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io.hyperfoil.cli.commands.WrkAbstract Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2018 Red Hat Inc. and/or its affiliates and other contributors
* as indicated by the @authors tag. All rights reserved.
* See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
* full listing of individual contributors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.hyperfoil.cli.commands;
import static io.hyperfoil.http.steps.HttpStepCatalog.SC;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.DoubleSummaryStatistics;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Handler;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.IntStream;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
import org.HdrHistogram.AbstractHistogram;
import org.HdrHistogram.HistogramIterationValue;
import org.aesh.command.AeshCommandRuntimeBuilder;
import org.aesh.command.Command;
import org.aesh.command.CommandNotFoundException;
import org.aesh.command.CommandResult;
import org.aesh.command.CommandRuntime;
import org.aesh.command.impl.registry.AeshCommandRegistryBuilder;
import org.aesh.command.invocation.CommandInvocation;
import org.aesh.command.option.Argument;
import org.aesh.command.option.Option;
import org.aesh.command.option.OptionGroup;
import org.aesh.command.option.OptionList;
import org.aesh.terminal.utils.ANSI;
import io.hyperfoil.api.config.BenchmarkBuilder;
import io.hyperfoil.api.config.PhaseBuilder;
import io.hyperfoil.http.statistics.HttpStats;
import io.hyperfoil.api.statistics.StatisticsSummary;
import io.hyperfoil.cli.context.HyperfoilCliContext;
import io.hyperfoil.cli.context.HyperfoilCommandInvocation;
import io.hyperfoil.cli.context.HyperfoilCommandInvocationProvider;
import io.hyperfoil.client.RestClient;
import io.hyperfoil.controller.Client;
import io.hyperfoil.controller.HistogramConverter;
import io.hyperfoil.controller.model.RequestStatisticsResponse;
import io.hyperfoil.controller.model.RequestStats;
import io.hyperfoil.core.handlers.TransferSizeRecorder;
import io.hyperfoil.impl.Util;
import io.hyperfoil.http.api.HttpMethod;
import io.hyperfoil.http.config.HttpPluginBuilder;
import io.hyperfoil.http.config.Protocol;
public abstract class WrkAbstract {
//ignore logging when running in the console below severe
static {
Handler[] handlers = Logger.getLogger("").getHandlers();
for (int index = 0; index < handlers.length; index++) {
protected abstract String getCommand();
public int mainMethod(String[] args, Class extends AbstractWrkCommand> wrkClass) {
CommandRuntime cr = null;
CommandResult result = null;
try {
AeshCommandRuntimeBuilder runtime = AeshCommandRuntimeBuilder.builder();
runtime.commandInvocationProvider(new HyperfoilCommandInvocationProvider(new HyperfoilCliContext()));
AeshCommandRegistryBuilder registry =
.commands(StartLocal.class, wrkClass, Exit.class);
cr = runtime.build();
try {
cr.executeCommand("start-local --quiet");
// As -H option could contain a whitespace we have to either escape the space or quote the argument.
// However quoting would not work well if the argument contains a quote.
String optionsCollected = Stream.of(args).map(arg -> arg.replaceAll(" ", "\\\\ ")).collect(Collectors.joining(" "));
result = cr.executeCommand(getCommand() + " " + optionsCollected);
} finally {
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Failed to execute command: " + e.getMessage());
if (Boolean.getBoolean("io.hyperfoil.stacktrace")) {
if (cr != null) {
try {
System.out.println(cr.getCommandRegistry().getCommand(getCommand(), getCommand()).printHelp(getCommand()));
} catch (CommandNotFoundException ex) {
throw new IllegalStateException(ex);
//todo: should provide help info here, will be added in newer version of æsh
return result == null ? CommandResult.FAILURE.getResultValue() : result.getResultValue();
// @CommandDefinition(name = "wrk", description = "Runs a workload simulation against one endpoint using the same vm")
public abstract class AbstractWrkCommand implements Command {
@Option(shortName = 'c', description = "Total number of HTTP connections to keep open", defaultValue = "10")
int connections;
@Option(shortName = 'd', description = "Duration of the test, e.g. 2s, 2m, 2h", defaultValue = "10s")
String duration;
@Option(shortName = 't', description = "Total number of threads to use.", defaultValue = "2")
int threads;
@Option(shortName = 's', description = "!!!NOT SUPPORTED: LuaJIT script")
String script;
@Option(shortName = 'h', hasValue = false, overrideRequired = true)
boolean help;
@OptionList(shortName = 'H', name = "header", description = "HTTP header to add to request, e.g. \"User-Agent: wrk\"")
List headers;
@Option(description = "Print detailed latency statistics", hasValue = false)
boolean latency;
@Option(description = "Record a timeout if a response is not received within this amount of time.", defaultValue = "60s")
String timeout;
@OptionGroup(shortName = 'A', description = "Inline definition of agent executing the test. By default assuming non-clustered mode.")
Map agent;
@Option(name = "enable-http2", description = "HTTP2 is not supported in wrk/wrk2: you can enable that for Hyperfoil.", defaultValue = "false")
boolean enableHttp2;
@Argument(description = "URL that should be accessed", required = true)
String url;
String path;
String[][] parsedHeaders;
public CommandResult execute(HyperfoilCommandInvocation invocation) {
if (help) {
return CommandResult.SUCCESS;
if (script != null) {
invocation.println("Scripting is not supported at this moment.");
if (!url.startsWith("http://") && !url.startsWith("https://")) {
url = "http://" + url;
URI uri;
try {
uri = new URI(url);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
invocation.println("Failed to parse URL: " + e.getMessage());
return CommandResult.FAILURE;
path = uri.getPath();
if (path == null || path.isEmpty()) {
path = "/";
if (uri.getQuery() != null) {
path = path + "?" + uri.getQuery();
if (uri.getFragment() != null) {
path = path + "#" + uri.getFragment();
if (headers != null) {
parsedHeaders = new String[headers.size()][];
for (int i = 0; i < headers.size(); i++) {
String h = headers.get(i);
int colonIndex = h.indexOf(':');
if (colonIndex < 0) {
invocation.println(String.format("Cannot parse header '%s', ignoring.", h));
String header = h.substring(0, colonIndex).trim();
String value = h.substring(colonIndex + 1).trim();
parsedHeaders[i] = new String[]{ header, value };
} else {
parsedHeaders = null;
Protocol protocol = Protocol.fromScheme(uri.getScheme());
// @formatter:off
BenchmarkBuilder builder = BenchmarkBuilder.builder()
// @formatter:on
if (agent != null) {
for (Map.Entry agent : agent.entrySet()) {
Map properties = Stream.of(agent.getValue().split(","))
.map(property -> {
String[] pair = property.split("=", 2);
if (pair.length != 2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot parse " + property + " as a property: Agent should be formatted as -AagentName=key1=value1,key2=value2...");
return pair;
.collect(Collectors.toMap(keyValue -> keyValue[0], keyValue -> keyValue[1]));
builder.addAgent(agent.getKey(), null, properties);
addPhase(builder, "calibration", "6s");
// We can start only after calibration has full completed because otherwise some sessions
// would not have connection available from the beginning.
addPhase(builder, "test", duration).startAfterStrict("calibration").maxDuration(Util.parseToMillis(duration));
RestClient client = invocation.context().client();
if (client == null) {
invocation.println("You're not connected to a controller; either " + ANSI.BOLD + "connect" + ANSI.BOLD_OFF
+ " to running instance or use " + ANSI.BOLD + "start-local" + ANSI.BOLD_OFF
+ " to start a controller in this VM");
return CommandResult.FAILURE;
Client.BenchmarkRef benchmark = client.register(builder.build(), null);
//validate benchmark
Client.RunRef run = benchmark.start(null, Collections.emptyMap(), Boolean.TRUE);
boolean result = awaitBenchmarkResult(run, invocation);
if (result) {
if (run.get().errors.size() > 0) {
invocation.println("ERROR: " + run.get().errors.stream().collect(Collectors.joining(", ")));
return CommandResult.FAILURE;
} else {
return CommandResult.FAILURE;
run = benchmark.start(null, Collections.emptyMap());
invocation.println("Running " + duration + " test @ " + url);
invocation.println(" " + threads + " threads and " + connections + " connections");
result = awaitBenchmarkResult(run, invocation);
if (result) {
RequestStatisticsResponse total = run.statsTotal();
RequestStats testStats = total.statistics.stream().filter(rs -> "test".equals(rs.phase))
.findFirst().orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException("Error running command: Missing Statistics"));
AbstractHistogram histogram = HistogramConverter.convert(run.histogram(testStats.phase, testStats.stepId, testStats.metric));
List series = run.series(testStats.phase, testStats.stepId, testStats.metric);
printStats(testStats.summary, histogram, series, invocation);
return CommandResult.SUCCESS;
} else {
return CommandResult.FAILURE;
private boolean awaitBenchmarkResult(Client.RunRef run, HyperfoilCommandInvocation invocation) {
while (true) {
RequestStatisticsResponse recent = run.statsRecent();
if ("TERMINATED".equals(recent.status)) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
invocation.println("Interrupt received, trying to abort run...");
return false;
return true;
protected abstract PhaseBuilder> phaseConfig(PhaseBuilder.Catalog catalog);
private PhaseBuilder> addPhase(BenchmarkBuilder benchmarkBuilder, String phase, String durationStr) {
// prevent capturing WrkCommand in closure
String[][] parsedHeaders = this.parsedHeaders;
long duration = Util.parseToMillis(durationStr);
// @formatter:off
return phaseConfig(benchmarkBuilder.addPhase(phase))
.maxDuration(duration + Util.parseToMillis(timeout))
.headerAppender((session, request) -> {
if (parsedHeaders != null) {
for (String[] header : parsedHeaders) {
request.putHeader(header[0], header[1]);
.rawBytes(new TransferSizeRecorder("transfer"))
// @formatter:on
private void printStats(StatisticsSummary stats, AbstractHistogram histogram, List series, CommandInvocation invocation) {
TransferSizeRecorder.Stats transferStats = (TransferSizeRecorder.Stats) stats.extensions.get("transfer");
HttpStats httpStats = HttpStats.get(stats);
double durationSeconds = (stats.endTime - stats.startTime) / 1000d;
invocation.println(String.format(" Thread Stats%6s%11s%8s%12s", "Avg", "Stdev", "Max", "+/- Stdev"));
invocation.println(" Latency " +
Util.prettyPrintNanos(stats.meanResponseTime, "6", false) +
Util.prettyPrintNanos((long) histogram.getStdDeviation(), "8", false) +
Util.prettyPrintNanos(stats.maxResponseTime, "7", false) +
String.format("%8.2f%%", statsWithinStdev(stats, histogram)));
// Note: wrk samples #requests every 100 ms, Hyperfoil every 1s
DoubleSummaryStatistics requestsStats = series.stream().mapToDouble(s -> s.requestCount).summaryStatistics();
double requestsStdDev = series.size() > 0 ? Math.sqrt(series.stream().mapToDouble(s -> Math.pow(s.requestCount - requestsStats.getAverage(), 2)).sum() / series.size()) : 0;
invocation.println(" Req/Sec " +
String.format("%6.2f ", requestsStats.getAverage()) +
String.format("%8.2f ", requestsStdDev) +
String.format("%7.2f ", requestsStats.getMax()) +
String.format("%8.2f", statsWithinStdev(requestsStats, requestsStdDev, series.stream().mapToInt(s -> s.requestCount), series.size())));
if (latency) {
invocation.println(" Latency Distribution");
for (double percentile : Arrays.asList(50.0, 75.0, 90.0, 99.0, 99.9, 99.99, 99.999, 100.0)) {
invocation.println(String.format(" %7.3f%%", percentile) + " " + Util.prettyPrintNanos(histogram.getValueAtPercentile(percentile), "9", false));
invocation.println(" Detailed Percentile Spectrum");
histogram.outputPercentileDistribution(new PrintStream(new OutputStream() {
public void write(int b) throws IOException {
invocation.print(String.valueOf((char) b));
}), 5, 1000_000.0);
invocation.println(" " + stats.requestCount + " requests in " + durationSeconds + "s, " + Util.prettyPrintData(transferStats.sent + transferStats.received) + " read");
invocation.println("Requests/sec: " + String.format("%.02f", stats.requestCount / durationSeconds));
invocation.println("Transfer/sec: " + Util.prettyPrintData((transferStats.sent + transferStats.received) / durationSeconds));
if (stats.connectionErrors + stats.requestTimeouts + stats.internalErrors > 0) {
invocation.println("Socket errors: connectionErrors " + stats.connectionErrors + ", requestTimeouts " + stats.requestTimeouts);
if (httpStats.status_4xx + httpStats.status_5xx + httpStats.status_other > 0) {
invocation.println("Non-2xx or 3xx responses: " + (httpStats.status_4xx + httpStats.status_5xx + httpStats.status_other));
private double statsWithinStdev(DoubleSummaryStatistics stats, double stdDev, IntStream stream, int count) {
double lower = stats.getAverage() - stdDev;
double upper = stats.getAverage() + stdDev;
return 100d * stream.filter(reqs -> reqs >= lower && reqs <= upper).count() / count;
private double statsWithinStdev(StatisticsSummary stats, AbstractHistogram histogram) {
double stdDev = histogram.getStdDeviation();
double lower = stats.meanResponseTime - stdDev;
double upper = stats.meanResponseTime + stdDev;
long sum = 0;
for (var it = histogram.allValues().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
HistogramIterationValue value = it.next();
if (value.getValueIteratedFrom() >= lower && value.getValueIteratedTo() <= upper) {
sum += value.getCountAddedInThisIterationStep();
return 100d * sum / stats.requestCount;
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