io.janstenpickle.hotswapref.HotswapRef.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package io.janstenpickle.hotswapref
import cats.effect.kernel.Resource.ExitCase
import cats.effect.kernel.{Concurrent, Ref, Resource, Unique}
import cats.effect.std.{Hotswap, Semaphore}
import cats.syntax.eq._
import cats.syntax.flatMap._
import cats.syntax.functor._
/** A concurrent data structure that wraps a [[cats.effect.std.Hotswap]] providing access to `R` using a
* [[cats.effect.kernel.Ref]], that is set on resource acquisition, while providing asynchronous hotswap functionality
* via calls to [[swap]].
* In short, calls to [[swap]] do not block the usage of `R` via calls to [[access]].
* Repeated concurrent calls to [[swap]] are ordered by a semaphore to ensure that `R` doesn't churn unexpectedly. As
* with calls to [[swap]] on [[cats.effect.std.Hotswap]], [[swap]] will block until the previous
* [[cats.effect.kernel.Resource]] is finalized. Additionally open references to `R` are counted when it is accessed
* via [[access]], any `R` with open references will block at finalization until all references are released, and
* therefore subsequent calls to [[swap]] will block.
trait HotswapRef[F[_], R] {
/** Swap the current resource with a new version
* This makes use of `evalTap` on the provided [[cats.effect.kernel.Resource]] to ensure the
* [[cats.effect.kernel.Ref]] with `R` is updated immediately on allocation and may be used by [[access]] calls while
* [[swap]] blocks, waiting for the previous [[cats.effect.kernel.Resource]] to finalize.
* This means that while there is no previous finalization process in progress when this is called, `R` may be
* swapped in the holder ref, but will block until all references to `R` are removed and `R` is torn down.
* A semaphore guarantees that concurrent access to [[swap]] will wait while previous resources are finalized.
def swap(next: Resource[F, R]): F[Unit]
/** Access `R` safely
* Note that access to `R` is protected by a shared-mode lock via a [[cats.effect.kernel.Resource]] scope. A resource
* `R` with unreleased locks cannot be finalized and therefore cannot be fully swapped.
def access: Resource[F, R]
object HotswapRef {
/** Creates a new [[HotswapRef]] initialized with the specified resource. The [[HotswapRef]] instance is returned
* within a [[cats.effect.kernel.Resource]]
def apply[F[_], R](initial: Resource[F, R])(implicit F: Concurrent[F]): Resource[F, HotswapRef[F, R]] = {
type Secured[A] = (A, Lock[F], Unique.Token)
type Allocated[A] = (A, ExitCase => F[Unit])
/* Secure a resource by enriching it with a semaphore-based lock and a unique token and by modifying its finalizer.
* The lock is acquired in shared mode when the resource is accessed (permits concurrent access but prohibits
* finalization) and in exclusive mode when the resource is finalized (prohibits access).
* The token is used during access for consistent read of the holder reference.
def secure(res: Resource[F, R]): Resource[F, Secured[R]] = {
val allocated = Lock[F].flatMap { lock =>
Unique[F].unique.flatMap { token => { case (r, release) =>
((r, lock, token), (_: ExitCase) => lock.exclusive.surround(release))
Resource.applyFull(poll => poll(allocated))
def impl(hotswap: Hotswap[F, Secured[R]], holder: Ref[F, Secured[R]], sem: Semaphore[F]): HotswapRef[F, R] =
new HotswapRef[F, R] {
override def swap(next: Resource[F, R]): F[Unit] =
override val access: Resource[F, R] = Resource.applyFull { poll =>
/* Access to the resource is protected by a shared-mode lock. The holder reference is read at least twice:
* first, to retrieve its content, and then, after acquiring the lock, to check if the content hasn't changed
* since the first read. If the holder has been swapped, the lock is released and the new content is passed
* to the next step of the loop. Otherwise, it's used to build the resulting `Resource`.
val step: Secured[R] => F[Either[Secured[R], Allocated[R]]] = { case (r, lock, token) =>
poll(lock.shared.allocated).flatMap { case (_, lockRelease) =>
holder.get.flatMap { case tup1 @ (_, _, token1) =>
if (token =!= token1)
else F.pure(Right((r, _ => lockRelease)))
Hotswap(secure(initial)).evalMap { case (hotswap, securedR) =>
Ref.of(securedR).flatMap { holder =>
Semaphore(1L).map { sem =>
impl(hotswap, holder, sem)