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package io.joern.x2cpg.astgen
import better.files.File
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import io.joern.x2cpg.utils.Environment.ArchitectureType.ArchitectureType
import io.joern.x2cpg.utils.Environment.OperatingSystemType.OperatingSystemType
import io.joern.x2cpg.utils.{Environment, ExternalCommand}
import io.joern.x2cpg.{SourceFiles, X2CpgConfig}
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import versionsort.VersionHelper
import java.nio.file.Paths
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
object AstGenRunner {
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)
trait AstGenRunnerResult {
def parsedFiles: List[String]
def skippedFiles: List[String]
/** @param parsedFiles
* the files parsed by the runner.
* @param skippedFiles
* the files skipped by the runner.
case class DefaultAstGenRunnerResult(parsedFiles: List[String] = List.empty, skippedFiles: List[String] = List.empty)
extends AstGenRunnerResult
/** @param name
* the name of the AST gen executable, e.g., goastgen, dotnetastgen, swiftastgen, etc.
* @param configPrefix
* the prefix of the executable's respective configuration path.
* @param multiArchitectureBuilds
* whether there is a binary for specific architectures or not.
* @param packagePath
* the code path for the frontend.
case class AstGenProgramMetaData(
name: String,
configPrefix: String,
multiArchitectureBuilds: Boolean,
packagePath: URL
def executableDir(implicit metaData: AstGenProgramMetaData): String =
def hasCompatibleAstGenVersion(compatibleVersion: String)(implicit metaData: AstGenProgramMetaData): Boolean = {"$ -version", ".") match {
case Some(installedVersion)
if installedVersion != "unknown" &&
Try(, compatibleVersion)).toOption.getOrElse(-1) >= 0 =>
logger.debug(s"Using local ${} v$installedVersion from systems PATH")
case Some(installedVersion) =>
s"Found local ${} v$installedVersion in systems PATH but ${} requires at least v$compatibleVersion"
case _ => false
trait AstGenRunnerBase(config: X2CpgConfig[?] & AstGenConfig[?]) {
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)
import io.joern.x2cpg.astgen.AstGenRunner.*
// Suffixes for the binary based on OS & architecture
protected val WinX86 = "win.exe"
protected val WinArm = "win-arm.exe"
protected val LinuxX86 = "linux"
protected val LinuxArm = "linux-arm"
protected val MacX86 = "macos"
protected val MacArm = "macos-arm"
/** All the supported combinations of architectures.
protected val SupportedBinaries: Set[(OperatingSystemType, ArchitectureType)] = Set(
Environment.OperatingSystemType.Windows -> Environment.ArchitectureType.X86,
Environment.OperatingSystemType.Windows -> Environment.ArchitectureType.ARMv8,
Environment.OperatingSystemType.Linux -> Environment.ArchitectureType.X86,
Environment.OperatingSystemType.Linux -> Environment.ArchitectureType.ARMv8,
Environment.OperatingSystemType.Mac -> Environment.ArchitectureType.X86,
Environment.OperatingSystemType.Mac -> Environment.ArchitectureType.ARMv8
/** Determines the name of the executable to run, based on the host system. Usually, AST GEN binaries support three
* operating systems, and two architectures. Some binaries are multiplatform, in which case the suffix for x86 is
* used for both architectures.
protected def executableName(implicit metaData: AstGenProgramMetaData): String = {
if (!SupportedBinaries.contains(Environment.operatingSystem -> Environment.architecture)) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"No compatible binary of ${} for your operating system!")
} else {
Environment.operatingSystem match {
case Environment.OperatingSystemType.Windows => executableName(WinX86, WinArm)
case Environment.OperatingSystemType.Linux => executableName(LinuxX86, LinuxArm)
case Environment.OperatingSystemType.Mac => executableName(MacX86, MacArm)
case Environment.OperatingSystemType.Unknown =>
logger.warn("Could not detect OS version! Defaulting to 'Linux'.")
executableName(LinuxX86, LinuxArm)
private def executableName(x86Suffix: String, armSuffix: String)(implicit metaData: AstGenProgramMetaData): String = {
if (metaData.multiArchitectureBuilds) {
} else {
Environment.architecture match {
case Environment.ArchitectureType.X86 => s"${}-$x86Suffix"
case Environment.ArchitectureType.ARMv8 => s"${}-$armSuffix"
protected def isIgnoredByUserConfig(filePath: String): Boolean = {
lazy val isInIgnoredFiles = config.ignoredFiles.exists {
case ignorePath if File(ignorePath).isDirectory => filePath.startsWith(ignorePath)
case ignorePath => filePath == ignorePath
lazy val isInIgnoredFileRegex = config.ignoredFilesRegex.matches(filePath)
if (isInIgnoredFiles || isInIgnoredFileRegex) {
logger.debug(s"'$filePath' ignored by user configuration")
} else {
protected def filterFiles(files: List[String], out: File): List[String] = files.filter(fileFilter(_, out))
protected def fileFilter(file: String, out: File): Boolean = {
file.stripSuffix(".json").replace(out.pathAsString, config.inputPath) match {
case filePath if isIgnoredByUserConfig(filePath) => false
case _ => true
protected def skippedFiles(in: File, astGenOut: List[String]): List[String]
protected def runAstGenNative(in: String, out: File, exclude: String, include: String)(implicit
metaData: AstGenProgramMetaData
): Try[Seq[String]]
protected def astGenCommand(implicit metaData: AstGenProgramMetaData): String = {
val conf = ConfigFactory.load
val astGenVersion = conf.getString(s"${metaData.configPrefix}.${}_version")
if (hasCompatibleAstGenVersion(astGenVersion)) {
} else {
def execute(out: File): AstGenRunnerResult = {
implicit val metaData: AstGenProgramMetaData = config.astGenMetaData
val in = File(config.inputPath)"Running ${} on '${config.inputPath}'")
runAstGenNative(config.inputPath, out, config.ignoredFilesRegex.toString(), "") match {
case Success(result) =>
val srcFiles = SourceFiles.determine(
ignoredFilesRegex = Option(config.ignoredFilesRegex),
ignoredFilesPath = Option(config.ignoredFiles)
val parsed = filterFiles(srcFiles, out)
val skipped = skippedFiles(in, result.toList)
DefaultAstGenRunnerResult(parsed, skipped)
case Failure(f) =>
logger.error(s"\t- running ${} failed!", f)