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io.joern.c2cpg.astcreation.AstForPrimitivesCreator.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.joern.c2cpg.astcreation
import io.joern.x2cpg.Ast
import io.joern.x2cpg.ValidationMode
import io.joern.x2cpg.Defines as X2CpgDefines
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.DispatchTypes
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.Operators
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.nodes.NewMethod
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.nodes.NewMethodRef
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.nodes.NewTypeDecl
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.*
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.c.ICInternalBinding
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPASTQualifiedName
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.ICPPInternalBinding
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPASTFunctionDeclarator
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPASTIdExpression
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPField
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.semantics.EvalMemberAccess
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.model.ASTStringUtil
import scala.util.Try
trait AstForPrimitivesCreator(implicit withSchemaValidation: ValidationMode) { this: AstCreator =>
protected def astForComment(comment: IASTComment): Ast =
Ast(newCommentNode(comment, code(comment), fileName(comment)))
protected def astForLiteral(lit: IASTLiteralExpression): Ast = {
val codeString = code(lit)
val tpe = registerType(cleanType(safeGetType(lit.getExpressionType)))
if (codeString == "this") {
val thisIdentifier = identifierNode(lit, "this", "this", tpe)
scope.lookupVariable("this") match {
case Some((variable, _)) => Ast(thisIdentifier).withRefEdge(thisIdentifier, variable)
case None => Ast(identifierNode(lit, codeString, codeString, tpe))
} else {
Ast(literalNode(lit, codeString, tpe))
private def namesForBinding(binding: ICInternalBinding | ICPPInternalBinding): (Option[String], Option[String]) = {
val definition = binding match {
// sadly, there is no common interface
case b: ICInternalBinding if b.getDefinition.isInstanceOf[IASTFunctionDeclarator] =>
case b: ICPPInternalBinding if b.getDefinition.isInstanceOf[IASTFunctionDeclarator] =>
case b: ICInternalBinding => b.getDeclarations.find(_.isInstanceOf[IASTFunctionDeclarator])
case b: ICPPInternalBinding => b.getDeclarations.find(_.isInstanceOf[IASTFunctionDeclarator])
case null => None
val typeFullName = match {
case Some(d: IASTFunctionDefinition) => Some(typeForDeclSpecifier(d.getDeclSpecifier))
case Some(d: IASTSimpleDeclaration) => Some(typeForDeclSpecifier(d.getDeclSpecifier))
case _ => None
(, typeFullName)
private def maybeMethodRefForIdentifier(ident: IASTNode): Option[NewMethodRef] = {
ident match {
case id: IASTIdExpression if id.getName != null =>
val (mayBeFullName, mayBeTypeFullName) = id.getName.getBinding match {
case binding: ICInternalBinding if binding.getDefinition.isInstanceOf[IASTFunctionDeclarator] =>
case binding: ICInternalBinding
if binding.getDeclarations != null &&
binding.getDeclarations.exists(_.isInstanceOf[IASTFunctionDeclarator]) =>
case binding: ICPPInternalBinding if binding.getDefinition.isInstanceOf[IASTFunctionDeclarator] =>
case binding: ICPPInternalBinding
if binding.getDeclarations != null &&
binding.getDeclarations.exists(_.isInstanceOf[CPPASTFunctionDeclarator]) =>
case _ => (None, None)
for {
fullName <- mayBeFullName
typeFullName <- mayBeTypeFullName
} yield methodRefNode(ident, code(ident), fullName, registerType(cleanType(typeFullName)))
case _ => None
private def isInCurrentScope(owner: String): Boolean = {
methodAstParentStack.collectFirst {
case typeDecl: NewTypeDecl if typeDecl.fullName == owner => typeDecl
case method: NewMethod if method.fullName.startsWith(owner) => method
private def nameForIdentifier(ident: IASTNode): String = {
ident match {
case id: IASTIdExpression => ASTStringUtil.getSimpleName(id.getName)
case id: IASTName if ASTStringUtil.getSimpleName(id).isEmpty && id.getBinding != null => id.getBinding.getName
case id: IASTName if ASTStringUtil.getSimpleName(id).isEmpty => uniqueName("name", "", "")._1
case _ => code(ident)
private def syntheticThisAccess(ident: CPPASTIdExpression, identifierName: String): String | Ast = {
val tpe = ident.getName.getBinding match {
case f: CPPField => cleanType(f.getType.toString)
case _ => typeFor(ident)
Try(ident.getEvaluation).toOption match {
case Some(e: EvalMemberAccess) =>
val tpe = registerType(typeFor(ident))
val ownerType = registerType(cleanType(e.getOwnerType.toString))
if (isInCurrentScope(ownerType)) {
scope.lookupVariable("this") match {
case Some((variable, _)) =>
val op = Operators.indirectFieldAccess
val code = s"this->$identifierName"
val thisIdentifier = identifierNode(ident, "this", "this", tpe)
val member = fieldIdentifierNode(ident, identifierName, identifierName)
val ma = callNode(ident, code, op, op, DispatchTypes.STATIC_DISPATCH, None, Some(X2CpgDefines.Any))
callAst(ma, Seq(Ast(thisIdentifier).withRefEdge(thisIdentifier, variable), Ast(member)))
case None => tpe
} else tpe
case _ => tpe
private def typeNameForIdentifier(ident: IASTNode, identifierName: String): String | Ast = {
val variableOption = scope.lookupVariable(identifierName)
variableOption match {
case Some((_, variableTypeName)) => variableTypeName
case None if ident.isInstanceOf[IASTName] && ident.asInstanceOf[IASTName].getBinding != null =>
val id = ident.asInstanceOf[IASTName]
id.getBinding match {
case v: IVariable =>
v.getType match {
case f: IFunctionType => f.getReturnType.toString
case other => other.toString
case other => other.getName
case None if ident.isInstanceOf[IASTName] =>
case None if ident.isInstanceOf[CPPASTIdExpression] =>
syntheticThisAccess(ident.asInstanceOf[CPPASTIdExpression], identifierName)
case None => typeFor(ident)
protected def astForIdentifier(ident: IASTNode): Ast = {
maybeMethodRefForIdentifier(ident) match {
case Some(ref) => Ast(ref)
case None =>
val identifierName = nameForIdentifier(ident)
typeNameForIdentifier(ident, identifierName) match {
case identifierTypeName: String =>
val node = identifierNode(ident, identifierName, code(ident), registerType(cleanType(identifierTypeName)))
scope.lookupVariable(identifierName) match {
case Some((variable, _)) =>
Ast(node).withRefEdge(node, variable)
case None => Ast(node)
case ast: Ast => ast
protected def astForFieldReference(fieldRef: IASTFieldReference): Ast = {
val op = if (fieldRef.isPointerDereference) Operators.indirectFieldAccess else Operators.fieldAccess
val ma = callNode(fieldRef, code(fieldRef), op, op, DispatchTypes.STATIC_DISPATCH, None, Some(X2CpgDefines.Any))
val owner = astForExpression(fieldRef.getFieldOwner)
val member = fieldIdentifierNode(fieldRef, fieldRef.getFieldName.toString, fieldRef.getFieldName.toString)
callAst(ma, List(owner, Ast(member)))
protected def astForArrayModifier(arrMod: IASTArrayModifier): Ast =
protected def astForInitializerList(l: IASTInitializerList): Ast = {
val op = Operators.arrayInitializer
val initCallNode = callNode(l, code(l), op, op, DispatchTypes.STATIC_DISPATCH, None, Some(X2CpgDefines.Any))
val clauses = l.getClauses.slice(0, MAX_INITIALIZERS)
val args = => astForNode(x))
val ast = callAst(initCallNode, args)
if (l.getClauses.length > MAX_INITIALIZERS) {
val placeholder =
literalNode(l, "", Defines.Any).argumentIndex(MAX_INITIALIZERS)
ast.withChild(Ast(placeholder)).withArgEdge(initCallNode, placeholder)
} else {
protected def astForQualifiedName(qualId: CPPASTQualifiedName): Ast = {
val op = Operators.fieldAccess
val ma = callNode(qualId, code(qualId), op, op, DispatchTypes.STATIC_DISPATCH, None, Some(X2CpgDefines.Any))
def fieldAccesses(names: List[IASTNode], argIndex: Int = -1): Ast = names match {
case Nil => Ast()
case head :: Nil =>
case head :: tail =>
val codeString = s"${code(head)}::${"::")}"
val callNode_ =
callNode(head, code(head), op, op, DispatchTypes.STATIC_DISPATCH, None, Some(X2CpgDefines.Any))
callNode_.code = codeString
val arg1 = astForNode(head)
val arg2 = fieldAccesses(tail)
callAst(callNode_, List(arg1, arg2))
val qualifier = fieldAccesses(qualId.getQualifier.toIndexedSeq.toList)
val owner = if (qualifier != Ast()) {
} else {
Ast(literalNode(qualId.getLastName, "", Defines.Any))
val member = fieldIdentifierNode(
callAst(ma, List(owner, Ast(member)))