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package io.joern.x2cpg.frontendspecific.rubysrc2cpg
import io.joern.x2cpg.Defines
import io.joern.x2cpg.frontendspecific.rubysrc2cpg.Constants.*
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.nodes.*
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.{Cpg, DispatchTypes, EdgeTypes, Operators}
import io.shiftleft.passes.ForkJoinParallelCpgPass
import io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.language.*
import io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.language.operatorextension.OpNodes
import io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.language.operatorextension.OpNodes.{Assignment, FieldAccess}
import org.apache.commons.text.CaseUtils
import java.util.regex.Pattern
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable
/** A tuple holding the (name, importPath) for types in the analysis.
case class TypeImportInfo(name: String, importPath: String)
/** In some Ruby frameworks, it is common to have an autoloader library that implicitly loads requirements onto the
* stack. This pass makes these imports explicit. The most popular one is Zeitwerk which we check in `Gemsfile.lock` to enable this pass.
* @param externalTypes
* a list of additional types to consider that may be importable but are not in the CPG.
class ImplicitRequirePass(cpg: Cpg, externalTypes: Seq[TypeImportInfo] = Nil)
extends ForkJoinParallelCpgPass[Method](cpg) {
/** A tuple holding information about the type import info, additionally with a boolean indicating if it is external
* or not.
private case class TypeImportInfoWithProvidence(info: TypeImportInfo, isExternal: Boolean)
private val typeNameToImportInfo = mutable.Map.empty[String, Seq[TypeImportInfoWithProvidence]]
private val Require: String = "require"
private val Self: String = "self"
private val Initialize: String = "initialize"
private val Clazz: String = ""
override def init(): Unit = {
val importableTypeInfo = cpg.typeDecl
.filter { typeDecl =>
// zeitwerk will match types that share the name of the path.
// This match is insensitive to camel case, i.e, foo_bar will match type FooBar.
val fileName = typeDecl.filename.split(Array('/', '\\')).last
val typeName =
ImplicitRequirePass.isAutoloadable(typeName, fileName)
.map { typeDecl =>
val typeImportInfo = TypeImportInfo(, ImplicitRequirePass.normalizePath(typeDecl.filename))
TypeImportInfoWithProvidence(typeImportInfo, typeDecl.isExternal)
// Group types by symbol and add to map for quicker retrieval later
typeNameToImportInfo.addAll(importableTypeInfo.groupBy { case TypeImportInfoWithProvidence(typeImportInfo, _) =>
typeNameToImportInfo.addAll(, true)).groupBy {
case TypeImportInfoWithProvidence(typeImportInfo, _) =>
private def getFieldBaseFromString(fieldAccessString: String): String = {
val normalizedFieldAccessString = fieldAccessString.replace("::", ".")
override def generateParts(): Array[Method] =
/** Collects methods within a module.
private def findMethodsViaAstChildren(module: Method): Iterator[Method] = {
// TODO For now we have to go via the full name regex because the AST is not yet linked
// at the execution time of this pass.
// Iterator(module) ++ module.astChildren.flatMap {
// case x: TypeDecl => x.method.flatMap(findMethodsViaAstChildren)
// case x: Method => Iterator(x) ++ x.astChildren.collectAll[Method].flatMap(findMethodsViaAstChildren)
// case _ => Iterator.empty
// }
cpg.method.fullName(Pattern.quote(module.fullName) + ".*")
override def runOnPart(builder: DiffGraphBuilder, moduleMethod: Method): Unit = {
val possiblyImportedSymbols = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[String]
val currPath = ImplicitRequirePass.normalizePath(moduleMethod.filename)
val typeDecl = cpg.typeDecl.fullName(Pattern.quote(moduleMethod.fullName) + ".*").l
val methodsOfModule = findMethodsViaAstChildren(moduleMethod).toList
val callsOfModule = methodsOfModule.ast.isCall.toList
val symbolsGatheredFromCalls = callsOfModule
.flatMap {
case x if == Initialize =>
x.receiver.headOption.flatMap {
case x: TypeRef => Option(getFieldBaseFromString(x.code))
case x: Identifier => Option(
case x: Call if == Operators.fieldAccess =>
case _ => None
case x if x.methodFullName == Operators.fieldAccess =>
fieldAccessBase(x.asInstanceOf[FieldAccess]) :: Nil
case _ =>
var currOrder = moduleMethod.block.astChildren.size
.flatMap { identifierName =>
.getOrElse(identifierName, Seq.empty)
.sortBy { case TypeImportInfoWithProvidence(_, isExternal) =>
isExternal // sorting booleans puts false (internal) first
.collectFirst {
// ignore an import to a file that defines the type
case TypeImportInfoWithProvidence(TypeImportInfo(_, importPath), _) if importPath != currPath =>
importPath -> createRequireCall(builder, importPath)
.distinctBy { case (importPath, _) => importPath }
.foreach { case (_, requireCall) =>
builder.addEdge(moduleMethod.block, requireCall, EdgeTypes.AST)
currOrder += 1
private def createRequireCall(builder: DiffGraphBuilder, path: String): NewCall = {
val requireCallNode = NewCall()
.code(s"$Require '$path'")
// Create literal argument
val pathLiteralNode =
builder.addEdge(requireCallNode, pathLiteralNode, EdgeTypes.AST)
builder.addEdge(requireCallNode, pathLiteralNode, EdgeTypes.ARGUMENT)
private def fieldAccessBase(fa: FieldAccess): String = fieldAccessParts(fa).headOption.getOrElse(fa.argument(1).code)
private def fieldAccessParts(fa: FieldAccess): Seq[String] = {
fa.argument(1) match {
case subFa: Call if == Operators.fieldAccess => fieldAccessParts(subFa.asInstanceOf[FieldAccess])
case self: Identifier if == Self =>
case assignCall: Call if == Operators.assignment =>
val assign = assignCall.asInstanceOf[Assignment]
// Handle the tmp var assign of qualified names
(, assign.source) match {
case (lhs: Identifier, rhs: Call) if"
case _ => Seq.empty
case _ => Seq.empty
object ImplicitRequirePass {
/** Determines if the given type name and its corresponding parent file name allow for the type to be autoloaded by
* zeitwerk.
* @return
* true if the type is autoloadable from the given filename.
def isAutoloadable(typeName: String, fileName: String): Boolean = {
// We use lowercase as something like `openssl` and `OpenSSL` don't give obvious clues where capitalisation occurs
val strippedFileName = normalizePath(fileName).toLowerCase
val lowerCaseTypeName = typeName.toLowerCase
lowerCaseTypeName == strippedFileName.toLowerCase || lowerCaseTypeName == CaseUtils
.toCamelCase(strippedFileName, true, '_', '-')
private def normalizePath(path: String): String = path.replace("\\", "/").stripSuffix(".rb")