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package io.joern.pysrc2cpg
import better.files.{File => BFile}
import io.joern.x2cpg.passes.frontend.ImportsPass._
import io.joern.x2cpg.passes.frontend.XImportResolverPass
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.Cpg
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.nodes._
import io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.language._
import{File => JFile}
import java.util.regex.{Matcher, Pattern}
class ImportResolverPass(cpg: Cpg) extends XImportResolverPass(cpg) {
override protected def optionalResolveImport(
fileName: String,
importCall: Call,
importedEntity: String,
importedAs: String,
diffGraph: DiffGraphBuilder
): Unit = {
val (namespace, entityName) = if (importedEntity.contains(".")) {
val splitName = importedEntity.split('.').toSeq
val namespace = importedEntity.stripSuffix(s".${splitName.last}")
(relativizeNamespace(namespace, fileName), splitName.last)
} else {
("", importedEntity)
resolveEntities(namespace, entityName, importedAs).foreach(x => resolvedImportToTag(x, importCall, diffGraph))
private def relativizeNamespace(path: String, fileName: String): String = if (path.startsWith(".")) {
// TODO: pysrc2cpg does not link files to the correct namespace nodes
val sep = Matcher.quoteReplacement(JFile.separator)
// The below gives us the full path of the relative "."
val relativeNamespace =
if (fileName.contains(JFile.separator))
fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf(JFile.separator)).replaceAll(sep, ".")
else ""
(if (path.length > 1) relativeNamespace + path.replaceAll(sep, ".")
else relativeNamespace).stripPrefix(".")
} else path
/** For an import - given by its module path and the name of the imported function or module - determine the possible
* callee names.
* @param path
* the module path.
* @param expEntity
* the name of the imported entity. This could be a function, module, or variable/field.
* @param alias
* how the imported entity is named.
* @return
* the possible callee names
private def resolveEntities(path: String, expEntity: String, alias: String): Set[ResolvedImport] = {
implicit class ResolvedNodeExt(val traversal: Seq[String]) {
def toResolvedImport(cpg: Cpg): Seq[ResolvedImport] = {
val resolvedEntities =
traversal.flatMap(x => cpg.typeDecl.fullNameExact(x) ++ cpg.method.fullNameExact(x)).collect {
case x: Method => ResolvedMethod(x.fullName, alias)
case x: TypeDecl => ResolvedTypeDecl(x.fullName)
if (resolvedEntities.isEmpty) {
traversal.filterNot(_.contains("")).map(x => UnknownImport(x))
} else {
implicit class CalleeAsInitExt(val name: String) {
def asInit: String = if (name.contains("")) name
else name.replace(".py", s"${JFile.separator}")
def withInit: Seq[String] = Seq(name, name.asInit)
val pathSep = "."
val sep = Matcher.quoteReplacement(JFile.separator)
val isMaybeConstructor = expEntity.split("\\.").lastOption.exists(s => s.nonEmpty && s.charAt(0).isUpper)
lazy val membersMatchingImports: List[(TypeDecl, Member)] = cpg.typeDecl
.flatMap(t =>
t.member.nameExact(expEntity).headOption match {
case Some(member) => Option((t, member))
case None => None
(path match {
case "" if expEntity.contains(".") =>
// Case 1: Qualified path: import => ( or bar/
val splitFunc = expEntity.split("\\.")
val name = splitFunc.tail.mkString(".")
case "" =>
// Case 2: import of a module: import foo => ( or foo/
case _ if membersMatchingImports.nonEmpty =>
// Case 3: import of a variable: from api import db => ( or @ identifier(db) {
case (t, m) if t.method.nameExact( =>
ResolvedMethod(t.method.nameExact(, alias)
case (t, m) if t.astSiblings.isMethod.fullNameExact(t.fullName).ast.isTypeDecl.nameExact( =>
case (t, m) => ResolvedMember(t.fullName,
case _ =>
// Case 4: Import from module using alias, e.g. import bar from foo as faz
val fileOrDir = BFile(codeRoot) / path
val pyFile = BFile(codeRoot) / s"$"
fileOrDir match {
case f if f.isDirectory && !pyFile.exists =>
Seq(s"${path.replaceAll("\\.", sep)}${}$").toResolvedImport(cpg)
case f if f.isDirectory && (f / s"$").exists =>
Seq(s"${(f / s"$").pathAsString.stripPrefix(codeRoot)}:").toResolvedImport(cpg)
case _ =>
s"${path.replaceAll("\\.", sep)}.py:$pathSep$expEntity".withInit.toResolvedImport(cpg)
}).flatMap {
// If we import the constructor, we also import the type
case x: ResolvedMethod if isMaybeConstructor =>
Seq(ResolvedMethod(Seq(x.fullName, "__init__").mkString(pathSep), alias), ResolvedTypeDecl(x.fullName))
// If we import the type, we also import the constructor
case x: ResolvedTypeDecl if isMaybeConstructor =>
Seq(x, ResolvedMethod(Seq(x.fullName, "__init__").mkString(pathSep), alias))
// If we can determine the import is a constructor, then it is likely not a member
case x: UnknownImport if isMaybeConstructor =>
Seq(UnknownMethod(Seq(x.path, "__init__").mkString(pathSep), alias), UnknownTypeDecl(x.path))
case x => Seq(x)