flatgraph.traversal.Language.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package flatgraph.traversal
import flatgraph.help.{Doc, Traversal}
import flatgraph.{Accessors, Edge, GNode, MultiPropertyKey, OptionalPropertyKey, PropertyKey, Schema, SinglePropertyKey}
import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound
import scala.collection.immutable.ArraySeq
import scala.collection.{Iterator, mutable}
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
object language extends language
trait language {
implicit def iterableOnceToIterator[A](iter: IterableOnce[A]): Iterator[A] =
implicit def iterableToGenericSteps[A](iter: IterableOnce[A]): GenericSteps[A] =
new GenericSteps[A](iter.iterator)
implicit def gNodeToNodeMethods(node: GNode): NodeMethods =
new NodeMethods(node)
implicit def iterableToNodeSteps[A <: GNode](iter: IterableOnce[A]): NodeSteps[A] =
new NodeSteps[A](iter.iterator)
implicit def iterableToEdgeSteps[A <: Edge](iter: IterableOnce[A]): EdgeSteps[A] =
new EdgeSteps[A](iter.iterator)
implicit def iteratorToNumericSteps[A: Numeric](iter: IterableOnce[A]): NumericSteps[A] =
new NumericSteps[A](iter)
@Traversal(elementType = classOf[AnyRef])
class GenericSteps[A](iterator: Iterator[A]) extends AnyVal {
/** Execute the traversal and convert the result to a list - shorthand for `toList` */
@Doc(info = "Execute the traversal and convert the result to a list - shorthand for `toList`")
def l: List[A] = iterator.toList
/** group elements and count how often they appear */
@Doc(info = "group elements and count how often they appear")
def groupCount[B >: A]: Map[B, Int] =
/** group elements by a given transformation function and count how often the results appear */
@Doc(info = "group elements by a given transformation function and count how often the results appear")
def groupCount[B](by: A => B): Map[B, Int] = {
val counts = mutable.Map.empty[B, Int].withDefaultValue(0)
iterator.foreach { a =>
val b = by(a)
val newValue = counts(b) + 1
counts.update(b, newValue)
def groupBy[K](f: A => K): Map[K, List[A]] = l.groupBy(f)
def groupMap[K, B](key: A => K)(f: A => B): Map[K, List[B]] = l.groupMap(key)(f)
def groupMapReduce[K, B](key: A => K)(f: A => B)(reduce: (B, B) => B): Map[K, B] = l.groupMapReduce(key)(f)(reduce)
/** Execute the traversal and return a mutable.Set (better performance than `immutableSet` and has stable iterator order)
def toSetMutable[B >: A]: mutable.LinkedHashSet[B] = mutable.LinkedHashSet.from(iterator)
/** Execute the traversal and convert the result to an immutable Set. */
def toSetImmutable[B >: A]: Set[B] = iterator.toSet
/** Execute the traversal without returning anything */
@Doc(info = "Execute the traversal without returning anything")
def iterate(): Unit =
while (iterator.hasNext) iterator.next()
def countTrav: Iterator[Int] =
def head: A = iterator.next()
def headOption: Option[A] = iterator.nextOption()
def last: A = {
var res = iterator.next()
while (iterator.hasNext) res = iterator.next()
def lastOption: Option[A] =
if (iterator.hasNext) Some(last) else None
/** casts all elements to given type note: this can lead to casting errors
* @see
* {{{collectAll}}} as a safe alternative
@Doc(info = "casts all elements to given type")
def cast[B]: Iterator[B] =
/** collects all elements of the given class (beware of type-erasure) */
@Doc(info = "collects all elements of the provided class (beware of type-erasure)")
def collectAll[B](implicit ev: ClassTag[B]): Iterator[B] =
/** Deduplicate elements of this traversal - a.k.a. distinct, unique, ... */
@Doc(info = "deduplicate elements of this traversal - a.k.a. distinct, unique, ...")
def dedup: Iterator[A] =
/** deduplicate elements of this traversal by a given function */
@Doc(info = "deduplicate elements of this traversal by a given function")
def dedupBy(fun: A => Any): Iterator[A] =
/** sort elements by their natural order */
@Doc(info = "sort elements by their natural order")
def sorted[B >: A](implicit ord: Ordering[B]): Seq[B] = {
(iterator.to(ArraySeq.untagged): ArraySeq[B]).sorted
/** sort elements by the value of the given transformation function */
@Doc(info = "sort elements by the value of the given transformation function")
def sortBy[B](f: A => B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): Seq[A] =
/** filters out everything that is _not_ the given value */
@Doc(info = "filters out everything that is _not_ the given value")
def is[B >: A](value: B): Iterator[A] =
iterator.filter(_ == value)
/** filters out all elements that are _not_ in the provided set */
@Doc(info = "filters out all elements that are _not_ in the provided set")
def within[B >: A](values: Set[B]): Iterator[A] =
/** filters out all elements that _are_ in the provided set */
@Doc(info = "filters out all elements that _are_ in the provided set")
def without[B >: A](values: Set[B]): Iterator[A] =
/** perform side effect without changing the contents of the traversal */
@Doc(info = "perform side effect without changing the contents of the traversal")
def sideEffect(fun: A => ?): Iterator[A] =
iterator match {
case pathAwareTraversal: PathAwareTraversal[?] =>
case _ =>
iterator.map { a =>
/** perform side effect without changing the contents of the traversal will only apply the partialFunction if it is defined for the given
* input - analogous to `collect`
@Doc(info = "perform side effect without changing the contents of the traversal")
def sideEffectPF(pf: PartialFunction[A, ?]): Iterator[A] =
/** only preserves elements if the provided traversal has at least one result */
@Doc(info = "only preserves elements if the provided traversal has at least one result")
def where(trav: Iterator[A] => Iterator[?]): Iterator[A] =
iterator.filter { (a: A) =>
/** only preserves elements if the provided traversal does _not_ have any results */
@Doc(info = "only preserves elements if the provided traversal does _not_ have any results")
def whereNot(trav: Iterator[A] => Iterator[?]): Iterator[A] =
iterator.filter { (a: A) =>
/** only preserves elements if the provided traversal does _not_ have any results - alias for whereNot */
@Doc(info = "only preserves elements if the provided traversal does _not_ have any results - alias for whereNot")
def not(trav: Iterator[A] => Iterator[?]): Iterator[A] =
/** only preserves elements for which _at least one of_ the given traversals has at least one result Works for arbitrary amount of 'OR'
* traversals.
* @example
* {{{.or(_.label("someLabel"), _.has("someProperty"))}}}
@Doc(info = "only preserves elements for which _at least one of_ the given traversals has at least one result")
def or(traversals: (Iterator[A] => Iterator[?])*): Iterator[A] = {
iterator.filter { (a: A) =>
traversals.exists { trav =>
/** only preserves elements for which _all of_ the given traversals have at least one result Works for arbitrary amount of 'AND'
* traversals.
* @example
* {{{.and(_.label("someLabel"), _.has("someProperty"))}}}
@Doc(info = "only preserves elements for which _all of_ the given traversals have at least one result")
def and(traversals: (Iterator[A] => Iterator[?])*): Iterator[A] = {
iterator.filter { (a: A) =>
traversals.forall { trav =>
/** union step from the current point
* @param traversals
* to be executed from here, results are being aggregated/summed/unioned
* @example
* {{{.union(_.out, _.in)}}}
@Doc(info = "union/sum/aggregate/join given traversals from the current point")
def union[B](traversals: (Iterator[A] => Iterator[B])*): Iterator[B] = iterator match {
case pathAwareTraversal: PathAwareTraversal[?] =>
case _ =>
iterator.flatMap { (a: A) =>
/** Branch step: based on the current element, match on something given a traversal, and provide resulting traversals based on the matched
* element. Allows to implement conditional semantics: if, if/else, if/elseif, if/elseif/else, ...
* @param on
* Traversal to get to what you want to match on
* @tparam BranchOn
* required to be >: Null because the implementation is using `null` as the default value. I didn't find a better way to implement all
* semantics with the niceties of PartialFunction, and also yolo...
* @param options
* PartialFunction from the matched element to the resulting traversal
* @tparam NewEnd
* The element type of the resulting traversal
* @example
* {{{
* .choose(_.property(Name)) {
* case "L1" => _.out
* case "R1" => _.repeat(_.out)(_.maxDepth(3))
* case _ => _.in
* }
* }}}
* @see
* LogicalStepsTests
@Doc(info = "allows to implement conditional semantics: if, if/else, if/elseif, if/elseif/else, ...")
def choose[BranchOn >: Null, NewEnd](
on: Iterator[A] => Iterator[BranchOn]
)(options: PartialFunction[BranchOn, Iterator[A] => Iterator[NewEnd]]): Iterator[NewEnd] = iterator match {
case pathAwareTraversal: PathAwareTraversal[?] =>
pathAwareTraversal.asInstanceOf[PathAwareTraversal[A]]._choose[BranchOn, NewEnd](on)(options)
case _ =>
iterator.flatMap { (a: A) =>
val branchOnValue: BranchOn = on(Iterator.single(a)).nextOption().getOrElse(null)
.applyOrElse(branchOnValue, (failState: BranchOn) => ((unused: Iterator[A]) => Iterator.empty[NewEnd]))
@Doc(info = "evaluates the provided traversals in order and returns the first traversal that emits at least one element")
def coalesce[NewEnd](options: (Iterator[A] => Iterator[NewEnd])*): Iterator[NewEnd] = iterator match {
case pathAwareTraversal: PathAwareTraversal[?] =>
case _ =>
iterator.flatMap { (a: A) =>
.collectFirst {
case option if option.nonEmpty => option
@Doc(info = "enable path tracking - prerequisite for path/simplePath steps")
def enablePathTracking: PathAwareTraversal[A] =
iterator match {
case pathAwareTraversal: PathAwareTraversal[_] => throw new RuntimeException("path tracking is already enabled")
case _ => new PathAwareTraversal[A](iterator.map { a => (a, Vector.empty) })
@Doc(info = "enable path tracking - prerequisite for path/simplePath steps")
def discardPathTracking: Iterator[A] =
iterator match {
case pathAwareTraversal: PathAwareTraversal[?] =>
case _ =>
def isPathTracking: Boolean =
/** retrieve entire path that has been traversed thus far prerequisite: enablePathTracking has been called previously
* @example
* {{{
* myTraversal.enablePathTracking.out.out.path.toList
* }}}
* TODO would be nice to preserve the types of the elements, at least if they have a common supertype
@Doc(info = "retrieve entire path that has been traversed thus far")
def path: Iterator[Vector[Any]] = iterator match {
case tracked: PathAwareTraversal[?] =>
tracked.wrapped.map { case (a, p) =>
case _ =>
throw new AssertionError(
"path tracking not enabled, please make sure you have a `PathAwareTraversal`, e.g. via `Traversal.enablePathTracking`"
} // fixme: I think ClassCastException is the correct result when the user forgot to enable path tracking. But a better error message to go along with it would be nice.
def simplePath: Iterator[A] = iterator match {
case tracked: PathAwareTraversal[?] =>
new PathAwareTraversal(tracked.asInstanceOf[PathAwareTraversal[A]].wrapped.filter { case (a, p) =>
mutable.Set.from(p).addOne(a).size == 1 + p.size
case _ =>
throw new AssertionError(
"path tracking not enabled, please make sure you have a `PathAwareTraversal`, e.g. via `Traversal.enablePathTracking`"
/** Repeat the given traversal
* By default it will continue repeating until there's no more results, not emit anything along the way, and use depth first search.
* The @param behaviourBuilder allows you to configure end conditions (until|whilst|maxDepth), whether it should emit elements it passes
* by, and which search algorithm to use (depth-first or breadth-first).
* Search algorithm: Depth First Search (DFS) vs Breadth First Search (BFS): DFS means the repeat step will go deep before wide. BFS does
* the opposite: wide before deep. For example, given the graph {{{L3 <- L2 <- L1 <- Center -> R1 -> R2 -> R3 -> R4}}} DFS will iterate
* the nodes in the order: {{{Center, L1, L2, L3, R1, R2, R3, R4}}} BFS will iterate the nodes in the order:
* {{{Center, L1, R1, R1, R2, L3, R3, R4}}}
* @example
* {{{
* .repeat(_.out) // repeat until there's no more elements, emit nothing, use DFS
* .repeat(_.out)(_.maxDepth(3)) // perform exactly three repeat iterations
* .repeat(_.out)(_.until(_.property(Name).endsWith("2"))) // repeat until the 'Name' property ends with '2'
* .repeat(_.out)(_.emit) // emit everything along the way
* .repeat(_.out)(_.emit.breadthFirstSearch) // emit everything, use BFS
* .repeat(_.out)(_.emit(_.property(Name).startsWith("L"))) // emit if the 'Name' property starts with 'L'
* }}}
* @note
* this works for domain-specific steps as well as generic graph steps - for details please take a look at the examples in
* RepeatTraversalTests: both '''.followedBy''' and '''.out''' work.
* @see
* RepeatTraversalTests for more detail and examples for all of the above.
@Doc(info = "repeat the given traversal")
def repeat[B >: A](
repeatTraversal: Iterator[A] => Iterator[B]
)(implicit behaviourBuilder: RepeatBehaviour.Builder[B] => RepeatBehaviour.Builder[B] = RepeatBehaviour.noop[B]): Iterator[B] = {
val behaviour = behaviourBuilder(new RepeatBehaviour.Builder[B]).build
// this cast usually :tm: safe, because `B` is a supertype of `A`
val _repeatTraversal = repeatTraversal.asInstanceOf[Iterator[B] => Iterator[B]]
iterator match {
case tracked: PathAwareTraversal[?] =>
val step = PathAwareRepeatStep(_repeatTraversal, behaviour)
new PathAwareTraversal(tracked.asInstanceOf[PathAwareTraversal[A]].wrapped.flatMap { case (a, p) =>
step.apply(a).wrapped.map { case (aa, pp) => (aa, p ++ pp) }
case _ =>
iterator.flatMap(RepeatStep(_repeatTraversal, behaviour))
class NodeMethods(node: GNode) extends AnyVal {
import flatgraph.traversal.language.*
/** follow _all_ OUT edges to their adjacent nodes */
def out: Iterator[GNode] =
/** follow _all_ IN edges to their adjacent nodes */
def in: Iterator[GNode] =
/** follow the given OUT edge(s) to their adjacent nodes */
def out(edgeLabel: String): Iterator[GNode] =
Accessors.getNeighborsOut(node, edgeKind = edgeKind(edgeLabel))
/** follow the given IN edge(s) to their adjacent nodes */
def in(edgeLabel: String): Iterator[GNode] =
Accessors.getNeighborsIn(node, edgeKind = edgeKind(edgeLabel))
/** follow _all_ OUT and IN edges to their adjacent nodes */
def both: Iterator[GNode] =
out ++ in
/** follow the given IN and OUT edge(s) to their adjacent nodes */
@Doc("follow the given OUT and IN edge(s) to their adjacent nodes")
def both(edgeLabel: String): Iterator[GNode] =
out(edgeLabel) ++ in(edgeLabel)
/** follow all OUT edge(s) */
def outE: Iterator[Edge] =
/** follow all IN edge(s) */
def inE: Iterator[Edge] =
/** follow the given OUT edge(s) */
def outE(edgeLabel: String): Iterator[Edge] =
Accessors.getEdgesOut(node, edgeKind = edgeKind(edgeLabel))
/** follow the given IN edge(s) */
def inE(edgeLabel: String): Iterator[Edge] =
Accessors.getEdgesIn(node, edgeKind = edgeKind(edgeLabel))
/** follow _all_ OUT and IN edge(s) */
@Doc("follow all OUT and IN edge(s)")
def bothE: Iterator[Edge] =
outE ++ inE
/** follow the given OUT and IN edge(s) */
@Doc("follow the given OUT and IN edge(s)")
def bothE(edgeLabel: String): Iterator[Edge] =
outE(edgeLabel) ++ inE(edgeLabel)
// the "property" accessors have somewhat special behavior. They don't throw if the property is not present,
// and they distinguish whether the property formally exists on the node-type as multi-valued thing.
// the static info from the propertyKey is ignored.
// this semantics may or may not be desirable -- but it is what odbv1 does, and these are compat anyway.
// we don't really want to specialize here -- otherwise we can get nonsense like `null.asInstanceOf[Double]`
def property[ValueType](propertyKey: SinglePropertyKey[ValueType]): ValueType =
Accessors.getNodePropertySingle(node.graph, node.nodeKind, propertyKey.kind, node.seq(), propertyKey.default)
def property[ValueType](propertyKey: OptionalPropertyKey[ValueType]): Option[ValueType] =
Accessors.getNodePropertyOption(node.graph, node.nodeKind, propertyKey.kind, node.seq())
def property[ValueType](propertyKey: MultiPropertyKey[ValueType]): IndexedSeq[ValueType] =
Accessors.getNodePropertyMulti(node.graph, node.nodeKind, propertyKey.kind, node.seq())
def propertyOption[ValueType](propertyKey: SinglePropertyKey[ValueType]): Option[ValueType] =
Accessors.getNodePropertyOption(node.graph, node.nodeKind, propertyKey.kind, node.seq())
def propertyOption[ValueType](propertyKey: OptionalPropertyKey[ValueType]): Option[ValueType] =
Accessors.getNodePropertyOption(node.graph, node.nodeKind, propertyKey.kind, node.seq())
// TODO this should rather return `None` for an undefined property, rather than `Some(Seq.empty)`, but we only want
// to make that change after joern's transition to flatgraph - see https://github.com/joernio/joern/pull/4382
def propertyOption[ValueType](propertyKey: MultiPropertyKey[ValueType]): Option[IndexedSeq[ValueType]] =
Option(Accessors.getNodePropertyMulti(node.graph, node.nodeKind, propertyKey.kind, node.seq()))
/** lookup property value by name - warning, this may return `null` if property is unset */
def property[ValueType >: Null](name: String): ValueType =
def propertyOption[ValueType](name: String): Option[ValueType] = {
node.graph.schema.getPropertyKindByName(name) match {
case Schema.UndefinedKind =>
case propertyKind =>
Accessors.getNodePropertyOptionCompat(node, propertyKind).asInstanceOf[Option[ValueType]]
def propertiesMap: java.util.Map[String, AnyRef] = {
val ret = new java.util.HashMap[String, AnyRef]()
val schema = node.graph.schema
schema.propertyKinds.foreach { propertyKind =>
Accessors.getNodePropertyOptionCompat(node, propertyKind).foreach { value =>
val key = schema.getPropertyLabel(node.nodeKind, propertyKind)
ret.put(key, value)
private def edgeKind(edgeLabel: String): Int =
@Traversal(elementType = classOf[GNode])
class NodeSteps[A <: GNode](traversal: Iterator[A]) extends AnyVal {
import flatgraph.traversal.language.*
/** `id` combines nodeKind and seq into a unique id Mostly for backwards compatibility with overflowdb v1 where nodes have a `id: Long`
def id: Iterator[Long] =
/** filter by `id` */
def id(value: Long): Iterator[A] =
traversal.filter(_.id() == value)
/** filter by `id`s */
def id(values: Long*): Iterator[A] = {
val valuesSet = values.toSet
traversal.filter(node => valuesSet.contains(node.id()))
/** traverse to the node label */
@Doc(info = "Traverse to the node label")
def label: Iterator[String] =
/** filter by the node label */
def label(value: String): Iterator[A] =
traversal.filter(_.label() == value)
/** filter by the node labels */
def label(values: String*): Iterator[A] = {
val wanted = values.toSet
traversal.filter(node => wanted.contains(node.label()))
/** alias for {{{label}}} */
def hasLabel(value: String): Iterator[A] =
/** alias for {{{label}}} */
def hasLabel(values: String*): Iterator[A] =
/** filter by the node label (inverse) */
def labelNot(value: String): Iterator[A] =
traversal.filterNot(_.label() == value)
/** filter by the node labels (inverse) */
def labelNot(value1: String, valueN: String*): Iterator[A] = {
val unwanted = (valueN :+ value1).toSet
traversal.filterNot(node => unwanted.contains(node.label()))
/** Filter elements by existence of property (irrespective of value) */
def has(name: String): Iterator[A] =
/** Filter elements by (non-)existence of property (irrespective of value) */
def hasNot(name: String): Iterator[A] =
/** Filter elements by property value */
def has(key: String, value: Any): Iterator[A] = {
val wrappedValue = Option(value)
traversal.filter(_.propertyOption(key) == wrappedValue)
/** Filter elements by property value */
def hasNot(key: String, value: Any): Iterator[A] = {
val wrappedValue = Option(value)
traversal.filterNot(_.propertyOption(key) == wrappedValue)
/** follow _all_ OUT edges to their adjacent nodes */
def out: Iterator[GNode] =
/** follow _all_ IN edges to their adjacent nodes */
def in: Iterator[GNode] =
/** follow _all_ OUT and IN edges to their adjacent nodes */
def both: Iterator[GNode] =
traversal.flatMap(node => node.out ++ node.in)
/** follow the given OUT edge(s) to their adjacent nodes */
@Doc("follow the given OUT edge(s) to their adjacent nodes")
def out(edgeLabel: String): Iterator[GNode] =
/** follow the given IN edge(s) to their adjacent nodes */
@Doc("follow the given IN edge(s) to their adjacent nodes")
def in(edgeLabel: String): Iterator[GNode] =
/** follow the given IN and OUT edge(s) to their adjacent nodes */
@Doc("follow the given OUT and IN edge(s) to their adjacent nodes")
def both(edgeLabel: String): Iterator[GNode] =
traversal.flatMap(node => node.out(edgeLabel) ++ node.in(edgeLabel))
/** follow all OUT edge(s) */
def outE: Iterator[Edge] =
/** follow all IN edge(s) */
def inE: Iterator[Edge] =
/** follow the given OUT edge(s) */
def outE(edgeLabel: String): Iterator[Edge] =
/** follow the given IN edge(s) */
def inE(edgeLabel: String): Iterator[Edge] =
/** follow _all_ IN and OUT edge(s) */
@Doc("follow all given OUT and IN edge(s)")
def bothE: Iterator[Edge] =
traversal.flatMap(node => node.outE ++ node.inE)
/** follow the given IN and OUT edge(s) */
@Doc("follow the given OUT and IN edge(s)")
def bothE(edgeLabel: String): Iterator[Edge] =
traversal.flatMap(node => node.outE(edgeLabel) ++ node.inE(edgeLabel))
@Doc("lookup a property value")
def property[@specialized T](name: String): Iterator[T] =
def property[@specialized ValueType](propertyKey: PropertyKey[ValueType, ?]): Iterator[ValueType] =
propertyKey match {
case propertyKey: SinglePropertyKey[_] => property(propertyKey)
case propertyKey: OptionalPropertyKey[_] => property(propertyKey)
case propertyKey: MultiPropertyKey[_] => property(propertyKey)
def property[@specialized ValueType](propertyKey: SinglePropertyKey[ValueType]): Iterator[ValueType] =
def property[@specialized ValueType](propertyKey: OptionalPropertyKey[ValueType]): Iterator[ValueType] =
def property[@specialized ValueType](propertyKey: MultiPropertyKey[ValueType]): Iterator[ValueType] =
def propertiesMap: Iterator[java.util.Map[String, AnyRef]] =
@Traversal(elementType = classOf[Edge])
class EdgeSteps[A <: Edge](traversal: Iterator[A]) extends AnyVal {
/** traverse to source node: [A] --- edge --> B
def src: Iterator[GNode] =
/** traverse to destination node A --- edge --> [B] */
def dst: Iterator[GNode] =
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