Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* $Id: io/janusproject/kernel/services/arakhne/ v2.0.3.1 2016-01-24 00:05:13$
* Janus platform is an open-source multiagent platform.
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* Copyright (C) 2014-2015 the original authors or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.logging.Filter;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.LogRecord;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.arakhne.afc.vmutil.locale.Locale;
/** This class enables to log information by ensuring
* that the values of the parameters are not evaluated
* until the information should be really log, according
* to the log level.
* This implementation is based on {@link Locale}, and the logger is injected.
* The LogService considers the parameters of the functions as:
* - the messageKey is the name of the message in the property file;
* - the message parameters are the values that will replace the
* strings {0}, {1}, {2}... in the text extracted from the ressource property;
* - the parameter propertyType is the class from which the filename of
* the property file will be built.
* If a Throwable
is passed as parameter, the text of the
* exception is retreived.
If a Callable
is passed as parameter, the object is automatically
* called.
If a LogParam
is passed as parameter, the toString
* function will be invoked.
For all the other objects, the {@link #toString()} function is invoked.
* @author Stéphane Galland
* @version 2016-01-24 00:05:13
* @mavengroupid io.janusproject
* @mavenartifactid io.janusproject.kernel
public class ArakhneLocaleLogService extends AbstractDependentService implements LogService {
private Logger logger;
private LoggerCallerProvider loggerCallerProvider = new StackTraceLoggerCallerProvider();
/** Construct the service.
public ArakhneLocaleLogService() {
/** Replies the object that permits to determine the caller of the logger.
* @return the object that permits to determine the caller of the logger.
public LoggerCallerProvider getLoggerCaller() {
return this.loggerCallerProvider;
/** Change the object that permits to determine the caller of the logger.
* @param provider - the object that permits to determine the caller of the logger.
public void setLoggerCaller(LoggerCallerProvider provider) {
if (provider == null) {
this.loggerCallerProvider = new StackTraceLoggerCallerProvider();
} else {
this.loggerCallerProvider = provider;
public final Class extends Service> getServiceType() {
return LogService.class;
/** Replies if this service permits to log the messages.
* @return true
if the messages are loggeable,
* false
protected boolean isLogEnabled() {
return state().ordinal() <= State.RUNNING.ordinal();
private static String getLogRecordText(LoggerCaller caller,
Class> propertyType, String messageKey,
Object... message) {
Class> propType = propertyType;
if (propType == null) {
propType = caller.getPropertyType();
if (propType == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
return Locale.getString(propType, messageKey, message);
private static LogRecord createLogRecord(Level level, String text, boolean exception, Object... message) {
Throwable realException = null;
if (exception) {
for (Object m : message) {
if (m instanceof Throwable) {
realException = (Throwable) m;
LogRecord record = new LogRecord(level, text);
if (realException != null) {
return record;
private synchronized void writeInLog(
Level level,
boolean exception,
Class> propertyType,
String messageKey,
Object... message) {
if (isLogEnabled() && this.logger.isLoggable(level)) {
LoggerCaller caller = this.loggerCallerProvider.getLoggerCaller();
String text = getLogRecordText(caller, propertyType, messageKey, message);
LogRecord record = createLogRecord(level, text, exception, message);
String methodName = caller.getMethod();
if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(methodName)) {
public synchronized void log(LogRecord record) {
if (isLogEnabled()) {
public void log(Level level, Class> propertyType, String messageKey,
Object... message) {
writeInLog(level, true, propertyType, messageKey, message);
public void log(Level level, String messageKey, Object... message) {
writeInLog(level, true, null, messageKey, message);
public void info(String messageKey, Object... message) {
writeInLog(Level.INFO, false, null, messageKey, message);
public void info(Class> propertyType, String messageKey,
Object... message) {
writeInLog(Level.INFO, false, propertyType, messageKey, message);
public void fineInfo(String messageKey, Object... message) {
writeInLog(Level.FINE, false, null, messageKey, message);
public void fineInfo(Class> propertyType, String messageKey,
Object... message) {
writeInLog(Level.FINE, false, propertyType, messageKey, message);
public void finerInfo(String messageKey, Object... message) {
writeInLog(Level.FINER, false, null, messageKey, message);
public void finerInfo(Class> propertyType, String messageKey,
Object... message) {
writeInLog(Level.FINER, false, propertyType, messageKey, message);
public void debug(String messageKey, Object... message) {
writeInLog(Level.FINEST, true, null, messageKey, message);
public void debug(Class> propertyType, String messageKey,
Object... message) {
writeInLog(Level.FINEST, true, propertyType, messageKey, message);
public void warning(Class> propertyType, String messageKey,
Object... message) {
writeInLog(Level.WARNING, true, propertyType, messageKey, message);
public void warning(String messageKey, Object... message) {
writeInLog(Level.WARNING, true, null, messageKey, message);
public void error(String messageKey, Object... message) {
writeInLog(Level.SEVERE, true, null, messageKey, message);
public void error(Class> propertyType, String messageKey,
Object... message) {
writeInLog(Level.SEVERE, true, propertyType, messageKey, message);
public synchronized Logger getLogger() {
return this.logger;
public synchronized void setLogger(Logger logger) {
if (logger != null) {
this.logger = logger;
public synchronized void setFilter(Filter filter) {
public synchronized Filter getFilter() {
return this.logger.getFilter();
public boolean isLoggeable(Level level) {
return isLogEnabled() && this.logger.isLoggable(level);
public Level getLevel() {
return this.logger.getLevel();
public void setLevel(Level level) {
protected void doStart() {
protected void doStop() {
/** Provides the type of the caller of the logger.
* @author Stéphane Galland
* @version 2016-01-24 00:05:13
* @mavengroupid io.janusproject
* @mavenartifactid io.janusproject.kernel
public interface LoggerCallerProvider {
/** Replies the logger caller.
* @return the logger caller.
LoggerCaller getLoggerCaller();
/** Provides the type of the caller of the logger.
* @author Stéphane Galland
* @version 2016-01-24 00:05:13
* @mavengroupid io.janusproject
* @mavenartifactid io.janusproject.kernel
public static class LoggerCaller {
private final Class> type;
private final String methodName;
private final String className;
* @param propertyType - the type associated to the property file to be read by the logger.
* @param className - the type of the caller.
* @param methodName - the name of the called method.
public LoggerCaller(Class> propertyType, String className, String methodName) {
this.type = propertyType;
this.className = className;
this.methodName = methodName;
/** Replies the type of the logger caller.
* @return the type of the logger caller.
public Class> getPropertyType() {
return this.type;
/** Replies the name of the type of the logger caller.
* @return the name of type of the logger caller.
public String getTypeName() {
return this.className;
/** Replies the name of the last method encountered in the stack trace.
* @return the name of the last invoked method of the logger caller.
public String getMethod() {
return this.methodName;
/** Provider of calling function on the stack trace.
* @author Stéphane Galland
* @version 2016-01-24 00:05:13
* @mavengroupid io.janusproject
* @mavenartifactid io.janusproject.kernel
public static class StackTraceLoggerCallerProvider implements LoggerCallerProvider {
/** Construct.
public StackTraceLoggerCallerProvider() {
private static StackTraceElement getStackTraceElement() {
StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();
Class> type;
// Start at 1 because the top of the stack corresponds to getStackTrace.
for (int i = 3; i < stackTrace.length; ++i) {
try {
type = Class.forName(stackTrace[i].getClassName());
if (type != null && !LogService.class.isAssignableFrom(type)
&& !LoggerCallerProvider.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
return stackTrace[i];
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
return null;
public LoggerCaller getLoggerCaller() {
StackTraceElement element = getStackTraceElement();
if (element != null) {
try {
return new LoggerCaller(
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e1) {
return null;