUM_SYSTEM)
    void onNewOrUpdatedSchema(int schemaId) {
        SchemaDAO schema = SchemaDAO.findById(schemaId);
        if (schema == null) {
            log.errorf("Cannot process schema add/update: cannot load schema %d", schemaId);

    void processNewOrUpdatedSchema(SchemaDAO schema) {
        // we don't have to care about races with new runs
        findRunsWithUri(schema.uri, (runId, testId) -> {
            log.debugf("Recalculate Datasets for run %d - schema %d (%s) changed", runId,, schema.uri);

    void findRunsWithUri(String uri, BiConsumer consumer) {
        ScrollableResults results = session.createNativeQuery(FIND_RUNS_WITH_URI, Tuple.class).setParameter(1, uri)
                .setTupleTransformer((tuple, aliases) -> {
                    RunFromUri r = new RunFromUri();
           = (int) tuple[0];
                    r.testId = (int) tuple[1];
                    return r;
        while ( {
            RunFromUri r = results.get();
            consumer.accept(, r.testId);

    @WithRoles(extras = Roles.HORREUM_SYSTEM)
    void onNewOrUpdatedSchemaForRun(int runId, int schemaId) {
        em.createNativeQuery("SELECT update_run_schemas(?1)::text").setParameter(1, runId).getSingleResult();
        //clear validation error tables by schemaId
        em.createNativeQuery("DELETE FROM dataset_validationerrors WHERE schema_id = ?1")
                .setParameter(1, schemaId).executeUpdate();
        em.createNativeQuery("DELETE FROM run_validationerrors WHERE schema_id = ?1")
                .setParameter(1, schemaId).executeUpdate();

        Util.registerTxSynchronization(tm, txStatus -> mediator.queueRunRecalculation(runId));
        //      transform(runId, true);

    public RunExtended getRun(int id, String token) {

        RunExtended runExtended = null;

        String extendedData = (String) Util.runQuery(em, "SELECT (to_jsonb(run) || jsonb_build_object(" +
                "'schemas', (SELECT " + SCHEMA_USAGE
                + " FROM run_schemas rs JOIN schema ON rs.schemaid = WHERE runid =, " +
                "'testname', (SELECT name FROM test WHERE = run.testid), " +
                "'datasets', (SELECT jsonb_agg(id ORDER BY id) FROM dataset WHERE runid =, " +
                "'validationErrors', (SELECT jsonb_agg(jsonb_build_object('schemaId', schema_id, 'error', error)) FROM run_validationerrors WHERE run_id = ?1)"
                "))::text FROM run WHERE id = ?1", id);
        try {
            runExtended = mapper.readValue(extendedData, RunExtended.class);
        } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
            throw ServiceException.serverError("Could not retrieve extended run");

        return runExtended;

    public RunSummary getRunSummary(int id, String token) {
        try {
            Query query = em.createNativeQuery("SELECT, run.start, run.stop, run.testid, " +
                    "run.owner, run.access, run.token, run.trashed, run.description, run.metadata IS NOT NULL as has_metadata, "
                    "(SELECT name FROM test WHERE = run.testid) as testname, " +
                    "(SELECT " + SCHEMA_USAGE
                    + " FROM run_schemas rs JOIN schema ON = rs.schemaid WHERE rs.runid = as schemas, " +
                    "(SELECT json_agg(id ORDER BY id) FROM dataset WHERE runid = as datasets, " +
                    "(SELECT jsonb_agg(jsonb_build_object('schemaId', schema_id, 'error', error)) AS errors FROM run_validationerrors WHERE run_id = ?1 GROUP BY run_id) AS validationErrors "
                    "FROM run where id = ?1").setParameter(1, id);
            return createSummary((Object[]) query.getSingleResult());
        } catch (NoResultException e) {
            throw ServiceException.notFound("Run " + id + " not found");

    public Object getData(int id, String token, String schemaUri) {
        if (schemaUri == null || schemaUri.isEmpty()) {
            return Util.runQuery(em, "SELECT data#>>'{}' from run where id = ?", id);
        } else {
            String sqlQuery = "SELECT (CASE " +
                    "WHEN rs.type = 0 THEN " +
                    "WHEN rs.type = 1 THEN>rs.key " +
                    "ELSE>(rs.key::integer) " +
                    "END)#>>'{}' FROM run JOIN run_schemas rs ON rs.runid = WHERE id = ?1 AND rs.source = 0 AND rs.uri = ?2";
            return Util.runQuery(em, sqlQuery, id, schemaUri);

    //this is nearly identical to TestServiceImpl.labelValues (except the return object)
    //this reads from the dataset table but provides data specific to the run...
    public List labelValues(int runId, String filter, String sort, String direction, int limit, int page,
            List include, List exclude, boolean multiFilter) {
        Run run = getRun(runId, null);
        if (run == null) {
            throw ServiceException.notFound("Cannot find run " + runId);

        try {
            return labelValuesService.labelValuesByRun(runId, filter, sort, direction, limit,
                    page, include, exclude, multiFilter);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            throw ServiceException.badRequest(e.getMessage());

    public JsonNode getMetadata(int id, String token, String schemaUri) {
        String result;
        if (schemaUri == null || schemaUri.isEmpty()) {
            result = (String) Util.runQuery(em, "SELECT coalesce((metadata#>>'{}')::jsonb, '{}'::jsonb) from run where id = ?",
        } else {
            String sqlQuery = "SELECT run.metadata->(rs.key::integer)#>>'{}' FROM run " +
                    "JOIN run_schemas rs ON rs.runid = WHERE id = ?1 AND rs.source = 1 AND rs.uri = ?2";
            result = (String) Util.runQuery(em, sqlQuery, id, schemaUri);
        try {

            return Util.OBJECT_MAPPER.readTree(result);
        } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
            throw ServiceException.serverError(e.getMessage());

    public String resetToken(int id) {
        return updateToken(id, Tokens.generateToken());

    public String dropToken(int id) {
        return updateToken(id, null);

    private String updateToken(int id, String token) {
        Query query = em.createNativeQuery(UPDATE_TOKEN);
        query.setParameter(1, token);
        query.setParameter(2, id);
        if (query.executeUpdate() != 1) {
            throw ServiceException.serverError("Token reset failed (missing permissions?)");
        } else {
            return token;

    // TODO: it would be nicer to use @FormParams but fetchival on client side doesn't support that
    public void updateAccess(int id, String owner, Access access) {
        Query query = em.createNativeQuery(CHANGE_ACCESS);
        query.setParameter(1, owner);
        query.setParameter(2, access.ordinal());
        query.setParameter(3, id);
        if (query.executeUpdate() != 1) {
            throw ServiceException.serverError("Access change failed (missing permissions?)");

    @PermitAll // all because of possible token-based upload
    public Response add(String testNameOrId, String owner, Access access, String token, Run run) {
        if (owner != null) {
            run.owner = owner;
        if (access != null) {
            run.access = access;
        log.debugf("About to add new run to test %s using owner", testNameOrId, owner);
        if (testNameOrId == null || testNameOrId.isEmpty()) {
            if (run.testid == null || run.testid == 0) {
                return Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity("No test name or id provided").build();
            } else
                testNameOrId = run.testid.toString();

        TestDAO test = testService.ensureTestExists(testNameOrId, token);
        run.testid =;
        Integer runId = addAuthenticated(, test);
        return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).entity(String.valueOf(runId)).header(HttpHeaders.LOCATION, "/run/" + runId)

    public Response addRunFromData(String start, String stop, String test,
            String owner, Access access, String token,
            String schemaUri, String description,
            String data) {
        return addRunFromData(start, stop, test, owner, access, token, schemaUri, description, data, null);

    public Response addRunFromData(String start, String stop, String test, String owner, Access access, String token,
            String schemaUri, String description, FileUpload data, FileUpload metadata) {
        if (data == null) {
            log.debugf("Failed to upload for test %s with description %s because of missing data.", test, description);
            throw ServiceException.badRequest("No data!");
        } else if (!MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON.equals(data.contentType())) {
            log.debugf("Failed to upload for test %s with description %s because of wrong data content type: %s.", test,
                    description, data.contentType());
            throw ServiceException
                    .badRequest("Part 'data' must use content-type: application/json, currently: " + data.contentType());
        if (metadata != null && !MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON.equals(metadata.contentType())) {
            log.debugf("Failed to upload for test %s with description %s because of wrong metadata content type: %s.", test,
                    description, metadata.contentType());
            throw ServiceException.badRequest(
                    "Part 'metadata' must use content-type: application/json, currently: " + metadata.contentType());
        JsonNode dataNode;
        JsonNode metadataNode = null;
        try {
            dataNode = Util.OBJECT_MAPPER.readTree(data.uploadedFile().toFile());
            if (metadata != null) {
                metadataNode = Util.OBJECT_MAPPER.readTree(metadata.uploadedFile().toFile());
                if (metadataNode.isArray()) {
                    for (JsonNode item : metadataNode) {
                        if (!item.isObject()) {
                                    "Failed to upload for test %s with description %s because of wrong item in metadata: %s.",
                                    test, description, item);
                            throw ServiceException.badRequest("One of metadata elements is not an object!");
                        } else if (!item.has("$schema")) {
                                    "Failed to upload for test %s with description %s because of missing schema in metadata: %s.",
                                    test, description, item);
                            throw ServiceException.badRequest("One of metadata elements is missing a schema!");
                } else if (metadataNode.isObject()) {
                    if (!metadataNode.has("$schema")) {
                        log.debugf("Failed to upload for test %s with description %s because of missing schema in metadata.",
                                test, description);
                        throw ServiceException.badRequest("Metadata is missing schema!");
                    metadataNode = instance.arrayNode().add(metadataNode);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            log.error("Failed to read data/metadata from upload file", e);
            throw ServiceException.badRequest("Provided data/metadata can't be read (JSON encoding problem?)");
        return addRunFromData(start, stop, test, owner, access, token, schemaUri, description, dataNode.toString(),

    @PermitAll // all because of possible token-based upload
    Response addRunFromData(String start, String stop, String test,
            String owner, Access access, String token,
            String schemaUri, String description,
            String stringData, JsonNode metadata) {
        if (stringData == null) {
            log.debugf("Failed to upload for test %s with description %s because of missing data.", test, description);
            throw ServiceException.badRequest("No data!");
        JsonNode data = null;
        try {
            data = Util.OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(stringData, JsonNode.class);
        } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
            throw ServiceException.badRequest("Could not map incoming data to JsonNode: " + e.getMessage());

        Object foundTest = findIfNotSet(test, data);
        String testNameOrId = foundTest == null ? null : foundTest.toString().trim();
        if (testNameOrId == null || testNameOrId.isEmpty()) {
            log.debugf("Failed to upload for test %s with description %s as the test cannot be identified.", test, description);
            throw ServiceException.badRequest("Cannot identify test name.");

        TestDAO testEntity = testService.ensureTestExists(testNameOrId, token);

        Datastore datastore = backendResolver.getBackend(testEntity.backendConfig.type);
        DatastoreResponse response = datastore.handleRun(data, metadata, testEntity.backendConfig,
                Optional.ofNullable(schemaUri), mapper);

        List runIds = new ArrayList<>();
        String responseString;
        if (datastore.uploadType() == Datastore.UploadType.MUILTI
                && response.payload instanceof ArrayNode) {

            if (response.payload.isEmpty()) {
                return Response.status(Response.Status.NO_CONTENT).entity("Query returned no results").build();

            //if we return more than 10 results, offload to async queue to process - this might take a LOOONG time
            if (response.payload.size() > 10) {
                response.payload.forEach(jsonNode -> {
                    mediator.queueRunUpload(start, stop, test, owner, access, token, schemaUri, description, null, jsonNode,
            } else { //process synchronously
                response.payload.forEach(jsonNode -> {
                    runIds.add(getPersistRun(start, stop, test, owner, access, token, schemaUri, description, metadata,
                            jsonNode, testEntity));
        } else {
            runIds.add(getPersistRun(start, stop, test, owner, access, token, schemaUri, description, metadata,
                    response.payload, testEntity));
        if (runIds.size() > 0) {
            return Response.status(Response.Status.OK)
                    .entity(String.valueOf( -> Integer.toString(val)).collect(Collectors.joining(", "))))
        } else {
            return Response.status(Response.Status.ACCEPTED).entity("More than 10 runs uploaded, processing asynchronously")

    void persistRun(ServiceMediator.RunUpload runUpload) {
        TestDAO testEntity = TestDAO.findById(runUpload.testId);
        if (testEntity == null) {
            log.errorf("Could not find Test (%d) for Run Upload", runUpload.testId);
        try {
            Integer runID = getPersistRun(runUpload.start, runUpload.stop, runUpload.test,
                    runUpload.owner, runUpload.access, runUpload.token, runUpload.schemaUri,
                    runUpload.description, runUpload.metaData, runUpload.payload, testEntity);

            if (runID == null) {
                log.errorf("Could not persist Run for Test:  %d",;
        } catch (ServiceException serviceException) {
            log.errorf("Could not persist Run for Test:  %d",, serviceException);


    private Integer getPersistRun(String start, String stop, String test, String owner, Access access, String token,
            String schemaUri, String description, JsonNode metadata, JsonNode data, TestDAO testEntity) {
        Object foundStart = findIfNotSet(start, data);
        Object foundStop = findIfNotSet(stop, data);
        Object foundDescription = findIfNotSet(description, data);

        Instant startInstant = Util.toInstant(foundStart);
        Instant stopInstant = Util.toInstant(foundStop);

        if (startInstant == null) {
            log.debugf("Failed to upload for test %s with description %s; cannot parse start time %s (%s)", test, description,
                    foundStart, start);
            throw ServiceException.badRequest("Cannot parse start time from " + foundStart + " (" + start + ")");
        } else if (stopInstant == null) {
            log.debugf("Failed to upload for test %s with description %s; cannot parse start time %s (%s)", test, description,
                    foundStop, stop);
            throw ServiceException.badRequest("Cannot parse stop time from " + foundStop + " (" + stop + ")");

        if (schemaUri != null && !schemaUri.isEmpty()) {
            if (data.isObject()) {
                ((ObjectNode) data).put("$schema", schemaUri);
            } else if (data.isArray()) {
                data.forEach(node -> {
                    if (node.isObject() && !node.hasNonNull("$schema")) {
                        ((ObjectNode) node).put("$schema", schemaUri);

        log.debugf("Creating new run for test %s(%d) with description %s",,, foundDescription);

        RunDAO run = new RunDAO();
        run.testid =;
        run.start = startInstant;
        run.stop = stopInstant;
        run.description = foundDescription != null ? foundDescription.toString() : null; = data;
        run.metadata = metadata;
        run.owner = owner;
        run.access = access;
        // Some triggered functions in the database need to be able to read the just-inserted run
        // otherwise RLS policies will fail. That's why we reuse the token for the test and later wipe it out.
        run.token = token;

        Integer runId = addAuthenticated(run, testEntity);
        if (token != null) {
            // TODO: remove the token
        return runId;

    private Object findIfNotSet(String value, JsonNode data) {
        if (value != null && !value.isEmpty()) {
            if (value.startsWith("$.")) {
                return Util.findJsonPath(data, value);
            } else {
                return value;
        } else {
            return null;

    @WithRoles(extras = Roles.HORREUM_SYSTEM)
    private Integer addAuthenticated(RunDAO run, TestDAO test) {
        // Id will be always generated anew = null;
        //if run.metadata is null on the client, it will be converted to a NullNode, not null...
        if (run.metadata != null && run.metadata.isNull())
            run.metadata = null;

        if (run.owner == null) {
            List uploaders = identity.getRoles().stream().filter(role -> role.endsWith("-uploader"))
            if (uploaders.size() != 1) {
                log.debugf("Failed to upload for test %s: no owner, available uploaders: %s",, uploaders);
                throw ServiceException.badRequest(
                        "Missing owner and cannot select single default owners; this user has these uploader roles: "
                                + uploaders);
            String uploader = uploaders.get(0);
            run.owner = uploader.substring(0, uploader.length() - 9) + "-team";
        } else if (!Objects.equals(test.owner, run.owner) && !identity.getRoles().contains(run.owner)) {
            log.debugf("Failed to upload for test %s: requested owner %s, available roles: %s",, run.owner,
            throw ServiceException.badRequest("This user does not have permissions to upload run for owner=" + run.owner);
        if (run.access == null) {
            run.access = Access.PRIVATE;
        log.debugf("Uploading with owner=%s and access=%s", run.owner, run.access);

        try {
            if ( == null) {
            } else {
                trashConnectedDatasets(, run.testid);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Failed to persist run.", e);
            throw ServiceException.serverError("Failed to persist run");
        log.debugf("Upload flushed, run ID %d",;

        transform(, false);
        if (mediator.testMode())
                    txStatus -> mediator.publishEvent(AsyncEventChannels.RUN_NEW,, RunMapper.from(run)));


    public List autocomplete(String query) {
        if (query == null || query.isEmpty()) {
            return null;
        String jsonpath = query.trim();
        String incomplete = "";
        if (jsonpath.endsWith(".")) {
            jsonpath = jsonpath.substring(0, jsonpath.length() - 1);
        } else {
            int lastDot = jsonpath.lastIndexOf('.');
            if (lastDot > 0) {
                incomplete = jsonpath.substring(lastDot + 1);
                jsonpath = jsonpath.substring(0, lastDot);
            } else {
                incomplete = jsonpath;
                jsonpath = "$.**";
        int conditionIndex = jsonpath.indexOf('@');
        if (conditionIndex >= 0) {
            int conditionSelectEnd = jsonpath.length();
            for (String terminal : CONDITION_SELECT_TERMINAL) {
                int ti = jsonpath.indexOf(terminal, conditionIndex + 1);
                if (ti >= 0) {
                    conditionSelectEnd = Math.min(conditionSelectEnd, ti);
            String conditionSelect = jsonpath.substring(conditionIndex + 1, conditionSelectEnd);
            int queryIndex = jsonpath.indexOf('?');
            if (queryIndex < 0) {
                // This is a shortcut query ''
                jsonpath = "$.**" + conditionSelect;
            } else if (queryIndex > conditionIndex) {
                // Too complex query with multiple conditions
                return Collections.emptyList();
            } else {
                while (queryIndex > 0 && Character.isWhitespace(jsonpath.charAt(queryIndex - 1))) {
                jsonpath = jsonpath.substring(0, queryIndex) + conditionSelect;
        if (!jsonpath.startsWith("$")) {
            jsonpath = "$.**." + jsonpath;
        try {
            NativeQuery findAutocomplete = session.createNativeQuery(FIND_AUTOCOMPLETE, String.class);
            findAutocomplete.setParameter(1, jsonpath);
            findAutocomplete.setParameter(2, incomplete);
            List results = findAutocomplete.getResultList();
            return -> option.matches("^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$") ? option : "\"" + option + "\"")
        } catch (PersistenceException e) {
            throw ServiceException.badRequest("Failed processing query '" + query + "':\n" + e.getLocalizedMessage());

    public RunsSummary listAllRuns(String query, boolean matchAll, String roles, boolean trashed,
            Integer limit, Integer page, String sort, SortDirection direction) {
        StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("SELECT, run.start, run.stop, run.testId, ")
                .append("run.owner, run.access, run.token, run.trashed, run.description, ")
                .append("run.metadata IS NOT NULL AS has_metadata, AS testname, ")
                .append("'[]'::jsonb AS schemas, '[]'::jsonb AS datasets, '[]'::jsonb AS validationErrors ")
                .append("FROM run JOIN test ON = run.testId WHERE ");
        String[] queryParts;
        boolean whereStarted = false;
        if (query == null || query.isEmpty()) {
            queryParts = new String[0];
        } else {
            query = query.trim();
            if (query.startsWith("$") || query.startsWith("@")) {
                queryParts = new String[] { query };
            } else {
                queryParts = query.split("([ \t\n,]+)|\\bOR\\b");
            for (int i = 0; i < queryParts.length; ++i) {
                if (i != 0) {
                    sql.append(matchAll ? " AND " : " OR ");
                sql.append("jsonb_path_exists(data, ?").append(i + 1).append(" ::jsonpath)");
                if (queryParts[i].startsWith("$")) {
                    // no change
                } else if (queryParts[i].startsWith("@")) {
                    queryParts[i] = "$.** ? (" + queryParts[i] + ")";
                } else {
                    queryParts[i] = "$.**." + queryParts[i];
            whereStarted = true;

        whereStarted = Roles.addRolesSql(identity, "run", sql, roles, queryParts.length + 1, whereStarted ? " AND" : null)
                || whereStarted;
        if (!trashed) {
            if (whereStarted) {
                sql.append(" AND ");
            sql.append(" trashed = false ");
        Util.addPaging(sql, limit, page, sort, direction);

        NativeQuery sqlQuery = session.createNativeQuery(sql.toString(), Object[].class);
        for (int i = 0; i < queryParts.length; ++i) {
            sqlQuery.setParameter(i + 1, queryParts[i]);

        Roles.addRolesParam(identity, sqlQuery, queryParts.length + 1, roles);

        try {
            List runs = sqlQuery.getResultList();

            RunsSummary summary = new RunsSummary();
            // TODO: total does not consider the query but evaluating all the expressions would be expensive
   = trashed ? RunDAO.count() : RunDAO.count("trashed = false");
            summary.runs =;
            return summary;
        } catch (PersistenceException pe) {
            // In case of an error PostgreSQL won't let us execute another query in the same transaction
            try {
                Transaction old = tm.suspend();
                try {
                    for (String jsonpath : queryParts) {
                        JsonpathValidation result = sqlService.testJsonPathInternal(jsonpath);
                        if (!result.valid) {
                            throw new WebApplicationException(Response.status(400).entity(result).build());
                } finally {
            } catch (InvalidTransactionException | SystemException e) {
                // ignore
            throw new WebApplicationException(pe, 500);

    private void initTypes(Query query) {
                .addScalar("id", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER)
                .addScalar("start", StandardBasicTypes.INSTANT)
                .addScalar("stop", StandardBasicTypes.INSTANT)
                .addScalar("testid", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER)
                .addScalar("owner", StandardBasicTypes.TEXT)
                .addScalar("access", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER)
                .addScalar("token", StandardBasicTypes.TEXT)
                .addScalar("trashed", StandardBasicTypes.BOOLEAN)
                .addScalar("description", StandardBasicTypes.TEXT)
                .addScalar("has_metadata", StandardBasicTypes.BOOLEAN)
                .addScalar("testname", StandardBasicTypes.TEXT)
                .addScalar("schemas", JsonBinaryType.INSTANCE)
                .addScalar("datasets", JsonBinaryType.INSTANCE)
                .addScalar("validationErrors", JsonBinaryType.INSTANCE);

    private RunSummary createSummary(Object[] row) {

        RunSummary run = new RunSummary(); = (int) row[0];
        if (row[1] != null)
            run.start = ((Instant) row[1]);
        if (row[2] != null)
            run.stop = ((Instant) row[2]);
        run.testid = (int) row[3];
        run.owner = (String) row[4];
        run.access = Access.fromInt((int) row[5]);
        run.token = (String) row[6];
        run.trashed = (boolean) row[7];
        run.description = (String) row[8];
        run.hasMetadata = (boolean) row[9];
        run.testname = (String) row[10];

        //if we send over an empty JsonNode object it will be a NullNode, that can be cast to a string
        if (row[11] != null && !(row[11] instanceof String)) {
            run.schemas = Util.OBJECT_MAPPER.convertValue(row[11], new TypeReference>() {
        //if we send over an empty JsonNode object it will be a NullNode, that can be cast to a string
        if (row[12] != null && !(row[12] instanceof String)) {
            try {
                run.datasets = Util.OBJECT_MAPPER.treeToValue(((ArrayNode) row[12]), Integer[].class);
            } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
                log.warnf("Could not map datasets to array");
        //if we send over an empty JsonNode object it will be a NullNode, that can be cast to a string
        if (row[13] != null && !(row[13] instanceof String)) {
            try {
                run.validationErrors = Util.OBJECT_MAPPER.treeToValue(((ArrayNode) row[13]), ValidationError[].class);
            } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
                log.warnf("Could not map validation errors to array");
        return run;

    public RunCount runCount(int testId) {
        RunCount counts = new RunCount(); = RunDAO.count("testid = ?1", testId); = RunDAO.count("testid = ?1 AND trashed = false", testId);
        counts.trashed = -;
        return counts;

    public RunsSummary listTestRuns(int testId, boolean trashed,
            Integer limit, Integer page, String sort, SortDirection direction) {
        StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("WITH schema_agg AS (")
                .append("    SELECT " + SCHEMA_USAGE + " AS schemas, rs.runid ")
                .append("        FROM run_schemas rs JOIN schema ON = rs.schemaid WHERE rs.testid = ?1 GROUP BY rs.runid")
                .append("), dataset_agg AS (")
                .append("    SELECT runid, jsonb_agg(id ORDER BY id) as datasets FROM dataset WHERE testid = ?1 GROUP BY runid")
                .append("), validation AS (")
                .append("    SELECT run_id, jsonb_agg(jsonb_build_object('schemaId', schema_id, 'error', error)) AS errors FROM run_validationerrors GROUP BY run_id")
                .append(") SELECT, run.start, run.stop, run.testid, run.owner, run.access, run.token, run.trashed, run.description, ")
                .append("run.metadata IS NOT NULL AS has_metadata, AS testname, ")
                .append("schema_agg.schemas AS schemas, ")
                .append("COALESCE(dataset_agg.datasets, '[]') AS datasets, ")
                .append("COALESCE(validation.errors, '[]') AS validationErrors FROM run ")
                .append("LEFT JOIN schema_agg ON schema_agg.runid = ")
                .append("LEFT JOIN dataset_agg ON dataset_agg.runid = ")
                .append("LEFT JOIN validation ON validation.run_id = ")
                .append("JOIN test ON = run.testid ")
                .append("WHERE run.testid = ?1 ");
        if (!trashed) {
            sql.append(" AND NOT run.trashed ");
        Util.addOrderBy(sql, sort, direction);
        Util.addLimitOffset(sql, limit, page);
        TestDAO test = TestDAO.find("id", testId).firstResult();
        if (test == null) {
            throw ServiceException.notFound("Cannot find test ID " + testId);
        NativeQuery query = session.createNativeQuery(sql.toString(), Object[].class);
        query.setParameter(1, testId);
        List resultList = query.getResultList();
        RunsSummary summary = new RunsSummary(); = trashed ? RunDAO.count("testid = ?1", testId) : RunDAO.count("testid = ?1 AND trashed = false", testId);
        summary.runs =;
        return summary;

    public RunsSummary listBySchema(String uri, Integer limit, Integer page, String sort, SortDirection direction) {
        if (uri == null || uri.isEmpty()) {
            throw ServiceException.badRequest("No `uri` query parameter given.");
        StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("SELECT, run.start, run.stop, run.testId, ")
                .append("run.owner, run.access, run.token, run.trashed, run.description, ")
                .append("run.metadata IS NOT NULL AS has_metadata, AS testname, ")
                .append("'[]'::jsonb AS schemas, '[]'::jsonb AS datasets, '[]'::jsonb AS validationErrors ")
                .append("FROM run_schemas rs JOIN run ON rs.runid = JOIN test ON rs.testid = ")
                .append("WHERE uri = ? AND NOT run.trashed");
        Util.addPaging(sql, limit, page, sort, direction);
        NativeQuery query = session.createNativeQuery(sql.toString(), Object[].class);
        query.setParameter(1, uri);

        List runs = query.getResultList();

        RunsSummary summary = new RunsSummary();
        summary.runs =; = SchemaDAO.count("uri", uri);
        return summary;

    public void trash(int id, Boolean isTrashed) {
        trashInternal(id, isTrashed == null || isTrashed);

    private void trashInternal(int id, boolean trashed) {
        RunDAO run = RunDAO.findById(id);
        if (run == null) {
            throw ServiceException.notFound("Run not found: " + id);
        if (run.trashed == trashed)
            throw ServiceException.badRequest("The run " + id + " has already been trashed, not possible to trash it again.");
        if (trashed) {
            trashConnectedDatasets(, run.testid);
            run.trashed = trashed;
            if (mediator.testMode())
                        txStatus -> mediator.publishEvent(AsyncEventChannels.RUN_TRASHED, run.testid, id));
        // if the run was trashed because of a deleted test we need to ensure that the test actually exist
        // before we try to recalculate the dataset
        else {
            if (TestDAO.findById(run.testid) != null) {
                run.trashed = trashed;
                transform(id, true);
            } else
                throw ServiceException.badRequest("Not possible to un-trash a run that's not referenced to a Test");

    private void trashConnectedDatasets(int runId, int testId) {
        //Make sure to remove run_schemas as we've trashed the run
        em.createNativeQuery("DELETE FROM run_schemas WHERE runid = ?1").setParameter(1, runId).executeUpdate();
        List datasets = DatasetDAO.list("", runId);
        log.debugf("Trashing run %d (test %d, %d datasets)", runId, testId, datasets.size());
        for (var dataset : datasets) {

    public void updateDescription(int id, String description) {
        // FIXME: fetchival stringifies the body into JSON string :-/
        RunDAO run = RunDAO.findById(id);
        if (run == null) {
            throw ServiceException.notFound("Run not found: " + id);
        run.description = description;

    public Map updateSchema(int id, String path, String schemaUri) {
        // FIXME: fetchival stringifies the body into JSON string :-/
        RunDAO run = RunDAO.findById(id);
        if (run == null) {
            throw ServiceException.notFound("Run not found: " + id);
        String uri = Util.destringify(schemaUri);
        Optional schemaOptional = SchemaDAO.find("uri", uri).firstResultOptional();
        if (schemaOptional.isEmpty()) {
            throw ServiceException.notFound("Schema not found: " + uri);

        // Triggering dirty property on Run
        JsonNode updated =;
        JsonNode item;
        if (updated.isObject()) {
            item = path == null ? updated : updated.path(path);
        } else if (updated.isArray()) {
            if (path == null) {
                throw ServiceException.badRequest("Cannot update root schema in an array.");
            item = updated.get(Integer.parseInt(path));
        } else {
            throw ServiceException.serverError("Cannot update run data with path " + path);
        if (item.isObject()) {
            if (uri != null && !uri.isEmpty()) {
                ((ObjectNode) item).set("$schema", new TextNode(uri));
            } else {
                ((ObjectNode) item).remove("$schema");
        } else {
            throw ServiceException.badRequest(
                    "Cannot update schema at " + (path == null ? "" : path) + " as the target is not an object");
        } = updated;
        trashConnectedDatasets(, run.testid);
        onNewOrUpdatedSchemaForRun(, schemaOptional.get().id);
        Map schemas = session
                .createNativeQuery("SELECT schemaid AS key, uri AS value FROM run_schemas WHERE runid = ? ORDER BY schemaid",
                                tuple -> ((Integer) tuple.get("key")).intValue(),
                                tuple -> ((String) tuple.get("value"))));

        return schemas;

    public List recalculateDatasets(int runId) {
        transform(runId, true);
        return session.createNativeQuery("SELECT id FROM dataset WHERE runid = ? ORDER BY ordinal", Integer.class)
                .setParameter(1, runId).getResultList();

    @WithRoles(extras = Roles.HORREUM_SYSTEM)
    public void recalculateAll(String fromStr, String toStr) {
        Instant from = Util.toInstant(fromStr);
        Instant to = Util.toInstant(toStr);

        if (from == null || to == null) {
            throw ServiceException.badRequest("Time range is required");
        } else if (to.isBefore(from)) {
            throw ServiceException.badRequest("Time range is invalid (from > to)");
        long deleted = em.createNativeQuery(
                "DELETE FROM dataset USING run WHERE = dataset.runid AND run.trashed AND run.start BETWEEN ?1 AND ?2")
                .setParameter(1, from).setParameter(2, to).executeUpdate();
        if (deleted > 0) {
            log.debugf("Deleted %d datasets for trashed runs between %s and %s", deleted, from, to);

        ScrollableResults results = session
                .createNativeQuery("SELECT id, testid FROM run WHERE start BETWEEN ?1 AND ?2 AND NOT trashed ORDER BY start",
                .setParameter(1, from).setParameter(2, to)
                .setTupleTransformer((tuples, aliases) -> {
                    Recalculate r = new Recalculate();
                    r.runId = (int) tuples[0];
                    r.testId = (int) tuples[1];
                    return r;
        while ( {
            Recalculate r = results.get();
            log.debugf("Recalculate Datasets for run %d - forcing recalculation of all between %s and %s", r.runId, from, to);
            // transform will add proper roles anyway
            //         messageBus.executeForTest(r.testId, () -> datasetService.withRecalculationLock(() -> transform(r.runId, true)));
            Util.registerTxSynchronization(tm, txStatus -> mediator.queueRunRecalculation(r.runId));

     * Transforms the data for a given run by applying applicable schemas and transformers.
     * It ensures any existing datasets for the run are removed before creating new ones,
     * handles timeouts for ongoing transformations, and creates datasets with the transformed data.
     * @param runId the ID of the run to transform
     * @param isRecalculation flag indicating if this is a recalculation
     * @return the number of datasets created, or 0 if the run is invalid or not found or already ongoing
    @WithRoles(extras = Roles.HORREUM_SYSTEM)
    int transform(int runId, boolean isRecalculation) {
        if (runId < 1) {
            log.errorf("Transformation parameters error: run %s", runId);
            return 0;

        log.debugf("Transforming run ID %d, recalculation? %s", runId, Boolean.toString(isRecalculation));
        int numDatasets = 0;

        // check whether there is an ongoing transformation on the same runId
        TestService.RecalculationStatus status = new TestService.RecalculationStatus(1);
        TestService.RecalculationStatus prev = transformations.putIfAbsent(runId, status);
        // ensure the transformation is removed, with this approach we should be sure
        // it gets removed even if transaction-level exception occurs, e.g., timeout
        Util.registerTxSynchronization(tm, txStatus -> transformations.remove(runId, status));
        if (prev != null) {
            // there is an ongoing transformation that has recently been initiated
            log.warnf("Transformation for run %d already in progress", runId);
            return numDatasets;

        // We need to make sure all old datasets are gone before creating new; otherwise we could
        // break the runid,ordinal uniqueness constraint
        for (DatasetDAO old : DatasetDAO. list("", runId)) {
            for (DataPointDAO dp : DataPointDAO. list("", old.getInfo().id)) {

        RunDAO run = RunDAO.findById(runId);
        if (run == null) {
            log.errorf("Cannot load run ID %d for transformation", runId);
            return numDatasets; // this is 0
        Map transformerResults = new TreeMap<>();
        // naked nodes (those produced by implicit identity transformers) are all added to each dataset
        List nakedNodes = new ArrayList<>();

        List relevantSchemas = unchecked(em.createNamedQuery(QUERY_TRANSFORMER_TARGETS)
                .addScalar("type", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER)
                .addScalar("key", StandardBasicTypes.TEXT)
                .addScalar("transformer_id", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER)
                .addScalar("uri", StandardBasicTypes.TEXT)
                .addScalar("source", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER)

        int schemasAndTransformers = relevantSchemas.size();
        for (Object[] relevantSchema : relevantSchemas) {
            int type = (int) relevantSchema[0];
            String key = (String) relevantSchema[1];
            Integer transformerId = (Integer) relevantSchema[2];
            String uri = (String) relevantSchema[3];
            Integer source = (Integer) relevantSchema[4];

            TransformerDAO t;
            if (transformerId != null) {
                t = TransformerDAO.findById(transformerId);
                if (t == null) {
                    log.errorf("Missing transformer with ID %d", transformerId);
            } else {
                t = null;
            if (t != null) {
                JsonNode root = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode();
                JsonNode result;
                if (t.extractors != null && !t.extractors.isEmpty()) {
                    List extractedData;
                    try {
                        if (type == SchemaDAO.TYPE_1ST_LEVEL) {
                            // note: metadata always follow the 2nd level format
                            extractedData = unchecked(em.createNamedQuery(QUERY_1ST_LEVEL_BY_RUNID_TRANSFORMERID_SCHEMA_ID)
                                    .setParameter(1,, transformerId)
                                    .addScalar("name", StandardBasicTypes.TEXT)
                                    .addScalar("value", JsonBinaryType.INSTANCE)
                        } else {
                            extractedData = unchecked(em.createNamedQuery(QUERY_2ND_LEVEL_BY_RUNID_TRANSFORMERID_SCHEMA_ID)
                                    .setParameter(1,, transformerId)
                                    .setParameter(3, type == SchemaDAO.TYPE_2ND_LEVEL ? key : Integer.parseInt(key))
                                    .setParameter(4, source)
                                    .addScalar("name", StandardBasicTypes.TEXT)
                                    .addScalar("value", JsonBinaryType.INSTANCE)
                    } catch (PersistenceException e) {
                        logMessage(run, PersistentLogDAO.ERROR,
                                "Failed to extract data (JSONPath expression error?): " + Util.explainCauses(e));
                        extractedData = Collections.emptyList();
                    addExtracted((ObjectNode) root, extractedData);
                // In Horreum it's customary that when a single extractor is used we pass the result directly to the function
                // without wrapping it in an extra object.
                if (t.extractors.size() == 1) {
                    if (root.size() != 1) {
                        // missing results should be null nodes
                        log.errorf("Unexpected result for single extractor: %s", root.toPrettyString());
                    } else {
                        root = root.iterator().next();
                logMessage(run, PersistentLogDAO.DEBUG,
                        "Run transformer %s/%s with input: 
, function:
", uri,, limitLength(root.toPrettyString()), t.function); if (t.function != null && !t.function.isBlank()) { result = Util.evaluateOnce(t.function, root, Util::convertToJson, (code, e) -> logMessage(run, PersistentLogDAO.ERROR, "Evaluation of transformer %s/%s failed: '%s' Code:
", uri,, e.getMessage(), code), output -> logMessage(run, PersistentLogDAO.DEBUG, "Output while running transformer %s/%s:
", uri,, output)); if (result == null) { // this happens upon error result = JsonNodeFactory.instance.nullNode(); } } else { result = root; } if (t.targetSchemaUri != null) { if (result.isObject()) { putIfAbsent(run, t.targetSchemaUri, (ObjectNode) result); } else if (result.isArray()) { ArrayNode array = (ArrayNode) result; for (JsonNode node : array) { if (node.isObject()) { putIfAbsent(run, t.targetSchemaUri, (ObjectNode) node); } } } else { result = instance.objectNode() .put("$schema", t.targetSchemaUri).set("value", result); } } else if (!result.isContainerNode() || (result.isObject() && !result.has("$schema")) || (result.isArray() &&, false) .anyMatch(item -> !item.has("$schema")))) { logMessage(run, PersistentLogDAO.WARN, "Dataset will contain element without a schema."); } JsonNode existing = transformerResults.get(transformerId); if (existing == null) { transformerResults.put(transformerId, result); } else if (existing.isArray()) { if (result.isArray()) { ((ArrayNode) existing).addAll((ArrayNode) result); } else { ((ArrayNode) existing).add(result); } } else { if (result.isArray()) { ((ArrayNode) result).insert(0, existing); transformerResults.put(transformerId, result); } else { transformerResults.put(transformerId, instance.arrayNode().add(existing).add(result)); } } } else { JsonNode node; JsonNode sourceNode = source == 0 ? : run.metadata; switch (type) { case SchemaDAO.TYPE_1ST_LEVEL: node = sourceNode; break; case SchemaDAO.TYPE_2ND_LEVEL: node = sourceNode.path(key); break; case SchemaDAO.TYPE_ARRAY_ELEMENT: node = sourceNode.path(Integer.parseInt(key)); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown type " + type); } nakedNodes.add(node); logMessage(run, PersistentLogDAO.DEBUG, "This test (%d) does not use any transformer for schema %s (key %s), passing as-is.", run.testid, uri, key); } } if (schemasAndTransformers > 0) { int max = transformerResults.values().stream().filter(JsonNode::isArray).mapToInt(JsonNode::size).max() .orElse(1); for (int position = 0; position < max; position += 1) { ArrayNode all = instance.arrayNode(max + nakedNodes.size()); for (var entry : transformerResults.entrySet()) { JsonNode node = entry.getValue(); if (node.isObject()) { all.add(node); } else if (node.isArray()) { if (position < node.size()) { all.add(node.get(position)); } else { String message = String.format( "Transformer %d produced an array of %d elements but other transformer " + "produced %d elements; dataset %d/%d might be missing some data.", entry.getKey(), node.size(), max,, numDatasets); logMessage(run, PersistentLogDAO.WARN, "%s", message); log.warnf(message); } } else { logMessage(run, PersistentLogDAO.WARN, "Unexpected result provided by one of the transformers: %s", node); log.warnf("Unexpected result provided by one of the transformers: %s", node); } } nakedNodes.forEach(all::add); createDataset(new DatasetDAO(run, numDatasets++, run.description, all), isRecalculation); } mediator.validateRun(; } else { numDatasets = 1; logMessage(run, PersistentLogDAO.INFO, "No applicable schema, dataset will be empty."); createDataset(new DatasetDAO( run, 0, "Empty Dataset for run data without any schema.", instance.arrayNode()), isRecalculation); mediator.validateRun(; } return numDatasets; } private String limitLength(String str) { return str.length() > 1024 ? str.substring(0, 1024) + "...(truncated)" : str; } private void createDataset(DatasetDAO ds, boolean isRecalculation) { try { ds.persistAndFlush(); mediator.newDataset(new Dataset.EventNew(DatasetMapper.from(ds), isRecalculation)); mediator.validateDataset(; if (mediator.testMode()) Util.registerTxSynchronization(tm, txStatus -> mediator.publishEvent(AsyncEventChannels.DATASET_NEW, ds.testid, new Dataset.EventNew(DatasetMapper.from(ds), isRecalculation))); } catch (TransactionRequiredException tre) { log.error( "Failed attempt to persist and send Dataset event during inactive Transaction. Likely due to prior error.", tre); } } @WithRoles(extras = Roles.HORREUM_SYSTEM) @Transactional(Transactional.TxType.REQUIRES_NEW) protected void logMessage(RunDAO run, int level, String format, Object... args) { String msg = args.length > 0 ? String.format(format, args) : format; new TransformationLogDAO(em.getReference(TestDAO.class, run.testid), run, level, msg).persist(); } @WithRoles(extras = Roles.HORREUM_SYSTEM) @Transactional(Transactional.TxType.REQUIRES_NEW) protected void findFailingExtractor(int runId) { List extractors = session.createNativeQuery( "SELECT rs.uri, rs.type, rs.key,, AS extractor_name, te.jsonpath FROM run_schemas rs " + "JOIN transformer t ON t.schema_id = rs.schemaid AND IN (SELECT transformer_id FROM test_transformers WHERE test_id = rs.testid) " + "JOIN transformer_extractors te ON te.transformer_id = " + "WHERE rs.runid = ?1", Object[].class).setParameter(1, runId).getResultList(); for (Object[] row : extractors) { try { int type = (int) row[1]; // actual result of query is ignored if (type == SchemaDAO.TYPE_1ST_LEVEL) { em.createNativeQuery( "SELECT jsonb_path_query_first(data, (?1)::jsonpath)#>>'{}' FROM dataset WHERE id = ?2") .setParameter(1, row[5]).setParameter(2, runId).getSingleResult(); } else { em.createNativeQuery( "SELECT jsonb_path_query_first(data -> (?1), (?2)::jsonpath)#>>'{}' FROM dataset WHERE id = ?3") .setParameter(1, type == SchemaDAO.TYPE_2ND_LEVEL ? row[2] : Integer.parseInt((String) row[2])) .setParameter(2, row[5]) .setParameter(3, runId).getSingleResult(); } } catch (PersistenceException e) { logMessage(em.getReference(RunDAO.class, runId), PersistentLogDAO.ERROR, "There seems to be an error in schema %s transformer %s, extractor %s, JSONPath expression %s: %s", row[0], row[3], row[4], row[5], Util.explainCauses(e)); return; } } logMessage(em.getReference(RunDAO.class, runId), PersistentLogDAO.DEBUG, "We thought there's an error in one of the JSONPaths but independent validation did not find any problems."); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List unchecked(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") List list) { return (List) list; } private void addExtracted(ObjectNode root, List resultSet) { for (Object[] labelValue : resultSet) { String name = (String) labelValue[0]; JsonNode value = (JsonNode) labelValue[1]; root.set(name, value); } } private void putIfAbsent(RunDAO run, String uri, ObjectNode node) { if (uri != null && !uri.isBlank() && node != null) { if (node.path("$schema").isMissingNode()) { node.put("$schema", uri); } else { logMessage(run, PersistentLogDAO.DEBUG, "$schema present (%s), not overriding with %s", node.path("$schema").asText(), uri); } } } class Recalculate { private int runId; private int testId; } class RunFromUri { private int id; private int testId; } }

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