kalix.tck.model.action.action.proto Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright 2022 Lightbend Inc.
// == Kalix TCK model test for actions ==
// see tck/src/main/scala/com/kalix/tck/ActionTCK.scala
syntax = "proto3";
package kalix.tck.model.action;
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
option go_package = "github.com/lightbend/kalix-go-sdk/tck/action;action";
option java_package = "kalix.tck.model";
// The `ActionTckModel` service should be implemented in the following ways:
// - The `Process` methods receive `Request` messages with steps to take:
// - The `ProcessUnary` method receives a single Request and gives a single Response.
// Multiple request steps should be combined to give just one response, with subsequent steps taking precedence.
// - The `ProcessStreamedIn` method receives a stream of Requests and gives a single Response.
// All request steps should be combined to produce a single response after the request stream completes.
// - The `ProcessStreamedOut` method receives a single Request and gives a stream of Responses.
// The single request may contain multiple grouped steps, each group corresponding to an expected response.
// - The `ProcessStreamed` method receives a stream of Requests and gives a stream of Responses.
// Each request may contain multiple grouped steps, each group corresponding to an expected response.
// - Request steps must be processed in order, and can require replying, forwarding, or failing, and side effects.
// - The Request steps are grouped, for streamed Responses, where each group correlates with a Response.
// - The `Process` methods must reply with the requested reply message, unless forwarding or failing.
// - Forwarding and side effects must always be made to the second service `ActionTwo`.
service ActionTckModel {
rpc ProcessUnary(Request) returns (Response) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/tck/model/action/unary"
body: "*"
rpc ProcessStreamedIn(stream Request) returns (Response);
rpc ProcessStreamedOut(Request) returns (stream Response);
rpc ProcessStreamed(stream Request) returns (stream Response);
// The `ActionTwo` service is only for verifying forwards and side effects.
// The `Call` method is not required to do anything, and must return an empty `Response` message.
service ActionTwo {
rpc Call(OtherRequest) returns (Response);
// A `Request` message contains the steps that the entity should process.
// Steps are grouped for streamed responses. Steps must be processed in order.
message Request {
repeated ProcessGroup groups = 1;
// A `ProcessGroup` contains the steps for one response.
message ProcessGroup {
repeated ProcessStep steps = 1;
// Each `ProcessStep` is one of:
// - Reply: reply with the given message in a `Response`.
// - Forward: forward to another service, in place of replying with a `Response`.
// - Fail: fail the current `Process` command by sending a failure.
// - SideEffect: add a side effect to the current reply, forward, or failure.
message ProcessStep {
oneof step {
Reply reply = 1;
Forward forward = 2;
Fail fail = 3;
SideEffect effect = 4;
// Reply with a message in the reponse.
message Reply {
string message = 1;
// Replace the response with a forward to `kalix.tck.model.ActionTwo/Call`.
// The payload must be an `OtherRequest` message with the given `id`.
message Forward {
string id = 1;
// Fail the current command with the given description `message`.
message Fail {
string message = 1;
// Add a side effect to the reply, to `kalix.tck.model.ActionTwo/Call`.
// The payload must be an `OtherRequest` message with the given `id`.
// The side effect should be marked synchronous based on the given `synchronous` value.
message SideEffect {
string id = 1;
bool synchronous = 2;
// The `Response` message must contain the message from the corresponding reply step.
message Response {
string message = 1;
// The `OtherRequest` message must contain the id for the forward or side effect.
message OtherRequest {
string id = 1;