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package io.joern.joerncli
import better.files.Dsl.*
import better.files.File
import flatgraph.{Accessors, Edge, GNode}
import flatgraph.formats.ExportResult
import flatgraph.formats.graphml.GraphMLExporter
import flatgraph.formats.graphson.GraphSONExporter
import flatgraph.formats.neo4jcsv.Neo4jCsvExporter
import io.joern.dataflowengineoss.DefaultSemantics
import io.joern.dataflowengineoss.layers.dataflows.*
import io.joern.dataflowengineoss.semanticsloader.{NoSemantics, Semantics}
import io.joern.joerncli.CpgBasedTool.exitIfInvalid
import io.joern.x2cpg.layers.*
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.Cpg
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.NodeTypes
import io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.language.*
import io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.layers.*
import java.nio.file.{Path, Paths}
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.IteratorHasAsScala
import scala.util.Using
object JoernExport {
case class Config(
cpgFileName: String = "cpg.bin",
outDir: String = "out",
repr: Representation.Value = Representation.Cpg14,
format: Format.Value = Format.Dot
/** Choose from either a subset of the graph, or the entire graph (all).
object Representation extends Enumeration {
val Ast, Cfg, Ddg, Cdg, Pdg, Cpg14, Cpg, All = Value
lazy val byNameLowercase: Map[String, Value] = { value =>
value.toString.toLowerCase -> value
def withNameIgnoreCase(s: String): Value =
byNameLowercase.getOrElse(s, throw new NoSuchElementException(s"No value found for '$s'"))
object Format extends Enumeration {
val Dot, Neo4jCsv, Graphml, Graphson = Value
lazy val byNameLowercase: Map[String, Value] = { value =>
value.toString.toLowerCase -> value
def withNameIgnoreCase(s: String): Value =
byNameLowercase.getOrElse(s, throw new NoSuchElementException(s"No value found for '$s'"))
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
parseConfig(args).foreach { config =>
val outDir = config.outDir
exitIfInvalid(outDir, config.cpgFileName)
Using.resource(CpgBasedTool.loadFromFile(config.cpgFileName)) { cpg =>
exportCpg(cpg, config.repr, config.format, Paths.get(outDir).toAbsolutePath)
private def parseConfig(args: Array[String]): Option[Config] = {
new scopt.OptionParser[Config]("joern-export") {
head("Dump intermediate graph representations (or entire graph) of code in a given export format")
.text("input CPG file name - defaults to `cpg.bin`")
.action((x, c) => c.copy(cpgFileName = x))
opt[String]('o', "out")
.text("output directory - will be created and must not yet exist")
.action((x, c) => c.copy(outDir = x))
s"representation to extract: [${"|")}] - defaults to `${Representation.Cpg14}`"
.action((x, c) => c.copy(repr = Representation.withNameIgnoreCase(x)))
.action((x, c) => c.copy(format = Format.withNameIgnoreCase(x)))
s"export format, one of [${"|")}] - defaults to `${Format.Dot}`"
}.parse(args, Config())
def exportCpg(cpg: Cpg, representation: Representation.Value, format: Format.Value, outDir: Path): Unit = {
implicit val semantics: Semantics = DefaultSemantics()
if (semantics == NoSemantics) {
System.err.println("Warning: semantics are empty.")
val context = new LayerCreatorContext(cpg)
format match {
case Format.Dot if representation == Representation.All || representation == Representation.Cpg =>
exportWithFlatgraphFormat(cpg, representation, outDir, DotExporter)
case Format.Dot =>
exportDot(representation, outDir, context)
case Format.Neo4jCsv =>
exportWithFlatgraphFormat(cpg, representation, outDir, Neo4jCsvExporter)
case Format.Graphml =>
exportWithFlatgraphFormat(cpg, representation, outDir, GraphMLExporter)
case Format.Graphson =>
exportWithFlatgraphFormat(cpg, representation, outDir, GraphSONExporter)
case other =>
throw new NotImplementedError(s"repr=$representation not yet supported for format=$format")
private def exportDot(repr: Representation.Value, outDir: Path, context: LayerCreatorContext): Unit = {
val outDirStr = outDir.toString
import Representation._
repr match {
case Ast => new DumpAst(AstDumpOptions(outDirStr)).create(context)
case Cfg => new DumpCfg(CfgDumpOptions(outDirStr)).create(context)
case Ddg => new DumpDdg(DdgDumpOptions(outDirStr)).create(context)
case Cdg => new DumpCdg(CdgDumpOptions(outDirStr)).create(context)
case Pdg => new DumpPdg(PdgDumpOptions(outDirStr)).create(context)
case Cpg14 => new DumpCpg14(Cpg14DumpOptions(outDirStr)).create(context)
case other => throw new NotImplementedError(s"repr=$repr not yet supported for this format")
private def exportWithFlatgraphFormat(
cpg: Cpg,
repr: Representation.Value,
outDir: Path,
exporter: flatgraph.formats.Exporter
): Unit = {
val ExportResult(nodeCount, edgeCount, _, additionalInfo) = repr match {
case Representation.All =>
exporter.runExport(cpg.graph, outDir)
case Representation.Cpg =>
if (cpg.graph.nodeCount(NodeTypes.METHOD) > 0) {
val windowsFilenameDeduplicationHelper = mutable.Set.empty[String]
.map { case subGraph @ MethodSubGraph(methodName, methodFilename, nodes) =>
val relativeFilename = sanitizedFileName(
val outFileName = outDir.resolve(relativeFilename)
exporter.runExport(cpg.graph.schema, nodes, subGraph.edges, outFileName)
} else {
case other =>
throw new NotImplementedError(s"repr=$repr not yet supported for this format")
println(s"exported $nodeCount nodes, $edgeCount edges into $outDir")
/** for each method in the cpg: recursively traverse all AST edges to get the subgraph of nodes within this method add
* the method and this subgraph to the export add all edges between all of these nodes to the export
private def splitByMethod(cpg: Cpg): IterableOnce[MethodSubGraph] = { { method =>
MethodSubGraph(methodName =, methodFilename = method.filename, nodes = method.ast.toSet)
/** @param windowsFilenameDeduplicationHelper
* utility map to ensure we don't override output files for identical method names
private def sanitizedFileName(
methodName: String,
methodFilename: String,
fileExtension: String,
windowsFilenameDeduplicationHelper: mutable.Set[String]
): String = {
val sanitizedMethodName = methodName.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9-_\\.]", "_")
val sanitizedFilename =
if (scala.util.Properties.isWin) {
// windows has some quirks in it's file system, e.g. we need to ensure paths aren't too long - so we're using a
// different strategy to sanitize windows file names: first occurrence of a given method uses the method name
// any methods with the same name afterwards get a `_` suffix
if (windowsFilenameDeduplicationHelper.contains(sanitizedMethodName)) {
sanitizedFileName(s"${methodName}_", methodFilename, fileExtension, windowsFilenameDeduplicationHelper)
} else {
} else { // non-windows
// handle leading `/` to ensure we're not writing outside of the output directory
val sanitizedPath =
if (methodFilename.startsWith("/")) s"_root_/$methodFilename"
else methodFilename
private def plus(resultA: ExportResult, resultB: ExportResult): ExportResult = {
nodeCount = resultA.nodeCount + resultB.nodeCount,
edgeCount = resultA.edgeCount + resultB.edgeCount,
files = resultA.files ++ resultB.files,
additionalInfo = resultA.additionalInfo
private def emptyExportResult = ExportResult(0, 0, Seq.empty, Option("Empty CPG"))
case class MethodSubGraph(methodName: String, methodFilename: String, nodes: Set[GNode]) {
def edges: Set[Edge] = {
for {
node <- nodes
edge <- Accessors.getEdgesOut(node)
if nodes.contains(edge.dst)
} yield edge