io.joern.console.QueryDatabase.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.joern.console
import org.reflections8.Reflections
import org.reflections8.util.{ClasspathHelper, ConfigurationBuilder}
import java.lang.reflect.{Method, Parameter}
import scala.annotation.unused
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
trait QueryBundle
class QueryDatabase(
defaultArgumentProvider: DefaultArgumentProvider = new DefaultArgumentProvider,
namespace: String = "io.joern.scanners"
) {
/** Determine all bundles on the class path
def allBundles: List[Class[_ <: QueryBundle]] =
new Reflections(
new ConfigurationBuilder().setUrls(
ClasspathHelper.forPackage(namespace, ClasspathHelper.contextClassLoader(), ClasspathHelper.staticClassLoader())
/** Determine queries across all bundles
def allQueries: List[Query] = {
allBundles.flatMap { bundle =>
/** Return all queries inside `bundle`.
def queriesInBundle[T <: QueryBundle](bundle: Class[T]): List[Query] = {
val instance = bundle.getField("MODULE$").get(null)
queryCreatorsInBundle(bundle).map { case (method, args) =>
val query = method.invoke(instance, args: _*).asInstanceOf[Query]
val bundleNamespace = bundle.getPackageName
// the namespace currently looks like `io.joern.scanners.c.CopyLoops`
val namespaceParts = bundleNamespace.split('.')
val language =
if (bundleNamespace.startsWith("io.shiftleft.ocular.scanners")) {
} else if (namespaceParts.length > 3) {
} else {
query.copy(language = language)
/** Obtain all (method, args) pairs from bundle, making it possible to override default args before creating the
* query.
def queryCreatorsInBundle[T <: QueryBundle](bundle: Class[T]): List[(Method, List[Any])] = {
val methods = bundle.getMethods.filter(_.getAnnotations.exists(_.isInstanceOf[q])).toList { method =>
val args = defaultArgs(method, bundle)
(method, args)
private def defaultArgs[T <: QueryBundle](method: Method, bundle: Class[T]): List[Any] = { { case (parameter, index) =>
defaultArgumentProvider.defaultArgument(method, bundle, parameter, index)
/** Joern and Ocular require different implicits to be present, and when we encounter these implicits as parameters in a
* query that we invoke via reflection, we need to obtain these implicits from somewhere.
* We achieve this by implementing a `DefaultArgumentProvider` for Ocular, and one for Joern.
class DefaultArgumentProvider {
def typeSpecificDefaultArg(@unused argTypeFullName: String): Option[Any] = {
final def defaultArgument(method: Method, bundle: Class[_], parameter: Parameter, i: Int): Any = {
val instance = bundle.getField("MODULE$").get(null)
val defaultArgOption = typeSpecificDefaultArg(parameter.getType.getTypeName)
defaultArgOption.getOrElse {
val defaultMethodName = s"${method.getName}$$default$$${i + 1}"
try {
val defaultMethod = bundle.getDeclaredMethod(defaultMethodName)
val defaultValue = defaultMethod.invoke(instance)
} catch {
case e: NoSuchMethodException =>
throw new RuntimeException(
s"No default value found for parameter `${parameter.toString}` of query creator method `$method` "