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io.joern.x2cpg.Ast.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.joern.x2cpg
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.{DiffGraphBuilder, EdgeTypes}
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.nodes.*
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.nodes.AstNode.PropertyDefaults
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.DiffGraphBuilder
import flatgraph.SchemaViolationException
case class AstEdge(src: NewNode, dst: NewNode)
enum ValidationMode {
case Enabled, Disabled
object Ast {
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)
def apply(node: NewNode)(implicit withSchemaValidation: ValidationMode): Ast = Ast(Vector.empty :+ node)
def apply()(implicit withSchemaValidation: ValidationMode): Ast = new Ast(Vector.empty)
/** Copy nodes/edges of given `AST` into the given `diffGraph`.
def storeInDiffGraph(ast: Ast, diffGraph: DiffGraphBuilder): Unit = {
ast.nodes.foreach { node =>
ast.edges.foreach { edge =>
diffGraph.addEdge(edge.src, edge.dst, EdgeTypes.AST)
ast.conditionEdges.foreach { edge =>
diffGraph.addEdge(edge.src, edge.dst, EdgeTypes.CONDITION)
ast.receiverEdges.foreach { edge =>
diffGraph.addEdge(edge.src, edge.dst, EdgeTypes.RECEIVER)
ast.refEdges.foreach { edge =>
diffGraph.addEdge(edge.src, edge.dst, EdgeTypes.REF)
ast.argEdges.foreach { edge =>
diffGraph.addEdge(edge.src, edge.dst, EdgeTypes.ARGUMENT)
ast.bindsEdges.foreach { edge =>
diffGraph.addEdge(edge.src, edge.dst, EdgeTypes.BINDS)
ast.captureEdges.foreach { edge =>
diffGraph.addEdge(edge.src, edge.dst, EdgeTypes.CAPTURE)
def neighbourValidation(src: NewNode, dst: NewNode, edge: String)(implicit
withSchemaValidation: ValidationMode
): Unit = if (
withSchemaValidation == ValidationMode.Enabled &&
!(src.isValidOutNeighbor(edge, dst) && dst.isValidInNeighbor(edge, src))
) {
throw new SchemaViolationException(
s"Malformed AST detected: (${src.label}) -[$edge]-> (${dst.label}) violates the schema."
/** For all `order` fields that are unset, derive the `order` field automatically by determining the position of the
* child among its siblings.
private def setOrderWhereNotSet(ast: Ast): Unit = {
ast.root.collect { case r: AstNodeNew =>
if (r.order == PropertyDefaults.Order) {
r.order = 1
val siblings = ast.edges.groupBy(_.src).map { case (_, edgeToChild) => }
siblings.foreach { children =>
children.zipWithIndex.collect { case (c: AstNodeNew, i) =>
if (c.order == PropertyDefaults.Order) {
c.order = i + 1
case class Ast(
nodes: collection.Seq[
], // technically this should be a Seq[AstNewNode], but we also use it for non-ast nodes like Binding...
edges: collection.Seq[AstEdge] = Vector.empty,
conditionEdges: collection.Seq[AstEdge] = Vector.empty,
refEdges: collection.Seq[AstEdge] = Vector.empty,
bindsEdges: collection.Seq[AstEdge] = Vector.empty,
receiverEdges: collection.Seq[AstEdge] = Vector.empty,
argEdges: collection.Seq[AstEdge] = Vector.empty,
captureEdges: collection.Seq[AstEdge] = Vector.empty
)(implicit withSchemaValidation: ValidationMode = ValidationMode.Disabled) {
def root: Option[NewNode] = nodes.headOption
def rightMostLeaf: Option[NewNode] = nodes.lastOption
/** AST that results when adding `other` as a child to this AST. `other` is connected to this AST's root node.
def withChild(other: Ast): Ast = {
nodes ++ other.nodes,
edges = edges ++ other.edges ++ root.toList.flatMap(r => { rc =>
Ast.neighbourValidation(r, rc, EdgeTypes.AST)
AstEdge(r, rc)
conditionEdges = conditionEdges ++ other.conditionEdges,
argEdges = argEdges ++ other.argEdges,
receiverEdges = receiverEdges ++ other.receiverEdges,
refEdges = refEdges ++ other.refEdges,
bindsEdges = bindsEdges ++ other.bindsEdges,
captureEdges = captureEdges ++ other.captureEdges
def merge(other: Ast): Ast = {
nodes ++ other.nodes,
edges = edges ++ other.edges,
conditionEdges = conditionEdges ++ other.conditionEdges,
argEdges = argEdges ++ other.argEdges,
receiverEdges = receiverEdges ++ other.receiverEdges,
refEdges = refEdges ++ other.refEdges,
bindsEdges = bindsEdges ++ other.bindsEdges,
captureEdges = captureEdges ++ other.captureEdges
/** AST that results when adding all ASTs in `asts` as children, that is, connecting them to the root node of this
* AST.
def withChildren(asts: collection.Seq[Ast]): Ast = {
if (asts.isEmpty) {
} else {
// we do this iteratively as a recursive solution which will fail with
// a StackOverflowException if there are too many elements in .tail.
var ast = withChild(asts.head)
asts.tail.foreach(c => ast = ast.withChild(c))
def withConditionEdge(src: NewNode, dst: NewNode): Ast = {
Ast.neighbourValidation(src, dst, EdgeTypes.CONDITION)
this.copy(conditionEdges = conditionEdges ++ List(AstEdge(src, dst)))
def withRefEdge(src: NewNode, dst: NewNode): Ast = {
Ast.neighbourValidation(src, dst, EdgeTypes.REF)
this.copy(refEdges = refEdges ++ List(AstEdge(src, dst)))
def withBindsEdge(src: NewNode, dst: NewNode): Ast = {
Ast.neighbourValidation(src, dst, EdgeTypes.BINDS)
this.copy(bindsEdges = bindsEdges ++ List(AstEdge(src, dst)))
def withReceiverEdge(src: NewNode, dst: NewNode): Ast = {
Ast.neighbourValidation(src, dst, EdgeTypes.RECEIVER)
this.copy(receiverEdges = receiverEdges ++ List(AstEdge(src, dst)))
def withArgEdge(src: NewNode, dst: NewNode): Ast = {
Ast.neighbourValidation(src, dst, EdgeTypes.ARGUMENT)
this.copy(argEdges = argEdges ++ List(AstEdge(src, dst)))
def withArgEdges(src: NewNode, dsts: Seq[NewNode]): Ast = {
dsts.foreach(dst => Ast.neighbourValidation(src, dst, EdgeTypes.ARGUMENT))
this.copy(argEdges = argEdges ++, _)))
def withArgEdges(src: NewNode, dsts: Seq[NewNode], argIndexStart: Int): Ast = {
var index = argIndexStart
this.copy(argEdges = argEdges ++ { dst =>
addArgumentIndex(dst, index)
index += 1
Ast.neighbourValidation(src, dst, EdgeTypes.ARGUMENT)
AstEdge(src, dst)
private def addArgumentIndex(node: NewNode, argIndex: Int): Unit = node match {
case n: NewBlock => n.argumentIndex = argIndex
case n: NewCall => n.argumentIndex = argIndex
case n: NewFieldIdentifier => n.argumentIndex = argIndex
case n: NewIdentifier => n.argumentIndex = argIndex
case n: NewMethodRef => n.argumentIndex = argIndex
case n: NewTypeRef => n.argumentIndex = argIndex
case n: NewUnknown => n.argumentIndex = argIndex
case n: NewControlStructure => n.argumentIndex = argIndex
case n: NewLiteral => n.argumentIndex = argIndex
case n: NewReturn => n.argumentIndex = argIndex
def withConditionEdges(src: NewNode, dsts: List[NewNode]): Ast = {
dsts.foreach(dst => Ast.neighbourValidation(src, dst, EdgeTypes.CONDITION))
this.copy(conditionEdges = conditionEdges ++, _)))
def withRefEdges(src: NewNode, dsts: List[NewNode]): Ast = {
dsts.foreach(dst => Ast.neighbourValidation(src, dst, EdgeTypes.REF))
this.copy(refEdges = refEdges ++, _)))
def withBindsEdges(src: NewNode, dsts: List[NewNode]): Ast = {
dsts.foreach(dst => Ast.neighbourValidation(src, dst, EdgeTypes.BINDS))
this.copy(bindsEdges = bindsEdges ++, _)))
def withReceiverEdges(src: NewNode, dsts: List[NewNode]): Ast = {
dsts.foreach(dst => Ast.neighbourValidation(src, dst, EdgeTypes.RECEIVER))
this.copy(receiverEdges = receiverEdges ++, _)))
def withCaptureEdge(src: NewNode, dst: NewNode): Ast = {
Ast.neighbourValidation(src, dst, EdgeTypes.CAPTURE)
this.copy(captureEdges = captureEdges ++ List(AstEdge(src, dst)))
def withCaptureEdges(src: NewNode, dsts: Seq[NewNode]): Ast = {
dsts.foreach(dst => Ast.neighbourValidation(src, dst, EdgeTypes.CAPTURE))
this.copy(captureEdges = captureEdges ++, _)))
/** Returns a deep copy of the sub tree rooted in `node`. If `order` is set, then the `order` and `argumentIndex`
* fields of the new root node are set to `order`. If `replacementNode` is set, then this replaces `node` in the new
* copy.
def subTreeCopy(node: AstNodeNew, argIndex: Int = -1, replacementNode: Option[AstNodeNew] = None): Ast = {
val newNode = replacementNode match {
case Some(n) => n
case None => node.copy
if (argIndex != -1) {
// newNode.order = argIndex
newNode match {
case expr: ExpressionNew =>
expr.argumentIndex = argIndex
case _ =>
val astChildren = edges.filter(_.src == node).map(_.dst)
val newChildren = { x =>
val oldToNew = { case (old, n) => old -> n.root.get }.toMap
def newIfExists(x: NewNode) = {
oldToNew.getOrElse(x, x)
val newArgEdges = argEdges.filter(_.src == node).map(x => AstEdge(newNode, newIfExists(x.dst)))
val newConditionEdges = conditionEdges.filter(_.src == node).map(x => AstEdge(newNode, newIfExists(x.dst)))
val newRefEdges = refEdges.filter(_.src == node).map(x => AstEdge(newNode, newIfExists(x.dst)))
val newBindsEdges = bindsEdges.filter(_.src == node).map(x => AstEdge(newNode, newIfExists(x.dst)))
val newReceiverEdges = receiverEdges.filter(_.src == node).map(x => AstEdge(newNode, newIfExists(x.dst)))
val newCaptureEdges = captureEdges.filter(_.src == node).map(x => AstEdge(newNode, newIfExists(x.dst)))
argEdges = newArgEdges,
conditionEdges = newConditionEdges,
refEdges = newRefEdges,
bindsEdges = newBindsEdges,
receiverEdges = newReceiverEdges,
captureEdges = newCaptureEdges