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package io.joern.x2cpg.datastructures
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.nodes.DeclarationNew
import scala.annotation.targetName
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
/** A hierarchical data-structure that stores the result of types and their respective members. These types can be
* sourced from pre-parsing the application, or pre-computed stubs of common libraries.
* The utility of this object is in assisting resolving shorthand types during AST creation.
* @tparam T
* the type/class meta data class.
* @tparam M
* the function/method meta data class.
* @tparam F
* the field/property/member meta data class.
trait ProgramSummary[T <: TypeLike[M, F], M <: MethodLike, F <: FieldLike] {
/** A mapping between a namespace/directory and the containing types.
protected val namespaceToType: mutable.Map[String, mutable.Set[T]]
/** For the given namespace, returns the declared types.
def typesUnderNamespace(namespace: String): Set[T] = namespaceToType.getOrElse(namespace, Set.empty).toSet
/** For a type, will search for the associated namespace.
def namespaceFor(clazz: T): Option[String] = namespaceToType.find { case (_, v) => v.contains(clazz) }.map(_._1)
/** @param typeName
* the type name or full name. Can be partially qualified.
* @return
* the set of matching types' meta data.
def matchingTypes(typeName: String): List[T] = {
namespaceToType.values.flatten.filter(t =>'.').endsWith(typeName.split('.'))).toList
/** Absorbs the given program summary information into this program summary.
* @param o
* the program summary to absorb.
* @return
* this program summary.
def absorb(o: ProgramSummary[T, M, F]): ProgramSummary[T, M, F] = {
ProgramSummary.merge(this.namespaceToType, o.namespaceToType)
object ProgramSummary {
def merge[T <: TypeLike[M, F], M <: MethodLike, F <: FieldLike](
a: mutable.Map[String, mutable.Set[T]],
b: mutable.Map[String, mutable.Set[T]]
): mutable.Map[String, mutable.Set[T]] = {
def dedupTypesInPlace(m: mutable.Map[String, mutable.Set[T]]): Unit = {
val newMap = m
.map { case (namespace, ts) => namespace -> ts.groupBy( }
.map { case (namespace, typMap) =>
val dedupedTypes = mutable.Set.from(
.map { case (name, ts) => name -> ts.reduce((u, v) => (u + v).asInstanceOf[T]) }
m.put(namespace, dedupedTypes)
namespace -> dedupedTypes
assert(m.flatMap { case (name, ts) => ts.groupBy( }.forall(_ == 1))
// Handle duplicate types sharing the same namespace. This can be introduced from serialized type stubs.
b.foreach { case (namespace, bts) =>
a.updateWith(namespace) {
case Some(ats: mutable.Set[T]) =>
// Assert that we can simply reduce the grouped values to a simple key-value mapping for fast look-ups
assert(ats.groupBy( == 1))
val atsMap = ats.groupBy( { case (name, ts) => name -> ts.head }
bts.foreach { bt =>
atsMap.get( match {
case Some(at) =>
ats.add((at + bt).asInstanceOf[T])
case None =>
case None => b.get(namespace)
/** Extends the capability of the scope object to track types in scope as provide type resolution.
* @tparam M
* the method/function meta data class.
* @tparam F
* the field/object property meta data class.
* @tparam T
* the type/class meta data class.
trait TypedScope[M <: MethodLike, F <: FieldLike, T <: TypeLike[M, F]](summary: ProgramSummary[T, M, F]) {
this: Scope[?, ?, TypedScopeElement] =>
/** Tracks the types that are visible to this scope.
protected val typesInScope = mutable.Set.empty[T]
/** Tracks the members visible to this scope. In languages like JavaScript or Python, where members can be directly
* imported and accessed without an explicit base, they are kept here.
protected val membersInScope = mutable.Set.empty[MemberLike]
/** Tracks any types or modules imported under alternative names to their type full names.
protected val aliasedTypes = mutable.HashMap.empty[String, String]
/** Given a type name or alias, attempts to resolve its full name using the types currently in scope.
* @param typeName
* the shorthand name.
* @return
* the type meta-data if found.
def tryResolveTypeReference(typeName: String): Option[T] = {
.collectFirst {
// Handle partially qualified names
case typ if"[.]").endsWith(typeName.split("[.]")) => typ
case typ if aliasedTypes.contains(typeName) && == aliasedTypes(typeName) => typ
protected def matchingM(callName: String)(implicit tag: ClassTag[M]): PartialFunction[MemberLike, M] = {
case m: M if == callName => m
/** Given the type full name and call name, will attempt to find the matching entry.
* @param typeFullName
* the base type full name. If none, will refer to loosely imported member or functions.
* @param callName
* the call name.
* @param argTypes
* the observed argument types. Only relevant for languages that implement overloading.
* @return
* the method meta data if found.
def tryResolveMethodInvocation(callName: String, argTypes: List[String] = Nil, typeFullName: Option[String] = None)(
implicit tag: ClassTag[M]
): Option[M] = typeFullName match {
case None =>
// TODO: The typesInScope part is to imprecisely solve the unimplemented polymorphism limitation
membersInScope.collectFirst(matchingM(callName)).orElse {
case Some(tfn) =>
tryResolveTypeReference(tfn).flatMap { t =>
t.methods.find(m => == callName)
/** Given the type full name and field name, will attempt to find the matching entry.
* @param typeFullName
* the base type full name. If none, will refer to loosely imported member or functions.
* @param fieldName
* the field/object property/module variable name.
* @return
* the field/object property/module variable's meta data.
def tryResolveFieldAccess(fieldName: String, typeFullName: Option[String] = None): Option[F] = typeFullName match {
case None => membersInScope.collectFirst { case f: FieldLike if == fieldName => f.asInstanceOf[F] }
case Some(tfn) =>
tryResolveTypeReference(tfn).flatMap { t =>
t.fields.find { f => == fieldName }
/** Appends known types imported into the scope.
* @param namespace
* the fully qualified imported namespace.
def addImportedNamespace(namespace: String): Unit = {
val knownTypesFromNamespace = summary.typesUnderNamespace(namespace)
/** Appends known types imported into the scope.
* @param typeOrModule
* the type name or full name.
def addImportedTypeOrModule(typeOrModule: String): Unit = {
val matchingTypes = summary.matchingTypes(typeOrModule)
/** Appends known members to the scope.
* @param typeOrModule
* the type name or full name.
* @param memberNames
* the names of the members, or, if empty, imports all members from the type.
def addImportedMember(typeOrModule: String, memberNames: String*): Unit = {
val matchingTypes = summary.matchingTypes(typeOrModule)
val matchingMembers = matchingTypes.flatMap(t => t.fields ++ t.methods)
memberNames match {
case Nil => membersInScope.addAll(matchingMembers)
case names =>
val nameSet = names.toSet // Cast to set for O(1) membership query
val filteredMembers = matchingMembers.filter(member => nameSet.contains(
/** Given a method, will attempt to find the associated type with preference to the types in scope.
* @param m
* the method meta data.
* @return
* the type meta data, if found.
def typeForMethod(m: M): Option[T] = {
typesInScope.find(t => t.methods.contains(m))
trait OverloadableScope[M <: OverloadableMethod] {
this: TypedScope[M, ?, ?] =>
override def tryResolveMethodInvocation(
callName: String,
argTypes: List[String],
typeFullName: Option[String] = None
)(implicit tag: ClassTag[M]): Option[M] = typeFullName match {
case None =>
// TODO: The typesInScope part is to imprecisely solve the unimplemented polymorphism limitation
membersInScope.collectFirst(matchingM(callName)).orElse {
case Some(tfn) =>
val methodsWithEqualArgs = tryResolveTypeReference(tfn).flatMap { t =>
// TODO: Investigate using `isOverloadedBy` here
t.methods.filter(m => == callName && m.parameterTypes.filterNot(_._1 == "this").size == argTypes.size)
.find(isOverloadedBy(_, argTypes))
/** Determines if, by observing the given argument types, that the method's signature is a plausible match to the
* observed arguments.
* The default implementation only considers that the same number of arguments are added and does not account for
* variadic arguments nor polymorphism.
* @param method
* the method meta data.
* @param argTypes
* the observed arguments from the call-site.
* @return
* true if the method could be overloaded by a call with these argument types.
protected def isOverloadedBy(method: M, argTypes: List[String]): Boolean = {
method.parameterTypes.size == argTypes.size
/** An implementation of combining the typed scoping structures to manage the available type information at namespace
* levels.
* @tparam M
* the method/function meta data class.
* @tparam F
* the field/object property meta data class.
* @tparam T
* the type/class meta data class.
* @param summary
* the program summary.
class DefaultTypedScope[M <: MethodLike, F <: FieldLike, T <: TypeLike[M, F]](summary: ProgramSummary[T, M, F])
extends Scope[String, DeclarationNew, TypedScopeElement]
with TypedScope[M, F, T](summary) {
/** Pops the scope, adding types from the scope if necessary.
override def pushNewScope(scopeNode: TypedScopeElement): Unit = {
scopeNode match {
case n: NamespaceLikeScope => typesInScope.addAll(summary.typesUnderNamespace(n.fullName))
case _ =>
/** Pops the scope, removing types from the scope if necessary.
override def popScope(): Option[TypedScopeElement] = {
super.popScope().map {
case n: NamespaceLikeScope =>
case x => x
Traits related to scoping classes
/** A scope element designed for the TypedScope.
trait TypedScopeElement
/** A namespace scope to synchronise types entering and exiting scopes.
trait NamespaceLikeScope extends TypedScopeElement {
/** @return
* the namespace full name.
def fullName: String
Traits related to meta-data classes
/** A type declaration or module. Holds methods and field entities.
* @tparam M
* the method/function meta data class.
* @tparam F
* the field/object property meta data class.
trait TypeLike[M <: MethodLike, F <: FieldLike] {
/** @return
* the type full name.
def name: String
/** @return
* the methods declared directly under the type declaration.
def methods: List[M]
/** @return
* the fields/properties declared directly under the type declaration.
def fields: List[F]
/** Adds the contents of the two types and produces a new type.
* @param o
* the other type-like.
* @return
* a type-like that is the combination of the two, with precedence to colliding contents to this type (LHS).
def +(o: TypeLike[M, F]): TypeLike[M, F]
/** Helper method for creating the sum of two type-like's methods, while preferring this types' methods on collisions.
* @param o
* the other type-like.
* @return
* the combination of the two type-like's methods.
protected def mergeMethods(o: TypeLike[M, ?]): List[M] = {
val methodNames =
methods ++ o.methods.filterNot(m => methodNames.contains(
/** Helper method for creating the sum of two type-like's fields, while preferring this types' fields on collisions.
* @param o
* the other type-like.
* @return
* the combination of the two type-like's fields.
protected def mergeFields(o: TypeLike[?, F]): List[F] = {
val fieldNames =
fields ++ o.fields.filterNot(f => fieldNames.contains(
/** An entity that is a member to some type or module.
trait MemberLike {
/** @return
* the name of the member.
def name: String
/** A member that behaves like a field/property/module variabe.
trait FieldLike extends MemberLike {
/** @return
* the name of the field.
def name: String
/** @return
* the type declared (not necessarily resolved)
def typeName: String
/** A function or procedure.
trait MethodLike extends MemberLike {
/** @return
* the name of the method.
def name: String
/** Stores the return type name.
* @return
* the return type name.
def returnType: String
trait OverloadableMethod extends MethodLike {
/** Stores a tuple of the parameter name and type name.
* @return
* the names and type names of the parameters.
def parameterTypes: List[(String, String)]
trait StubbedType[M <: MethodLike, F <: FieldLike] extends TypeLike[M, F]