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org.kairosdb.datastore.cassandra.Schema Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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KairosDB is a fast distributed scalable time series abstraction on top of Cassandra.
package org.kairosdb.datastore.cassandra;
import com.datastax.driver.core.PreparedStatement;
import com.datastax.driver.core.Session;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Created by bhawkins on 4/29/17.
public class Schema {
public static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Schema.class);
public static final String CREATE_KEYSPACE = "" +
public static final String DATA_POINTS_TABLE = "" +
"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS data_points (\n" +
" key blob,\n" +
" column1 blob,\n" +
" value blob,\n" +
" PRIMARY KEY ((key), column1)\n" +
//This is effectively what the above table is
/*public static final String DATA_POINTS_TABLE = "" +
"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS data_points (\n" +
" metric text, " +
" row_time timestamp, " +
" data_type text, " +
" tags frozen>, " +
" offset int, "+
" value blob, " +
" PRIMARY KEY ((metric, row_time, data_type, tags), offset)" +
public static final String ROW_KEY_INDEX_TABLE = "" +
"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS row_key_index (\n" +
" key blob,\n" +
" column1 blob,\n" +
" value blob,\n" +
" PRIMARY KEY ((key), column1)\n" +
public static final String ROW_KEY_TIME_INDEX = "" +
"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS row_key_time_index (\n" +
" metric text,\n" +
" table_name text,\n" +
" row_time timestamp,\n" +
" value text,\n" +
" PRIMARY KEY ((metric), table_name, row_time)\n" +
public static final String ROW_KEYS = "" +
" metric text,\n" +
" table_name text, \n" +
" row_time timestamp,\n" +
" data_type text,\n" +
" tags frozen>,\n" +
" mtime timeuuid static,\n" +
" value text,\n" +
" PRIMARY KEY ((metric, table_name, row_time), data_type, tags)\n" +
public static final String STRING_INDEX_TABLE = "" +
"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS string_index (\n" +
" key blob,\n" +
" column1 text,\n" +
" value blob,\n" +
" PRIMARY KEY ((key), column1)\n" +
public static final String SERVICE_INDEX = "" +
"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS service_index (" +
" service text," +
" service_key text," +
" key text," +
" mtime timeuuid static, " +
" value text," +
" PRIMARY KEY ((service, service_key), key)" +
//All inserts and deletes add millisecond timestamp consistency with old code and TWCS instead of nanos
public static final String DATA_POINTS_INSERT = "INSERT INTO data_points " +
"(key, column1, value) VALUES (?, ?, ?) USING TTL ? AND TIMESTAMP ?";
public static final String ROW_KEY_TIME_INSERT = "INSERT INTO row_key_time_index " +
"(metric, table_name, row_time) VALUES (?, 'data_points', ?) USING TTL ?";
public static final String ROW_KEY_INSERT = "INSERT INTO row_keys " +
"(metric, table_name, row_time, data_type, tags, mtime) VALUES (?, 'data_points', ?, ?, ?, now()) USING TTL ?"; // AND TIMESTAMP ?";
public static final String STRING_INDEX_INSERT = "INSERT INTO string_index " +
"(key, column1, value) VALUES (?, ?, 0x00)";
public static final String STRING_INDEX_QUERY = "SELECT column1 FROM string_index " +
"WHERE key = ?";
public static final String STRING_INDEX_PREFIX_QUERY = "SELECT column1 FROM string_index " +
"WHERE key = ? and column1 >= ? and column1 < ?";
public static final String STRING_INDEX_DELETE = "DELETE FROM string_index " +
"WHERE key = ? AND column1 = ?";
public static final String DATA_POINTS_QUERY = "SELECT column1, value FROM data_points WHERE key = ? AND " +
"column1 >= ? AND column1 < ? ORDER BY column1";
public static final String DATA_POINTS_QUERY_ASC = DATA_POINTS_QUERY + " ASC";
public static final String DATA_POINTS_QUERY_DESC = DATA_POINTS_QUERY + " DESC";
public static final String DATA_POINTS_DELETE_RANGE = "DELETE FROM data_points " +
"WHERE key = ? AND column1 >= ? AND column1 <= ?";
public static final String DATA_POINTS_DELETE = "DELETE FROM data_points " +
"WHERE key = ? AND column1 = ?";
public static final String DATA_POINTS_DELETE_ROW = "DELETE FROM data_points " +
"WHERE key = ?";
//This is the old row key index query
public static final String ROW_KEY_INDEX_QUERY = "SELECT column1 FROM row_key_index " +
"WHERE key = ? AND column1 >= ? AND column1 < ?";
public static final String ROW_KEY_INDEX_DELETE = "DELETE FROM row_key_index " +
"WHERE KEY = ? AND column1 = ?";
public static final String ROW_KEY_INDEX_DELETE_ROW = "DELETE FROM row_key_index " +
"WHERE KEY = ?";
//New Row key queries
public static final String ROW_KEY_TIME_QUERY = "SELECT row_time " +
"FROM row_key_time_index WHERE metric = ? AND table_name = 'data_points' AND " +
"row_time >= ? AND row_time <= ?";
public static final String ROW_KEY_QUERY = "SELECT row_time, data_type, tags " +
"FROM row_keys WHERE metric = ? AND table_name = 'data_points' AND row_time = ?";
public static final String ROW_KEY_TAG_QUERY_WITH_TYPE = "SELECT row_time, data_type, tags " +
"FROM row_keys WHERE metric = ? AND table_name = 'data_points' AND row_time = ? AND data_type IN %s"; //Use ValueSequence when setting this
public static final String ROW_KEY_TIME_DELETE = "DELETE FROM row_key_time_index " +
"WHERE metric = ? AND table_name = 'data_points' AND row_time = ?";
public static final String ROW_KEY_DELETE = "DELETE FROM row_keys WHERE metric = ? " +
"AND table_name = 'data_points' AND row_time = ? AND data_type = ? " +
"AND tags = ?";
//Service index queries
public static final String SERVICE_INDEX_INSERT = "INSERT INTO service_index " +
"(service, service_key, key, value, mtime) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, now())";
public static final String SERVICE_INDEX_GET = "SELECT value, WRITETIME(value) " +
"FROM service_index WHERE service = ? AND service_key = ? AND key = ?";
public static final String SERVICE_INDEX_LIST_KEYS = "SELECT key " +
"FROM service_index WHERE service = ? AND service_key = ? ORDER BY key ASC";
public static final String SERVICE_INDEX_LIST_KEYS_PREFIX = "SELECT key " +
"FROM service_index WHERE service = ? AND service_key = ? AND " +
"key >= ? AND key < ?";
public static final String SERVICE_INDEX_LIST_SERVICE_KEYS = "SELECT service_key " +
"FROM service_index WHERE service = ? ALLOW FILTERING";
public static final String SERVICE_INDEX_DELETE_KEY = "DELETE FROM service_index " +
"WHERE service = ? AND service_key = ? AND key = ?";
public static final String SERVICE_INDEX_LAST_MODIFIED_TIME = "select mtime from service_index " +
"WHERE service = ? AND service_key = ? LIMIT 1";
public static final String SERVICE_INDEX_GET_ENTRIES = "select key, value from service_index " +
"WHERE service = ? AND service_key = ?";
public static final String SERVICE_INDEX_INSERT_MODIFIED_TIME = "INSERT INTO service_index " +
"(service, service_key, mtime) VALUES (?, ?, now())";
public final PreparedStatement psDataPointsInsert;
//public final PreparedStatement m_psInsertRowKey;
public final PreparedStatement psStringIndexInsert;
public final PreparedStatement psDataPointsQueryAsc;
public final PreparedStatement psStringIndexQuery;
public final PreparedStatement psStringIndexPrefixQuery;
public final PreparedStatement psStringIndexDelete;
public final PreparedStatement psRowKeyIndexQuery;
public final PreparedStatement psRowKeyQuery;
public final PreparedStatement psRowKeyTimeQuery;
public final PreparedStatement psDataPointsDeleteRow;
public final PreparedStatement psRowKeyIndexDelete;
public final PreparedStatement psRowKeyIndexDeleteRow;
public final PreparedStatement psDataPointsQueryDesc;
public final PreparedStatement psRowKeyTimeInsert;
public final PreparedStatement psRowKeyInsert;
public final PreparedStatement psDataPointsQueryAscLimit;
public final PreparedStatement psDataPointsQueryDescLimit;
public final PreparedStatement psServiceIndexInsert;
public final PreparedStatement psServiceIndexGet;
public final PreparedStatement psServiceIndexListKeys;
public final PreparedStatement psServiceIndexListKeysPrefix;
public final PreparedStatement psServiceIndexDeleteKey;
public final PreparedStatement psServiceIndexModificationTime;
public final PreparedStatement psServiceIndexInsertModifiedTime;
public final PreparedStatement psServiceIndexGetEntries;
public final PreparedStatement psRowKeyTimeDelete;
public final PreparedStatement psRowKeyDelete;
public final PreparedStatement psDataPointsDelete;
private final Session m_session;
public PreparedStatement psDataPointsDeleteRange;
public PreparedStatement psServiceIndexListServiceKeys;
public Schema(final CassandraClient cassandraClient, final boolean createSchema) {
if (createSchema)
m_session = cassandraClient.getKeyspaceSession();
psDataPointsInsert = m_session.prepare(DATA_POINTS_INSERT);
//m_psInsertRowKey = m_session.prepare(ROW_KEY_INDEX_INSERT);
psRowKeyTimeInsert = m_session.prepare(ROW_KEY_TIME_INSERT);
psRowKeyInsert = m_session.prepare(ROW_KEY_INSERT);
psStringIndexInsert = m_session.prepare(STRING_INDEX_INSERT);
psStringIndexQuery = m_session.prepare(STRING_INDEX_QUERY);
psStringIndexPrefixQuery = m_session.prepare(STRING_INDEX_PREFIX_QUERY);
psStringIndexDelete = m_session.prepare(STRING_INDEX_DELETE);
psDataPointsQueryAsc = m_session.prepare(DATA_POINTS_QUERY_ASC);
psDataPointsQueryDesc = m_session.prepare(DATA_POINTS_QUERY_DESC);
psDataPointsQueryAscLimit = m_session.prepare(DATA_POINTS_QUERY_ASC_LIMIT);
psDataPointsQueryDescLimit = m_session.prepare(DATA_POINTS_QUERY_DESC_LIMIT);
psRowKeyIndexQuery = m_session.prepare(ROW_KEY_INDEX_QUERY);
psRowKeyQuery = m_session.prepare(ROW_KEY_QUERY);
psRowKeyTimeQuery = m_session.prepare(ROW_KEY_TIME_QUERY);
psRowKeyTimeDelete = m_session.prepare(ROW_KEY_TIME_DELETE);
try {
psDataPointsDeleteRange = m_session.prepare(DATA_POINTS_DELETE_RANGE);
} catch (final Exception e) {
//Nothing to do, we run old format delete if psDataPointsDeleteRange is null
logger.warn("Unable to perform efficient range deletes, consider upgrading to a newer version of Cassandra");
psDataPointsDelete = m_session.prepare(DATA_POINTS_DELETE);
psRowKeyIndexDelete = m_session.prepare(ROW_KEY_INDEX_DELETE);
//These three queries currently dont work with YugaByte
psDataPointsDeleteRow = m_session.prepare(DATA_POINTS_DELETE_ROW);
psRowKeyIndexDeleteRow = m_session.prepare(ROW_KEY_INDEX_DELETE_ROW);
psRowKeyDelete = m_session.prepare(ROW_KEY_DELETE);
/*psDataPointsDeleteRow = null;
psRowKeyIndexDeleteRow = null;
psRowKeyDelete = null;*/
psServiceIndexInsert = m_session.prepare(SERVICE_INDEX_INSERT);
psServiceIndexGet = m_session.prepare(SERVICE_INDEX_GET);
psServiceIndexListKeys = m_session.prepare(SERVICE_INDEX_LIST_KEYS);
psServiceIndexListKeysPrefix = m_session.prepare(SERVICE_INDEX_LIST_KEYS_PREFIX);
try {
psServiceIndexListServiceKeys = m_session.prepare(SERVICE_INDEX_LIST_SERVICE_KEYS);
} catch (final Exception e) {
logger.warn("Unable to perform service key list query, consider upgrading to newer version of Cassandra");
psServiceIndexDeleteKey = m_session.prepare(SERVICE_INDEX_DELETE_KEY);
psServiceIndexModificationTime = m_session.prepare(SERVICE_INDEX_LAST_MODIFIED_TIME);
psServiceIndexGetEntries = m_session.prepare(SERVICE_INDEX_GET_ENTRIES);
psServiceIndexInsertModifiedTime = m_session.prepare(SERVICE_INDEX_INSERT_MODIFIED_TIME);
public Session getSession() {
return m_session;
private void setupSchema(final CassandraClient cassandraClient) {
try (final Session session = cassandraClient.getSession()) {
session.execute(String.format(CREATE_KEYSPACE, cassandraClient.getKeyspace(),
try (final Session session = cassandraClient.getKeyspaceSession()) {