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package io.joynr.generator.cpp.communicationmodel
* !!!
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2017 BMW Car IT GmbH
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import io.joynr.generator.cpp.util.CppStdTypeUtil
import io.joynr.generator.cpp.util.JoynrCppGeneratorExtensions
import io.joynr.generator.cpp.util.TemplateBase
import io.joynr.generator.templates.EnumTemplate
import io.joynr.generator.templates.util.NamingUtil
import org.franca.core.franca.FEnumerationType
class EnumHTemplate extends EnumTemplate {
@Inject extension TemplateBase
@Inject extension JoynrCppGeneratorExtensions
@Inject extension CppStdTypeUtil
@Inject extension NamingUtil
new(@Assisted FEnumerationType type) {
override generate(boolean generateVersion)
«val typeName = type.joynrName»
«val headerGuard = (getPackagePathWithJoynrPrefix(type, "_", true, generateVersion)+"_"+typeName+"_h").toUpperCase»
#ifndef «headerGuard»
#define «headerGuard»
#include "joynr/Util.h"
#include "joynr/exceptions/JoynrException.h"
#include "joynr/serializer/Serializer.h"
«IF type.hasExtendsDeclaration»
#include «type.extendedType.getIncludeOf(generateVersion)»
«getNamespaceStarter(type, true, generateVersion)»
* @brief Enumeration wrapper class «typeName»
* @version «majorVersion».«minorVersion»
struct «typeName» : public joynr::exceptions::ApplicationExceptionError {
«IF type.hasExtendsDeclaration»
// This enum inherits enumeration values from «type.extendedType.getTypeName(generateVersion)».
using ApplicationExceptionError::ApplicationExceptionError;
«typeName»() = default;
~«typeName»() override = default;
«appendDoxygenSummaryAndWriteSeeAndDescription(type, " *")»
* @version «majorVersion».«minorVersion»
enum «getNestedEnumName()» : std::uint32_t {
«var ordinal = -1»
«FOR enumtype : getEnumElementsAndBaseEnumElements(type) SEPARATOR ','»
* @brief «appendDoxygenComment(enumtype, "* ")»
ordinal = if (enumtype.value.enumeratorValue === null)
«enumtype.joynrName» = «ordinal»
* @brief MAJOR_VERSION The major version of this struct as specified in the
* type collection or interface in the Franca model.
static const std::int32_t MAJOR_VERSION;
* @brief MINOR_VERSION The minor version of this struct as specified in the
* type collection or interface in the Franca model.
static const std::int32_t MINOR_VERSION;
* @brief Copy constructor
* @param o the object to copy from
«typeName»(const «typeName»& o) = delete;
* @brief Get the matching enum name for an ordinal number
* @param «typeName.toFirstLower»Value The ordinal number
* @return The string representing the enum for the given ordinal number
static std::string getLiteral(const «typeName»::«getNestedEnumName()»& «typeName.toFirstLower»Value);
* @brief Get the matching enum for a string
* @param «typeName.toFirstLower»String The string representing the enum value
* @return The enum value representing the string
static «typeName»::«getNestedEnumName()» getEnum(const std::string& «typeName.toFirstLower»String);
* @brief Get the matching ordinal number for an enum
* @param «typeName.toFirstLower»Value The enum
* @return The ordinal number representing the enum
static std::uint32_t getOrdinal(«typeName»::«getNestedEnumName()» «typeName.toFirstLower»Value);
* @brief Get the typeName of the enumeration type
* @return The typeName of the enumeration type
static std::string getTypeName();
// Printing «typeName» with google-test and google-mock.
* @brief Print values of MessagingQos object
* @param messagingQos The current object instance
* @param os The output stream to send the output to
void PrintTo(const «type.getTypeName(generateVersion)»& «typeName.toFirstLower»Value, ::std::ostream* os);
«getNamespaceEnder(type, true, generateVersion)»
namespace std {
* @brief Function object that implements a hash function for «type.buildPackagePath("::", true, generateVersion)»::«typeName».
* Used by the unordered associative containers std::unordered_set, std::unordered_multiset,
* std::unordered_map, std::unordered_multimap as default hash function.
struct hash<«type.buildPackagePath("::", true, generateVersion)»::«typeName»::«getNestedEnumName()»> {
* @brief method overriding default implementation of operator ()
* @param «typeName.toFirstLower»Value the operators argument
* @return the ordinal number representing the enum value
std::size_t operator()(const «type.buildPackagePath("::", true, generateVersion)»::«typeName»::«getNestedEnumName()»& «typeName.toFirstLower»Value) const {
return «type.buildPackagePath("::", true, generateVersion)»::«typeName»::getOrdinal(«typeName.toFirstLower»Value);
} // namespace std
MUESLI_REGISTER_POLYMORPHIC_TYPE(«type.getTypeNameOfContainingClass(generateVersion)», joynr::exceptions::ApplicationExceptionError, "«type.getTypeNameOfContainingClass(generateVersion).replace("::", ".")»")
namespace muesli
template <>
struct EnumTraits<«type.getTypeName(generateVersion)»>
using Wrapper = «type.getTypeNameOfContainingClass(generateVersion)»;
} // namespace muesli
#endif // «headerGuard»