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package io.joern.x2cpg.passes.controlflow.cfgcreation
import io.joern.x2cpg.passes.controlflow.cfgcreation.Cfg.CfgEdgeType
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.nodes.*
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.{ControlStructureTypes, DispatchTypes, EdgeTypes, Operators}
import io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.language.*
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.DiffGraphBuilder
/** Translation of abstract syntax trees into control flow graphs
* The problem of translating an abstract syntax tree into a corresponding control flow graph can be formulated as a
* recursive problem in which sub trees of the syntax tree are translated and their corresponding control flow graphs
* are connected according to the control flow semantics of the root node. For example, consider the abstract syntax
* tree for an if-statement:
* {{{
* ( if )
* / \
* (x < 10) (x += 1)
* / \ / \
* x 10 x 1
* }}}
* This tree can be translated into a control flow graph, by translating the sub tree rooted in `x < 10` and that of
* `x+= 1` and connecting their control flow graphs according to the semantics of `if`:
* {{{
* [x < 10]----
* |t f|
* [x +=1 ] |
* |
* }}}
* The semantics of if dictate that the first sub tree to the left is a condition, which is connected to the CFG of the
* second sub tree - the body of the if statement - via a control flow edge with the `true` label (indicated in the
* illustration by `t`), and to the CFG of any follow-up code via a `false` edge (indicated by `f`).
* A problem that becomes immediately apparent in the illustration is that the result of translating a sub tree may
* leave us with edges for which a source node is known but the destination node depends on parents or siblings that
* were not considered in the translation. For example, we know that an outgoing edge from [x<10] must exist, but we do
* not yet know where it should lead. We refer to the set of nodes of the control flow graph with outgoing edges for
* which the destination node is yet to be determined as the "fringe" of the control flow graph.
class CfgCreator(entryNode: Method, diffGraph: DiffGraphBuilder) {
import io.joern.x2cpg.passes.controlflow.cfgcreation.Cfg.*
import io.joern.x2cpg.passes.controlflow.cfgcreation.CfgCreator.*
/** Control flow graph definitions often feature a designated entry and exit node for each method. While these nodes
* are no-ops from a computational point of view, they are useful to guarantee that a method has exactly one entry
* and one exit.
* For the CPG-based control flow graph, we do not need to introduce fake entry and exit node. Instead, we can use
* the METHOD and METHOD_RETURN nodes as entry and exit nodes respectively. Note that METHOD_RETURN nodes are the
* nodes representing formal return parameters, of which there exists exactly one per method.
private val exitNode: MethodReturn = entryNode.methodReturn
/** We return the CFG as a sequence of Diff Graphs that is calculated by first obtaining the CFG for the method and
* then resolving gotos.
def run(): Unit = {
cfgForMethod(entryNode).withResolvedJumpToLabel().edges.foreach { edge =>
// TODO: we are ignoring edge.edgeType because the
// CFG spec doesn't define an edge type at the moment
diffGraph.addEdge(edge.src, edge.dst, EdgeTypes.CFG)
/** Conversion of a method to a CFG, showing the decomposition of the control flow graph generation problem into that
* of translating sub trees according to the node type. In the particular case of a method, the CFG is obtained by
* creating a CFG containing the single method node and a fringe containing the node and an outgoing AlwaysEdge, to
* the CFG obtained by translating child CFGs one by one and appending them.
private def cfgForMethod(node: Method): Cfg =
cfgForSingleNode(node) ++ cfgForChildren(node)
/** For any single AST node, we can construct a CFG containing that single node by setting it as the entry node and
* placing it in the fringe.
private def cfgForSingleNode(node: CfgNode): Cfg =
Cfg(entryNode = Option(node), fringe = List((node, AlwaysEdge)))
/** The CFG for all children is obtained by translating child ASTs one by one from left to right and appending them.
private def cfgForChildren(node: AstNode): Cfg =, y) => x ++ y).getOrElse(Cfg.empty)
/** Returns true if this node is a child to some `try` control structure, false if otherwise.
private def withinATryBlock(x: AstNode): Boolean =
x.inAst.isControlStructure.exists(_.controlStructureType == ControlStructureTypes.TRY)
/** This method dispatches AST nodes by type and calls corresponding conversion methods.
protected def cfgFor(node: AstNode): Cfg =
node match {
case _: Method | _: MethodParameterIn | _: Modifier | _: Local | _: TypeDecl | _: Member =>
case _: MethodRef | _: TypeRef | _: MethodReturn =>
case controlStructure: ControlStructure =>
case jumpTarget: JumpTarget =>
case ret: Return if withinATryBlock(ret) =>
cfgForReturn(ret, inheritFringe = true)
case ret: Return =>
case call: Call if == Operators.logicalAnd =>
case call: Call if == Operators.logicalOr =>
case call: Call if == Operators.conditional =>
case call: Call if call.dispatchType == DispatchTypes.INLINED =>
case block: Block if blockMatches(block) =>
case _: Block =>
cfgForChildren(node) ++ cfgForSingleNode(node.asInstanceOf[CfgNode])
case _: Call | _: FieldIdentifier | _: Identifier | _: Literal | _: Block | _: Unknown =>
cfgForChildren(node) ++ cfgForSingleNode(node.asInstanceOf[CfgNode])
case _ =>
private def isLogicalOperator(node: AstNode): Boolean = node match {
case call: Call => == Operators.conditional || == Operators.logicalOr || == Operators.logicalAnd
case _ => false
private def isInlinedCall(node: AstNode): Boolean = node match {
case call: Call => call.dispatchType == DispatchTypes.INLINED
case _ => false
/** Only include block nodes that do not describe the entire method body or the bodies of control structures or
* inlined calls or logical operators.
private def blockMatches(block: Block): Boolean = {
if (block._astIn.hasNext) {
val parentNode = block.astParent
parentNode.isMethod || parentNode.isControlStructure || isLogicalOperator(parentNode) || isInlinedCall(parentNode)
} else false
/** A second layer of dispatching for control structures. This could as well be part of `cfgFor` and has only been
* placed into a separate function to increase readability.
protected def cfgForControlStructure(node: ControlStructure): Cfg =
node.controlStructureType match {
case ControlStructureTypes.BREAK =>
case ControlStructureTypes.CONTINUE =>
case ControlStructureTypes.WHILE =>
case ControlStructureTypes.DO =>
case ControlStructureTypes.FOR =>
case ControlStructureTypes.GOTO =>
case ControlStructureTypes.IF =>
case ControlStructureTypes.ELSE =>
case ControlStructureTypes.SWITCH =>
case ControlStructureTypes.TRY =>
case ControlStructureTypes.CATCH =>
case ControlStructureTypes.FINALLY =>
case ControlStructureTypes.MATCH =>
case ControlStructureTypes.THROW =>
case _ =>
protected def cfgForThrowStatement(node: ControlStructure): Cfg = {
val throwExprCfg = node.astChildren.find(_.order == 1).map(cfgFor).getOrElse(Cfg.empty)
val concatedNatedCfg = throwExprCfg ++ Cfg(entryNode = Option(node))
concatedNatedCfg.copy(edges = concatedNatedCfg.edges ++ singleEdge(node, exitNode))
/** The CFG for a break/continue statements contains only the break/continue statement as a single entry node. The
* fringe is empty, that is, appending another CFG to the break statement will not result in the creation of an edge
* from the break statement to the entry point of the other CFG. Labeled breaks are treated like gotos and are added
* to "jumpsToLabel".
protected def cfgForBreakStatement(node: ControlStructure): Cfg = {
node.astChildren.find(_.order == 1) match {
case Some(jumpLabel: JumpLabel) =>
val labelName =
Cfg(entryNode = Option(node), jumpsToLabel = List((node, labelName)))
case Some(literal: Literal) =>
// In case we find a literal, it is assumed to be an integer literal which
// indicates how many loop/switch levels the break shall apply to.
val numberOfLevels = Integer.valueOf(literal.code)
Cfg(entryNode = Option(node), breaks = List((node, numberOfLevels)))
case Some(_) =>
throw new NotImplementedError(
"Only jump labels and integer literals are currently supported for break statements."
case None =>
Cfg(entryNode = Option(node), breaks = List((node, 1)))
protected def cfgForContinueStatement(node: ControlStructure): Cfg = {
node.astChildren.find(_.order == 1) match {
case Some(jumpLabel: JumpLabel) =>
val labelName =
Cfg(entryNode = Option(node), jumpsToLabel = List((node, labelName)))
case Some(literal: Literal) =>
// In case we find a literal, it is assumed to be an integer literal which
// indicates how many loop levels the continue shall apply to.
val numberOfLevels = Integer.valueOf(literal.code)
Cfg(entryNode = Option(node), continues = List((node, numberOfLevels)))
case Some(_) =>
throw new NotImplementedError(
"Only jump labels and integer literals are currently supported for continue statements."
case None =>
Cfg(entryNode = Option(node), continues = List((node, 1)))
/** Jump targets ("labels") are included in the CFG. As these should be connected to the next appended CFG, we specify
* that the label node is both the entry node and the only node in the fringe. This is achieved by calling
* `cfgForSingleNode` on the label node. Just like for breaks and continues, we record labels. We store case/default
* labels separately from other labels, but that is not a relevant implementation detail.
protected def cfgForJumpTarget(n: JumpTarget): Cfg = {
val labelName =
val cfg = cfgForSingleNode(n)
if (labelName.startsWith("case") || labelName.startsWith("default")) {
cfg.copy(caseLabels = List(n))
} else {
cfg.copy(labeledNodes = Map(labelName -> n))
/** A CFG for a goto statement is one containing the goto node as an entry node and an empty fringe. Moreover, we
* store the goto for dispatching with `withResolvedJumpToLabel` once the CFG for the entire method has been
* calculated.
protected def cfgForGotoStatement(node: ControlStructure): Cfg = {
node.astChildren.find(_.order == 1) match {
case Some(jumpLabel) =>
val labelName = jumpLabel.asInstanceOf[JumpLabel].name
Cfg(entryNode = Option(node), jumpsToLabel = List((node, labelName)))
case None =>
// Support for old format where the label name is parsed from the code field.
val target = node.code.split(" ") => x.slice(0, x.length - 1)) => Cfg(entryNode = Some(node), jumpsToLabel = List((node, t)))).getOrElse(Cfg.empty)
/** Return statements may contain expressions as return values, and therefore, the CFG for a return statement consists
* of the CFG for calculation of that expression, appended to a CFG containing only the return node, connected with a
* single edge to the method exit node. The fringe is empty.
* @param inheritFringe
* indicates if the resulting Cfg object must contain the fringe value of the return value's children.
protected def cfgForReturn(actualRet: Return, inheritFringe: Boolean = false): Cfg = {
val childrenCfg = cfgForChildren(actualRet)
childrenCfg ++
entryNode = Option(actualRet),
edges = singleEdge(actualRet, exitNode),
if (inheritFringe) childrenCfg.fringe else List()
/** The right hand side of a logical AND expression is only evaluated if the left hand side is true as the entire
* expression can only be true if both expressions are true. This is encoded in the corresponding control flow graph
* by creating control flow graphs for the left and right hand expressions and appending the two, where the fringe
* edge type of the left CFG is `TrueEdge`.
protected def cfgForAndExpression(call: Call): Cfg = {
val leftCfg = cfgFor(call.argument(1))
val rightCfg = cfgFor(call.argument(2))
val diffGraphs = edgesFromFringeTo(leftCfg, rightCfg.entryNode, TrueEdge) ++ leftCfg.edges ++ rightCfg.edges
.from(leftCfg, rightCfg)
entryNode = leftCfg.entryNode,
edges = diffGraphs,
fringe = leftCfg.fringe ++ rightCfg.fringe
) ++ cfgForSingleNode(call)
/** Same construction recipe as for the AND expression, just that the fringe edge type of the left CFG is `FalseEdge`.
protected def cfgForOrExpression(call: Call): Cfg = {
val leftCfg = cfgFor(call.argument(1))
val rightCfg = cfgFor(call.argument(2))
val diffGraphs = edgesFromFringeTo(leftCfg, rightCfg.entryNode, FalseEdge) ++ leftCfg.edges ++ rightCfg.edges
.from(leftCfg, rightCfg)
entryNode = leftCfg.entryNode,
edges = diffGraphs,
fringe = leftCfg.fringe ++ rightCfg.fringe
) ++ cfgForSingleNode(call)
/** A conditional expression is of the form `condition ? trueExpr ; falseExpr` where both `trueExpr` and `falseExpr`
* are optional. We create the corresponding CFGs by creating CFGs for the three expressions and adding edges between
* them. The new entry node is the condition entry node.
protected def cfgForConditionalExpression(call: Call): Cfg = {
val conditionCfg = cfgFor(call.argument(1))
val trueCfg = call.argumentOption(2).map(cfgFor).getOrElse(Cfg.empty)
val falseCfg = call.argumentOption(3).map(cfgFor).getOrElse(Cfg.empty)
val diffGraphs = edgesFromFringeTo(conditionCfg, trueCfg.entryNode, TrueEdge) ++
edgesFromFringeTo(conditionCfg, falseCfg.entryNode, FalseEdge)
val trueFridge = if (trueCfg.entryNode.isDefined) {
} else {
val falseFridge = if (falseCfg.entryNode.isDefined) {
} else {
.from(conditionCfg, trueCfg, falseCfg)
entryNode = conditionCfg.entryNode,
edges = conditionCfg.edges ++ trueCfg.edges ++ falseCfg.edges ++ diffGraphs,
fringe = trueFridge ++ falseFridge
) ++ cfgForSingleNode(call)
/** For macros, the AST contains a CALL node, along with child sub trees for all arguments, and a final sub tree that
* contains the inlined code. The corresponding CFG consists of the CFG for the call, an edge to the exit and an edge
* to the CFG of the inlined code. We choose this representation because it allows both queries that use the macro
* reference as well as queries that reference the inline code to be chosen as sources/sinks in data flow queries.
def cfgForInlinedCall(call: Call): Cfg = {
val cfgForMacroCall = call.argument.l
.reduceOption((x, y) => x ++ y)
.getOrElse(Cfg.empty) ++ cfgForSingleNode(call)
val cfgForExpansion =
val cfg = Cfg
.from(cfgForMacroCall, cfgForExpansion)
entryNode = cfgForMacroCall.entryNode,
edges = cfgForMacroCall.edges ++ cfgForExpansion.edges ++ cfgForExpansion.entryNode.toList
.flatMap(x => singleEdge(call, x)),
fringe = cfgForMacroCall.fringe ++ cfgForExpansion.fringe
/** A for statement is of the form `for(initExpr; condition; loopExpr) body` and all four components may be empty. The
* sequence (condition - body - loopExpr) form the inner part of the loop and we calculate the corresponding CFG
* `innerCfg` so that it is no longer relevant which of these three actually exist and we still have an entry node
* for the loop and a fringe.
protected def cfgForForStatement(node: ControlStructure): Cfg = {
val children = node.astChildren.l
val nLocals = children.count(_.isLocal)
val initExprCfg = children.find(_.order == nLocals + 1).map(cfgFor).getOrElse(Cfg.empty)
val conditionCfg = children.find(_.order == nLocals + 2).map(cfgFor).getOrElse(Cfg.empty)
val loopExprCfg = children.find(_.order == nLocals + 3).map(cfgFor).getOrElse(Cfg.empty)
val bodyCfg = children.find(_.order == nLocals + 4).map(cfgFor).getOrElse(Cfg.empty)
val innerCfg = bodyCfg ++ loopExprCfg
val loopEntryNode = conditionCfg.entryNode.orElse(innerCfg.entryNode)
val entryNode = initExprCfg.entryNode.orElse(loopEntryNode)
val newEdges = edgesFromFringeTo(initExprCfg, loopEntryNode) ++
edgesFromFringeTo(innerCfg, loopEntryNode) ++
edgesFromFringeTo(conditionCfg, innerCfg.entryNode.orElse(conditionCfg.entryNode), TrueEdge) ++ {
if (loopExprCfg.entryNode.isDefined) {
edges(takeCurrentLevel(bodyCfg.continues), loopExprCfg.entryNode)
} else {
edges(takeCurrentLevel(bodyCfg.continues), loopEntryNode)
.from(initExprCfg, conditionCfg, loopExprCfg, bodyCfg)
entryNode = entryNode,
edges = newEdges ++ initExprCfg.edges ++ conditionCfg.edges ++ innerCfg.edges,
fringe = conditionCfg.fringe.withEdgeType(FalseEdge) ++ takeCurrentLevel(bodyCfg.breaks).map((_, AlwaysEdge)),
breaks = reduceAndFilterLevel(bodyCfg.breaks),
continues = reduceAndFilterLevel(bodyCfg.continues)
/** A Do-Statement is of the form `do body while(condition)` where body may be empty. We again first calculate the
* inner CFG as bodyCfg ++ conditionCfg and then connect edges according to the semantics of do-while.
protected def cfgForDoStatement(node: ControlStructure): Cfg = {
val bodyCfg = node.astChildren.where(_.order(1))
val conditionCfg =
val innerCfg = bodyCfg ++ conditionCfg
val diffGraphs =
edges(takeCurrentLevel(bodyCfg.continues), conditionCfg.entryNode) ++
edgesFromFringeTo(bodyCfg, conditionCfg.entryNode) ++
edgesFromFringeTo(conditionCfg, innerCfg.entryNode, TrueEdge)
.from(bodyCfg, conditionCfg, innerCfg)
entryNode = if (bodyCfg != Cfg.empty) { bodyCfg.entryNode }
else { conditionCfg.entryNode },
edges = diffGraphs ++ bodyCfg.edges ++ conditionCfg.edges,
fringe = conditionCfg.fringe.withEdgeType(FalseEdge) ++ takeCurrentLevel(bodyCfg.breaks).map((_, AlwaysEdge)),
breaks = reduceAndFilterLevel(bodyCfg.breaks),
continues = reduceAndFilterLevel(bodyCfg.continues)
/** CFG creation for while statements of the form `while(condition) body1 else body2` where body1 and the else block
* are optional.
protected def cfgForWhileStatement(node: ControlStructure): Cfg = {
val conditionCfg =
val trueCfg =
val falseCfg =
val diffGraphs = edgesFromFringeTo(conditionCfg, trueCfg.entryNode) ++
edgesFromFringeTo(trueCfg, falseCfg.entryNode) ++
edgesFromFringeTo(trueCfg, conditionCfg.entryNode) ++
edges(takeCurrentLevel(trueCfg.continues), conditionCfg.entryNode)
.from(conditionCfg, trueCfg, falseCfg)
entryNode = conditionCfg.entryNode,
edges = diffGraphs ++ conditionCfg.edges ++ trueCfg.edges ++ falseCfg.edges,
fringe = conditionCfg.fringe.withEdgeType(FalseEdge) ++ takeCurrentLevel(trueCfg.breaks)
.map((_, AlwaysEdge)) ++ falseCfg.fringe,
breaks = reduceAndFilterLevel(trueCfg.breaks),
continues = reduceAndFilterLevel(trueCfg.continues)
/** CFG creation for switch statements of the form `switch { case condition: ... }`.
protected def cfgForSwitchStatement(node: ControlStructure): Cfg = {
val conditionCfg =
val bodyCfg =
cfgForSwitchLike(conditionCfg, bodyCfg :: Nil)
/** CFG creation for if statements of the form `if(condition) body`, optionally followed by `else body2`.
protected def cfgForIfStatement(node: ControlStructure): Cfg = {
val conditionCfg =
val trueCfg =
val falseCfg =
val diffGraphs = edgesFromFringeTo(conditionCfg, trueCfg.entryNode) ++
edgesFromFringeTo(conditionCfg, falseCfg.entryNode)
val ifStatementFringe =
if (trueCfg.entryNode.isEmpty && falseCfg.entryNode.isEmpty) {
} else {
val trueFringe = if (trueCfg.entryNode.isDefined) {
} else {
val falseFringe =
if (falseCfg.entryNode.isDefined) {
} else {
trueFringe ++ falseFringe
.from(conditionCfg, trueCfg, falseCfg)
entryNode = conditionCfg.entryNode,
edges = diffGraphs ++ conditionCfg.edges ++ trueCfg.edges ++ falseCfg.edges,
fringe = ifStatementFringe
/** CFG creation for try statements of the form `try { tryBody ] catch { catchBody } `, optionally followed by
* `finally { finallyBody }`.
* To avoid very large CFGs for try statements, only edges from the last statement in the `try` block to each `catch`
* block (and optionally the `finally` block) are created. The last statement in each `catch` block should then have
* an outgoing edge to the `finally` block if it exists (and not to any subsequent catch blocks), or otherwise * be
* part of the fringe.
* By default, the first child of the `TRY` node is treated as the try body, while every subsequent node is treated
* as a `catch`, with no `finally` present. To treat the last child of the node as the `finally` block, the `code`
* field of the `Block` node must be set to `finally`.
protected def cfgForTryStatement(node: ControlStructure): Cfg = {
val maybeTryBlock =
.where(_.astChildren) // Filter out empty `try` bodies
val tryBodyCfg: Cfg =
val catchControlStructures =
(node.astChildren.isControlStructure.isCatch ++ node.astChildren.isControlStructure.isElse).toList
val catchBodyCfgs = if (catchControlStructures.isEmpty) {
node.astChildren.order(2).toList match {
case Nil => List(Cfg.empty)
case asts =>
} else {
catchControlStructures match {
case Nil => List(Cfg.empty)
case asts =>
val finallyControlStructures = node.astChildren.isControlStructure.isFinally.toList
val maybeFinallyBodyCfg = if (catchControlStructures.isEmpty && finallyControlStructures.isEmpty) {
.headOption // Assume there can only be one
} else {
.headOption // Assume there can only be one
val tryToCatchEdges = catchBodyCfgs.flatMap { catchBodyCfg =>
edgesFromFringeTo(tryBodyCfg, catchBodyCfg.entryNode)
val catchToFinallyEdges = (
for (
catchBodyCfg <- catchBodyCfgs;
finallyBodyCfg <- maybeFinallyBodyCfg
) yield edgesFromFringeTo(catchBodyCfg, finallyBodyCfg.entryNode)
val tryToFinallyEdges = maybeFinallyBodyCfg.flatMap { cfg =>
edgesFromFringeTo(tryBodyCfg, cfg.entryNode)
val diffGraphs = tryToCatchEdges ++ catchToFinallyEdges ++ tryToFinallyEdges
if (maybeTryBlock.isEmpty) {
// This case deals with the situation where the try block is empty. In this case,
// no catch block can be executed since nothing can be thrown, but the finally block
// will still be executed.
} else {
.from(Seq(tryBodyCfg) ++ catchBodyCfgs ++ maybeFinallyBodyCfg*)
entryNode = tryBodyCfg.entryNode,
edges =
diffGraphs ++ tryBodyCfg.edges ++ catchBodyCfgs.flatMap(_.edges) ++ maybeFinallyBodyCfg.flatMap(_.edges),
fringe = if (maybeFinallyBodyCfg.flatMap(_.entryNode).nonEmpty) {
} else {
tryBodyCfg.fringe ++ catchBodyCfgs.flatMap(_.fringe)
/** The CFGs for match cases are modeled after PHP match expressions and assumes that a case will always consist of
* one or more JumpTargets followed by a single expression. The CFG also assumes an implicit `break` at the end of
* each match case.
protected def cfgsForMatchCases(body: AstNode): List[Cfg] = {
.foldLeft(List(Cfg.empty)) {
case (currCfg :: prevCfgs, astNode) =>
astNode match {
case jumpTarget: JumpTarget =>
val jumpCfg = cfgForJumpTarget(jumpTarget)
(currCfg ++ jumpCfg) :: prevCfgs
case node: AstNode =>
val nodeCfg = cfgFor(node)
Cfg.empty :: (currCfg ++ nodeCfg) :: prevCfgs
case _ => List.empty
/** CFG creation for match expressions of the form `match { case condition: expr ... }`
protected def cfgForMatchExpression(node: ControlStructure): Cfg = {
val conditionCfg =
val bodyCfgs =
cfgForSwitchLike(conditionCfg, bodyCfgs)
protected def cfgForSwitchLike(conditionCfg: Cfg, bodyCfgs: List[Cfg]): Cfg = {
val hasDefaultCase = bodyCfgs.flatMap(_.caseLabels).exists(x => x.asInstanceOf[JumpTarget].name == "default")
val caseEdges = edgesToMultiple(, bodyCfgs.flatMap(_.caseLabels), CaseEdge)
val breakFringe = takeCurrentLevel(bodyCfgs.flatMap(_.breaks)).map((_, AlwaysEdge))
.from(conditionCfg :: bodyCfgs*)
entryNode = conditionCfg.entryNode,
edges = caseEdges ++ conditionCfg.edges ++ bodyCfgs.flatMap(_.edges),
fringe = {
if (!hasDefaultCase) { conditionCfg.fringe.withEdgeType(FalseEdge) }
else { Nil }
} ++ breakFringe ++ bodyCfgs.flatMap(_.fringe),
caseLabels = List(),
breaks = reduceAndFilterLevel(bodyCfgs.flatMap(_.breaks)),
continues = bodyCfgs.flatMap(_.continues)
object CfgCreator {
implicit class FringeWrapper(fringe: List[(CfgNode, CfgEdgeType)]) {
def withEdgeType(edgeType: CfgEdgeType): List[(CfgNode, CfgEdgeType)] = { { case (x, _) => (x, edgeType) }