io.joynr.demo.MyRadioProviderApplication Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* %%
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2017 BMW Car IT GmbH
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* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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* #L%
package io.joynr.demo;
import io.joynr.provider.ProviderAnnotations;
import io.joynr.accesscontrol.StaticDomainAccessControlProvisioning;
import io.joynr.accesscontrol.StaticDomainAccessControlProvisioningModule;
import io.joynr.exceptions.JoynrRuntimeException;
import io.joynr.messaging.AtmosphereMessagingModule;
import io.joynr.messaging.MessagingPropertyKeys;
import io.joynr.messaging.mqtt.paho.client.MqttPahoModule;
import io.joynr.messaging.websocket.WebsocketModule;
import io.joynr.runtime.AbstractJoynrApplication;
import io.joynr.runtime.CCInProcessRuntimeModule;
import io.joynr.runtime.CCWebSocketRuntimeModule;
import io.joynr.runtime.JoynrApplication;
import io.joynr.runtime.JoynrApplicationModule;
import io.joynr.runtime.JoynrInjectorFactory;
import io.joynr.runtime.LibjoynrWebSocketRuntimeModule;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Properties;
import jline.console.ConsoleReader;
import joynr.infrastructure.DacTypes.MasterAccessControlEntry;
import joynr.infrastructure.DacTypes.Permission;
import joynr.infrastructure.DacTypes.TrustLevel;
import joynr.types.ProviderScope;
import joynr.types.ProviderQos;
import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine;
import org.apache.commons.cli.Option;
import org.apache.commons.cli.Options;
import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser;
import org.apache.commons.cli.DefaultParser;
import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter;
import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper.DefaultTyping;
import com.google.inject.Inject;
import com.google.inject.Module;
import com.google.inject.util.Modules;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings;
public class MyRadioProviderApplication extends AbstractJoynrApplication {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MyRadioProviderApplication.class);
public static final String STATIC_PERSISTENCE_FILE = "provider-joynr.properties";
private MyRadioProvider provider = null;
private ObjectMapper jsonSerializer;
private ProviderScope providerScope;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// run application from cmd line using Maven:
// mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="io.joynr.demo.MyRadioProviderApplication" -Dexec.args=""
// where arguments provided as
// -d provider-domain [-h websocket-host] [-p websocket-port] [-t [(websocket | websocketCC):[http]:[mqtt]] [-l]
ProviderScope tmpProviderScope = ProviderScope.GLOBAL;
String host = "localhost";
int port = 4242;
String localDomain = "domain";
String transport = null;
CommandLine line;
Options options = new Options();
Options helpOptions = new Options();
setupOptions(options, helpOptions);
CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser();
// check for '-h' option alone first. This is required in order to avoid
// reports about missing other args when using only '-h', which should supported
// to just get help / usage info.
try {
line = parser.parse(helpOptions, args);
if (line.hasOption('h')) {
HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
// use 'options' here to print help about all possible parameters
formatter.printHelp(MyRadioProviderApplication.class.getName(), options, true);
} catch (ParseException e) {
// ignore, since any option except '-h' will cause this exception
try {
line = parser.parse(options, args);
if (line.hasOption('d')) {
localDomain = line.getOptionValue('d');
LOG.info("found domain = " + localDomain);
if (line.hasOption('H')) {
host = line.getOptionValue('H');
LOG.info("found host = " + host);
if (line.hasOption('l')) {
tmpProviderScope = ProviderScope.LOCAL;
LOG.info("found scope local");
if (line.hasOption('p')) {
port = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue('p'));
LOG.info("found port = " + port);
if (line.hasOption('t')) {
transport = line.getOptionValue('t').toLowerCase();
LOG.info("found transport = " + transport);
} catch (ParseException e) {
LOG.error("failed to parse command line: " + e);
HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
formatter.printHelp(MyRadioProviderApplication.class.getName(), options, true);
Properties joynrConfig = new Properties();
Module runtimeModule = getRuntimeModule(transport, host, port, joynrConfig);
final ProviderScope providerScope = tmpProviderScope;
LOG.info("Using the following runtime module: " + runtimeModule.getClass().getSimpleName());
LOG.info("Registering provider with the following scope: " + providerScope.name());
LOG.info("Registering provider on domain \"{}\"", localDomain);
// joynr config properties are used to set joynr configuration at
// compile time. They are set on the
// JoynrInjectorFactory.
// Set a custom static persistence file (default is joynr.properties in
// the working dir) to store
// joynr configuration. It allows for changing the joynr configuration
// at runtime. Custom persistence
// files support running the consumer and provider applications from
// within the same directory.
joynrConfig.setProperty(MessagingPropertyKeys.PERSISTENCE_FILE, STATIC_PERSISTENCE_FILE);
// How to use custom infrastructure elements:
// 1) Set them programmatically at compile time using the joynr
// configuration properties at the
// JoynInjectorFactory. E.g. uncomment the following lines to set a
// certain joynr server
// instance.
// joynrConfig.setProperty(MessagingPropertyKeys.BOUNCE_PROXY_URL,
// "http://localhost:8080/bounceproxy/");
// joynrConfig.setProperty(MessagingPropertyKeys.DISCOVERYDIRECTORYURL,
// "http://localhost:8080/discovery/channels/discoverydirectory_channelid/");
// Each joynr instance has a local domain. It identifies the execution
// device/platform, e.g. the
// vehicle. Normally, providers on that instance are registered for the
// local domain.
joynrConfig.setProperty(PROPERTY_JOYNR_DOMAIN_LOCAL, localDomain);
// 2) Or set them in the static persistence file (default:
// joynr.properties in working dir) at
// runtime. If not available in the working dir, it will be created
// during the first launch
// of the application. Copy the following lines to the custom
// persistence file to set a
// certain joynr server instance.
// NOTE: This application uses a custom static persistence file
// provider-joynr.properties.
// Copy the following lines to the custom persistence file to set a
// certain joynr server
// instance.
// joynr.messaging.bounceproxyurl=http://localhost:8080/bounceproxy/
// joynr.messaging.discoverydirectoryurl=http://localhost:8080/discovery/channels/discoverydirectory_channelid/
// 3) Or set them in Java System properties.
// -Djoynr.messaging.bounceProxyUrl=http://localhost:8080/bounceproxy/
// -Djoynr.messaging.capabilitiesDirectoryUrl=http://localhost:8080/discovery/channels/discoverydirectory_channelid/
// NOTE:
// Programmatically set configuration properties override properties set
// in the static persistence file.
// Java system properties override both
// Application-specific configuration properties are injected to the
// application by setting
// them on the JoynApplicationModule.
Properties appConfig = new Properties();
// Use injected static provisioning of access control entries to allow access to anyone to this interface
provisionAccessControl(joynrConfig, localDomain);
JoynrApplication joynrApplication = new JoynrInjectorFactory(joynrConfig,
new StaticDomainAccessControlProvisioningModule()).createApplication(new JoynrApplicationModule(MyRadioProviderApplication.class,
appConfig) {
protected void configure() {
private static void setupOptions(Options options, Options helpOptions) {
Option optionDomain = Option.builder("d")
.desc("the domain of the provider (required)")
Option optionHost = Option.builder("H")
.desc("the websocket host (optional, used in case of websocket transport, default: localhost)")
Option optionHelp = Option.builder("h")
.desc("print this message")
Option optionLocal = Option.builder("l")
.desc("optional, if present, the provider is registered only locally")
Option optionPort = Option.builder("p")
.desc("the websocket port (optional, used in case of websocket transport, default: 4242)")
Option optionTransport = Option.builder("t")
.desc("the transport (optional, combination of websocket, http, mqtt with colon as separator, default: mqtt, any combination without websocket uses an embedded cluster controller)")
private static Module getRuntimeModule(String transport, String host, int port, Properties joynrConfig) {
Module runtimeModule;
if (transport != null) {
if (transport.contains("websocketcc")) {
configureWebSocket(host, port, joynrConfig);
runtimeModule = new CCWebSocketRuntimeModule();
} else if (transport.contains("websocket")) {
configureWebSocket(host, port, joynrConfig);
runtimeModule = new LibjoynrWebSocketRuntimeModule();
} else {
runtimeModule = new CCInProcessRuntimeModule();
Module backendTransportModules = Modules.EMPTY_MODULE;
if (transport.contains("http")) {
backendTransportModules = Modules.combine(backendTransportModules, new AtmosphereMessagingModule());
if (transport.contains("mqtt")) {
backendTransportModules = Modules.combine(backendTransportModules, new MqttPahoModule());
return Modules.override(runtimeModule).with(backendTransportModules);
return Modules.override(new CCInProcessRuntimeModule()).with(new MqttPahoModule());
private static void configureWebSocket(String host, int port, Properties joynrConfig) {
joynrConfig.setProperty(WebsocketModule.PROPERTY_WEBSOCKET_MESSAGING_HOST, host);
joynrConfig.setProperty(WebsocketModule.PROPERTY_WEBSOCKET_MESSAGING_PORT, "" + port);
joynrConfig.setProperty(WebsocketModule.PROPERTY_WEBSOCKET_MESSAGING_PROTOCOL, "ws");
joynrConfig.setProperty(WebsocketModule.PROPERTY_WEBSOCKET_MESSAGING_PATH, "");
private static void configureMqtt(Properties joynrConfig) {
joynrConfig.put("joynr.messaging.mqtt.brokerUri", "tcp://localhost:1883");
joynrConfig.put(MessagingPropertyKeys.PROPERTY_MESSAGING_PRIMARYGLOBALTRANSPORT, "mqtt");
public void run() {
provider = new MyRadioProvider();
provider.addBroadcastFilter(new TrafficServiceBroadcastFilter());
provider.addBroadcastFilter(new GeocastBroadcastFilter(jsonSerializer));
ProviderQos providerQos = new ProviderQos();
runtime.registerProvider(localDomain, provider, providerQos);
ConsoleReader console;
try {
console = new ConsoleReader();
int key;
while ((key = console.readCharacter()) != 'q') {
switch (key) {
case 's':
case 'p':
case 'w':
case 'n':
LOG.info("\n\nUSAGE press\n" + " q\tto quit\n" + " s\tto shuffle stations\n"
+ " w\tto fire weak signal event\n"
+ " p\tto fire weak signal event with country of current station as partition\n"
+ " n\tto fire station discovered event\n");
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("error reading input from console", e);
@SuppressWarnings(value = "DM_EXIT", justification = "WORKAROUND to be removed")
public void shutdown() {
LOG.info("shutting down");
if (provider != null) {
try {
runtime.unregisterProvider(localDomain, provider);
} catch (JoynrRuntimeException e) {
LOG.error("unable to unregister capabilities {}", e.getMessage());
// TODO currently there is a bug preventing all threads being stopped
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// do nothing; exiting application
private static void provisionAccessControl(Properties properties, String domain) throws Exception {
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
objectMapper.enableDefaultTypingAsProperty(DefaultTyping.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT, "_typeName");
MasterAccessControlEntry newMasterAccessControlEntry = new MasterAccessControlEntry("*",
new TrustLevel[]{ TrustLevel.LOW },
new TrustLevel[]{ TrustLevel.LOW },
new Permission[]{ Permission.YES });
MasterAccessControlEntry[] provisionedAccessControlEntries = { newMasterAccessControlEntry };
String provisionedAccessControlEntriesAsJson = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(provisionedAccessControlEntries);
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