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io.kaizensolutions.virgil.CQL.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.kaizensolutions.virgil
import io.kaizensolutions.virgil.CQLType.Mutation.Delete
import io.kaizensolutions.virgil.codecs.CqlRowDecoder
import io.kaizensolutions.virgil.configuration.ExecutionAttributes
import io.kaizensolutions.virgil.dsl.Assignment
import io.kaizensolutions.virgil.dsl.DeleteConditions
import io.kaizensolutions.virgil.dsl.InsertConditions
import io.kaizensolutions.virgil.dsl.Relation
import io.kaizensolutions.virgil.dsl.UpdateConditions
import io.kaizensolutions.virgil.internal.BindMarkers
import io.kaizensolutions.virgil.internal.Proofs._
import io.kaizensolutions.virgil.internal.PullMode
import io.kaizensolutions.virgil.internal.QueryType
import java.time.Duration
final case class CQL[+Result](
private[virgil] val cqlType: CQLType[Result],
private[virgil] val executionAttributes: ExecutionAttributes
) { self =>
def +(that: CQL[MutationResult])(implicit ev: Result <:< MutationResult): CQL[MutationResult] = {
val resultCqlType =
(self.widen[MutationResult].cqlType, that.cqlType) match {
case (a: CQLType.Mutation, b: CQLType.Mutation) =>
CQLType.Batch(IndexedSeq(a, b), BatchType.Logged)
case (a: CQLType.Mutation, CQLType.Batch(mutations, thatBatchType)) =>
CQLType.Batch(a +: mutations, thatBatchType)
case (CQLType.Batch(mutations, batchType), b: CQLType.Mutation) =>
CQLType.Batch(mutations :+ b, batchType)
case (CQLType.Batch(m1, b1), CQLType.Batch(m2, b2)) =>
CQLType.Batch(m1 ++ m2, b1.combine(b2))
case (b @ CQLType.Batch(_, _), _) =>
case (_, b @ CQLType.Batch(_, _)) =>
// You cannot actually construct a Query[MutationResult]
case (m: CQLType.Mutation, _) =>
case (_, m: CQLType.Mutation) =>
case (a, _) =>
CQL(resultCqlType, self.executionAttributes.combine(that.executionAttributes))
def all[Result1 >: Result](implicit ev: CQLType[Result1] <:< CQLType.Query[Result1]): CQL[Result1] =
copy(cqlType = ev(cqlType).copy(pullMode = PullMode.All))
def batchType(in: BatchType)(implicit ev: Result <:< MutationResult): CQL[MutationResult] =
self.cqlType match {
case _: CQLType.Mutation =>
case b: CQLType.Batch =>
self.copy(cqlType = b.copy(batchType = in))
case CQLType.Query(_, _, _) =>
self.widen[MutationResult] // Technically this is not possible due to type constraints
def debug: String =
s"Query: ${cqlType.debug}" + java.lang.System.lineSeparator() + s" - ${executionAttributes.debug}"
def pageSize(in: Int): CQL[Result] =
if (in > 0) self.withAttributes(self.executionAttributes.copy(pageSize = Option(in)))
else self
def take[Result1 >: Result](n: Long)(implicit ev: Result1 <:!< MutationResult): CQL[Result1] = {
val _ = ev
val adjustN = n match {
case invalid if invalid <= 0 => 1
case _ => n
cqlType match {
case q @ CQLType.Query(_, _, _) => self.copy(cqlType = q.copy(pullMode = PullMode.TakeUpto(adjustN)))
// The following matches are not possible due to type constraints expressed above
case _: CQLType.Mutation => sys.error("It is not possible to take a mutation")
case _: CQLType.Batch => sys.error("It is not possible to take a batch")
def timeout(in: Duration): CQL[Result] =
def withAttributes(in: ExecutionAttributes): CQL[Result] =
copy(executionAttributes = in)
private[virgil] def widen[AnotherResult](implicit ev: Result <:< AnotherResult): CQL[AnotherResult] = {
val _ = ev // Can make use of liftCo in 2.13.x but not in 2.12.x :(
val anotherResultCqlType = self.cqlType.asInstanceOf[CQLType[AnotherResult]]
self.copy(cqlType = anotherResultCqlType)
object CQL {
def batch(in: CQL[MutationResult], batchType: BatchType = BatchType.Logged): CQL[MutationResult] =
in.cqlType match {
case mutation: CQLType.Mutation => CQL(CQLType.Batch(IndexedSeq(mutation), batchType), in.executionAttributes)
case CQLType.Batch(mutations, _) => in.copy(cqlType = CQLType.Batch(mutations, batchType))
case CQLType.Query(_, _, _) => in
def cqlMutation(queryString: String, bindMarkers: BindMarkers): CQL[MutationResult] =
CQL(CQLType.Mutation.RawCql(queryString, bindMarkers), ExecutionAttributes.default)
def cqlQuery[Scala](queryString: String, bindMarkers: BindMarkers, pullMode: PullMode = PullMode.All)(implicit
reader: CqlRowDecoder.Object[Scala]
): CQL[Scala] =
CQL(CQLType.Query(QueryType.RawCql(queryString, bindMarkers), reader, pullMode), ExecutionAttributes.default)
def delete(
tableName: String,
criteria: Delete.DeleteCriteria,
relations: IndexedSeq[Relation],
conditions: DeleteConditions
): CQL[MutationResult] =
cqlType = CQLType.Mutation.Delete(
tableName = tableName,
criteria = criteria,
relations = relations,
deleteConditions = conditions
executionAttributes = ExecutionAttributes.default
def insert(
tableName: String,
data: BindMarkers,
conditions: InsertConditions,
timeToLive: Option[Duration],
timestamp: Option[Long]
): CQL[MutationResult] =
CQL(CQLType.Mutation.Insert(tableName, data, conditions, timeToLive, timestamp), ExecutionAttributes.default)
def logged(cql: CQL[MutationResult]): CQL[MutationResult] = cql.batchType(BatchType.Logged)
def unlogged(cql: CQL[MutationResult]): CQL[MutationResult] = cql.batchType(BatchType.Unlogged)
def counter(cql: CQL[MutationResult]): CQL[MutationResult] = cql.batchType(BatchType.Counter)
def select[Scala](
tableName: String,
columns: IndexedSeq[String],
relations: IndexedSeq[Relation]
reader: CqlRowDecoder.Object[Scala]
): CQL[Scala] =
queryType = QueryType.Select(tableName = tableName, columnNames = columns, relations = relations),
reader = reader,
pullMode = PullMode.All
def truncate(tableName: String): CQL[MutationResult] =
CQL(CQLType.Mutation.Truncate(tableName), ExecutionAttributes.default)
def update(
tableName: String,
assignments: IndexedSeq[Assignment],
relations: IndexedSeq[Relation],
updateConditions: UpdateConditions
): CQL[MutationResult] =
tableName = tableName,
assignments = assignments,
relations = relations,
updateConditions = updateConditions
executionAttributes = ExecutionAttributes.default
implicit class CQLQueryOps[A](in: CQL[A])(implicit ev: A <:!< MutationResult) {
locally {
val _ = ev
def readAs[B](implicit reader: CqlRowDecoder.Object[B]): CQL[B] =
in.cqlType match {
case CQLType.Query(queryType, _, pullMode) =>
CQL(CQLType.Query(queryType, reader, pullMode), in.executionAttributes)
// These are not possible due to type constraints
case _: CQLType.Mutation =>
sys.error("It is not possible to change a mutation to a query")
case _: CQLType.Batch =>
sys.error("It is not possible to change a batch mutation to a query")