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package io.joern.x2cpg.passes.callgraph
import io.joern.x2cpg.Defines.DynamicCallUnknownFullName
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.Cpg
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.nodes.{Call, Method, StoredNode, Type, TypeDecl}
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.{DispatchTypes, EdgeTypes, PropertyNames}
import io.shiftleft.passes.CpgPass
import io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.language.*
import org.slf4j.{Logger, LoggerFactory}
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.*
/** We compute the set of possible call-targets for each dynamic call, and add them as CALL edges to the graph, based on
* call.methodFullName, and method.signature, the inheritance hierarchy and the AST of typedecls and
* methods.
* This pass intentionally ignores the vtable mechanism based on BINDING nodes but does check for an existing call edge
* before adding one. It assumes non-circular inheritance, on pain of endless recursion / stack overflow.
* Based on the algorithm by Jang, Dongseok & Tatlock, Zachary & Lerner, Sorin. (2014). SAFEDISPATCH: Securing C++
* Virtual Calls from Memory Corruption Attacks. 10.14722/ndss.2014.23287.
class DynamicCallLinker(cpg: Cpg) extends CpgPass(cpg) {
import DynamicCallLinker._
// Used to track potential method candidates for a given method fullname. Since our method full names contain the type
// decl we don't need to specify an addition map to wrap this in. LinkedHashSets are used here to preserve order in
// the best interest of reproducibility during debugging.
private val validM = mutable.Map.empty[String, mutable.LinkedHashSet[String]]
// Used for dynamic programming as subtree's don't need to be recalculated later
private val subclassCache = mutable.Map.empty[String, mutable.LinkedHashSet[String]]
private val superclassCache = mutable.Map.empty[String, mutable.LinkedHashSet[String]]
// Used for O(1) lookups on methods that will work without indexManager
private val typeMap = mutable.Map.empty[String, TypeDecl]
// For linking loose method stubs that cannot be resolved by crawling parent types
private val methodMap = mutable.Map.empty[String, Method]
private def initMaps(): Unit = {
cpg.typeDecl.foreach { typeDecl =>
typeMap += (typeDecl.fullName -> typeDecl)
.filter(m => !""))
.foreach { method => methodMap += (method.fullName -> method) }
/** Main method of enhancement - to be implemented by child class
override def run(dstGraph: DiffGraphBuilder): Unit = {
// Perform early stopping in the case of no virtual calls
if (! == DispatchTypes.DYNAMIC_DISPATCH)) {
// ValidM maps class C and method name N to the set of
// func ptrs implementing N for C and its subclasses
for {
typeDecl <- cpg.typeDecl
method <- typeDecl._methodViaAstOut
} {
val methodName = method.fullName
val candidates = allSubclasses(typeDecl.fullName).flatMap { staticLookup(_, method) }
validM.put(methodName, candidates)
subclassCache.clear() == DispatchTypes.DYNAMIC_DISPATCH).foreach { call =>
try {
linkDynamicCall(call, dstGraph)
} catch {
case exception: Exception =>
throw new RuntimeException(exception)
/** Recursively returns all the sub-types of the given type declaration. Does account for circular hierarchies.
private def allSubclasses(typDeclFullName: String): mutable.LinkedHashSet[String] =
inheritanceTraversal(typDeclFullName, subclassCache, inSuperDirection = false)
/** Recursively returns all the super-types of the given type declaration. Does account for circular hierarchies.
private def allSuperClasses(typDeclFullName: String): mutable.LinkedHashSet[String] =
inheritanceTraversal(typDeclFullName, superclassCache, inSuperDirection = true)
private def inheritanceTraversal(
typDeclFullName: String,
cache: mutable.Map[String, mutable.LinkedHashSet[String]],
inSuperDirection: Boolean
): mutable.LinkedHashSet[String] = {
cache.get(typDeclFullName) match {
case Some(superClasses) => superClasses
case None =>
val totalSuperclasses = (cpg.typeDecl
.headOption match {
case Some(curr) => inheritTraversal(curr, inSuperDirection)
case None => mutable.LinkedHashSet.empty
cache.put(typDeclFullName, totalSuperclasses)
private def inheritTraversal(
cur: TypeDecl,
inSuperDirection: Boolean,
visitedNodes: mutable.LinkedHashSet[TypeDecl] = mutable.LinkedHashSet.empty
): mutable.LinkedHashSet[TypeDecl] = {
if (visitedNodes.contains(cur)) return visitedNodes
(if (inSuperDirection) cpg.typeDecl.fullNameExact(cur.fullName)._typeViaInheritsFromOut.referencedTypeDecl
else cpg.typ.fullNameExact(cur.fullName).inheritsFromIn)
.to(mutable.LinkedHashSet) match {
case classesToEval if classesToEval.isEmpty => visitedNodes
case classesToEval =>
classesToEval.flatMap(t => inheritTraversal(t, inSuperDirection, visitedNodes))
/** Returns the method from a sub-class implementing a method for the given subclass.
private def staticLookup(subclass: String, method: Method): Option[String] = {
typeMap.get(subclass) match {
case Some(sc) =>
case None => None
private def resolveCallInSuperClasses(call: Call): Boolean = {
if (!call.methodFullName.contains(":")) return false
def split(str: String, n: Int) = (str.take(n), str.drop(n + 1))
val (fullName, signature) = split(call.methodFullName, call.methodFullName.lastIndexOf(":"))
val typeDeclFullName = fullName.replace(s".${}", "")
val candidateInheritedMethods =
if (candidateInheritedMethods.nonEmpty) {
validM.getOrElse(call.methodFullName, mutable.LinkedHashSet.empty) ++ mutable.LinkedHashSet.from(
} else {
private def linkDynamicCall(call: Call, dstGraph: DiffGraphBuilder): Unit = {
// This call linker requires a method full name entry
if (call.methodFullName.equals("") || call.methodFullName.equals(DynamicCallUnknownFullName)) return
// Support for overriding
validM.get(call.methodFullName) match {
case Some(tgts) =>
val callsOut = call._callOut.cast[Method].fullName.toSetImmutable
val tgtMs = tgts.flatMap(destMethod => methodFullNameToNode(destMethod)).toSet
// Non-overridden methods linked as external stubs should be excluded if they are detected
val (externalMs, internalMs) = tgtMs.partition(_.isExternal)
(if (externalMs.nonEmpty && internalMs.nonEmpty) internalMs else tgtMs)
.foreach { tgtM =>
if (!callsOut.contains(tgtM.fullName)) {
dstGraph.addEdge(call, tgtM, EdgeTypes.CALL)
} else {
fallbackToStaticResolution(call, dstGraph)
case None =>
fallbackToStaticResolution(call, dstGraph)
/** In the case where the method isn't an internal method and cannot be resolved by crawling TYPE_DECL nodes it can be
* resolved from the map of external methods.
private def fallbackToStaticResolution(call: Call, dstGraph: DiffGraphBuilder): Unit = {
methodMap.get(call.methodFullName) match {
case Some(tgtM) => dstGraph.addEdge(call, tgtM, EdgeTypes.CALL)
case None => printLinkingError(call)
private def nodesWithFullName(x: String): Iterator[StoredNode] =
cpg.graph.nodesWithProperty(PropertyNames.FULL_NAME, x).cast[StoredNode]
private def methodFullNameToNode(x: String): Option[Method] =
nodesWithFullName(x).collectFirst { case x: Method => x }
private def printLinkingError(call: Call): Unit = {
s"Unable to link dynamic CALL with METHOD_FULL_NAME ${call.methodFullName} and context: " +
s"${call.code} @ line ${call.lineNumber}"
object DynamicCallLinker {
private val logger: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[DynamicCallLinker])