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A multiplatform library for working with dates and times
package io.islandtime
import dev.erikchristensen.javamath2kmp.toIntExact
import io.islandtime.base.DateTimeField
import io.islandtime.internal.*
import io.islandtime.measures.*
import io.islandtime.parser.*
* A time of day in an ambiguous region.
* @constructor Creates a [Time] from its individual components.
* @param hour the hour of day
* @param minute the minute of the hour
* @param second the second of the minute
* @param nanosecond the nanosecond of the second
* @throws DateTimeException if the time is invalid
class Time(
/** The hour of the day. */
val hour: Int,
/** The minute of the hour. */
val minute: Int,
/** The second of the minute. */
val second: Int = 0,
/** The nanosecond of the second. */
val nanosecond: Int = 0
) : Comparable {
init {
if (hour !in 0 until HOURS_PER_DAY) {
throw DateTimeException("'$hour' is not a valid hour")
if (minute !in 0 until MINUTES_PER_HOUR) {
throw DateTimeException("'$minute' is not a valid minute")
if (second !in 0 until SECONDS_PER_MINUTE) {
throw DateTimeException("'$second' is not a valid second")
if (nanosecond !in 0 until NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND) {
throw DateTimeException("'$nanosecond' is not a valid nanosecond")
* The second of the day.
val secondOfDay: Int
get() = hour * SECONDS_PER_HOUR + minute * SECONDS_PER_MINUTE + second
* The number of seconds since the start of the day.
inline val secondsSinceStartOfDay: IntSeconds
get() = secondOfDay.seconds
* The nanosecond of the day.
val nanosecondOfDay: Long
get() {
return hour.toLong() * NANOSECONDS_PER_HOUR +
minute.toLong() * NANOSECONDS_PER_MINUTE +
second.toLong() * NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND +
* The number of nanoseconds since the start of the day.
inline val nanosecondsSinceStartOfDay: LongNanoseconds
get() = nanosecondOfDay.nanoseconds
operator fun plus(duration: Duration): Time {
return this + duration.seconds + duration.nanosecondAdjustment
operator fun plus(hours: LongHours): Time {
val wrappedHours = (hours % HOURS_PER_DAY).toInt()
return if (wrappedHours == 0) {
} else {
val newHour = (wrappedHours + hour + HOURS_PER_DAY) % HOURS_PER_DAY
return copy(hour = newHour)
operator fun plus(hours: IntHours) = plus(hours.toLongHours())
operator fun plus(minutes: LongMinutes): Time {
return if (minutes.value == 0L) {
} else {
val currentMinuteOfDay = hour * MINUTES_PER_HOUR + minute
val wrappedMinutes = (minutes.value % MINUTES_PER_DAY).toInt()
val newMinuteOfDay = (wrappedMinutes + currentMinuteOfDay + MINUTES_PER_DAY) % MINUTES_PER_DAY
if (currentMinuteOfDay == newMinuteOfDay) {
} else {
val newHour = newMinuteOfDay / MINUTES_PER_HOUR
val newMinute = newMinuteOfDay % MINUTES_PER_HOUR
copy(hour = newHour, minute = newMinute)
operator fun plus(minutes: IntMinutes) = plus(minutes.toLongMinutes())
operator fun plus(seconds: LongSeconds): Time {
return if (seconds.value == 0L) {
} else {
val currentSecondOfDay = secondOfDay
val wrappedSeconds = (seconds.value % SECONDS_PER_DAY).toInt()
val newSecondOfDay = (wrappedSeconds + currentSecondOfDay + SECONDS_PER_DAY) % SECONDS_PER_DAY
if (currentSecondOfDay == newSecondOfDay) {
} else {
fromSecondOfDay(newSecondOfDay, nanosecond)
operator fun plus(seconds: IntSeconds) = plus(seconds.toLongSeconds())
operator fun plus(milliseconds: LongMilliseconds): Time {
return plusWrapped((milliseconds % MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY).inNanosecondsUnchecked)
operator fun plus(milliseconds: IntMilliseconds) = plus(milliseconds.toLongMilliseconds())
operator fun plus(microseconds: LongMicroseconds): Time {
return plusWrapped((microseconds % MICROSECONDS_PER_DAY).inNanosecondsUnchecked)
operator fun plus(microseconds: IntMicroseconds) = plus(microseconds.toLongMicroseconds())
operator fun plus(nanoseconds: LongNanoseconds): Time {
return plusWrapped(nanoseconds % NANOSECONDS_PER_DAY)
private fun plusWrapped(wrappedNanos: LongNanoseconds): Time {
return if (wrappedNanos.value == 0L) {
} else {
val newNanoOfDay = (wrappedNanos.value + nanosecondOfDay + NANOSECONDS_PER_DAY) % NANOSECONDS_PER_DAY
operator fun plus(nanoseconds: IntNanoseconds) = plus(nanoseconds.toLongNanoseconds())
operator fun minus(duration: Duration): Time {
return this - duration.seconds - duration.nanosecondAdjustment
operator fun minus(hours: LongHours) = plus((hours % HOURS_PER_DAY).negateUnchecked())
operator fun minus(hours: IntHours) = plus(hours.toLongHours().negateUnchecked())
operator fun minus(minutes: LongMinutes) = plus((minutes % MINUTES_PER_DAY).negateUnchecked())
operator fun minus(minutes: IntMinutes) = plus(minutes.toLongMinutes().negateUnchecked())
operator fun minus(seconds: LongSeconds) = plus((seconds % SECONDS_PER_DAY).negateUnchecked())
operator fun minus(seconds: IntSeconds) = plus(seconds.toLongSeconds().negateUnchecked())
operator fun minus(milliseconds: LongMilliseconds) =
plusWrapped((milliseconds % MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY).inNanosecondsUnchecked.negateUnchecked())
operator fun minus(milliseconds: IntMilliseconds) = plus(milliseconds.toLongMilliseconds().negateUnchecked())
operator fun minus(microseconds: LongMicroseconds) =
plusWrapped((microseconds % MICROSECONDS_PER_DAY).inNanosecondsUnchecked.negateUnchecked())
operator fun minus(microseconds: IntMicroseconds) = plus(microseconds.toLongMicroseconds().negateUnchecked())
operator fun minus(nanoseconds: LongNanoseconds) =
plusWrapped((nanoseconds % NANOSECONDS_PER_DAY).negateUnchecked())
operator fun minus(nanoseconds: IntNanoseconds) = plus(nanoseconds.toLongNanoseconds().negateUnchecked())
operator fun component1() = hour
operator fun component2() = minute
operator fun component3() = second
operator fun component4() = nanosecond
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
return this === other ||
(other is Time &&
hour == other.hour &&
minute == other.minute &&
second == other.second &&
nanosecond == other.nanosecond)
override fun hashCode(): Int {
var result = hour
result = 31 * result + minute
result = 31 * result + second
result = 31 * result + nanosecond
return result
override fun compareTo(other: Time): Int {
val hourDiff = hour.compareTo(other.hour)
return if (hourDiff != 0) {
} else {
val minuteDiff = minute.compareTo(other.minute)
if (minuteDiff != 0) {
} else {
val secondDiff = second.compareTo(other.second)
if (secondDiff != 0) {
} else {
* Converts this time to a string in ISO-8601 extended format. For example, `17:31:45.923452091` or `02:30`.
override fun toString() = buildString(MAX_TIME_STRING_LENGTH) { appendTime(this@Time) }
* Returns a copy of this time with the values of any individual components replaced by the new values
* specified.
* @throws DateTimeException if the resulting time is invalid
fun copy(
hour: Int = this.hour,
minute: Int = this.minute,
second: Int = this.second,
nanosecond: Int = this.nanosecond
) = Time(hour, minute, second, nanosecond)
companion object {
val MIN = Time(0, 0)
val MAX = Time(23, 59, 59, 999_999_999)
val MIDNIGHT = Time(0, 0)
val NOON = Time(12, 0)
* Creates a [Time] from the second of the day and optionally, the number of nanoseconds within that second.
* @param secondOfDay the second of the day
* @param nanosecond the nanosecond of the second, from 0 - 999,999,999
* @return a new [Time]
* @throws DateTimeException if the time is invalid
fun fromSecondOfDay(secondOfDay: Int, nanosecond: Int = 0): Time {
return fromSecondsSinceStartOfDay(secondOfDay.seconds, nanosecond.nanoseconds)
* Creates the [Time] at a number of seconds since the start of the day and optionally, a number of additional
* nanoseconds.
* @param seconds the number of seconds since the start of the day
* @param nanosecondAdjustment the number of additional nanoseconds, from 0 - 999,999,999
* @return a new [Time]
* @throws DateTimeException if the time is invalid
fun fromSecondsSinceStartOfDay(
seconds: IntSeconds,
nanosecondAdjustment: IntNanoseconds = 0.nanoseconds
): Time {
if (seconds.value !in 0 until SECONDS_PER_DAY) {
throw DateTimeException("'${seconds.value}' is not a valid second of the day")
return seconds.toComponents { hours, minutes, secondsPart ->
Time(hours.value, minutes.value, secondsPart.value, nanosecondAdjustment.value)
* Creates a [Time] from the nanosecond of the day.
* @param nanosecondOfDay the nanosecond of the day
* @return a new [Time]
* @throws DateTimeException if the time is invalid
fun fromNanosecondOfDay(nanosecondOfDay: Long): Time {
if (nanosecondOfDay !in 0L until NANOSECONDS_PER_DAY) {
throw DateTimeException("'$nanosecondOfDay' is not a valid nanosecond of the day")
val hour = (nanosecondOfDay / NANOSECONDS_PER_HOUR).toInt()
val minute = ((nanosecondOfDay / NANOSECONDS_PER_MINUTE) % MINUTES_PER_HOUR).toInt()
val second = ((nanosecondOfDay / NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND) % SECONDS_PER_MINUTE).toInt()
val nanosecond = (nanosecondOfDay % NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND).toInt()
return Time(hour, minute, second, nanosecond)
* Creates the [Time] at a number of nanoseconds since the start of the day.
* @param nanoseconds the number of nanoseconds since the start of the day
* @return a new [Time]
* @throws DateTimeException if the time is invalid
fun fromNanosecondsSinceStartOfDay(nanoseconds: LongNanoseconds): Time {
return fromNanosecondOfDay(nanoseconds.value)
* Converts a string to a [Time].
* The string is assumed to be an ISO-8601 time representation in extended format. For example, `05`, `05:30`,
* `05:30:00`, or `05:30:00.123456789`. The output of [Time.toString] can be safely parsed using this method.
* @throws DateTimeParseException if parsing fails
* @throws DateTimeException if the parsed time is invalid
fun String.toTime(): Time = toTime(DateTimeParsers.Iso.Extended.TIME)
* Converts a string to a [Time] using a specific parser.
* A set of predefined parsers can be found in [DateTimeParsers].
* @throws DateTimeParseException if parsing fails
* @throws DateTimeException if the parsed time is invalid
fun String.toTime(
parser: DateTimeParser,
settings: DateTimeParserSettings = DateTimeParserSettings.DEFAULT
): Time {
val result = parser.parse(this, settings)
return result.toTime() ?: throwParserFieldResolutionException(this)
internal fun DateTimeParseResult.toTime(): Time? {
val hour = fields[DateTimeField.HOUR_OF_DAY]
// TODO: Add support for SECOND_OF_DAY, NANOSECOND_OF_DAY, and so forth
if (hour != null) {
return try {
val minute = fields[DateTimeField.MINUTE_OF_HOUR]?.toIntExact() ?: 0
val second = fields[DateTimeField.SECOND_OF_MINUTE]?.toIntExact() ?: 0
val nanosecond = fields[DateTimeField.NANOSECOND_OF_SECOND]?.toIntExact() ?: 0
Time(hour.toIntExact(), minute, second, nanosecond)
} catch (e: ArithmeticException) {
throw DateTimeException(e.message, e)
return null
internal const val MAX_TIME_STRING_LENGTH = 18
internal fun StringBuilder.appendTime(time: Time): StringBuilder {
return with(time) {
appendTime(hour, minute, second, nanosecond)
internal fun StringBuilder.appendTime(
hour: Int,
minute: Int,
second: Int,
nanosecond: Int
): StringBuilder {
appendZeroPadded(hour, 2)
appendZeroPadded(minute, 2)
if (second > 0 || nanosecond > 0) {
appendZeroPadded(second, 2)
if (nanosecond > 0) {
when {
nanosecond % 1_000_000 == 0 -> appendZeroPadded(nanosecond / 1_000_000, 3)
nanosecond % 1_000 == 0 -> appendZeroPadded(nanosecond / 1_000, 6)
else -> appendZeroPadded(nanosecond, 9)
return this