kamon.metric.Metric.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2013-2021 The Kamon Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package kamon.metric
import java.time.Duration
import java.util
import java.util.Collections
import java.util.concurrent.{ScheduledExecutorService, ScheduledFuture, TimeUnit}
import kamon.status.Status
import kamon.tag.TagSet
import scala.collection.JavaConverters.asScalaBufferConverter
import scala.collection.concurrent.TrieMap
import scala.collection.mutable
* Describes a property of a system to be measured, and contains all the necessary information to create the actual
* instrument instances used to measure and record said property. Practically, a Metric can be seen as a group
* instruments that measure different dimensions (via tags) of the same property of the system.
* All instruments belonging to a given metric share the same settings and only differ from each other by the unique
* combination of tags used to create them.
trait Metric[Inst <: Instrument[Inst, Sett], Sett <: Metric.Settings] extends Tagging[Inst] {
* A unique identifier for this metric. Metric names typically will be namespaced, meaning that their name has a
* structure similar to that of a package name that describes what component is generating the metric. For example,
* metrics related to the JVM have the "jvm." prefix while metrics related to Akka Actors have the "akka.actor."
* prefix.
def name: String
* Short, concise and human readable explanation of what is being measured by a metric.
def description: String
* Configuration settings that apply to all instruments of this metric.
def settings: Sett
* Returns an instrument without tags for this metric.
def withoutTags(): Inst
* Removes an instrument with the provided tags from a metric, if it exists. Returns true if the instrument existed
* and was removed or false if no instrument was found with the provided tags.
def remove(tags: TagSet): Boolean
object Metric {
* User-facing API for a Counter-based metric. All Kamon APIs returning a Counter-based metric to users should always
* return this interface rather than internal representations.
trait Counter extends Metric[kamon.metric.Counter, Settings.ForValueInstrument]
* User-facing API for a Gauge-based metric. All Kamon APIs returning a Gauge-based metric to users should always
* return this interface rather than internal representations.
trait Gauge extends Metric[kamon.metric.Gauge, Settings.ForValueInstrument]
* User-facing API for a Histogram-based metric. All Kamon APIs returning a Histogram-based metric to users should
* always return this interface rather than internal representations.
trait Histogram extends Metric[kamon.metric.Histogram, Settings.ForDistributionInstrument]
* User-facing API for a Timer-based metric. All Kamon APIs returning a Timer-based metric to users should always
* return this interface rather than internal representations.
trait Timer extends Metric[kamon.metric.Timer, Settings.ForDistributionInstrument]
* User-facing API for a Range Sampler-based metric. All Kamon APIs returning a Range Sampler-based metric to users
* should always return this interface rather than internal representations.
trait RangeSampler extends Metric[kamon.metric.RangeSampler, Settings.ForDistributionInstrument]
* Describes the minimum settings that should be provided to all metrics.
sealed trait Settings {
* Measurement unit of the values tracked by a metric.
def unit: MeasurementUnit
* Interval at which auto-update actions will be scheduled.
def autoUpdateInterval: Duration
object Settings {
* Settings that apply to all metrics backed by instruments that produce a single value (e.g. counters and gauges).
case class ForValueInstrument (
unit: MeasurementUnit,
autoUpdateInterval: Duration
) extends Metric.Settings
* Settings that apply to all metrics backed by instruments that produce value distributions (e.g. timers, range
* samplers and, of course, histograms).
case class ForDistributionInstrument (
unit: MeasurementUnit,
autoUpdateInterval: Duration,
dynamicRange: kamon.metric.DynamicRange
) extends Metric.Settings
* Exposes the required API to create metric snapshots. This API is not meant to be exposed to users.
private[kamon] trait Snapshotting[Sett <: Metric.Settings, Snap] {
* Creates a snapshot for a metric. If the resetState flag is set to true, the internal state of all instruments
* associated with this metric will be reset, if applicable.
def snapshot(resetState: Boolean): MetricSnapshot[Sett, Snap]
* Provides basic creation, lifecycle, tagging, scheduling and snapshotting operations for Kamon metrics. This base
* metric keeps track of all instruments created for a given metric and ensures that every time an instrument is
* requested from it, the instrument will be either created or retrieved if it was requested before, in a thread safe
* manner.
* Any actions scheduled on an instrument will be cancelled if that instrument is removed from the metric.
type RichInstrument[Inst <: Instrument[Inst, Sett], Sett <: Metric.Settings, Snap] = Inst
with Instrument.Snapshotting[Snap]
with BaseMetricAutoUpdate[Inst, Sett, Snap]
type InstrumentBuilder[Inst <: Instrument[Inst, Sett], Sett <: Metric.Settings, Snap] =
(BaseMetric[Inst, Sett, Snap], TagSet) => RichInstrument[Inst, Sett, Snap]
abstract class BaseMetric[Inst <: Instrument[Inst, Sett], Sett <: Metric.Settings, Snap] (
val name: String,
val description: String,
val settings: Sett,
instrumentBuilder: InstrumentBuilder[Inst, Sett, Snap],
scheduler: Option[ScheduledExecutorService])
extends Metric[Inst, Sett] with Metric.Snapshotting[Sett, Snap] {
@volatile private var _scheduler: Option[ScheduledExecutorService] = scheduler
private val _instruments = TrieMap.empty[TagSet, InstrumentEntry]
override def withTag(key: String, value: String): Inst =
lookupInstrument(TagSet.of(key, value))
override def withTag(key: String, value: Boolean): Inst =
lookupInstrument(TagSet.of(key, value))
override def withTag(key: String, value: Long): Inst =
lookupInstrument(TagSet.of(key, value))
override def withTags(tags: TagSet): Inst =
override def withoutTags(): Inst =
override def remove(tags: TagSet): Boolean = synchronized {
_instruments.get(tags).map(entry => {
entry.removeOnNextSnapshot = true
entry.scheduledActions.dropWhile(sa => {
override def snapshot(resetState: Boolean): MetricSnapshot[Sett, Snap] = synchronized {
var instrumentSnapshots = List.empty[Instrument.Snapshot[Snap]]
_instruments.foreach {
case (tags, entry) =>
val instrumentSnapshot = entry.instrument.snapshot(resetState)
if(entry.removeOnNextSnapshot && resetState)
instrumentSnapshots = Instrument.Snapshot(tags, instrumentSnapshot) :: instrumentSnapshots
buildMetricSnapshot(this, instrumentSnapshots)
def bindScheduler(scheduler: ScheduledExecutorService): Unit = synchronized {
_scheduler = Some(scheduler)
_instruments.foreach {
case (_, entry) =>
entry.actions.foreach(action => {
val (runnable, interval) = action
entry.scheduledActions += scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(runnable, interval.toNanos, interval.toNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)
def shutdown(): Unit = synchronized {
_scheduler = None
_instruments.foreach {
case (_, entry) =>
entry.scheduledActions.dropWhile(sa => {
def schedule(instrument: Inst, action: Runnable, interval: Duration): Any = synchronized {
_instruments.get(instrument.tags).map { entry =>
_scheduler match {
case Some(scheduler) =>
val scheduledAction = scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(action, interval.toNanos, interval.toNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)
entry.scheduledActions += (scheduledAction)
entry.actions += ((action, interval))
case None =>
entry.actions += ((action, interval))
def status(): Status.Metric =
Status.Metric (
_instruments.keys.map(t => Status.Instrument(t)).toSeq
/** Used by the Status API only */
protected def instrumentType: Instrument.Type
protected def buildMetricSnapshot(metric: Metric[Inst, Sett], instruments: Seq[Instrument.Snapshot[Snap]]): MetricSnapshot[Sett, Snap]
private def lookupInstrument(tags: TagSet): Inst = {
val entry = _instruments.atomicGetOrElseUpdate(tags, newInstrumentEntry(tags), cleanupStaleEntry, triggerDefaultSchedule)
entry.removeOnNextSnapshot = false
private def newInstrumentEntry(tags: TagSet): InstrumentEntry = {
val actions = Collections.synchronizedList(new util.ArrayList[(Runnable, Duration)]()).asScala
val scheduledActions = Collections.synchronizedList(new util.ArrayList[ScheduledFuture[_]]()).asScala
val instrument = instrumentBuilder(this, tags)
new InstrumentEntry(instrument, actions, scheduledActions, false)
private def triggerDefaultSchedule(entry: InstrumentEntry): Unit =
private def cleanupStaleEntry(entry: InstrumentEntry): Unit =
entry.scheduledActions.foreach(sa => sa.cancel(false))
private class InstrumentEntry (
val instrument: RichInstrument[Inst, Sett, Snap],
val actions: mutable.Buffer[(Runnable, Duration)],
val scheduledActions: mutable.Buffer[ScheduledFuture[_]],
@volatile var removeOnNextSnapshot: Boolean
* Handles registration of auto-update actions on a base metric.
trait BaseMetricAutoUpdate[Inst <: Instrument[Inst, Sett], Sett <: Metric.Settings, Snap] {
self: Inst =>
protected def baseMetric: BaseMetric[Inst, Sett, Snap]
def defaultSchedule(): Unit = ()
def autoUpdate(consumer: Inst => Unit, interval: Duration): Inst = {
val instrument = this
val action = new Runnable {
override def run(): Unit = consumer(instrument)
baseMetric.schedule(instrument, action, interval)
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