kamon.jmx.extension.ExportedMBeanQuery.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* =========================================================================================
* Copyright © 2013-2015 the kamon project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
* either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* =========================================================================================
package kamon.jmx.extension
import java.lang.Thread
import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory
import java.util.concurrent.{ Executors, ScheduledExecutorService, TimeUnit }
import java.util.logging.Level
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.collection.mutable.Buffer
import scala.collection.immutable.Set
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
import akka.actor.{ Actor, ActorSystem, ExtendedActorSystem, Props }
import akka.event.Logging
import javax.management._
import com.typesafe.config.{ Config, ConfigValueType }
import kamon.metric.{
import kamon.metric.SubscriptionsDispatcher.TickMetricSnapshot
import kamon.metric.instrument._
import kamon.metric.instrument.Gauge.CurrentValueCollector
import kamon.jmx.extension.MetricDefinition._
class AcceptAllPredicate extends QueryExp {
def apply(name: ObjectName): Boolean = true
def setMBeanServer(s: MBeanServer): Unit = {}
object ExportedMBeanQuery {
val server: MBeanServer = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer()
val pred: QueryExp = new AcceptAllPredicate()
* register queries to find new dynamic mbeans
* @param system actor system used by kamon
* @param metricsExtension kamon object for registering metrics
* @param config configuration of this kamon extension
def register(
system: ExtendedActorSystem, metricsExtension: MetricsModule,
config: Config): Unit = {
println("registering jmx exporter")
Thread.currentThread().setName("JMX exporting thread")
import collection.JavaConverters._
val identifyDelayInterval: Long =
val identifyInterval: Long = config.getLong("identify-interval-ms")
val checkInterval: Long = config.getLong("value-check-interval-ms")
config.getObjectList("mbeans").asScala.foreach { confObj ⇒
val nameObj = confObj.get("name")
val queryObj = confObj.get("jmxQuery")
val attrListObj = confObj.get("attributes")
nameObj.valueType() == ConfigValueType.STRING, "name must be a string")
queryObj.valueType() == ConfigValueType.STRING,
"jmxQuery must be a string")
attrListObj.valueType() == ConfigValueType.LIST,
"mbeans must be an array")
val name: String = nameObj.unwrapped().asInstanceOf[String]
val query: String = queryObj.unwrapped().asInstanceOf[String]
val attrList: Seq[Map[String, Any]] =
attrListObj.unwrapped().asInstanceOf[java.util.List[Any]].asScala.map {
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
attr ⇒ attr.asInstanceOf[java.util.HashMap[String, Any]].toMap
val jmxQuery: ObjectName = new ObjectName(query)
if (metricsExtension.shouldTrack(name, "kamon-mxbeans")) {
val subscriber = system.actorOf(
Props(classOf[ExportedMBeanQuery], system, jmxQuery, attrList,
identifyDelayInterval, identifyInterval, checkInterval),
* @param system actor system used by kamon
* @param jmxQuery query to lookup dynamic mbeans from the JVM
* @param attributeConfigs configuration for each attribute
* @param identifyDelayInterval how long to wait to look for mbeans the
* first time
* @param identifyInterval how often to look for new mbeans
* @param checkInterval how often to check for new values for metrics
def apply(
system: ExtendedActorSystem,
jmxQuery: ObjectName, attributeConfigs: Seq[Map[String, Any]],
identifyDelayInterval: Long, identifyInterval: Long,
checkInterval: Long): ExportedMBeanQuery =
new ExportedMBeanQuery(
system, jmxQuery, attributeConfigs,
identifyDelayInterval, identifyInterval, checkInterval)
* Uses a jmx query to find dynamic mbeans and registers them to be listened
* to by kamon. This is the object that actually moves metrics from JMX
* into Kamon.
* @param system actor system used by kamon
* @param jmxQuery query to use to look for new dynamic mbeans
* @param attributeConfig configuration of each metric for this kind of
* mbean
* @param identifyDelayInterval how long to wait to look for mbeans the
* first time
* @param identifyInterval how often to look for new mbeans
* @param checkInterval how often to check for new values for metrics
class ExportedMBeanQuery(
val system: ExtendedActorSystem,
val jmxQuery: ObjectName, val attributeConfigs: Seq[Map[String, Any]],
val identifyDelayInterval: Long, val identifyInterval: Long,
val checkInterval: Long) extends Actor {
import context.dispatcher // ExecutionContext for the futures and scheduler
val log = Logging(system, getClass)
identifyInterval >= checkInterval,
"not checking JMX values often enough: " +
identifyInterval + " < " + checkInterval)
import ExportedMBeanQuery.{ server, pred }
import ExportedMBean.{ apply }
val monitoredBeanNames: collection.mutable.Set[ObjectName] =
var lastCheck: Long = 0
val attributeNames: Array[String] = attributeConfigs.map { m ⇒
val configMap: Map[String, Map[String, Any]] = attributeConfigs.map { conf ⇒
(conf("name").asInstanceOf[String], conf)
// queries the current set of dynamic mbeans and returns their identifing
// names
def getMBeanNames(): Set[ObjectName] = {
import collection.JavaConverters._
server.queryNames(jmxQuery, pred).asScala.toSet
* looks for new dynamic mbeans and registers an object to watch those
* new mbeans for changes in their metric values and send them into kamon
* metrics
def rebuildRecorders(): Unit = {
import collection.JavaConverters._
val names: Set[ObjectName] = getMBeanNames()
log.debug("found JMX ObjectNames " + names)
names.filterNot { name ⇒
}.foreach { name ⇒
val attrList: AttributeList =
server.getAttributes(name, attributeNames)
val attrs: Seq[Attribute] = attrList.asList().asScala
val values: Map[String, Attribute] =
attrs.map { attr ⇒ (attr.getName(), attr) }.toMap
val definitions: Seq[MetricDefinition] = values.map {
case (name, attr) ⇒
val config: Map[String, Any] = configMap(name)
if ("gauge".equalsIgnoreCase(
config("type").asInstanceOf[String])) {
new MetricDefinition(
config, None, Some(new CurrentValueCollector {
def currentValue: Long = ExportedMBean.toLong(attr.getValue())
} else {
new MetricDefinition(config, None, None)
val metricsExtension = kamon.Kamon.metrics
system, _, definitions, name, attributeNames, checkInterval)),
monitoredBeanNames += name
def receive: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {
case tick: TickMetricSnapshot ⇒ rebuildRecorders()
FiniteDuration(identifyDelayInterval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS),
FiniteDuration(identifyInterval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS),
new Runnable() {
def run(): Unit = rebuildRecorders()
* An object that manages a specific dynamic mbean for kamon.
* @param system actor system used by kamon
* @param instrumentFactory kamon facade for making metrics
* @param definitions representations of each kamon metric in this mbean
* @param objName name of the JMX object to monitor
* @param attrNames jmx attributes to query for metric values
* @param checkInterval how often to check for new metric values from this
* mbean
class ExportedMBean(
val system: ExtendedActorSystem,
val instrumentFactory: InstrumentFactory,
val definitions: Seq[MetricDefinition], val objName: ObjectName,
val attrNames: Array[String], val checkInterval: Long)(
implicit ec: ExecutionContext)
extends GenericEntityRecorder(instrumentFactory) {
import ExportedMBean._
val log = Logging(system, getClass)
import kamon.jmx.extension.ExportedMBeanQuery.server
// metrics we created for this mbean
val counters: Map[String, Counter] =
definitions.filter(_.metricType == MetricTypeEnum.COUNTER).map(mdef ⇒
(mdef.name, makeCounter(mdef))).toMap
val histograms: Map[String, Histogram] =
definitions.filter(_.metricType == MetricTypeEnum.HISTOGRAM).map(mdef ⇒
(mdef.name, makeHistogram(mdef))).toMap
val minMaxCounters: Map[String, MinMaxCounter] =
definitions.filter(_.metricType == MetricTypeEnum.MIN_MAX_COUNTER).map(
mdef ⇒ (mdef.name, makeMinMaxCounter(mdef))).toMap
val gauges: Map[String, Gauge] =
definitions.filter(_.metricType == MetricTypeEnum.GAUGE).map(
mdef ⇒ (mdef.name, makeGauge(mdef))).toMap
def gatherMetrics(): Unit = {
import collection.JavaConverters._
try {
val attrList: AttributeList = server.getAttributes(objName, attrNames)
attrList.asList().asScala.foreach { attr ⇒
val attrName: String = attr.getName()
if (counters.contains(attrName)) {
} else if (histograms.contains(attrName)) {
} else if (minMaxCounters.contains(attrName)) {
val value: Long = toLong(attr.getValue())
} catch {
case e: javax.management.JMException ⇒ log.error(e, e.getMessage())
case e1: Throwable ⇒ log.error(e1, e1.getMessage())
protected def makeCounter(mdef: MetricDefinition): Counter = {
require(mdef.metricType == MetricTypeEnum.COUNTER)
require(mdef.name != null, "a metric should have a name")
require(!mdef.range.isDefined, "a counter can't define a range")
"a counter can't define a refresh interval")
"a counter can't define a value collector")
counter(mdef.name, mdef.unitOfMeasure)
protected def makeHistogram(mdef: MetricDefinition): Histogram = {
require(mdef.metricType == MetricTypeEnum.HISTOGRAM)
require(mdef.name != null, "a histogram should have a name")
"a histogram can't have a refresh interval")
"a histogram can't have a value collector")
if (!mdef.range.isDefined) {
histogram(mdef.name, mdef.unitOfMeasure)
} else {
histogram(mdef.name, mdef.range.get, mdef.unitOfMeasure)
protected def makeMinMaxCounter(mdef: MetricDefinition): MinMaxCounter = {
require(mdef.metricType == MetricTypeEnum.MIN_MAX_COUNTER)
require(mdef.name != null, "a min-max counter must have a name")
"a min-max counter can't define a value collector")
if (!mdef.range.isDefined && !mdef.refreshInterval.isDefined) {
minMaxCounter(mdef.name, mdef.unitOfMeasure)
} else if (!mdef.refreshInterval.isDefined) {
minMaxCounter(mdef.name, mdef.range.get, mdef.unitOfMeasure)
} else if (!mdef.range.isDefined) {
minMaxCounter(mdef.name, mdef.refreshInterval.get, mdef.unitOfMeasure)
} else {
mdef.name, mdef.range.get, mdef.refreshInterval.get, mdef.unitOfMeasure)
protected def makeGauge(mdef: MetricDefinition): Gauge = {
require(mdef.metricType == MetricTypeEnum.GAUGE)
require(mdef.name != null, "a gauge must have a name")
mdef.valueCollector.isDefined, "a gauge must have a value collector")
if (mdef.range.isDefined && !mdef.refreshInterval.isDefined) {
gauge(mdef.name, mdef.unitOfMeasure, mdef.valueCollector.get)
} else if (!mdef.range.isDefined) {
mdef.name, mdef.refreshInterval.get, mdef.unitOfMeasure,
} else if (!mdef.refreshInterval.isDefined) {
mdef.name, mdef.range.get, mdef.unitOfMeasure, mdef.valueCollector.get)
} else {
mdef.name, mdef.range.get, mdef.refreshInterval.get, mdef.unitOfMeasure,
FiniteDuration(checkInterval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS),
FiniteDuration(checkInterval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS),
new Runnable() {
def run(): Unit = gatherMetrics()
log.debug("scheduled reading of JMX metrics from " + objName)
object ExportedMBean {
protected[extension] def toLong(v: Any): Long = v match {
case x: Long ⇒ x
case n: Number ⇒ n.asInstanceOf[Number].longValue
case _ ⇒ throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"$v is not a number.")
* @param system actor system used by kamon
* @param instrumentFactory kamon facade for making metrics
* @param definitions the configuration of metrics to push into kamon
* @param objName the name of the jmx object we are monitoring
* @param attrNames the names of the attributes we are monitoring
* @param checkInterval how often to check for new mbeans
def apply(
system: ExtendedActorSystem,
instrumentFactory: InstrumentFactory,
definitions: Seq[MetricDefinition],
objName: ObjectName, attrNames: Array[String],
checkInterval: Long)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): ExportedMBean =
new ExportedMBean(
system, instrumentFactory, definitions, objName, attrNames,
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