io.joynr.generator.cpp.provider.InterfaceProviderHTemplate.xtend Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.joynr.generator.cpp.provider
* !!!
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2017 BMW Car IT GmbH
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import io.joynr.generator.cpp.util.CppStdTypeUtil
import io.joynr.generator.cpp.util.JoynrCppGeneratorExtensions
import io.joynr.generator.cpp.util.TemplateBase
import io.joynr.generator.templates.InterfaceTemplate
import io.joynr.generator.templates.util.AttributeUtil
import io.joynr.generator.templates.util.BroadcastUtil
import io.joynr.generator.templates.util.InterfaceUtil
import io.joynr.generator.templates.util.MethodUtil
import io.joynr.generator.templates.util.NamingUtil
class InterfaceProviderHTemplate extends InterfaceTemplate {
@Inject extension TemplateBase
@Inject extension JoynrCppGeneratorExtensions
@Inject extension CppStdTypeUtil
@Inject extension NamingUtil
@Inject extension AttributeUtil
@Inject extension BroadcastUtil
@Inject extension InterfaceUtil
@Inject extension MethodUtil
override generate(boolean generateVersion)
«val interfaceName = francaIntf.joynrName»
«val headerGuard = ("GENERATED_INTERFACE_"+getPackagePathWithJoynrPrefix(francaIntf, "_", generateVersion)+
#ifndef «headerGuard»
#define «headerGuard»
«IF !francaIntf.broadcasts.filter[selective].empty»
#include "joynr/PrivateCopyAssign.h"
#include "joynr/IJoynrProvider.h"
#include "«getPackagePathWithJoynrPrefix(francaIntf, "/", generateVersion)»/I«interfaceName».h"
#include "joynr/RequestCallerFactory.h"
#include "«getPackagePathWithJoynrPrefix(francaIntf, "/", generateVersion)»/«interfaceName»RequestCaller.h"
«FOR parameterType: getDataTypeIncludesFor(francaIntf, generateVersion)»
#include «parameterType»
«getNamespaceStarter(francaIntf, generateVersion)»
* @brief Provider class for interface «interfaceName»
* @version «majorVersion».«minorVersion»
class «interfaceName»Provider : public virtual IJoynrProvider
/** @brief Default constructor */
//for each Attribute the provider needs setters, sync and async getters.
//They have default implementation for pushing Providers and can be overwritten by pulling Providers.
/** @brief Destructor */
~«interfaceName»Provider() override;
static const std::string& INTERFACE_NAME();
* @brief MAJOR_VERSION The major version of this provider interface as specified in the
* Franca model.
static const std::int32_t MAJOR_VERSION;
* @brief MINOR_VERSION The minor version of this provider interface as specified in the
* Franca model.
static const std::int32_t MINOR_VERSION;
«IF !francaIntf.attributes.empty»
// attributes
«FOR attribute : francaIntf.attributes»
«var attributeName = attribute.joynrName»
«IF attribute.readable»
* @brief Gets «attributeName.toFirstUpper»
«printCallbackDocumentation("with the attribute value")»
virtual void get«attributeName.toFirstUpper»(
std::function onSuccess,
std::function onError
) = 0;
«IF attribute.writable»
* @brief Sets «attributeName.toFirstUpper»
* @param «attributeName» the new value of the attribute
virtual void set«attributeName.toFirstUpper»(
const «attribute.getTypeName(generateVersion)»& «attributeName»,
std::function onSuccess,
std::function onError
) = 0;
«IF attribute.notifiable»
* @brief «attributeName»Changed must be called by a concrete provider
* to signal attribute modifications. It is used to implement onchange
* subscriptions.
* @param «attributeName» the new attribute value
virtual void «attributeName»Changed(
const «attribute.getTypeName(generateVersion)»& «attributeName»
) = 0;
«IF !francaIntf.methods.empty»
// methods
«val methodToErrorEnumName = francaIntf.methodToErrorEnumName»
«FOR method : francaIntf.methods»
«val outputTypedParamList = method.getCommaSeperatedTypedConstOutputParameterList(generateVersion)»
«val inputTypedParamList = getCommaSeperatedTypedConstInputParameterList(method, generateVersion)»
* @brief Implementation of the Franca method «method.joynrName»
«IF method.fireAndForget»
* This is a fire-and-forget method. Callers do not expect any response.
virtual void «method.joynrName»(
«IF !method.inputParameters.empty»
«inputTypedParamList»«IF !method.fireAndForget»,«ENDIF»
«IF !method.fireAndForget»
«IF method.outputParameters.empty»
std::function onSuccess,
std::function onSuccess,
«IF method.hasErrorEnum»
«IF method.errors !== null»
«val packagePath = getPackagePathWithJoynrPrefix(method.errors, "::", generateVersion)»
std::function onError
std::function onError
std::function onError
) = 0;
«IF !francaIntf.broadcasts.empty»
// broadcasts
«FOR broadcast : francaIntf.broadcasts»
«var broadcastName = broadcast.joynrName»
* @brief fire«broadcastName.toFirstUpper» must be called by a concrete
* provider to signal an occured event. It is used to implement broadcast
* publications.
«FOR parameter: getOutputParameters(broadcast)»
* @param «» the value for the broadcast output parameter «»
«IF !broadcast.selective»
* @param partitions optional list of partitions for this broadcast. Broadcast notifications
* are only sent to subscribers for these partitions.
virtual void fire«broadcastName.toFirstUpper»(
«IF !broadcast.outputParameters.empty»
«broadcast.getCommaSeperatedTypedConstOutputParameterList(generateVersion)»«IF !broadcast.selective»,«ENDIF»
«IF !broadcast.selective»
const std::vector& partitions = std::vector()
) = 0;
«getNamespaceEnder(francaIntf, generateVersion)»
«var packagePrefix = getPackagePathWithJoynrPrefix(francaIntf, "::", generateVersion)»
namespace joynr {
// specialization of traits class RequestCallerTraits
// this links «interfaceName»Provider with «interfaceName»RequestCaller
template <>
struct RequestCallerTraits<«packagePrefix»::«interfaceName»Provider>
using RequestCaller = «packagePrefix»::«interfaceName»RequestCaller;
} // namespace joynr
#endif // «headerGuard»
def printThreadingDocumentation()
* This method is called by a joynr middleware thread. The provider implementation
* must not block this thread; it must be released immediately after the method is
* called. Computations or further blocking calls must be performed asynchronously.
* Return the result of these computations by calling the onSuccess or onError
* callbacks asynchronously. N.B. Internal joynr data structures of joynr messages are
* captured in the callbacks and will be first released after the callback onSuccess
* or onError is called.
def printCallbackDocumentation(String onSuccessParameter)
* @param onSuccess A callback function to be called «onSuccessParameter» once the asynchronous computation has
* finished with success. It expects a request status object as parameter.
* @param onError A callback function to be called once the asynchronous computation fails. It expects an exception.