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io.joern.console.Console.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package io.joern.console

import better.files.File
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.Cpg
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.cpgloading.CpgLoader
import io.joern.console.cpgcreation.ImportCode
import io.joern.console.workspacehandling.{Project, WorkspaceLoader, WorkspaceManager}
import io.joern.x2cpg.X2Cpg.defaultOverlayCreators
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.Cpg
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.cpgloading.CpgLoader
import io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.language.*
import io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.language.dotextension.ImageViewer
import io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.layers.{LayerCreator, LayerCreatorContext}

import scala.sys.process.Process
import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}

class Console[T <: Project](loader: WorkspaceLoader[T], baseDir: File = File.currentWorkingDirectory)(implicit
  availableWidthProvider: AvailableWidthProvider
) extends Reporting {

  import Console._

  private val _config       = new ConsoleConfig()
  def config: ConsoleConfig = _config
  def console: Console[T]   = this

  protected var workspaceManager: WorkspaceManager[T] = scala.compiletime.uninitialized
  protected def workspacePathName: String = workspaceManager.getPath

  private val nameOfCpgInProject = "cpg.bin"

  implicit object ConsoleImageViewer extends ImageViewer {
    def view(imagePathStr: String): Try[String] = {
      // We need to copy the file as the original one is only temporary
      // and gets removed immediately after running this viewer instance asynchronously via .run().
      val tmpFile = File(imagePathStr).copyTo(File.newTemporaryFile(suffix = ".svg"), overwrite = true)
      tmpFile.deleteOnExit(swallowIOExceptions = true)
      Try {
        val command = if (scala.util.Properties.isWin) { Seq("cmd.exe", "/C", }
        else { Seq( }
        Process(command :+ tmpFile.path.toAbsolutePath.toString).run()
      } match {
        case Success(_) =>
          // We never handle the actual result anywhere.
          // Hence, we just pass a success message.
          Success(s"Running viewer for '$tmpFile' finished.")
        case Failure(exc) =>
          System.err.println("Executing image viewer failed. Is it installed? ")

    info = "Access to the workspace directory",
    longInfo = """
                 |All auditing projects are stored in a workspace directory, and `workspace`
                 |provides programmatic access to this directory. Entering `workspace` provides
                 |a list of all projects, indicating which code the project makes accessible,
                 |whether the project is open, and which analyzers have been run to produce it.
                 |Multiple projects can be open at any given time, however, only one project
                 |can be active. Queries and edit-operations are executed on the active project
                 |`workspace` provides low-level access to the workspace directory. In most cases,
                 |it is a better idea to use higher-level operations such as `importCode`, `open`,
                 |`close`, and `delete`, which make use of workspace operations internally.
                 |*[name]): open project by name and make it the active project.
                 | If `name` is omitted, the last project in the workspace list is opened. If
                 | the project is already open, this has the same effect as `workspace.setActiveProject([name])`
                 |* workspace.close([name]): close project by name. Does not remove the project.
                 |* workspace.remove([name]): close and remove project by name.
                 |* workspace.reset: create a fresh workspace directory, deleting the current
                 |workspace directory
    example = "workspace"
  def workspace: WorkspaceManager[T] = workspaceManager

    info = "Close current workspace and open a different one",
    longInfo = """ | By default, the workspace in $INSTALL_DIR/workspace is used.
                 | This method allows specifying a different workspace directory
                 | via the `pathName` parameter.
                 | Before changing the workspace, the current workspace will be
                 | closed, saving any unsaved changes.
                 | If `pathName` points to a non-existing directory, then a new
                 | workspace is first created.
  def switchWorkspace(pathName: String): Unit = {
    if (workspaceManager != null) {
      report("Saving current workspace before changing workspace")
      workspaceManager.projects.foreach { p =>
    workspaceManager = new WorkspaceManager[T](pathName, loader)

  @Doc(info = "Currently active project", example = "project")
  def project: T =
    workspace.projectByCpg(cpg).getOrElse(throw new RuntimeException("No active project"))

    info = "CPG of the active project",
    longInfo = """
                 |Upon importing code, a project is created that holds
                 |an intermediate representation called `Code Property Graph`. This
                 |graph is a composition of low-level program representations such
                 |as abstract syntax trees and control flow graphs, but it can be arbitrarily
                 |extended to hold any information relevant in your audit, information
                 |about HTTP entry points, IO routines, information flows, or locations
                 |of vulnerable code. Think of Ocular and Joern as a CPG editors.
                 |In practice, `cpg` is the root object of the query language, that is, all
                 |query language constructs can be invoked starting from `cpg`. For example,
                 |`cpg.method.l` lists all methods, while `cpg.finding.l` lists all findings
                 |of potentially vulnerable code.
    example = "cpg.method.l"
  implicit def cpg: Cpg = workspace.cpg

  /** All cpgs loaded in the workspace
  def cpgs: Iterator[Cpg] = {
    if (workspace.projects.lastOption.isEmpty) {
    } else {
      val activeProjectName =
      (workspace.projects.filter(_.cpg.isDefined).iterator.flatMap { project =>
      } ++ Iterator({ open(activeProjectName); None })).flatten

  // Provide `.l` on iterators, specifically so
  // that `cpgs.flatMap($query).l` is possible
  implicit class ItExtend[X](it: Iterator[X]) {
    def l: List[X] = it.toList

    info = "Open project by name",
    longInfo = """
                 |Opens the project named `name` and make it the active project.
                 |If `name` is not provided, the active project is opened. If `name`
                 |is a path, the project name is derived from and a deprecation
                 |warning is printed.
                 |Upon completion of this operation, the CPG stored in this project
                 |can be queried via `cpg`. Returns an optional reference to the
                 |project, which is empty on error.
    example = """open("projectName")"""
  def open(name: String): Option[Project] = {
    val projectName = fixProjectNameAndComplainOnFix(name)
    workspace.openProject(projectName).map { project =>

    info = "Open project for input path",
    longInfo = """
                 |Opens the project of the CPG generated for the input path `input-path`.
                 |Upon completion of this operation, the CPG stored in this project
                 |can be queried via `cpg`. Returns an optional reference to the
                 |project, which is empty on error.
  def openForInputPath(inputPath: String): Option[Project] = {
    val absInputPath = File(inputPath).path.toAbsolutePath.toString
      .filter(x => x.inputPath == absInputPath)

  /** Open the active project
  def open: Option[Project] = {
    workspace.projects.lastOption.flatMap { p =>

  /** Delete project from disk and remove it from the workspace manager. Returns the (now invalid) project.
    * @param name
    *   the name of the project
  @Doc(info = "Close and remove project from disk", example = "delete(projectName)")
  def delete(name: String): Option[Unit] = {

  @Doc(info = "Exit the REPL")
  def exit: Unit = {

  /** Delete the active project
  def delete: Option[Unit] = delete("")

  protected def defaultProjectNameIfEmpty(name: String): Option[String] = {
    if (name.isEmpty) {
      val projectNameOpt = workspace.projectByCpg(cpg).map(
      if (projectNameOpt.isEmpty) {
        report("Fatal: cannot find project for active CPG")
    } else {

    info = "Write all changes to disk",
    longInfo = """
                 |Close and reopen all loaded CPGs. This ensures
                 |that changes have been flushed to disk.
                 |Returns list of affected projects
    example = "save"
  def save: List[Project] = {
    report("Saving graphs on disk. This may take a while.")
    workspace.projects.collect {
      case p: Project if p.cpg.isDefined =>

    info = "Create new project from code",
    longInfo = """
                 |importCode(, [projectName], [namespaces], [language])
                 |Type `importCode` alone to get a list of all supported languages
                 |Import code at `inputPath`. Creates a new project, generates a CPG,
                 |and opens the project. Upon success, the CPG can be queried via the `cpg`
                 |object. Default overlays are already applied to the newly created CPG.
                 |Returns new CPG and ensures that `cpg` now refers to this new CPG.
                 |By default, `importCode` attempts to guess the source language of
                 |the code you provide. You can also specify the source language
                 |manually, by running `importCode.`. For example, `importCode.c`
                 |runs the C/C++ frontend.
                 |Type `importCode` alone to get an overview of all available language modules.
                 |inputPath: location on disk of the code to analyze. e.g., a directory
                 |containing source code or a Java archive (JAR).
                 |projectName: a unique name used for project management. If this parameter
                 |is omitted, the name will be derived from `inputPath`
                 |namespaces: the whitelist of namespaces to analyse. Specifying this
                 |parameter is only effective if the language frontend supports it.
                 |If the list is omitted or empty, namespace selection is performed
                 |automatically via heuristics.
                 |language: the programming language which the code at `inputPath` is written in.
                 |If `language` is empty, the language used is guessed by inspecting
                 |the filename found and possibly by looking into the file/directory.
    example = """importCode("example.jar")"""
  def importCode = new ImportCode(this)

    info = "Create new project from existing CPG",
    longInfo = """
                 |importCpg(, [projectName], [enhance])
                 |Import an existing CPG. The CPG is stored as part
                 |of a new project and blanks are filled in by analyzing the CPG.
                 |If we find that default overlays have not been applied, these
                 |are applied to the CPG after loading it.
                 |inputPath: path where the existing CPG (in overflowdb format)
                 |is stored
                 |projectName: name of the new project. If this parameter
                 |is omitted, the path is derived from `inputPath`
                 |enhance: run default overlays and post-processing passes. Defaults to `true`.
                 |Pass `enhance=false` to disable the enhancements.
    example = """importCpg("")"""
  def importCpg(inputPath: String, projectName: String = "", enhance: Boolean = true): Option[Cpg] = {
    val name =
      Option(projectName).filter(_.nonEmpty).getOrElse(deriveNameFromInputPath(inputPath, workspace))
    val cpgFile = File(inputPath)

    if (!cpgFile.exists) {
      report(s"CPG at $inputPath does not exist. Bailing out.")
      return None

    System.err.println(s"Creating project `$name` for CPG at `$inputPath`")
    val pathToProject         = workspace.createProject(inputPath, name)
    val cpgDestinationPathOpt =

    if (cpgDestinationPathOpt.isEmpty) {
      report(s"Error creating project for input path: `$inputPath`")
      return None

    val cpgDestinationPath = cpgDestinationPathOpt.get

    val isProtoFormat      = CpgLoader.isProtoFormat(cpgFile.path)
    val isOverflowDbFormat = CpgLoader.isOverflowDbFormat(cpgFile.path)
    if (isProtoFormat || isOverflowDbFormat) {
      if (isProtoFormat) report("You have provided a legacy proto CPG. Attempting conversion.")
      else if (isOverflowDbFormat) report("You have provided a legacy overflowdb CPG. Attempting conversion.")
      try {
        val cpg = CpgLoader.load(cpgFile.path, cpgDestinationPath)
      } catch {
        case exc: Exception =>
          report("Error converting legacy CPG: " + exc.getMessage)
          return None
    } else {
      cpgFile.copyTo(cpgDestinationPath, overwrite = true)

    val cpgOpt = open(name).flatMap(_.cpg)

    if (cpgOpt.isEmpty) {

    if (enhance) {
        .foreach { cpg =>

    info = "Close project by name",
    longInfo = """|Close project. Resources are freed but the project remains on disk.
                  |The project remains active, that is, calling `cpg` now raises an
                  |exception. A different project can now be activated using `open`.
    example = "close(projectName)"
  def close(name: String): Option[Project] = defaultProjectNameIfEmpty(name).flatMap(workspace.closeProject)

  def close: Option[Project] = close("")

  /** Close the project and open it again.
    * @param name
    *   the name of the project
  def reload(name: String): Option[Project] = {
    close(name).flatMap(p => open(

  def applyPostProcessingPasses(cpg: Cpg): Cpg = {
    new io.joern.console.cpgcreation.CpgGeneratorFactory(_config).forLanguage(cpg.metaData.language.l.head) match {
      case Some(frontend) => frontend.applyPostProcessingPasses(cpg)
      case None           => cpg

  def applyDefaultOverlays(cpg: Cpg): Cpg = {
    val appliedOverlays = io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.Overlays.appliedOverlays(cpg)
    if (appliedOverlays.isEmpty) {
      report("Adding default overlays to base CPG")

  def _runAnalyzer(overlayCreators: LayerCreator*): Cpg = {

    overlayCreators.foreach { creator =>
      val overlayDirName =
        workspace.getNextOverlayDirName(cpg, creator.overlayName)

      val projectOpt = workspace.projectByCpg(cpg)
      if (projectOpt.isEmpty) {
        throw new RuntimeException("No record for CPG. Please use `importCode`/`importCpg/open`")

      if (projectOpt.get.appliedOverlays.contains(creator.overlayName)) {
        report(s"Overlay ${creator.overlayName} already exists - skipping")
      } else {
        runCreator(creator, Some(overlayDirName))
      "The graph has been modified. You may want to use the `save` command to persist changes to disk.  All changes will also be saved collectively on exit"

  protected def runCreator(creator: LayerCreator, overlayDirName: Option[String]): Unit = {
    val context = new LayerCreatorContext(cpg, overlayDirName)

  // We still tie the project name to the input path here
  // if no project name has been provided.

  def fixProjectNameAndComplainOnFix(name: String): String = {
    val projectName = Some(name)
      .map(x => deriveNameFromInputPath(x, workspace))
    if (name != projectName) {
      System.err.println("Passing paths to `loadCpg` is deprecated, please use a project name")


object Console {
  val nameOfLegacyCpgInProject = ""

  def deriveNameFromInputPath[T <: Project](inputPath: String, workspace: WorkspaceManager[T]): String = {
    val name    = File(inputPath).name
    val project = workspace.project(name)
    if (project.isDefined && project.exists(_.inputPath != inputPath)) {
      var i = 1
      while (workspace.project(name + i).isDefined) {
        i += 1
      name + i
    } else {

class ConsoleException(message: String, cause: Option[Throwable])
    extends RuntimeException(message, cause.orNull)
    with NoStackTrace {
  def this(message: String) = this(message, None)
  def this(message: String, cause: Throwable) = this(message, Option(cause))

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