Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright © 2023
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import io.jsonwebtoken.impl.lang.Bytes;
import io.jsonwebtoken.impl.lang.Function;
import io.jsonwebtoken.lang.Assert;
import io.jsonwebtoken.lang.Collections;
import io.jsonwebtoken.lang.Strings;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class EdwardsCurve extends AbstractCurve implements KeyLengthSupplier {
private static final String OID_PREFIX = "1.3.101.";
// ASN.1-encoded edwards keys have this exact sequence identifying the type of key that follows. The trailing
// byte is the exact edwards curve subsection OID terminal node id.
private static final byte[] ASN1_OID_PREFIX = new byte[]{0x06, 0x03, 0x2B, 0x65};
private static final Function CURVE_NAME_FINDER = new NamedParameterSpecValueFinder();
public static final EdwardsCurve X25519 = new EdwardsCurve("X25519", 110); // Requires JDK >= 11 or BC
public static final EdwardsCurve X448 = new EdwardsCurve("X448", 111); // Requires JDK >= 11 or BC
public static final EdwardsCurve Ed25519 = new EdwardsCurve("Ed25519", 112); // Requires JDK >= 15 or BC
public static final EdwardsCurve Ed448 = new EdwardsCurve("Ed448", 113); // Requires JDK >= 15 or BC
public static final Collection VALUES = Collections.of(X25519, X448, Ed25519, Ed448);
private static final Map REGISTRY;
private static final Map BY_OID_TERMINAL_NODE;
static {
REGISTRY = new LinkedHashMap<>(8);
BY_OID_TERMINAL_NODE = new LinkedHashMap<>(4);
for (EdwardsCurve curve : VALUES) {
int subcategoryId = curve.ASN1_OID[curve.ASN1_OID.length - 1];
BY_OID_TERMINAL_NODE.put(subcategoryId, curve);
REGISTRY.put(curve.getId(), curve);
REGISTRY.put(curve.OID, curve); // add OID as an alias for alg/id lookups
private static byte[] publicKeyAsn1Prefix(int byteLength, byte[] ASN1_OID) {
return Bytes.concat(
new byte[]{
0x30, (byte) (byteLength + 10),
0x30, 0x05}, // ASN.1 SEQUENCE of 5 bytes to follow (i.e. the OID)
new byte[]{
(byte) (byteLength + 1),
private static byte[] privateKeyPkcs8Prefix(int byteLength, byte[] ASN1_OID, boolean ber) {
byte[] keyPrefix = ber ?
new byte[]{0x04, (byte) (byteLength + 2), 0x04, (byte) byteLength} : // correct
new byte[]{0x04, (byte) byteLength}; //
return Bytes.concat(
new byte[]{
(byte) (5 + ASN1_OID.length + keyPrefix.length + byteLength),
0x02, 0x01, 0x00, // encoding version 1 (integer, 1 byte, value 0)
0x30, 0x05}, // ASN.1 SEQUENCE of 5 bytes to follow (i.e. the OID)
private final String OID;
* The byte sequence within an ASN.1-encoded key that indicates an Edwards curve encoded key follows. ASN.1 (hex)
* notation:
* 06 03 ; OBJECT IDENTIFIER (3 bytes long)
* | 2B 65 $I ; "1.3.101.$I" for Edwards alg OID, where $I = 6E, 6F, 70, or 71 (decimal 110, 111, 112, or 113)
final byte[] ASN1_OID;
private final int keyBitLength;
private final int encodedKeyByteLength;
* X.509 (ASN.1) encoding of a public key associated with this curve as a prefix (that is, without the
* actual encoded key material at the end). Appending the public key material directly to the end of this value
* results in a complete X.509 (ASN.1) encoded public key. ASN.1 (hex) notation:
* 30 $M ; ASN.1 SEQUENCE ($M bytes long), where $M = encodedKeyByteLength + 10
* 30 05 ; ASN.1 SEQUENCE (5 bytes long)
* 06 03 ; OBJECT IDENTIFIER (3 bytes long)
* 2B 65 $I ; "1.3.101.$I" for Edwards alg OID, where $I = 6E, 6F, 70, or 71 (110, 111, 112, or 113 decimal)
* 03 $S ; ASN.1 BIT STRING ($S bytes long), where $S = encodedKeyByteLength + 1
* 00 ; ASN.1 bit string marker indicating zero unused bits at the end of the bit string
* XX XX XX ... ; encoded key material (not included in this PREFIX byte array variable)
private final byte[] PUBLIC_KEY_ASN1_PREFIX; //
* PKCS8 (ASN.1) Version 1 encoding of a private key associated with this curve, as a prefix (that is,
* without actual encoded key material at the end). Appending the private key material directly to the
* end of this value results in a complete PKCS8 (ASN.1) V1 encoded private key. ASN.1 (hex) notation:
* 30 $M ; ASN.1 SEQUENCE ($M bytes long), where $M = encodedKeyByteLength + 14
* 02 01 ; ASN.1 INTEGER (1 byte long)
* 00 ; zero (private key encoding version V1)
* 30 05 ; ASN.1 SEQUENCE (5 bytes long)
* 06 03 ; OBJECT IDENTIFIER (3 bytes long). This is the edwards algorithm ID.
* 2B 65 $I ; "1.3.101.$I" for Edwards alg OID, where $I = 6E, 6F, 70, or 71 (110, 111, 112, or 113 decimal)
* 04 $B ; ASN.1 SEQUENCE ($B bytes long, where $B = encodedKeyByteLength + 2
* 04 $K ; ASN.1 SEQUENCE ($K bytes long), where $K = encodedKeyByteLength
* XX XX XX ... ; encoded key material (not included in this PREFIX byte array variable)
private final byte[] PRIVATE_KEY_ASN1_PREFIX;
private final byte[] PRIVATE_KEY_JDK11_PREFIX; //
* {@code true} IFF the curve is used for digital signatures, {@code false} if used for key agreement
private final boolean signatureCurve;
EdwardsCurve(final String id, int oidTerminalNode) {
super(id, id);
if (oidTerminalNode < 110 || oidTerminalNode > 113) {
String msg = "Invalid Edwards Curve ASN.1 OID terminal node value";
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
// OIDs (with terminal node IDs) defined here:
// X25519 (oid has 255 bytes per "Here, the "bits" parameter should be set to 255 for X25519 and 448 for X448"
// X448 (oid have 448 bits per
// Ed25519 (oid has 255 bits per
// Ed448 (oid has 456 (448 + 8) bits per
this.keyBitLength = oidTerminalNode % 2 == 0 ? 255 : 448;
int encodingBitLen = oidTerminalNode == 113 ?
this.keyBitLength + Byte.SIZE : //
this.encodedKeyByteLength = Bytes.length(encodingBitLen);
this.OID = OID_PREFIX + oidTerminalNode;
this.signatureCurve = (oidTerminalNode == 112 || oidTerminalNode == 113);
byte[] suffix = new byte[]{(byte) oidTerminalNode};
this.ASN1_OID = Bytes.concat(ASN1_OID_PREFIX, suffix);
this.PUBLIC_KEY_ASN1_PREFIX = publicKeyAsn1Prefix(this.encodedKeyByteLength, this.ASN1_OID);
this.PRIVATE_KEY_ASN1_PREFIX = privateKeyPkcs8Prefix(this.encodedKeyByteLength, this.ASN1_OID, true);
this.PRIVATE_KEY_JDK11_PREFIX = privateKeyPkcs8Prefix(this.encodedKeyByteLength, this.ASN1_OID, false);
public int getKeyBitLength() {
return this.keyBitLength;
public byte[] getKeyMaterial(Key key) {
try {
return doGetKeyMaterial(key); // can throw assertion and ArrayIndexOutOfBound exception on invalid input
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (t instanceof KeyException) { //propagate
throw (KeyException) t;
String msg = "Invalid " + getId() + " ASN.1 encoding: " + t.getMessage();
throw new InvalidKeyException(msg, t);
* Parses the ASN.1-encoding of the specified key
* @param key the Edwards curve key
* @return the key value, encoded according to RFC 8032
* @throws RuntimeException if the key's encoded bytes do not reflect a validly ASN.1-encoded edwards key
protected byte[] doGetKeyMaterial(Key key) {
byte[] encoded = KeysBridge.getEncoded(key);
int i = Bytes.indexOf(encoded, ASN1_OID);, -1, "Missing or incorrect algorithm OID.");
i = i + ASN1_OID.length;
int keyLen = 0;
if (encoded[i] == 0x05) { // NULL terminator, next should be zero byte indicator
int unusedBytes = encoded[++i];
Assert.eq(unusedBytes, 0, "OID NULL terminator should indicate zero unused bytes.");
if (encoded[i] == 0x03) { // ASN.1 bit stream, Public Key
keyLen = encoded[i++];
int unusedBytes = encoded[i++];
Assert.eq(unusedBytes, 0, "BIT STREAM should not indicate unused bytes.");
} else if (encoded[i] == 0x04) { // ASN.1 octet sequence, Private Key. Key length follows as next byte.
keyLen = encoded[i++];
if (encoded[i] == 0x04) { // ASN.1 octet sequence, key length follows as next byte.
i++; // skip sequence marker
keyLen = encoded[i++]; // next byte is length
Assert.eq(keyLen, this.encodedKeyByteLength, "Invalid key length.");
byte[] result = Arrays.copyOfRange(encoded, i, i + keyLen);
keyLen = Bytes.length(result);
Assert.eq(keyLen, this.encodedKeyByteLength, "Invalid key length.");
return result;
private void assertLength(byte[] raw, boolean isPublic) {
int len = Bytes.length(raw);
if (len != this.encodedKeyByteLength) {
String msg = "Invalid " + getId() + " encoded " + (isPublic ? "PublicKey" : "PrivateKey") +
" length. Should be " + Bytes.bytesMsg(this.encodedKeyByteLength) + ", found " +
Bytes.bytesMsg(len) + ".";
throw new InvalidKeyException(msg);
public PublicKey toPublicKey(byte[] x, Provider provider) {
assertLength(x, true);
final byte[] encoded = Bytes.concat(this.PUBLIC_KEY_ASN1_PREFIX, x);
final X509EncodedKeySpec spec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(encoded);
JcaTemplate template = new JcaTemplate(getJcaName(), provider);
return template.generatePublic(spec);
KeySpec privateKeySpec(byte[] d, boolean standard) {
byte[] prefix = standard ? this.PRIVATE_KEY_ASN1_PREFIX : this.PRIVATE_KEY_JDK11_PREFIX;
byte[] encoded = Bytes.concat(prefix, d);
return new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(encoded);
public PrivateKey toPrivateKey(final byte[] d, Provider provider) {
assertLength(d, false);
KeySpec spec = privateKeySpec(d, true);
JcaTemplate template = new JcaTemplate(getJcaName(), provider);
return template.generatePrivate(spec);
* Returns {@code true} if this curve is used to compute signatures, {@code false} if used for key agreement.
* @return {@code true} if this curve is used to compute signatures, {@code false} if used for key agreement.
public boolean isSignatureCurve() {
return this.signatureCurve;
public KeyPairBuilder keyPair() {
return new DefaultKeyPairBuilder(getJcaName(), this.keyBitLength);
public static boolean isEdwards(Key key) {
if (key == null) {
return false;
String alg = Strings.clean(key.getAlgorithm());
return "EdDSA".equals(alg) || "XDH".equals(alg) || findByKey(key) != null;
* Computes the PublicKey associated with the specified Edwards-curve PrivateKey.
* @param pk the Edwards-curve {@code PrivateKey} to inspect.
* @return the PublicKey associated with the specified Edwards-curve PrivateKey.
* @throws KeyException if the PrivateKey is not an Edwards-curve key or unable to access the PrivateKey's
* material.
public static PublicKey derivePublic(PrivateKey pk) throws KeyException {
return EdwardsPublicKeyDeriver.INSTANCE.apply(pk);
public static EdwardsCurve findById(String id) {
return REGISTRY.get(id);
public static EdwardsCurve findByKey(Key key) {
if (key == null) {
return null;
String alg = key.getAlgorithm();
EdwardsCurve curve = findById(alg); // try constant time lookup first
if (curve == null) { // Fall back to JDK 11+ NamedParameterSpec access if possible
alg = CURVE_NAME_FINDER.apply(key);
curve = findById(alg);
// try to perform oid and/or length checks:
byte[] encoded = KeysBridge.findEncoded(key);
if (curve == null && !Bytes.isEmpty(encoded)) { // Try to find the Key ASN.1 algorithm OID:
int oidTerminalNode = findOidTerminalNode(encoded);
curve = BY_OID_TERMINAL_NODE.get(oidTerminalNode);
if (curve != null && !Bytes.isEmpty(encoded)) {
// found a curve, and we have encoded bytes, let's make sure that the encoding represents
// the correct key length:
try {
} catch (Throwable ignored) {
curve = null; // key length is invalid for its indicated curve, not a match
//TODO: check if key exists on discovered curve via equation
return curve;
public boolean contains(Key key) {
EdwardsCurve curve = findByKey(key);
return curve.equals(this);
private static int findOidTerminalNode(byte[] encoded) {
int index = Bytes.indexOf(encoded, ASN1_OID_PREFIX);
if (index > -1) {
index = index + ASN1_OID_PREFIX.length;
if (index < encoded.length) {
return encoded[index];
return -1;
public static EdwardsCurve forKey(Key key) {
Assert.notNull(key, "Key cannot be null.");
EdwardsCurve curve = findByKey(key);
if (curve == null) {
String msg = "Unrecognized Edwards Curve key: [" + KeysBridge.toString(key) + "]";
throw new InvalidKeyException(msg);
//TODO: assert key exists on discovered curve via equation
return curve;
static K assertEdwards(K key) {
forKey(key); // will throw UnsupportedKeyException if the key is not an Edwards key
return key;
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