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 * Copyright 2022 Jeremy KUHN
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import io.inverno.mod.http.base.ExchangeContext;
import io.inverno.mod.http.server.Exchange;
import io.inverno.mod.http.server.Request;
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.CloseWebSocketFrame;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.EventExecutor;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.reactivestreams.Publisher;
import org.reactivestreams.Subscription;
import reactor.core.publisher.BaseSubscriber;
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
import reactor.core.publisher.Sinks;


* A generic {@link WebSocketExchange} implementation. *

* * @author Jeremy Kuhn * @since 1.5 */ public class GenericWebSocketExchange extends BaseSubscriber implements WebSocketExchange { private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(WebSocketExchange.class); private final ChannelHandlerContext context; private final Exchange exchange; private final String subProtocol; private final WebSocketExchangeHandler> handler; private final GenericWebSocketFrame.GenericFactory frameFactory; private final GenericWebSocketMessage.GenericFactory messageFactory; private final boolean closeOnOutboundComplete; private final long inboundCloseFrameTimeout; private final EventExecutor contextExecutor; private Optional> inboundFrames; private GenericInbound inbound; private GenericOutbound outbound; private Sinks.One> outboundFramesSinks; private Publisher outboundFrames; private boolean started; private boolean outboundFramesSet; private boolean inboundSubscribed; private Mono finalizer; private boolean inClosed; private boolean outClosed; private ScheduledFuture inboundCloseMessageTimeoutFuture; /** *

* Creates a generic WebSocket exchange. *

* * @param context the channel handler context * @param exchange the original exchange * @param subProtocol the negotiated subprotocol * @param handler the WebSocket handler * @param frameFactory the WebSocket frame factory * @param messageFactory the WebSocket message factory * @param closeOnOutboundComplete true to close WebSocket when outbound publisher completes, false otherwise * @param inboundCloseFrameTimeout the time to wait for a close frame before closing the WebSocket unilatterally */ public GenericWebSocketExchange( ChannelHandlerContext context, Exchange exchange, String subProtocol, WebSocketExchangeHandler> handler, GenericWebSocketFrame.GenericFactory frameFactory, GenericWebSocketMessage.GenericFactory messageFactory, boolean closeOnOutboundComplete, long inboundCloseFrameTimeout) { this.context = context; = exchange; this.subProtocol = subProtocol; this.handler = handler; this.frameFactory = frameFactory; this.messageFactory = messageFactory; this.closeOnOutboundComplete = closeOnOutboundComplete; this.inboundCloseFrameTimeout = inboundCloseFrameTimeout; this.contextExecutor = this.context.executor(); this.inboundFrames = Optional.empty(); } /** *

* Starts the WebSocket exchange processing by subscribing to the deferred handler and then to the outbound frames publisher to start receiving and sending frames to the client. *

*/ public void start() { // No need to synchronize this code since we are in an EventLoop if(this.started) { throw new IllegalStateException("WebSocket Exchange already started"); } if(this.outboundFrames == null) { this.outboundFramesSinks =; this.outboundFrames = Flux.switchOnNext(this.outboundFramesSinks.asMono()); } Mono deferHandle; try { deferHandle = this.handler.defer(this); } catch(Throwable throwable) { this.hookOnError(throwable); return; } deferHandle.thenMany(this.outboundFrames) .doOnDiscard(GenericWebSocketFrame.class, frame -> frame.release()) .subscribe(this); this.started = true; } /** *

* Executes the specified task in the event loop. *

* *

* The tasks is executed immediately when the current thread is in the event loop, otherwise it is scheduled in the event loop. *

* *

* After the execution of the task, one event is requested to the response data subscriber. *

* * @param runnable the task to execute */ protected void executeInEventLoop(Runnable runnable) { this.executeInEventLoop(runnable, 1); } /** *

* Executes the specified task in the event loop. *

* *

* The tasks is executed immediately when the current thread is in the event loop, otherwise it is scheduled in the event loop. *

* *

* After the execution of the task, the specified number of events is requested to the response data subscriber. *

* * @param runnable the task to execute * @param request the number of events to request to the response data subscriber after the task completes */ protected void executeInEventLoop(Runnable runnable, int request) { if(this.contextExecutor.inEventLoop()) {; this.request(request); } else { this.contextExecutor.execute(() -> { try {; this.request(request); } catch (Throwable throwable) { this.cancel(); this.hookOnError(throwable); } }); } } @Override protected final void hookOnSubscribe(Subscription subscription) { this.onStart(subscription); } /** *

* Invokes when the WebSocket exchange is started. *

* *

* The default implementation basically request an unbounded amount of events to the subscription. *

* * @param subscription the subscription to the response data publisher */ protected void onStart(Subscription subscription) { subscription.request(Long.MAX_VALUE); LOGGER.debug("WebSocket exchange started"); } @Override protected void hookOnNext(WebSocketFrame value) { // do write the frame if(value.getKind() == WebSocketFrame.Kind.CLOSE) { throw new WebSocketException("Invalid outbound frame type " + value.getKind() + ", use close() to close the WebSocket"); } this.executeInEventLoop(() -> { LOGGER.trace("Write {} frame (size={}, final={})", value.getKind(), value.getBinaryData().readableBytes(), value.isFinal()); this.context.writeAndFlush(this.frameFactory.toUnderlyingWebSocketFrame(value)); }); } @Override protected void hookOnCancel() { this.close(WebSocketStatus.ENDPOINT_UNAVAILABLE); } @Override protected void hookOnComplete() { if(this.outbound != null && this.outbound.closeOnComplete) { this.close(); } } @Override protected void hookOnError(Throwable throwable) { // Close the WebSocket with error LOGGER.error("WebSocketExchange processing error", throwable); this.close(WebSocketStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, throwable.getMessage()); } @Override public void dispose() { this.dispose(null); } public void dispose(Throwable error) { super.dispose(); this.inboundFrames.ifPresent(frameSink -> { if(error != null) { frameSink.tryEmitError(error); } else { frameSink.tryEmitComplete(); } if(!this.inboundSubscribed) { this.inboundSubscribed = true; frameSink.asFlux().subscribe( frame -> { ((GenericWebSocketFrame)frame).release(); }, ex -> { // TODO Should be ignored but can be logged as debug or trace log } ); } }); this.inboundFrames = Optional.empty(); } /** *

* Returns the inbound frames sink used by the {@link WebSocketProtocolHandler} to emit the frame received by the server from the client. *

* *

* An empty optional is returned if the handler does not consume the frames received from the client, in which case the {@link WebSocketProtocolHandler} simply releases the received frames and * discards them. *

* * @return an optional returning the sink or an empty optional if the handler was not interested in receiving frames from the client */ public Optional> inboundFrames() { return inboundFrames; } /** *

* Sets the outboind frame publisher. *

* * @param frames the frames to send to the client */ protected void setOutboundFrames(Publisher frames) { if(this.started && this.outboundFramesSet) { throw new IllegalStateException("Outbound frames already set"); } if(this.outboundFramesSinks != null) { this.outboundFramesSinks.tryEmitValue(frames); } else { this.outboundFrames = frames; } this.outboundFramesSet = true; } /** *

* Finalizes the exchange by completing the inbound sink (if present) and by subscribing to the finalizer (if present). *

* * @param finalPromise a promise that completes with the final exchange operation * * @return the promise */ public ChannelFuture finalizeExchange(ChannelPromise finalPromise) { finalPromise.addListener(future -> { this.inboundFrames.ifPresent(Sinks.Many::tryEmitComplete); if(this.finalizer != null) { this.finalizer.subscribe(); } }); return finalPromise; } @Override public Request request() { return; } @Override public ExchangeContext context() { return; } @Override public String getSubProtocol() { return this.subProtocol; } @Override public Inbound inbound() { if(this.inbound == null) { Sinks.Many inboundFrameSink = Sinks.many().unicast().onBackpressureBuffer(); this.inbound = new GenericInbound(inboundFrameSink.asFlux() .doOnSubscribe(ign -> this.inboundSubscribed = true) .doOnDiscard(GenericWebSocketFrame.class, frame -> frame.release()) .doOnTerminate(() -> { this.inbound = null; this.inboundFrames = Optional.empty(); }) ); this.inboundFrames = Optional.of(inboundFrameSink); } return this.inbound; } @Override public Outbound outbound() { if(this.outbound == null) { this.outbound = new GenericOutbound(); } return this.outbound; } @Override public void close(short code, String reason) { if(!this.outClosed) { this.executeInEventLoop(() -> { if(!this.outClosed) { this.outClosed = true; String cleanReason = reason; // 125 bytes is the limit: code is encoded on 2 bytes, reason must be 123 bytes if(cleanReason != null && cleanReason.length() >= 123) { cleanReason = new StringBuilder(cleanReason.substring(0, 120)).append("...").toString(); } this.context.writeAndFlush(new CloseWebSocketFrame(code, cleanReason)); LOGGER.debug("WebSocket close frame sent ({}): {}", code, reason); if(!this.inClosed) { this.inboundCloseMessageTimeoutFuture = this.contextExecutor.schedule( () -> { this.dispose(new WebSocketException("Inbound close frame timeout")); // Then close the channel ChannelPromise closePromise = this.context.newPromise(); this.context.close(closePromise); closePromise.addListener(ign -> LOGGER.debug("WebSocket closed ({}): {}", code, reason)); this.finalizeExchange(closePromise); }, this.inboundCloseFrameTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS ); } } }); } } /** *

* Invoked when a WebSocket close frame is received. *

* * @param code * @param reason */ public void onCloseReceived(short code, String reason) { if(!this.inClosed) { LOGGER.debug("WebSocket close frame received ({}): {}", code, reason); } this.inClosed = true; if(this.inboundCloseMessageTimeoutFuture != null) { this.inboundCloseMessageTimeoutFuture.cancel(false); this.inboundCloseMessageTimeoutFuture = null; } // TODO we currently cancel output and send back the close frame, we should maybe try to delay this until the outbound is in a proper shape (i.e. if there's an inflight fragmented message, // wait for the final frame) // Cancel output and send a close frame back this.dispose(); this.close(code, reason); // Then close the channel ChannelPromise closePromise = this.context.newPromise(); this.context.close(closePromise); closePromise.addListener(ign -> LOGGER.debug("WebSocket closed ({}): {}", code, reason)); this.finalizeExchange(closePromise); } @Override public WebSocketExchange finalizer(Mono finalizer) { this.finalizer = finalizer; return this; } /** *

* Generic {@link WebSocketExchange.Inbound} implementation. *

* * @author Jeremy Kuhn * @since 1.5 */ protected class GenericInbound implements Inbound { private final Flux frames; // This is OK because frames is a unicast publisher!!! private WebSocketFrame.Kind currentFrameKind; /** *

* Creates a generic WebSocket exchange inbound part. *

* * @param frames the inbound frames publisher */ public GenericInbound(Flux frames) { this.frames = frames; } @Override public Publisher frames() { return this.frames; } @Override public Publisher messages() { return this.frames // Only consider TEXT or BINARY frames for messages .filter(frame -> { WebSocketFrame.Kind kind = frame.getKind(); return kind == WebSocketFrame.Kind.TEXT || kind == WebSocketFrame.Kind.BINARY || kind == WebSocketFrame.Kind.CONTINUATION; }) .windowUntil(frame -> { if(this.currentFrameKind == null && frame.getKind() == WebSocketFrame.Kind.CONTINUATION) { // We can't receive a continuation frame before a non-final TEXT frame GenericWebSocketExchange.this.close(WebSocketStatus.PROTOCOL_ERROR); } this.currentFrameKind = frame.isFinal() ? null : frame.getKind(); return frame.isFinal(); }) .map(messageFrames -> { WebSocketMessage message; if(null == this.currentFrameKind) { // Should never happen throw new IllegalStateException(); } else switch(this.currentFrameKind) { case TEXT: { return new GenericWebSocketMessage(WebSocketMessage.Kind.TEXT, messageFrames); } case BINARY: { return new GenericWebSocketMessage(WebSocketMessage.Kind.BINARY, messageFrames); } default: { // Should never happen throw new IllegalStateException(); } } }); } @Override public Publisher textMessages() { return this.frames // Only consider TEXT or BINARY frames for messages .filter(frame -> { WebSocketFrame.Kind kind = frame.getKind(); return kind == WebSocketFrame.Kind.TEXT || kind == WebSocketFrame.Kind.CONTINUATION; }) .windowUntil(frame -> { if(this.currentFrameKind == null && frame.getKind() == WebSocketFrame.Kind.CONTINUATION) { // We can't receive a continuation frame before a non-final TEXT frame GenericWebSocketExchange.this.close(WebSocketStatus.PROTOCOL_ERROR); } this.currentFrameKind = frame.isFinal() ? null : frame.getKind(); return frame.isFinal(); }) .map(messageFrames -> { return new GenericWebSocketMessage(WebSocketMessage.Kind.TEXT, messageFrames); }); } @Override public Publisher binaryMessages() { return this.frames // Only consider TEXT or BINARY frames for messages .filter(frame -> { WebSocketFrame.Kind kind = frame.getKind(); return kind == WebSocketFrame.Kind.BINARY || kind == WebSocketFrame.Kind.CONTINUATION; }) .windowUntil(frame -> { if(this.currentFrameKind == null && frame.getKind() == WebSocketFrame.Kind.CONTINUATION) { // We can't receive a continuation frame before a non-final TEXT frame GenericWebSocketExchange.this.close(WebSocketStatus.PROTOCOL_ERROR); } this.currentFrameKind = frame.isFinal() ? null : frame.getKind(); return frame.isFinal(); }) .map(messageFrames -> { return new GenericWebSocketMessage(WebSocketMessage.Kind.BINARY, messageFrames); }); } } /** *

* Generic {@link WebSocketExchange.Outbound} implementation. *

* * @author Jeremy Kuhn * @since 1.5 */ protected class GenericOutbound implements Outbound { protected boolean closeOnComplete = GenericWebSocketExchange.this.closeOnOutboundComplete; @Override public Outbound closeOnComplete(boolean closeOnComplete) { this.closeOnComplete = closeOnComplete; return this; } @Override public void frames(Function> frames) { GenericWebSocketExchange.this.setOutboundFrames(frames.apply(GenericWebSocketExchange.this.frameFactory)); } @Override public void messages(Function> messages) { GenericWebSocketExchange.this.setOutboundFrames(Flux.from(messages.apply(GenericWebSocketExchange.this.messageFactory)).flatMap(WebSocketMessage::frames)); } } }

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