io.javalin.mock.ContextMock.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.javalin.mock
import io.javalin.http.Context
import io.javalin.http.Header
import io.javalin.http.servlet.JavalinServlet
import io.javalin.http.servlet.JavalinServletContext
import io.javalin.http.servlet.JavalinServletContextConfig
import io.javalin.http.servlet.JavalinServletRequest
import io.javalin.http.servlet.SubmitOrder.LAST
import io.javalin.http.servlet.Task
import io.javalin.http.servlet.TaskInitializer
import io.javalin.router.Endpoint
import io.javalin.router.EndpointExecutor
import io.javalin.mock.servlet.HttpServletRequestMock
import io.javalin.mock.servlet.HttpServletResponseMock
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch
import java.util.function.Consumer
import org.jetbrains.annotations.ApiStatus.Experimental
* A [ContextMock] is an in-memory [Context] instance builder.
* Although this implementation can be used in different ways, the most common use case is to build a [Context] instance within the test scope.
* We strongly recommend using [ContextMock] over any reflection based mocking library, as it's way closer to the real implementation.
* By default, the request state represents an incoming connection from localhost to the root path.
* Javalin configuration, request and response states can be modified by using the [ContextMockConfigurer] interface.
* Once the state is prepared, you can build a [Context] instance in two ways:
* - [] with [Endpoint] instance: to simulate a real request/response cycle (recommended)
* - [ContextMock.execute]: to execute non-endpoint related code that requires a [Context] instance
* See docs for more information:
class ContextMock private constructor(
private val mockConfig: ContextMockConfig = ContextMockConfig(),
private val userConfigs: List = emptyList(),
) : EndpointExecutor {
companion object {
fun create(configurer: ContextMockConfigurer? = null): ContextMock =
userConfigs = configurer?.let { listOf(it) } ?: emptyList()
/** Register additional [ContextMockConfigurer]s. Each [ContextMock] can have multiple configurers, which are applied in registration order. */
fun withMockConfig(cfg: ContextMockConfigurer): ContextMock =
mockConfig = mockConfig.clone(),
userConfigs = userConfigs + cfg
/** Build an [EndpointExecutor] with a [uri], [Body] or/and a [configurer]. */
fun build(uri: String? = null, body: Body? = null, configurer: ContextMockConfigurer? = null): EndpointExecutor =
EndpointExecutor { endpoint ->
execute(endpoint, uri ?: endpoint.path, body, configurer)
/** Build an [EndpointExecutor] with a [Body]. */
fun build(body: Body? = null, configurer: ContextMockConfigurer? = null): EndpointExecutor =
build(null, body, configurer)
/** Execute a non-endpoint related code that requires [Context] instance **/
fun execute(body: Consumer): Context {
val (req, res) = createMockReqAndRes()
val ctx = JavalinServletContext(createServletContextConfig(), req = JavalinServletRequest(req), res = res)
return ctx
/** Execute this ContextMock without any additional parameters **/
override fun execute(endpoint: Endpoint): Context {
return build().execute(endpoint)
private fun execute(endpoint: Endpoint, uri: String = endpoint.path, body: Body? = null, configurer: ContextMockConfigurer? = null): Context {
// create req & res using standard configurers
val (request, response) = createMockReqAndRes()
// apply provided body to the request
// apply defaults values
mockConfig.req.also { req ->
req.method =
req.contextPath = mockConfig.javalinConfig.router.contextPath.takeIf { it != "/" } ?: ""
req.requestURI = uri
req.requestURL = "${req.scheme}://${req.serverName}:${req.serverPort}${req.contextPath}${req.requestURI}"
req.inputStream = body?.toInputStream() ?: req.inputStream
req.contentType = body?.getContentType() ?: req.contentType
req.contentLength = body?.getContentLength() ?: req.contentLength
// run final request configurer for this particular request
configurer?.let { invokeConfigWithConfigurerScope(it, mockConfig) }
// synchronize request state with headers
mockConfig.req.also { req ->
req.headers.computeIfAbsent(Header.CONNECTION) { mutableListOf("keep-alive") }
req.headers.computeIfAbsent(Header.HOST) { mutableListOf("localhost:${req.serverPort}") }
req.headers.computeIfAbsent(Header.USER_AGENT) { mutableListOf("javalin-mock/1.0") }
req.headers.computeIfAbsent(Header.ACCEPT_ENCODING) { mockConfig.javalinConfig.pvt.compressionStrategy.compressors.mapTo(ArrayList()) { it.encoding() } }
req.headers.computeIfAbsent(Header.CONTENT_TYPE) { req.contentType?.let { mutableListOf(it) } ?: mutableListOf() }
req.headers.computeIfAbsent(Header.CONTENT_LENGTH) { req.contentLength.takeIf { it > 0 }?.let { mutableListOf(it.toString()) } ?: mutableListOf() }
val await = CountDownLatch(1)
val javalinServlet = JavalinServlet(mockConfig.javalinConfig)
(javalinServlet.requestLifecycle as MutableList>).add(
TaskInitializer { submitTask, _, _, _ ->
submitTask(LAST, Task(skipIfExceptionOccurred = false) {
val ctx = javalinServlet.handle(JavalinServletRequest(request), response)!!
return ctx
private fun createMockReqAndRes(): Pair {
userConfigs.forEach { invokeConfigWithConfigurerScope(it, mockConfig) }
val response = HttpServletResponseMock(mockConfig.res)
val request = HttpServletRequestMock(mockConfig.req, response)
return request to response
private fun createServletContextConfig(): JavalinServletContextConfig =
appDataManager = mockConfig.javalinConfig.pvt.appDataManager,
pluginManager = mockConfig.javalinConfig.pvt.pluginManager,
compressionStrategy = mockConfig.javalinConfig.pvt.compressionStrategy,
defaultContentType = mockConfig.javalinConfig.http.defaultContentType,
jsonMapper = mockConfig.javalinConfig.pvt.jsonMapper.value,
requestLoggerEnabled = false,
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