io.joern.javasrc2cpg.util.SourceRootFinder.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.joern.javasrc2cpg.util
import better.files.File
/** Given a `codeDirectory`, the SourceRootFinder attempts to find all the source roots (so that the subdirectories
* match the package structure of the source files). The JavaParserTypeSolver is path-dependent, so without this the
* user would need to ensure that they specify the correct source directory when running javasrc2cpg.
* This works by checking if any subdirectories of the given directory match common java directory structures. In order
* of preference: * Maven's default structure, e.g. src/main/java/io/... and src/test/java/io/... * Top-level src and
* test directories, e.g. src/io/... and test/io/... If neither of these match, then it defaults to using the given
* user input as the source root.
object SourceRootFinder {
private val excludes: Set[String] = Set("test", ".mvn", ".git")
private def statePreSrc(currentDir: File): List[File] = {
currentDir.children.filter(_.isDirectory).toList.flatMap { child => match {
case name if excludes.contains(name) => Nil
case "src" => stateSrc(child)
case "main" => statePostSrc(child)
case "java" => child :: Nil
case _ => statePreSrc(child)
private def stateSrc(currentDir: File): List[File] = {
val mainChildren = currentDir.children.filter(_.isDirectory).toList.flatMap { child => match {
case name if excludes.contains(name) => Nil
case "main" => statePostSrc(child)
case _ => Nil
val nonMainChildren = currentDir.children.filter(_.isDirectory).toList.flatMap { child => match {
case name if excludes.contains(name) => Nil
case "main" => Nil
case _ => statePostSrc(child)
val hasExcludedDir = currentDir.children.filter(_.isDirectory).toList.exists(file => excludes.contains(
(mainChildren, nonMainChildren) match {
case (Nil, Nil) =>
// probably a src/test directory in a tests-only module
if (hasExcludedDir) Nil else List(currentDir)
case (mainC, Nil) =>
// probably follows the common src/main/ structure
case (Nil, _) =>
// the non-main children are probably package roots
case (mainC, nonMC) =>
// main a package root here?
mainC ++ nonMC
private def statePostSrc(currentDir: File): List[File] = {
val javaChildren = currentDir.children.filter(_.isDirectory).toList.flatMap { child => match {
case name if excludes.contains(name) => Nil
case _ => child :: Nil
javaChildren match {
case Nil => currentDir :: Nil
case _ => javaChildren
private def listBottomLevelSubdirectories(currentDir: File): List[File] = {
val srcDirs = match {
case name if excludes.contains(name) => Nil
case "src" => stateSrc(currentDir)
case "main" => statePostSrc(currentDir)
case "java" => List(currentDir)
case _ => statePreSrc(currentDir)
srcDirs match {
case Nil => List(currentDir)
case _ => srcDirs
def getSourceRoots(codeDir: String): List[String] = {