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io.joern.jimple2cpg.util.ProgramHandlingUtil.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package io.joern.jimple2cpg.util

import better.files.*
import org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader.SKIP_CODE
import org.objectweb.asm.{ClassReader, ClassVisitor, Opcodes}
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory

import{ZipEntry, ZipFile, ZipInputStream}
import scala.util.{Failure, Left, Success, Try, Using}

/** Responsible for handling JAR unpacking and handling the temporary build directory.
object ProgramHandlingUtil {

  private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProgramHandlingUtil.getClass)

  /** Common properties of a File and ZipEntry, used to determine whether a file in a directory or an entry in an
    * archive is worth emitting/extracting
  sealed class Entry(entry: Either[File, ZipEntry], parentArchive: Option[ZipFile] = None) {

    def this(file: File) = this(Left(file))
    def this(entry: ZipEntry, parentArchive: ZipFile) = this(Right(entry), Option(parentArchive))
    private def file: File          = entry.fold(identity, e => File(e.getName))
    def name: String                =
    def extension: Option[String]   = file.extension
    def isDirectory: Boolean        = entry.fold(_.isDirectory, _.isDirectory)
    def maybeRegularFile(): Boolean = entry.fold(_.isRegularFile, !_.isDirectory)

    /** Determines whether a zip entry is potentially malicious.
      * @return
      *   whether the entry is a ZipEntry and uses '..' in it's components
    // Note that we consider either type of path separator as although the spec say that only
    // unix separators are to be used, zip files in the wild may vary.
    def isZipSlip: Boolean = entry.fold(_ => false, _.getName.split("[/\\\\]").contains(".."))

    def isZipFile: Boolean = entry match {
      case Left(file: File) => isValidZipFile(file)
      case Right(zipEntry: ZipEntry) if !isZipSlip =>
        parentArchive.exists { f =>
          Using.resource(f.getInputStream(zipEntry)) { is =>
            File.temporaryFile("jimple2cpg-", ".zip").apply { f =>
      case _ => false

    private def isValidZipFile(zis: ZipInputStream): Boolean = Try(zis.getNextEntry != null).getOrElse(false)

    /** Determines if the given file is a valid and uncorrupted zip file by reading through the whole archive until the
      * end.
      * @param f
      *   the file to read.
      * @return
      *   true if the file is a valid and uncorrupted zip file, false if otherwise.
    private def isValidZipFile(f: File): Boolean =

    def isConfigFile: Boolean = {
      val configExt = Set(".xml", ".properties", ".yaml", ".yml", ".tf", ".tfvars", ".vm", ".jsp", ".conf", ".mf")

      def hasConfigExt(f: File): Boolean = configExt.exists(f.`extension`.map(_.toLowerCase).contains(_))

      if (isDirectory) { false }
      else {
        entry match {
          case Left(file: File)          => hasConfigExt(file)
          case Right(zipEntry: ZipEntry) => hasConfigExt(File(zipEntry.getName))


  /** Process files that may lead to more files to process or to emit a resulting value of [[A]]
    * @param src
    *   The file/directory to traverse
    * @param emitOrUnpack
    *   A function that takes a file and either emits a value or returns more files to traverse. The key of Right was
    *   used to identify whether the file was unfold from an archive
    * @param maxDepth
    *   The max recursion depth of unpacking an archive (e.g. jars inside jars)
    * @tparam A
    *   The type of emitted values
    * @return
    *   The emitted values
  private def unfoldArchives[A](
    src: File,
    emitOrUnpack: File => Either[A, Map[Boolean, List[File]]],
    maxDepth: Int
  ): IterableOnce[A] = {
    if (maxDepth < -1)
      logger.warn("Maximum recursion depth reached.")
      emitOrUnpack(src) match {
        case Left(a) => Seq(a)
        case Right(disposeFiles) =>
          disposeFiles.flatMap(x =>
            x._2.flatMap(f =>
              if (x._1)
                unfoldArchives(f, emitOrUnpack, maxDepth - 1)
                unfoldArchives(f, emitOrUnpack, maxDepth)

  /** Find 
files, including those inside archives. * * @param src * The file/directory to search. * @param tmpDir * A temporary directory for extracted archives * @param isArchive * Whether an entry is an archive to extract * @param isClass * Whether an entry is a class file * @param isConfigFile * Where an entry is a config file * @param recurse * Whether to unpack recursively * @param depth * Maximum depth of recursion * @return * The list of class files found, which may either be in [[src]] or in an extracted archive under [[tmpDir]] */ private def extractClassesToTmp( src: File, tmpDir: File, isArchive: Entry => Boolean, isClass: Entry => Boolean, isConfigFile: Entry => Boolean, recurse: Boolean, depth: Int ): IterableOnce[EntryFile] = { // filter archive file unless recurse was enabled def shouldExtract(e: Entry) = !e.isZipSlip && e.maybeRegularFile() && ((isArchive(e) && recurse) || isClass(e) || isConfigFile(e)) val subOfSrc = src.listRecursively.filterNot(_.isDirectory).toList unfoldArchives( src, { case f if isClass(Entry(f)) => Left(ClassFile(f)) case f if isConfigFile(Entry(f)) => Left(ConfigFile(f)) case f if f.isDirectory() => val files = f.listRecursively.filterNot(_.isDirectory).toList Right(Map(false -> files)) case f if isArchive(Entry(f)) && (f == src || (src.isDirectory() && subOfSrc.contains(f)) || recurse) => val xTmp = File.newTemporaryDirectory("extract-archive-", parent = Some(tmpDir)) val unzipDirs = Try(f.unzipTo(xTmp, e => shouldExtract(Entry(e, new ZipFile(f.toJava))))) match { case Success(dir) => List(dir) case Failure(e) => logger.warn(s"Failed to extract archive", e) List.empty } // This can always be true, since the archive file was filtered by shouldExtract if recurse options not enabled. Right(Map(true -> unzipDirs)) case _ => Right(Map(false -> List.empty)) }, depth ) } object ClassFile { private def getPackagePathFromByteCode(is: InputStream): Option[String] = { val cr = new ClassReader(is) sealed class ClassNameVisitor extends ClassVisitor(Opcodes.ASM9) { var path: Option[String] = None override def visit( version: Int, access: Int, name: String, signature: String, superName: String, interfaces: Array[String] ): Unit = { path = Some(name) } } val rootVisitor = new ClassNameVisitor() cr.accept(rootVisitor, SKIP_CODE) rootVisitor.path } /** Attempt to retrieve the package path from JVM bytecode. * * @param file * The class file * @return * The package path if successfully retrieved */ private def getPackagePathFromByteCode(file: File): Option[String] = Try(file.fileInputStream.apply(getPackagePathFromByteCode)) .recover { case e: Throwable => logger.error(s"Error reading class file ${file.canonicalPath}", e) None } .getOrElse(None) } sealed trait EntryFile { def file: File def packagePath: Option[String] /** Copy the class file to its package path relative to [[destDir]]. This will overwrite a class file at the * destination if it exists. * * @param destDir * The directory in which to place the class file * @return * The class file at the destination if the package path could be retrieved from the its bytecode */ def copyToPackageLayoutIn(destDir: File): Option[EntryFile] = { packagePath .map { path => val destFile = this match { case _: ClassFile => destDir / s"$path.class" case _: ConfigFile => // The temporary file naming prefix can be used as keys to extract the path parts val extractArchiveIdx = file.pathAsString.indexOf("extract-archive") if (extractArchiveIdx != -1) { val relPath = file.parent.pathAsString .substring(extractArchiveIdx) .split( .drop(1) .mkString( destDir / relPath / path } else { destDir / path } } if (destFile.exists()) { logger.warn(s"Overwriting class file: ${destFile.path.toAbsolutePath}") } destFile.parent.createDirectories() ClassFile(file.copyTo(destFile)(File.CopyOptions(overwrite = true)), packagePath) } .orElse { logger.warn(s"Missing package path for ${file.canonicalPath}. Failed to copy to ${destDir.canonicalPath}") None } } override def toString: String = s"${getClass.getName}(${file.pathAsString})" } private sealed class ConfigFile(val file: File) extends EntryFile { def packagePath: Option[String] = Option( } sealed class ClassFile(val file: File, val packagePath: Option[String]) extends EntryFile { def this(file: File) = this(file, ClassFile.getPackagePathFromByteCode(file)) private val components: Option[Array[String]] ="/")) val fullyQualifiedClassName: Option[String] =".")) } /** Find
files, including those inside archives and copy them to their package path location * relative to [[destDir]] * * @param src * The file/directory to search. * @param destDir * The directory in which to place the class files * @param isArchive * Whether an entry is an archive to extract * @param isClass * Whether an entry is a class file * @param isConfigFile * Where an entry is a config file * @param recurse * Whether to unpack recursively * @param depth * Maximum depth of recursion * @return * The copied class files in destDir */ def extractClassesInPackageLayout( src: File, destDir: File, isClass: Entry => Boolean, isArchive: Entry => Boolean, isConfigFile: Entry => Boolean, recurse: Boolean, depth: Int ): List[ClassFile] = File .temporaryDirectory("extract-classes-") .apply(tmpDir => extractClassesToTmp(src, tmpDir, isArchive, isClass, isConfigFile, recurse: Boolean, depth: Int).iterator .flatMap(_.copyToPackageLayoutIn(destDir)) .collect { case x: ClassFile => x } .toList ) }

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