Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2021
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import io.jsonwebtoken.lang.Conjunctor;
import io.jsonwebtoken.lang.MapMutator;
import io.jsonwebtoken.lang.NestedCollection;
* A {@link SecurityBuilder} that produces a JWK. A JWK is an immutable set of name/value pairs that represent a
* cryptographic key as defined by
* RFC 7517: JSON Web Key (JWK).
* The {@code JwkBuilder} interface represents common JWK properties that may be specified for any type of JWK.
* Builder subtypes support additional JWK properties specific to different types of cryptographic keys
* (e.g. Secret, Asymmetric, RSA, Elliptic Curve, etc).
* @param the type of Java {@link Key} represented by the constructed JWK.
* @param the type of {@link Jwk} created by the builder
* @param the type of the builder, for subtype method chaining
* @see SecretJwkBuilder
* @see RsaPublicJwkBuilder
* @see RsaPrivateJwkBuilder
* @see EcPublicJwkBuilder
* @see EcPrivateJwkBuilder
* @see OctetPublicJwkBuilder
* @see OctetPrivateJwkBuilder
* @since 0.12.0
public interface JwkBuilder, T extends JwkBuilder>
extends MapMutator, SecurityBuilder, KeyOperationPolicied {
* Sets the JWK {@code alg} (Algorithm)
* Parameter.
* The {@code alg} (algorithm) parameter identifies the algorithm intended for use with the key. The
* value specified should either be one of the values in the IANA
* JSON Web Signature and Encryption
* Algorithms registry or be a value that contains a {@code Collision-Resistant Name}. The {@code alg}
* must be a CaSe-SeNsItIvE ASCII string.
* @param alg the JWK {@code alg} value.
* @return the builder for method chaining.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code alg} is {@code null} or empty.
T algorithm(String alg) throws IllegalArgumentException;
* Sets the JWK {@code kid} (Key ID)
* Parameter.
* The {@code kid} (key ID) parameter is used to match a specific key. This is used, for instance,
* to choose among a set of keys within a {@code JWK Set} during key rollover. The structure of the
* {@code kid} value is unspecified. When {@code kid} values are used within a JWK Set, different keys
* within the {@code JWK Set} SHOULD use distinct {@code kid} values. (One example in which
* different keys might use the same {@code kid} value is if they have different {@code kty} (key type)
* values but are considered to be equivalent alternatives by the application using them.)
* The {@code kid} value is a CaSe-SeNsItIvE string, and it is optional. When used with JWS or JWE,
* the {@code kid} value is used to match a JWS or JWE {@code kid} Header Parameter value.
* @param kid the JWK {@code kid} value.
* @return the builder for method chaining.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the argument is {@code null} or empty.
T id(String kid) throws IllegalArgumentException;
* Sets the JWK's {@link #id(String) kid} value to be the Base64URL-encoding of its {@code SHA-256}
* {@link Jwk#thumbprint(HashAlgorithm) thumbprint}. That is, the constructed JWK's {@code kid} value will equal
* jwk.{@link Jwk#thumbprint(HashAlgorithm) thumbprint}({@link Jwks.HASH}.{@link Jwks.HASH#SHA256 SHA256}).{@link JwkThumbprint#toString() toString()}
* This is a convenience method that delegates to {@link #idFromThumbprint(HashAlgorithm)} using
* {@link Jwks.HASH}{@code .}{@link Jwks.HASH#SHA256 SHA256}.
* @return the builder for method chaining.
T idFromThumbprint();
* Sets the JWK's {@link #id(String) kid} value to be the Base64URL-encoding of its
* {@link Jwk#thumbprint(HashAlgorithm) thumbprint} using the specified {@link HashAlgorithm}. That is, the
* constructed JWK's {@code kid} value will equal
* {@link Jwk#thumbprint(HashAlgorithm) thumbprint}(alg).{@link JwkThumbprint#toString() toString()}.
* @param alg the hash algorithm to use to compute the thumbprint.
* @return the builder for method chaining.
* @see Jwks.HASH
T idFromThumbprint(HashAlgorithm alg);
* Configures the key operations for which
* the key is intended to be used. When finished, use the collection's {@link Conjunctor#and() and()} method to
* return to the JWK builder, for example:
* jwkBuilder.operations().add(aKeyOperation).{@link Conjunctor#and() and()} // etc...
* The {@code add()} method(s) will throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException} if any of the specified
* {@code KeyOperation}s are not permitted by the JWK's
* {@link #operationPolicy(KeyOperationPolicy) operationPolicy}. See that documentation for more
* information on security vulnerabilities when using the same key with multiple algorithms.
* Standard {@code KeyOperation}s and Overrides
* All RFC-standard JWK Key Operations in the {@link Jwks.OP} registry are supported via the builder's default
* {@link #operationPolicy(KeyOperationPolicy) operationPolicy}, but other (custom) values
* MAY be specified (for example, using a {@link Jwks.OP#builder()}).
* If the {@code JwkBuilder} is being used to rebuild or parse an existing JWK however, any custom operations
* should be enabled by configuring an {@link #operationPolicy(KeyOperationPolicy) operationPolicy}
* that includes the custom values (e.g. via
* {@link Jwks.OP#policy()}.{@link KeyOperationPolicyBuilder#add(KeyOperation) add(customKeyOperation)}).
* For best interoperability with other applications however, it is recommended to use only the {@link Jwks.OP}
* constants.
* @return the {@link NestedCollection} to use for {@code key_ops} configuration.
* @see Jwks.OP
* @see RFC 7517: key_ops (Key Operations) Parameter
NestedCollection operations();