io.kaizensolutions.virgil.codecs.CqlRowComponentEncoder.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.kaizensolutions.virgil.codecs
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql.BoundStatementBuilder
* Encodes a component of a row. For example if your Row consists of
* Row:
* - a: Int
* - b: String
* - c: UdtValue
* Then a, b, c are components of the row and you would have a RowEncoder[Int]
* for `a`, a RowEncoder[String] for `b`, and a RowEncoder[UdtValue] for `c`.
* @tparam A
* is the component to be encoded into the Row
trait CqlRowComponentEncoder[-A] { self =>
def encodeByFieldName(structure: BoundStatementBuilder, fieldName: String, value: A): BoundStatementBuilder
def encodeByIndex(structure: BoundStatementBuilder, index: Int, value: A): BoundStatementBuilder
def contramap[B](f: B => A): CqlRowComponentEncoder[B] = new CqlRowComponentEncoder[B] {
override def encodeByFieldName(
structure: BoundStatementBuilder,
fieldName: String,
value: B
): BoundStatementBuilder =
self.encodeByFieldName(structure, fieldName, f(value))
override def encodeByIndex(structure: BoundStatementBuilder, index: Int, value: B): BoundStatementBuilder =
self.encodeByIndex(structure, index, f(value))
object CqlRowComponentEncoder {
def apply[A](implicit encoder: CqlRowComponentEncoder[A]): CqlRowComponentEncoder[A] = encoder
implicit def fromCqlPrimitiveEncoder[A](implicit prim: CqlPrimitiveEncoder[A]): CqlRowComponentEncoder[A] =
new CqlRowComponentEncoder[A] {
override def encodeByFieldName(
structure: BoundStatementBuilder,
fieldName: String,
value: A
): BoundStatementBuilder =
CqlPrimitiveEncoder.encodePrimitiveByFieldName(structure, fieldName, value)
override def encodeByIndex(structure: BoundStatementBuilder, index: Int, value: A): BoundStatementBuilder =
CqlPrimitiveEncoder.encodePrimitiveByIndex(structure, index, value)