flatgraph.formats.ExporterMain.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package flatgraph.formats
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import flatgraph.formats.dot.DotExporter
import flatgraph.formats.graphml.GraphMLExporter
import flatgraph.formats.graphson.GraphSONExporter
import flatgraph.formats.neo4jcsv.Neo4jCsvExporter
import flatgraph.storage.Deserialization
import scopt.OParser
import java.nio.file.{Files, Path, Paths}
import scala.util.Using
/** Base functionality to export a given flatgraph to various export formats. */
object ExporterMain {
lazy val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)
def apply(): Array[String] => Unit = { args =>
.parse(parser, args, Config(Paths.get("/dev/null"), null, Paths.get("/dev/null")))
.map { case Config(inputFile, format, outputFile) =>
if (Files.notExists(inputFile))
throw new AssertionError(s"given input file $inputFile does not exist")
if (Files.exists(outputFile)) {
if (Files.isRegularFile(outputFile))
throw new AssertionError(s"output file $outputFile already exists and is not a directory")
} else {
val exporter: Exporter = format match {
case Format.Neo4jCsv => Neo4jCsvExporter
case Format.GraphML => GraphMLExporter
case Format.GraphSON => GraphSONExporter
case Format.Dot => DotExporter
logger.info(s"starting export of graph in $inputFile to storagePath=$outputFile in format=$format")
val ExportResult(nodeCount, edgeCount, files, additionalInfo) =
Using.resource(Deserialization.readGraph(inputFile, schemaMaybe = None)) { graph =>
exporter.runExport(graph, outputFile)
logger.info(s"export completed successfully: $nodeCount nodes, $edgeCount edges in ${files.size} files")
private lazy val builder = OParser.builder[Config]
private lazy val parser = {
import builder._
help("help").text("prints this usage text"),
opt[String]('f', "format")
.action((x, c) => c.copy(format = Format.byNameLowercase(x)))
.text(s"export format, one of [${Format.valuesAsStringLowercase.mkString("|")}]"),
opt[Path]('o', "out") // will be able to read a `Path` with scopt 4.0.2+ (once released)
.action((x, c) => c.copy(outputFile = x))
.text("output file or directory - must exist and be writable"),
.action((x, c) => c.copy(inputFile = x))
.text("input flatgraph graph file - must exist and be readable")
private case class Config(inputFile: Path, format: Format.Value, outputFile: Path)