io.kaizensolutions.virgil.internal.CQLExecutorImpl.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package io.kaizensolutions.virgil.internal
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.CqlSession
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql.{BatchType => _, _}
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.metrics.Metrics
import io.kaizensolutions.virgil._
import io.kaizensolutions.virgil.configuration.ExecutionAttributes
import io.kaizensolutions.virgil.configuration.PageState
import io.kaizensolutions.virgil.internal.Proofs._
import zio._
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
* CQLExecutorImpl is a ZIO based client for the Apache Cassandra Java Driver
* that provides ZIO and ZStream abstractions over the Datastax Java driver. We
* consider CQLExecutor to be the interpreter of [[CQL[A]]] expressions.
* @param underlyingSession
* is the underlying Datastax Java driver session
private[virgil] class CQLExecutorImpl(underlyingSession: CqlSession) extends CQLExecutor {
override def execute[A](in: CQL[A])(implicit trace: Trace): Stream[Throwable, A] =
in.cqlType match {
case m: CQLType.Mutation =>
ZStream.fromZIO(executeMutation(m, in.executionAttributes).asInstanceOf[Task[A]])
case b: CQLType.Batch =>
ZStream.fromZIO(executeBatch(b, in.executionAttributes).asInstanceOf[Task[A]])
case q @ CQLType.Query(_, _, pullMode) =>
pullMode match {
case PullMode.TakeUpto(n) =>
executeGeneralQuery(q, in.executionAttributes).take(n)
case PullMode.All =>
executeGeneralQuery(q, in.executionAttributes)
override def executeMutation(in: CQL[MutationResult])(implicit trace: Trace): Task[MutationResult] =
in.cqlType match {
case mutation: CQLType.Mutation =>
executeMutation(mutation, in.executionAttributes)
case batch: CQLType.Batch =>
executeBatch(batch, in.executionAttributes)
case CQLType.Query(_, _, _) =>
sys.error("Cannot perform a query using executeMutation")
override def executePage[A](in: CQL[A], pageState: Option[PageState])(implicit
ev: A =:!= MutationResult,
trace: Trace
): Task[Paged[A]] = {
val _ = ev
in.cqlType match {
case _: CQLType.Mutation =>
sys.error("Mutations cannot be used with page queries")
case CQLType.Batch(_, _) =>
sys.error("Batch Mutations cannot be used with page queries")
case q @ CQLType.Query(_, _, _) =>
fetchSinglePage(q, pageState, in.executionAttributes)
private def fetchSinglePage[A](
q: CQLType.Query[A],
pageState: Option[PageState],
attr: ExecutionAttributes
)(implicit trace: Trace): Task[Paged[A]] = {
val (queryString, bindMarkers) = CqlStatementRenderer.render(q)
for {
boundStatement <- buildStatement(queryString, bindMarkers, attr)
reader = q.reader
driverPageState =
boundStatementWithPage = boundStatement.setPagingState(driverPageState)
rp <- selectPage(boundStatementWithPage)
(results, nextPage) = rp
chunksToOutput =
} yield Paged(chunksToOutput, nextPage)
private def executeMutation(m: CQLType.Mutation, config: ExecutionAttributes)(implicit
trace: Trace
): Task[MutationResult] =
for {
statement <- buildMutation(m, config)
result <- executeAction(statement)
} yield MutationResult.make(result.wasApplied())
private def executeBatch(m: CQLType.Batch, config: ExecutionAttributes)(implicit trace: Trace): Task[MutationResult] =
.mapAttempt { statementsToBatch =>
val batch = BatchStatement
.map(r => MutationResult.make(r.wasApplied()))
private def executeGeneralQuery[Output](
input: CQLType.Query[Output],
config: ExecutionAttributes
)(implicit trace: Trace): ZStream[Any, Throwable, Output] = {
val (queryString, bindMarkers) = CqlStatementRenderer.render(input)
for {
boundStatement <- ZStream.from(buildStatement(queryString, bindMarkers, config))
reader = input.reader
element <- select(boundStatement).mapChunks(
} yield element
private def buildMutation(
in: CQLType.Mutation,
attr: ExecutionAttributes = ExecutionAttributes.default
)(implicit trace: Trace): Task[BatchableStatement[_]] = {
val (queryString, bindMarkers) = CqlStatementRenderer.render(in)
if (bindMarkers.isEmpty) ZIO.succeed(SimpleStatement.newInstance(queryString))
else buildStatement(queryString, bindMarkers, attr)
private def prepare(query: String)(implicit trace: Trace): Task[PreparedStatement] =
private def executeAction(query: Statement[_])(implicit trace: Trace): Task[AsyncResultSet] =
private def select(query: Statement[_])(implicit trace: Trace): ZStream[Any, Throwable, Row] = {
def go(in: AsyncResultSet): ZChannel[Any, Any, Any, Any, Throwable, Chunk[Row], Unit] = {
// calling in.currentPage() will mutate the data structure and change results so use in.remaining to check
// before consuming
val next =
if (in.hasMorePages) ZChannel.fromZIO(ZIO.fromCompletionStage(in.fetchNextPage())).flatMap(go)
else ZChannel.unit
if (in.remaining() > 0) ZChannel.write(Chunk.fromIterable(in.currentPage().asScala)) *> next
else next
private def selectPage(
queryConfiguredWithPageState: Statement[_]
)(implicit trace: Trace): Task[(Chunk[Row], Option[PageState])] =
executeAction(queryConfiguredWithPageState).map { rs =>
val currentRows = Chunk.fromIterable(rs.currentPage().asScala)
if (rs.hasMorePages) {
val pageState = PageState.fromDriver(rs.getExecutionInfo.getSafePagingState)
(currentRows, Option(pageState))
} else (currentRows, None)
private def buildStatement(
queryString: String,
columns: BindMarkers,
config: ExecutionAttributes
)(implicit trace: Trace): Task[BoundStatement] =
prepare(queryString).mapAttempt { preparedStatement =>
val result: BoundStatementBuilder = {
val initial = preparedStatement.boundStatementBuilder()
val boundColumns = columns.underlying.foldLeft(initial) { case (accBuilder, (colName, column)) =>
structure = accBuilder,
fieldName =,
value = column.value
// Configure bound statement with the common execution attributes
override def metrics: UIO[Option[Metrics]] = ZIO.succeed {
val underlyingMetrics = underlyingSession.getMetrics
if (underlyingMetrics.isPresent) Some(underlyingMetrics.get) else None