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package io.joern.javasrc2cpg.util
import better.files.File
import com.github.javaparser.{JavaParser, ParserConfiguration}
import com.github.javaparser.ParserConfiguration.LanguageLevel
import com.github.javaparser.ast.CompilationUnit
import com.github.javaparser.ast.Node.{NODE_BY_BEGIN_POSITION, Parsedness}
import io.joern.javasrc2cpg.util.Delombok.DelombokMode
import io.joern.javasrc2cpg.util.SourceParser.fileIfExists
import io.joern.javasrc2cpg.{Config, JavaSrc2Cpg}
import io.joern.x2cpg.SourceFiles
import io.shiftleft.utils.IOUtils
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import java.nio.charset.{Charset, StandardCharsets}
import java.nio.file.Path
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.*
import scala.jdk.OptionConverters.RichOptional
import scala.util.Try
import scala.util.matching.Regex
class SourceParser(
val relativeFilenames: List[String],
analysisRoot: Path,
typesRoot: Path,
dirToDelete: Option[Path]
) {
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass)
/** Parse the given file into a JavaParser CompliationUnit that will be used for creating the CPG AST.
* @param relativeFilename
* path to the input file relative to the project root.
* @param saveFileContent
* if true, the raw text for the file is returned as the second item in the tuple.
def parseAnalysisFile(
relativeFilename: String,
saveFileContent: Boolean
): Option[(CompilationUnit, Option[String])] = {
val analysisFilename = analysisRoot.resolve(relativeFilename).toString
// Need to store tokens for position information.
fileIfExists(analysisFilename).flatMap { file =>
val compilationUnit = parse(file, storeTokens = true)
val fileContent = Option
.when(saveFileContent) {
.flatten => (cu, fileContent))
/** Parse the given file into a JavaParser CompliationUnit that will be used for reading type information. These
* should not be used for determining the structure of the AST.
* @param relativeFilename
* path to the input file relative to the project root.
def parseTypesFile(relativeFilename: String): Option[CompilationUnit] = {
val typesFilename = typesRoot.resolve(relativeFilename).toString
fileIfExists(typesFilename).flatMap(parse(_, storeTokens = false))
private def parse(file: File, storeTokens: Boolean): Option[CompilationUnit] = {
val javaParserConfig =
new ParserConfiguration()
val parseResult = new JavaParser(javaParserConfig).parse(file.toJava)
parseResult.getProblems.asScala.toList match {
case Nil => // Just carry on as usual
case problems =>
logger.warn(s"Encountered problems while parsing file ${}:")
problems.foreach { problem =>
logger.warn(s"- ${problem.getMessage}")
parseResult.getResult.toScala match {
case Some(result) if result.getParsed == Parsedness.PARSED => Some(result)
case _ =>
logger.warn(s"Failed to parse file ${}")
def cleanupDelombokOutput(): Unit = {
dirToDelete.foreach(path => File(path).delete())
object SourceParser {
case class FileInfo(relativePath: Path, packageName: Option[String], usesLombok: Boolean)
object FileInfo {
private val PackageNameRegex: Regex = raw"package\s+([a-zA-Z$$_.]+)\s*;".r
def getFileInfo(inputDir: Path, filename: String): Option[FileInfo] = {
fileIfExists(filename).map { file =>
val relativePath = inputDir.relativize(Path.of(filename))
val content = file.contentAsString
val packageName = PackageNameRegex.findFirstMatchIn(content).map(
val usesLombok = content.contains("lombok")
new FileInfo(relativePath, packageName, usesLombok)
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass)
private def checkExists(file: File): Option[File] = {
if (file.exists) {
} else {
logger.warn(s"Attempting to open file, but it does not exist: ${file.pathAsString}")
private[util] def fileIfExists(path: Path): Option[File] = {
val file = File(path)
private[util] def fileIfExists(filename: String): Option[File] = {
val file = File(filename)
def apply(config: Config, filenamesOverride: Option[List[String]]): SourceParser = {
val inputPath = Path.of(config.inputPath)
val fileInfo = filenamesOverride
ignoredDefaultRegex = Option(JavaSrc2Cpg.DefaultIgnoredFilesRegex),
ignoredFilesRegex = Option(config.ignoredFilesRegex),
ignoredFilesPath = Option(config.ignoredFiles)
.flatMap(FileInfo.getFileInfo(inputPath, _))
val usesLombok = fileInfo.exists(_.usesLombok)
var dirToDelete: Option[Path] = None
lazy val delombokResult =, fileInfo, config.delombokJavaHome)
lazy val delombokDir = {
dirToDelete = Option.when(delombokResult.isDelombokedPath)(delombokResult.path)
val (analysisRoot, typesRoot) = Delombok.parseDelombokModeOption(config.delombokMode) match {
case DelombokMode.Default if usesLombok =>"Analysing delomboked code as lombok dependency was found.")
(delombokDir, delombokDir)
case DelombokMode.Default => (inputPath, inputPath)
case DelombokMode.NoDelombok => (inputPath, inputPath)
case DelombokMode.TypesOnly => (inputPath, delombokDir)
case DelombokMode.RunDelombok => (delombokDir, delombokDir)
new SourceParser(, analysisRoot, typesRoot, dirToDelete)