io.joern.c2cpg.astcreation.MacroArgumentExtractor.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.joern.c2cpg.astcreation
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.{
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.IToken
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.util.CharArrayMap
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.parser.scanner.Lexer.LexerOptions
import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.parser.scanner.*
import scala.annotation.nowarn
import scala.collection.mutable
/** Utility class that obtains the arguments of the macro at `loc` of the translation unit `tu` (we used CDT's naming
* convention here.) The way this works is by performing macro expansion using CDT's `MacroExpander`, which accepts a
* `MacroExpansionTracker`, which is informed of arguments as they are determined. The problem is that the default
* `MacroExpansionTracker` does not make these arguments available separately but only in a form where all arguments
* have been merged back into a string.
* By supplying a custom tracker that inherits from `MacroExpansionTracker` and overrides the method
* `setExpandedMacroArgument`, we can intercept arguments and store them in a list for later retrieval. We wrap this
* rather complicated way of accessing the macro arguments in the single public method `getArguments` of the
* `MacroArgumentExtractor`.
* This class must be in this package in order to have access to `PreprocessorMacro`.
class MacroArgumentExtractor(tu: IASTTranslationUnit, loc: IASTFileLocation) {
def getArguments: List[String] = {
val resolver = tu.getAdapter(classOf[ILocationResolver])
val expansion = resolver.getMacroExpansions(loc).headOption
expansion.toList.flatMap { exp =>
val dictionary: CharArrayMap[PreprocessorMacro] = createDictionary(exp)
val lexerOptions = tu.getAdapter(classOf[LexerOptions])
val expander = new MacroExpander(ILexerLog.NULL, dictionary, null, lexerOptions)
val tracker = new C2CpgMacroExpansionTracker(Integer.MAX_VALUE)
val source: String = resolver.getUnpreprocessedSignature(loc).mkString("")
val refLoc = exp.getFileLocation
val input = source.slice(0, refLoc.getNodeLength)
val enclosing = tu.getNodeSelector(null).findEnclosingNode(-1, 2)
val isPPCondition = enclosing.isInstanceOf[IASTPreprocessorIfStatement] || enclosing
expander.expand(input, tracker, tu.getFilePath, refLoc.getStartingLineNumber, isPPCondition)
private def createDictionary(expansion: IASTPreprocessorMacroExpansion): CharArrayMap[PreprocessorMacro] = {
val refs: Array[IASTName] = Array(expansion.getMacroReference)
val map = new CharArrayMap[PreprocessorMacro](refs.length)
refs.foreach(name => addMacroDefinition(map, name))
private def addMacroDefinition(map: CharArrayMap[PreprocessorMacro], name: IASTName): Unit = {
val binding = name.getBinding
binding match {
case preprocessorMacro: PreprocessorMacro =>
map.put(name.getSimpleID, preprocessorMacro);
case _ =>
class C2CpgMacroExpansionTracker(stepToTrack: Int) extends MacroExpansionTracker(stepToTrack) {
val arguments: mutable.Buffer[String] = mutable.Buffer()
override def setExpandedMacroArgument(tokenList: TokenList): Unit = {
if (tokenList != null) {
} else {
private def tokenListToString(tokenList: TokenList): String = {
var tok: IToken = tokenList.first()
var arg = ""
while (tok != null) {
arg += s"${tok.toString} "
tok = tok.getNext