kamon.trace.AdaptiveSampler.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2013-2021 The Kamon Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package kamon
package trace
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom
import com.typesafe.config.Config
import kamon.jsr166.LongAdder
import kamon.trace.AdaptiveSampler.{Allocation, OperationSampler, Settings}
import kamon.trace.Trace.SamplingDecision
import kamon.util.EWMA
import scala.collection.JavaConverters.collectionAsScalaIterableConverter
import scala.collection.concurrent.TrieMap
* An adaptive sampler tries to balance a global throughput goal across all operations in the current application,
* making the best possible effort to provide sampled traces from all operations and to satisfy all configured rules.
* This sampler divides the task of balancing the load into two phases: rebalancing and adapting. Rebalancing happens
* every time a new operation is seen by the sampler and splits the overall throughput allocation across all operations
* seen so far, only taking the configured throughput goal and rules into account. Adapting happens every second and
* tries to adjust the sampling rate for each individual operation based on the historical behavior of the operation,
* the target throughput set during rebalance and take advantage of any "unused" throughput by distributing across more
* active operations.
class AdaptiveSampler extends Sampler {
@volatile private var _settings = AdaptiveSampler.Settings.from(Kamon.config())
private val _samplers = TrieMap.empty[String, AdaptiveSampler.OperationSampler]
private val _affirmativeDecisionCounter = Sampler.Metrics.samplingDecisions("adaptive", SamplingDecision.Sample)
private val _negativeDecisionCounter = Sampler.Metrics.samplingDecisions("adaptive", SamplingDecision.DoNotSample)
override def decide(operation: Sampler.Operation): SamplingDecision = {
val operationName = operation.operationName()
val operationSampler = _samplers.get(operationName).getOrElse {
// It might happen that the first time we see an operation under high concurrent throughput we will reach this
// block more than once, but worse case effect is that we will rebalance the operation samplers more than once.
val sampler = _samplers.atomicGetOrElseUpdate(operationName, buildOperationSampler(operationName))
val decision = operationSampler.decide()
if(decision == SamplingDecision.Sample)
private def buildOperationSampler(operationName: String): AdaptiveSampler.OperationSampler = synchronized {
.find(g => g.operations.contains(operationName))
.map(group => {
.map(fixedSamplingDecision => new OperationSampler.Constant(operationName, fixedSamplingDecision))
.getOrElse(new OperationSampler.Random(operationName, group.rules))
}).getOrElse(new OperationSampler.Random(operationName, Settings.Rules(None, None, None)))
* Makes the sampler update its internal state and reassign probabilities to all known operations. Rebalancing only
* happens when new operations appear and does not take the actual operation throughput into account to assign the
* base throughput to each operation.
def rebalance(): Unit = synchronized {
// Step 1: Exclude all operations that have a fixed sampling decision. The global throughput goal is then split
// across all dynamically sampled operations, taking into account minimum/maximum throughput rules.
val dynamicallySampledOperations = randomOperationSamplers()
val throughputGoal = _settings.throughput
val basePerOperationThroughput = throughputGoal / dynamicallySampledOperations.size.toDouble
var allocationDelta = 0D
var allocationsWithCustomThroughput = 0L
val allocations = dynamicallySampledOperations.map { operationSampler => {
import operationSampler.rules
// On the first round we only assign throughput values to operations that require modifications to their default
// allocation in order to meet their rules.
var hasCustomThroughput = false
var operationThroughput = basePerOperationThroughput
val minimumCap = rules.minimumThroughput.getOrElse(0D)
val maximumCap = rules.maximumThroughput.getOrElse(throughputGoal)
if(operationThroughput < minimumCap) {
operationThroughput = minimumCap
hasCustomThroughput = true
if(operationThroughput > maximumCap) {
operationThroughput = maximumCap
hasCustomThroughput = true
if(hasCustomThroughput) {
allocationDelta += basePerOperationThroughput - operationThroughput
allocationsWithCustomThroughput += 1
Allocation(operationThroughput, hasCustomThroughput, operationSampler)
// Step 2: Adjust the per-operation throughput allocation for all operations that do not have any custom throughput
// based on configured rules. This section compensates for any deficit or surplus that might arise from
// trying to satisfy the configured rules and distributes that difference across all operations that can be
// dynamically adjusted without affecting compliance with their rules.
val correctedAllocations =
if(allocationsWithCustomThroughput == 0) allocations else {
val perOperationDelta = allocationDelta / (allocations.size - allocationsWithCustomThroughput).toDouble
allocations.map(a => if (a.hasFixedThroughput) a else a.copy(throughput = a.throughput + perOperationDelta))
// Step 3: Apply the base throughput allocations to all operations samplers.
correctedAllocations.foreach(a => a.operationSampler.updateThroughput(a.throughput))
* Uses the throughput information from all operations to update their sampling probability and optionally boost
* operations if there is any throughput leftover.
def adapt(): Unit = synchronized {
val randomSamplers = randomOperationSamplers()
val operationCount = randomSamplers.size
val randomSamplersWithStats = randomSamplers
.map(s => (s, s.throughputAverage()))
.sortBy { case (sampler, throughputAverage) => Math.min(sampler.throughputCap(), throughputAverage) }
// Step 1: Go through all operations and try to find chunks of unused throughput that will be later distributed
// across operations that could make us of that throughput, if any.
var totalUnusedThroughput = 0D
randomSamplersWithStats.foreach { p => totalUnusedThroughput += calculateUnusedThroughput(p) }
// Step 2: Figure out which operations can make use of additional throughput and boost them accordingly. Since the
// samplers are ordered by throughput any unused shares will be accumulated, giving bigger shares to the
// operations with more throughput.
var boostedOperationCount = 0
randomSamplersWithStats.foreach { case (sampler, throughputAverage) => {
val canBoost =
sampler.probability() > 0D && // Skips boosting on the first round of each sampler
totalUnusedThroughput > 0D // Only boost if there is actually some leftover to boost
val boost = if(canBoost) {
val boostShare = totalUnusedThroughput / (operationCount - boostedOperationCount).toDouble
val proposedThroughput = sampler.throughput() + boostShare
// Figure out how much we can boost this operation without breaking the expected maximum throughput, and taking
// into account that even though an operation could reach higher throughput from the limits perspective, its
// historical throughput is what really tells us what throughput we can expect.
val maximumAllowedThroughput = Math.min(proposedThroughput, sampler.throughputCap())
val maximumPossibleThroughput = Math.min(maximumAllowedThroughput, throughputAverage)
val usableBoost = maximumPossibleThroughput - sampler.throughput()
boostedOperationCount += 1
if(usableBoost >= boostShare) {
totalUnusedThroughput -= boostShare
} else if(usableBoost > 0D) {
totalUnusedThroughput -= usableBoost
} else 0D
} else 0D
val probability = (sampler.throughput() + boost) / throughputAverage
def reconfigure(newConfig: Config): Unit = {
_settings = AdaptiveSampler.Settings.from(newConfig)
private def randomOperationSamplers(): Seq[OperationSampler.Random] =
_samplers.collect { case (_, v: OperationSampler.Random) => v } toSeq
private def calculateUnusedThroughput(pair: (OperationSampler.Random, Double)): Double = {
val (sampler, throughputAverage) = pair
val throughputDelta = sampler.throughput() - throughputAverage
if (throughputDelta > 0D) throughputDelta else 0D
object AdaptiveSampler {
* Creates a new AdaptiveSampler instance
def apply(): AdaptiveSampler =
new AdaptiveSampler()
* Creates a new AdaptiveSampler instance
def create(): AdaptiveSampler =
* Settings for an adaptive sampler instance. Take a look at the "kamon.trace.adaptive-sampler" section on the
* configuration file for more details.
case class Settings (
throughput: Double,
groups: Seq[Settings.Group]
object Settings {
* Describes a group of named operations and the rules that apply to them.
* @param name Identifier for the group.
* @param operations Names of all operations that will be part of the group.
* @param rules Rules to should be applied to all operations in this group.
case class Group (
name: String,
operations: Seq[String],
rules: Rules
* Describes the rules that must be applied to certain operation.
* @param sample Fixed sampled decision. If this parameter is provided any other rules will be ignored.
* @param minimumThroughput Minimum throughput that the sampler will try to guarantee for a matched operation.
* @param maximumThroughput Maximum throughput that the sampler will try to guarantee for a matched operation.
case class Rules (
sample: Option[SamplingDecision],
minimumThroughput: Option[Double],
maximumThroughput: Option[Double]
* Constructs an adaptive sampler settings instance from the provided global config object. All relevant
* configuration settings are take from the "kamon.trace.adaptive-sampler" path.
def from(config: Config): Settings = {
val samplerConfig = config.getConfig("kamon.trace.adaptive-sampler")
val throughput = samplerConfig.getDouble("throughput")
val groupsConfig = samplerConfig.getConfig("groups")
val groups = groupsConfig.topLevelKeys.map { groupName =>
val groupConfig = groupsConfig.getConfig(groupName)
name = groupName,
operations = groupConfig.getStringList("operations").asScala.toSeq,
rules = readRules(groupConfig.getConfig("rules"))
Settings(throughput, groups)
private def readRules(config: Config): Settings.Rules =
sample = ifExists(config, "sample", c => p => toSamplingDecision(c.getString(p))),
minimumThroughput = ifExists(config, "minimum-throughput", _.getDouble),
maximumThroughput = ifExists(config, "maximum-throughput", _.getDouble)
private def toSamplingDecision(text: String): SamplingDecision =
if (text.equalsIgnoreCase("always")) SamplingDecision.Sample else SamplingDecision.DoNotSample
private def ifExists[T](config: Config, path: String, extract: Config => String => T): Option[T] =
if (config.hasPath(path)) Option(extract(config)(path)) else None
/** Encapsulates throughput allocation information for the rebalancing phase of the adaptive sampler */
private case class Allocation (
throughput: Double,
hasFixedThroughput: Boolean,
operationSampler: OperationSampler.Random
* Sampler that uses internal state to decide whether a given operation should be sampled or not.
private trait OperationSampler {
/** Returns a sampling decision. */
def decide(): SamplingDecision
private object OperationSampler {
/** Operation sampler that always returns the same sampling decision. */
class Constant(operationName: String, val decision: SamplingDecision) extends OperationSampler {
override def decide(): SamplingDecision =
override def toString: String =
s"Constant{operation=$operationName, decision=$decision}"
/** Operation sampler that uses random numbers and a continuously updated probability to return a sampling decision */
class Random(operationName: String, val rules: Settings.Rules) extends OperationSampler {
@volatile private var _lowerBoundary = 0L
@volatile private var _upperBoundary = 0L
@volatile private var _throughput = 0D
@volatile private var _probability = 0D
private val _decisions = new LongAdder()
private val _throughputAverage = EWMA.create()
private val _decisionsHistorySize = 60
private val _decisionsPerTick = Array.ofDim[Long](_decisionsHistorySize)
private var _tickCount = 0L
private var _decisionsPerTickPos = 0
def decide(): SamplingDecision = {
val random = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong()
if (random >= _lowerBoundary && random <= _upperBoundary)
def throughputAverage(): Double = synchronized {
* Calculates how many decisions have been made during the last 60 intervals. If less than 60 intervals have
* passed since the sampler was created, uses the average of the available values to fill in the blanks. This
* special logic is used to smooth the process during startup of each individual operation.
private def decisionHistory(): Long = {
val decisions = _decisions.sumAndReset()
_decisionsPerTickPos = if(_decisionsPerTickPos == (_decisionsHistorySize - 1)) 0 else _decisionsPerTickPos + 1
_decisionsPerTick.update(_decisionsPerTickPos, decisions)
_tickCount += 1
if(_tickCount < _decisionsHistorySize) {
val currentSum = _decisionsPerTick.sum
val currentAverage = Math.floorDiv(currentSum, _tickCount)
currentSum + (currentAverage * _decisionsHistorySize - _tickCount)
} else _decisionsPerTick.sum
def throughput(): Double =
def throughputCap(): Double =
def probability(): Double =
def updateThroughput(throughput: Double): Unit =
_throughput = throughput
def updateProbability(probability: Double): Unit = synchronized {
val actualProbability = if(probability > 1D) 1D else if (probability < 0D) 0D else probability
_probability = actualProbability
_upperBoundary = (Long.MaxValue * actualProbability).toLong
_lowerBoundary = -_upperBoundary
override def toString: String =
s"Constant{operation=$operationName, probability=${_probability}"
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