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io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
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package io.kubernetes.client.proto;

public final class V1beta1Authorization {
  private V1beta1Authorization() {}
  public static void registerAllExtensions( registry) {

  public static void registerAllExtensions( registry) {
        ( registry);
  public interface ExtraValueOrBuilder extends
      // @@protoc_insertion_point( {

     * repeated string items = 1;
     * repeated string items = 1;
    int getItemsCount();
     * repeated string items = 1;
    java.lang.String getItems(int index);
     * repeated string items = 1;
        getItemsBytes(int index);
   * ExtraValue masks the value so protobuf can generate
   * +protobuf.nullable=true
   * +protobuf.options.(gogoproto.goproto_stringer)=false
* * Protobuf type {@code} */ public static final class ExtraValue extends implements // @@protoc_insertion_point( ExtraValueOrBuilder { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; // Use ExtraValue.newBuilder() to construct. private ExtraValue( builder) { super(builder); } private ExtraValue() { items_ =; } @java.lang.Override public final getUnknownFields() { return this.unknownFields; } private ExtraValue( input, extensionRegistry) throws { this(); if (extensionRegistry == null) { throw new java.lang.NullPointerException(); } int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; unknownFields =; try { boolean done = false; while (!done) { int tag = input.readTag(); switch (tag) { case 0: done = true; break; case 10: { bs = input.readBytes(); if (!((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { items_ = new; mutable_bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; } items_.add(bs); break; } default: { if (!parseUnknownField( input, unknownFields, extensionRegistry, tag)) { done = true; } break; } } } } catch ( e) { throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); } catch ( e) { throw new e).setUnfinishedMessage(this); } finally { if (((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { items_ = items_.getUnmodifiableView(); } this.unknownFields =; makeExtensionsImmutable(); } } public static final getDescriptor() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_ExtraValue_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_ExtraValue_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue.class, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue.Builder.class); } public static final int ITEMS_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private items_; /** * repeated string items = 1; */ public getItemsList() { return items_; } /** * repeated string items = 1; */ public int getItemsCount() { return items_.size(); } /** * repeated string items = 1; */ public java.lang.String getItems(int index) { return items_.get(index); } /** * repeated string items = 1; */ public getItemsBytes(int index) { return items_.getByteString(index); } private byte memoizedIsInitialized = -1; @java.lang.Override public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized == 1) return true; if (isInitialized == 0) return false; memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } @java.lang.Override public void writeTo( output) throws { for (int i = 0; i < items_.size(); i++) {, 1, items_.getRaw(i)); } unknownFields.writeTo(output); } @java.lang.Override public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSize; if (size != -1) return size; size = 0; { int dataSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < items_.size(); i++) { dataSize += computeStringSizeNoTag(items_.getRaw(i)); } size += dataSize; size += 1 * getItemsList().size(); } size += unknownFields.getSerializedSize(); memoizedSize = size; return size; } @java.lang.Override public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue)) { return super.equals(obj); } io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue other = (io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue) obj; boolean result = true; result = result && getItemsList() .equals(other.getItemsList()); result = result && unknownFields.equals(other.unknownFields); return result; } @java.lang.Override public int hashCode() { if (memoizedHashCode != 0) { return memoizedHashCode; } int hash = 41; hash = (19 * hash) + getDescriptor().hashCode(); if (getItemsCount() > 0) { hash = (37 * hash) + ITEMS_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getItemsList().hashCode(); } hash = (29 * hash) + unknownFields.hashCode(); memoizedHashCode = hash; return hash; } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue parseFrom( java.nio.ByteBuffer data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue parseFrom( java.nio.ByteBuffer data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue parseFrom( data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue parseFrom( input) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { return .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue parseFrom( input) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } @java.lang.Override public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue prototype) { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } @java.lang.Override public Builder toBuilder() { return this == DEFAULT_INSTANCE ? new Builder() : new Builder().mergeFrom(this); } @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } /** *
     * ExtraValue masks the value so protobuf can generate
     * +protobuf.nullable=true
     * +protobuf.options.(gogoproto.goproto_stringer)=false
* * Protobuf type {@code} */ public static final class Builder extends implements // @@protoc_insertion_point( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValueOrBuilder { public static final getDescriptor() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_ExtraValue_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_ExtraValue_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue.class, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue.Builder.class); } // Construct using io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } private Builder( parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } private void maybeForceBuilderInitialization() { if ( .alwaysUseFieldBuilders) { } } @java.lang.Override public Builder clear() { super.clear(); items_ =; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); return this; } @java.lang.Override public getDescriptorForType() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_ExtraValue_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue getDefaultInstanceForType() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue.getDefaultInstance(); } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue build() { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { throw newUninitializedMessageException(result); } return result; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue buildPartial() { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue result = new io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { items_ = items_.getUnmodifiableView(); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); } result.items_ = items_; onBuilt(); return result; } @java.lang.Override public Builder clone() { return (Builder) super.clone(); } @java.lang.Override public Builder setField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.setField(field, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder clearField( field) { return (Builder) super.clearField(field); } @java.lang.Override public Builder clearOneof( oneof) { return (Builder) super.clearOneof(oneof); } @java.lang.Override public Builder setRepeatedField( field, int index, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.setRepeatedField(field, index, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder addRepeatedField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.addRepeatedField(field, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue) { return mergeFrom((io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue)other); } else { super.mergeFrom(other); return this; } } public Builder mergeFrom(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue other) { if (other == io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (!other.items_.isEmpty()) { if (items_.isEmpty()) { items_ = other.items_; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); } else { ensureItemsIsMutable(); items_.addAll(other.items_); } onChanged(); } this.mergeUnknownFields(other.unknownFields); onChanged(); return this; } @java.lang.Override public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } @java.lang.Override public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue parsedMessage = null; try { parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } catch ( e) { parsedMessage = (io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); throw e.unwrapIOException(); } finally { if (parsedMessage != null) { mergeFrom(parsedMessage); } } return this; } private int bitField0_; private items_ =; private void ensureItemsIsMutable() { if (!((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { items_ = new; bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; } } /** * repeated string items = 1; */ public getItemsList() { return items_.getUnmodifiableView(); } /** * repeated string items = 1; */ public int getItemsCount() { return items_.size(); } /** * repeated string items = 1; */ public java.lang.String getItems(int index) { return items_.get(index); } /** * repeated string items = 1; */ public getItemsBytes(int index) { return items_.getByteString(index); } /** * repeated string items = 1; */ public Builder setItems( int index, java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureItemsIsMutable(); items_.set(index, value); onChanged(); return this; } /** * repeated string items = 1; */ public Builder addItems( java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureItemsIsMutable(); items_.add(value); onChanged(); return this; } /** * repeated string items = 1; */ public Builder addAllItems( java.lang.Iterable values) { ensureItemsIsMutable(); values, items_); onChanged(); return this; } /** * repeated string items = 1; */ public Builder clearItems() { items_ =; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); onChanged(); return this; } /** * repeated string items = 1; */ public Builder addItemsBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureItemsIsMutable(); items_.add(value); onChanged(); return this; } @java.lang.Override public final Builder setUnknownFields( final unknownFields) { return super.setUnknownFields(unknownFields); } @java.lang.Override public final Builder mergeUnknownFields( final unknownFields) { return super.mergeUnknownFields(unknownFields); } // @@protoc_insertion_point( } // @@protoc_insertion_point( private static final io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue DEFAULT_INSTANCE; static { DEFAULT_INSTANCE = new io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue(); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue getDefaultInstance() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } @java.lang.Deprecated public static final PARSER = new { @java.lang.Override public ExtraValue parsePartialFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return new ExtraValue(input, extensionRegistry); } }; public static parser() { return PARSER; } @java.lang.Override public getParserForType() { return PARSER; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue getDefaultInstanceForType() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } } public interface LocalSubjectAccessReviewOrBuilder extends // @@protoc_insertion_point( { /** *
     * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ boolean hasMetadata(); /** *
     * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta getMetadata(); /** *
     * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMetaOrBuilder getMetadataOrBuilder(); /** *
     * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.  spec.namespace must be equal to the namespace
     * you made the request against.  If empty, it is defaulted.
* * optional spec = 2; */ boolean hasSpec(); /** *
     * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.  spec.namespace must be equal to the namespace
     * you made the request against.  If empty, it is defaulted.
* * optional spec = 2; */ io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec getSpec(); /** *
     * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.  spec.namespace must be equal to the namespace
     * you made the request against.  If empty, it is defaulted.
* * optional spec = 2; */ io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpecOrBuilder getSpecOrBuilder(); /** *
     * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
     * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ boolean hasStatus(); /** *
     * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
     * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus getStatus(); /** *
     * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
     * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatusOrBuilder getStatusOrBuilder(); } /** *
   * LocalSubjectAccessReview checks whether or not a user or group can perform an action in a given namespace.
   * Having a namespace scoped resource makes it much easier to grant namespace scoped policy that includes permissions
   * checking.
* * Protobuf type {@code} */ public static final class LocalSubjectAccessReview extends implements // @@protoc_insertion_point( LocalSubjectAccessReviewOrBuilder { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; // Use LocalSubjectAccessReview.newBuilder() to construct. private LocalSubjectAccessReview( builder) { super(builder); } private LocalSubjectAccessReview() { } @java.lang.Override public final getUnknownFields() { return this.unknownFields; } private LocalSubjectAccessReview( input, extensionRegistry) throws { this(); if (extensionRegistry == null) { throw new java.lang.NullPointerException(); } int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; unknownFields =; try { boolean done = false; while (!done) { int tag = input.readTag(); switch (tag) { case 0: done = true; break; case 10: { io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.Builder subBuilder = null; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { subBuilder = metadata_.toBuilder(); } metadata_ = input.readMessage(io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.PARSER, extensionRegistry); if (subBuilder != null) { subBuilder.mergeFrom(metadata_); metadata_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; break; } case 18: { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec.Builder subBuilder = null; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { subBuilder = spec_.toBuilder(); } spec_ = input.readMessage(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec.PARSER, extensionRegistry); if (subBuilder != null) { subBuilder.mergeFrom(spec_); spec_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; break; } case 26: { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.Builder subBuilder = null; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { subBuilder = status_.toBuilder(); } status_ = input.readMessage(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.PARSER, extensionRegistry); if (subBuilder != null) { subBuilder.mergeFrom(status_); status_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; break; } default: { if (!parseUnknownField( input, unknownFields, extensionRegistry, tag)) { done = true; } break; } } } } catch ( e) { throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); } catch ( e) { throw new e).setUnfinishedMessage(this); } finally { this.unknownFields =; makeExtensionsImmutable(); } } public static final getDescriptor() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_LocalSubjectAccessReview_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_LocalSubjectAccessReview_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.LocalSubjectAccessReview.class, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.LocalSubjectAccessReview.Builder.class); } private int bitField0_; public static final int METADATA_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta metadata_; /** *
     * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public boolean hasMetadata() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } /** *
     * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta getMetadata() { return metadata_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.getDefaultInstance() : metadata_; } /** *
     * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMetaOrBuilder getMetadataOrBuilder() { return metadata_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.getDefaultInstance() : metadata_; } public static final int SPEC_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec spec_; /** *
     * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.  spec.namespace must be equal to the namespace
     * you made the request against.  If empty, it is defaulted.
* * optional spec = 2; */ public boolean hasSpec() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } /** *
     * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.  spec.namespace must be equal to the namespace
     * you made the request against.  If empty, it is defaulted.
* * optional spec = 2; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec getSpec() { return spec_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec.getDefaultInstance() : spec_; } /** *
     * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.  spec.namespace must be equal to the namespace
     * you made the request against.  If empty, it is defaulted.
* * optional spec = 2; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpecOrBuilder getSpecOrBuilder() { return spec_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec.getDefaultInstance() : spec_; } public static final int STATUS_FIELD_NUMBER = 3; private io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus status_; /** *
     * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
     * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public boolean hasStatus() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } /** *
     * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
     * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus getStatus() { return status_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.getDefaultInstance() : status_; } /** *
     * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
     * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatusOrBuilder getStatusOrBuilder() { return status_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.getDefaultInstance() : status_; } private byte memoizedIsInitialized = -1; @java.lang.Override public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized == 1) return true; if (isInitialized == 0) return false; memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } @java.lang.Override public void writeTo( output) throws { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { output.writeMessage(1, getMetadata()); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { output.writeMessage(2, getSpec()); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { output.writeMessage(3, getStatus()); } unknownFields.writeTo(output); } @java.lang.Override public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSize; if (size != -1) return size; size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += .computeMessageSize(1, getMetadata()); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { size += .computeMessageSize(2, getSpec()); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { size += .computeMessageSize(3, getStatus()); } size += unknownFields.getSerializedSize(); memoizedSize = size; return size; } @java.lang.Override public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.LocalSubjectAccessReview)) { return super.equals(obj); } io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.LocalSubjectAccessReview other = (io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.LocalSubjectAccessReview) obj; boolean result = true; result = result && (hasMetadata() == other.hasMetadata()); if (hasMetadata()) { result = result && getMetadata() .equals(other.getMetadata()); } result = result && (hasSpec() == other.hasSpec()); if (hasSpec()) { result = result && getSpec() .equals(other.getSpec()); } result = result && (hasStatus() == other.hasStatus()); if (hasStatus()) { result = result && getStatus() .equals(other.getStatus()); } result = result && unknownFields.equals(other.unknownFields); return result; } @java.lang.Override public int hashCode() { if (memoizedHashCode != 0) { return memoizedHashCode; } int hash = 41; hash = (19 * hash) + getDescriptor().hashCode(); if (hasMetadata()) { hash = (37 * hash) + METADATA_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getMetadata().hashCode(); } if (hasSpec()) { hash = (37 * hash) + SPEC_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getSpec().hashCode(); } if (hasStatus()) { hash = (37 * hash) + STATUS_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getStatus().hashCode(); } hash = (29 * hash) + unknownFields.hashCode(); memoizedHashCode = hash; return hash; } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.LocalSubjectAccessReview parseFrom( java.nio.ByteBuffer data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.LocalSubjectAccessReview parseFrom( java.nio.ByteBuffer data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.LocalSubjectAccessReview parseFrom( data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.LocalSubjectAccessReview parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.LocalSubjectAccessReview parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.LocalSubjectAccessReview parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.LocalSubjectAccessReview parseFrom( input) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.LocalSubjectAccessReview parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.LocalSubjectAccessReview parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { return .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.LocalSubjectAccessReview parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.LocalSubjectAccessReview parseFrom( input) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.LocalSubjectAccessReview parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } @java.lang.Override public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.LocalSubjectAccessReview prototype) { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } @java.lang.Override public Builder toBuilder() { return this == DEFAULT_INSTANCE ? new Builder() : new Builder().mergeFrom(this); } @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } /** *
     * LocalSubjectAccessReview checks whether or not a user or group can perform an action in a given namespace.
     * Having a namespace scoped resource makes it much easier to grant namespace scoped policy that includes permissions
     * checking.
* * Protobuf type {@code} */ public static final class Builder extends implements // @@protoc_insertion_point( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.LocalSubjectAccessReviewOrBuilder { public static final getDescriptor() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_LocalSubjectAccessReview_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_LocalSubjectAccessReview_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.LocalSubjectAccessReview.class, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.LocalSubjectAccessReview.Builder.class); } // Construct using io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.LocalSubjectAccessReview.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } private Builder( parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } private void maybeForceBuilderInitialization() { if ( .alwaysUseFieldBuilders) { getMetadataFieldBuilder(); getSpecFieldBuilder(); getStatusFieldBuilder(); } } @java.lang.Override public Builder clear() { super.clear(); if (metadataBuilder_ == null) { metadata_ = null; } else { metadataBuilder_.clear(); } bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); if (specBuilder_ == null) { spec_ = null; } else { specBuilder_.clear(); } bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); if (statusBuilder_ == null) { status_ = null; } else { statusBuilder_.clear(); } bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); return this; } @java.lang.Override public getDescriptorForType() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_LocalSubjectAccessReview_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.LocalSubjectAccessReview getDefaultInstanceForType() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.LocalSubjectAccessReview.getDefaultInstance(); } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.LocalSubjectAccessReview build() { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.LocalSubjectAccessReview result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { throw newUninitializedMessageException(result); } return result; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.LocalSubjectAccessReview buildPartial() { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.LocalSubjectAccessReview result = new io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.LocalSubjectAccessReview(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; int to_bitField0_ = 0; if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; } if (metadataBuilder_ == null) { result.metadata_ = metadata_; } else { result.metadata_ =; } if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; } if (specBuilder_ == null) { result.spec_ = spec_; } else { result.spec_ =; } if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; } if (statusBuilder_ == null) { result.status_ = status_; } else { result.status_ =; } result.bitField0_ = to_bitField0_; onBuilt(); return result; } @java.lang.Override public Builder clone() { return (Builder) super.clone(); } @java.lang.Override public Builder setField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.setField(field, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder clearField( field) { return (Builder) super.clearField(field); } @java.lang.Override public Builder clearOneof( oneof) { return (Builder) super.clearOneof(oneof); } @java.lang.Override public Builder setRepeatedField( field, int index, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.setRepeatedField(field, index, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder addRepeatedField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.addRepeatedField(field, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.LocalSubjectAccessReview) { return mergeFrom((io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.LocalSubjectAccessReview)other); } else { super.mergeFrom(other); return this; } } public Builder mergeFrom(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.LocalSubjectAccessReview other) { if (other == io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.LocalSubjectAccessReview.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasMetadata()) { mergeMetadata(other.getMetadata()); } if (other.hasSpec()) { mergeSpec(other.getSpec()); } if (other.hasStatus()) { mergeStatus(other.getStatus()); } this.mergeUnknownFields(other.unknownFields); onChanged(); return this; } @java.lang.Override public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } @java.lang.Override public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.LocalSubjectAccessReview parsedMessage = null; try { parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } catch ( e) { parsedMessage = (io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.LocalSubjectAccessReview) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); throw e.unwrapIOException(); } finally { if (parsedMessage != null) { mergeFrom(parsedMessage); } } return this; } private int bitField0_; private io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta metadata_ = null; private< io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta, io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMetaOrBuilder> metadataBuilder_; /** *
       * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public boolean hasMetadata() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } /** *
       * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta getMetadata() { if (metadataBuilder_ == null) { return metadata_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.getDefaultInstance() : metadata_; } else { return metadataBuilder_.getMessage(); } } /** *
       * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public Builder setMetadata(io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta value) { if (metadataBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } metadata_ = value; onChanged(); } else { metadataBuilder_.setMessage(value); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; return this; } /** *
       * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public Builder setMetadata( io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.Builder builderForValue) { if (metadataBuilder_ == null) { metadata_ =; onChanged(); } else { metadataBuilder_.setMessage(; } bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; return this; } /** *
       * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public Builder mergeMetadata(io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta value) { if (metadataBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001) && metadata_ != null && metadata_ != io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.getDefaultInstance()) { metadata_ = io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.newBuilder(metadata_).mergeFrom(value).buildPartial(); } else { metadata_ = value; } onChanged(); } else { metadataBuilder_.mergeFrom(value); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; return this; } /** *
       * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public Builder clearMetadata() { if (metadataBuilder_ == null) { metadata_ = null; onChanged(); } else { metadataBuilder_.clear(); } bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); return this; } /** *
       * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.Builder getMetadataBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; onChanged(); return getMetadataFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } /** *
       * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMetaOrBuilder getMetadataOrBuilder() { if (metadataBuilder_ != null) { return metadataBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); } else { return metadata_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.getDefaultInstance() : metadata_; } } /** *
       * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ private< io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta, io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMetaOrBuilder> getMetadataFieldBuilder() { if (metadataBuilder_ == null) { metadataBuilder_ = new< io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta, io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMetaOrBuilder>( getMetadata(), getParentForChildren(), isClean()); metadata_ = null; } return metadataBuilder_; } private io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec spec_ = null; private< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpecOrBuilder> specBuilder_; /** *
       * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.  spec.namespace must be equal to the namespace
       * you made the request against.  If empty, it is defaulted.
* * optional spec = 2; */ public boolean hasSpec() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } /** *
       * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.  spec.namespace must be equal to the namespace
       * you made the request against.  If empty, it is defaulted.
* * optional spec = 2; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec getSpec() { if (specBuilder_ == null) { return spec_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec.getDefaultInstance() : spec_; } else { return specBuilder_.getMessage(); } } /** *
       * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.  spec.namespace must be equal to the namespace
       * you made the request against.  If empty, it is defaulted.
* * optional spec = 2; */ public Builder setSpec(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec value) { if (specBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } spec_ = value; onChanged(); } else { specBuilder_.setMessage(value); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } /** *
       * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.  spec.namespace must be equal to the namespace
       * you made the request against.  If empty, it is defaulted.
* * optional spec = 2; */ public Builder setSpec( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec.Builder builderForValue) { if (specBuilder_ == null) { spec_ =; onChanged(); } else { specBuilder_.setMessage(; } bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } /** *
       * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.  spec.namespace must be equal to the namespace
       * you made the request against.  If empty, it is defaulted.
* * optional spec = 2; */ public Builder mergeSpec(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec value) { if (specBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002) && spec_ != null && spec_ != io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec.getDefaultInstance()) { spec_ = io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec.newBuilder(spec_).mergeFrom(value).buildPartial(); } else { spec_ = value; } onChanged(); } else { specBuilder_.mergeFrom(value); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } /** *
       * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.  spec.namespace must be equal to the namespace
       * you made the request against.  If empty, it is defaulted.
* * optional spec = 2; */ public Builder clearSpec() { if (specBuilder_ == null) { spec_ = null; onChanged(); } else { specBuilder_.clear(); } bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); return this; } /** *
       * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.  spec.namespace must be equal to the namespace
       * you made the request against.  If empty, it is defaulted.
* * optional spec = 2; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec.Builder getSpecBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; onChanged(); return getSpecFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } /** *
       * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.  spec.namespace must be equal to the namespace
       * you made the request against.  If empty, it is defaulted.
* * optional spec = 2; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpecOrBuilder getSpecOrBuilder() { if (specBuilder_ != null) { return specBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); } else { return spec_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec.getDefaultInstance() : spec_; } } /** *
       * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.  spec.namespace must be equal to the namespace
       * you made the request against.  If empty, it is defaulted.
* * optional spec = 2; */ private< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpecOrBuilder> getSpecFieldBuilder() { if (specBuilder_ == null) { specBuilder_ = new< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpecOrBuilder>( getSpec(), getParentForChildren(), isClean()); spec_ = null; } return specBuilder_; } private io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus status_ = null; private< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatusOrBuilder> statusBuilder_; /** *
       * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
       * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public boolean hasStatus() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } /** *
       * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
       * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus getStatus() { if (statusBuilder_ == null) { return status_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.getDefaultInstance() : status_; } else { return statusBuilder_.getMessage(); } } /** *
       * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
       * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public Builder setStatus(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus value) { if (statusBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } status_ = value; onChanged(); } else { statusBuilder_.setMessage(value); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } /** *
       * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
       * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public Builder setStatus( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.Builder builderForValue) { if (statusBuilder_ == null) { status_ =; onChanged(); } else { statusBuilder_.setMessage(; } bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } /** *
       * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
       * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public Builder mergeStatus(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus value) { if (statusBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004) && status_ != null && status_ != io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.getDefaultInstance()) { status_ = io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.newBuilder(status_).mergeFrom(value).buildPartial(); } else { status_ = value; } onChanged(); } else { statusBuilder_.mergeFrom(value); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } /** *
       * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
       * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public Builder clearStatus() { if (statusBuilder_ == null) { status_ = null; onChanged(); } else { statusBuilder_.clear(); } bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); return this; } /** *
       * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
       * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.Builder getStatusBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; onChanged(); return getStatusFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } /** *
       * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
       * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatusOrBuilder getStatusOrBuilder() { if (statusBuilder_ != null) { return statusBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); } else { return status_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.getDefaultInstance() : status_; } } /** *
       * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
       * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ private< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatusOrBuilder> getStatusFieldBuilder() { if (statusBuilder_ == null) { statusBuilder_ = new< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatusOrBuilder>( getStatus(), getParentForChildren(), isClean()); status_ = null; } return statusBuilder_; } @java.lang.Override public final Builder setUnknownFields( final unknownFields) { return super.setUnknownFields(unknownFields); } @java.lang.Override public final Builder mergeUnknownFields( final unknownFields) { return super.mergeUnknownFields(unknownFields); } // @@protoc_insertion_point( } // @@protoc_insertion_point( private static final io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.LocalSubjectAccessReview DEFAULT_INSTANCE; static { DEFAULT_INSTANCE = new io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.LocalSubjectAccessReview(); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.LocalSubjectAccessReview getDefaultInstance() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } @java.lang.Deprecated public static final PARSER = new { @java.lang.Override public LocalSubjectAccessReview parsePartialFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return new LocalSubjectAccessReview(input, extensionRegistry); } }; public static parser() { return PARSER; } @java.lang.Override public getParserForType() { return PARSER; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.LocalSubjectAccessReview getDefaultInstanceForType() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } } public interface NonResourceAttributesOrBuilder extends // @@protoc_insertion_point( { /** *
     * Path is the URL path of the request
     * +optional
* * optional string path = 1; */ boolean hasPath(); /** *
     * Path is the URL path of the request
     * +optional
* * optional string path = 1; */ java.lang.String getPath(); /** *
     * Path is the URL path of the request
     * +optional
* * optional string path = 1; */ getPathBytes(); /** *
     * Verb is the standard HTTP verb
     * +optional
* * optional string verb = 2; */ boolean hasVerb(); /** *
     * Verb is the standard HTTP verb
     * +optional
* * optional string verb = 2; */ java.lang.String getVerb(); /** *
     * Verb is the standard HTTP verb
     * +optional
* * optional string verb = 2; */ getVerbBytes(); } /** *
   * NonResourceAttributes includes the authorization attributes available for non-resource requests to the Authorizer interface
* * Protobuf type {@code} */ public static final class NonResourceAttributes extends implements // @@protoc_insertion_point( NonResourceAttributesOrBuilder { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; // Use NonResourceAttributes.newBuilder() to construct. private NonResourceAttributes( builder) { super(builder); } private NonResourceAttributes() { path_ = ""; verb_ = ""; } @java.lang.Override public final getUnknownFields() { return this.unknownFields; } private NonResourceAttributes( input, extensionRegistry) throws { this(); if (extensionRegistry == null) { throw new java.lang.NullPointerException(); } int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; unknownFields =; try { boolean done = false; while (!done) { int tag = input.readTag(); switch (tag) { case 0: done = true; break; case 10: { bs = input.readBytes(); bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; path_ = bs; break; } case 18: { bs = input.readBytes(); bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; verb_ = bs; break; } default: { if (!parseUnknownField( input, unknownFields, extensionRegistry, tag)) { done = true; } break; } } } } catch ( e) { throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); } catch ( e) { throw new e).setUnfinishedMessage(this); } finally { this.unknownFields =; makeExtensionsImmutable(); } } public static final getDescriptor() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_NonResourceAttributes_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_NonResourceAttributes_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes.class, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes.Builder.class); } private int bitField0_; public static final int PATH_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private volatile java.lang.Object path_; /** *
     * Path is the URL path of the request
     * +optional
* * optional string path = 1; */ public boolean hasPath() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } /** *
     * Path is the URL path of the request
     * +optional
* * optional string path = 1; */ public java.lang.String getPath() { java.lang.Object ref = path_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { path_ = s; } return s; } } /** *
     * Path is the URL path of the request
     * +optional
* * optional string path = 1; */ public getPathBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = path_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); path_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } public static final int VERB_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private volatile java.lang.Object verb_; /** *
     * Verb is the standard HTTP verb
     * +optional
* * optional string verb = 2; */ public boolean hasVerb() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } /** *
     * Verb is the standard HTTP verb
     * +optional
* * optional string verb = 2; */ public java.lang.String getVerb() { java.lang.Object ref = verb_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { verb_ = s; } return s; } } /** *
     * Verb is the standard HTTP verb
     * +optional
* * optional string verb = 2; */ public getVerbBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = verb_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); verb_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } private byte memoizedIsInitialized = -1; @java.lang.Override public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized == 1) return true; if (isInitialized == 0) return false; memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } @java.lang.Override public void writeTo( output) throws { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) {, 1, path_); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) {, 2, verb_); } unknownFields.writeTo(output); } @java.lang.Override public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSize; if (size != -1) return size; size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size +=, path_); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { size +=, verb_); } size += unknownFields.getSerializedSize(); memoizedSize = size; return size; } @java.lang.Override public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes)) { return super.equals(obj); } io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes other = (io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes) obj; boolean result = true; result = result && (hasPath() == other.hasPath()); if (hasPath()) { result = result && getPath() .equals(other.getPath()); } result = result && (hasVerb() == other.hasVerb()); if (hasVerb()) { result = result && getVerb() .equals(other.getVerb()); } result = result && unknownFields.equals(other.unknownFields); return result; } @java.lang.Override public int hashCode() { if (memoizedHashCode != 0) { return memoizedHashCode; } int hash = 41; hash = (19 * hash) + getDescriptor().hashCode(); if (hasPath()) { hash = (37 * hash) + PATH_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getPath().hashCode(); } if (hasVerb()) { hash = (37 * hash) + VERB_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getVerb().hashCode(); } hash = (29 * hash) + unknownFields.hashCode(); memoizedHashCode = hash; return hash; } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes parseFrom( java.nio.ByteBuffer data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes parseFrom( java.nio.ByteBuffer data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes parseFrom( data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes parseFrom( input) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { return .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes parseFrom( input) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } @java.lang.Override public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes prototype) { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } @java.lang.Override public Builder toBuilder() { return this == DEFAULT_INSTANCE ? new Builder() : new Builder().mergeFrom(this); } @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } /** *
     * NonResourceAttributes includes the authorization attributes available for non-resource requests to the Authorizer interface
* * Protobuf type {@code} */ public static final class Builder extends implements // @@protoc_insertion_point( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributesOrBuilder { public static final getDescriptor() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_NonResourceAttributes_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_NonResourceAttributes_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes.class, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes.Builder.class); } // Construct using io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } private Builder( parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } private void maybeForceBuilderInitialization() { if ( .alwaysUseFieldBuilders) { } } @java.lang.Override public Builder clear() { super.clear(); path_ = ""; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); verb_ = ""; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); return this; } @java.lang.Override public getDescriptorForType() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_NonResourceAttributes_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes getDefaultInstanceForType() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes.getDefaultInstance(); } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes build() { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { throw newUninitializedMessageException(result); } return result; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes buildPartial() { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes result = new io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; int to_bitField0_ = 0; if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; } result.path_ = path_; if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; } result.verb_ = verb_; result.bitField0_ = to_bitField0_; onBuilt(); return result; } @java.lang.Override public Builder clone() { return (Builder) super.clone(); } @java.lang.Override public Builder setField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.setField(field, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder clearField( field) { return (Builder) super.clearField(field); } @java.lang.Override public Builder clearOneof( oneof) { return (Builder) super.clearOneof(oneof); } @java.lang.Override public Builder setRepeatedField( field, int index, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.setRepeatedField(field, index, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder addRepeatedField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.addRepeatedField(field, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes) { return mergeFrom((io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes)other); } else { super.mergeFrom(other); return this; } } public Builder mergeFrom(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes other) { if (other == io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasPath()) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; path_ = other.path_; onChanged(); } if (other.hasVerb()) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; verb_ = other.verb_; onChanged(); } this.mergeUnknownFields(other.unknownFields); onChanged(); return this; } @java.lang.Override public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } @java.lang.Override public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes parsedMessage = null; try { parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } catch ( e) { parsedMessage = (io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); throw e.unwrapIOException(); } finally { if (parsedMessage != null) { mergeFrom(parsedMessage); } } return this; } private int bitField0_; private java.lang.Object path_ = ""; /** *
       * Path is the URL path of the request
       * +optional
* * optional string path = 1; */ public boolean hasPath() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } /** *
       * Path is the URL path of the request
       * +optional
* * optional string path = 1; */ public java.lang.String getPath() { java.lang.Object ref = path_; if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { path_ = s; } return s; } else { return (java.lang.String) ref; } } /** *
       * Path is the URL path of the request
       * +optional
* * optional string path = 1; */ public getPathBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = path_; if (ref instanceof String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); path_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } /** *
       * Path is the URL path of the request
       * +optional
* * optional string path = 1; */ public Builder setPath( java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; path_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Path is the URL path of the request
       * +optional
* * optional string path = 1; */ public Builder clearPath() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); path_ = getDefaultInstance().getPath(); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Path is the URL path of the request
       * +optional
* * optional string path = 1; */ public Builder setPathBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; path_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } private java.lang.Object verb_ = ""; /** *
       * Verb is the standard HTTP verb
       * +optional
* * optional string verb = 2; */ public boolean hasVerb() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } /** *
       * Verb is the standard HTTP verb
       * +optional
* * optional string verb = 2; */ public java.lang.String getVerb() { java.lang.Object ref = verb_; if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { verb_ = s; } return s; } else { return (java.lang.String) ref; } } /** *
       * Verb is the standard HTTP verb
       * +optional
* * optional string verb = 2; */ public getVerbBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = verb_; if (ref instanceof String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); verb_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } /** *
       * Verb is the standard HTTP verb
       * +optional
* * optional string verb = 2; */ public Builder setVerb( java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; verb_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Verb is the standard HTTP verb
       * +optional
* * optional string verb = 2; */ public Builder clearVerb() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); verb_ = getDefaultInstance().getVerb(); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Verb is the standard HTTP verb
       * +optional
* * optional string verb = 2; */ public Builder setVerbBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; verb_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } @java.lang.Override public final Builder setUnknownFields( final unknownFields) { return super.setUnknownFields(unknownFields); } @java.lang.Override public final Builder mergeUnknownFields( final unknownFields) { return super.mergeUnknownFields(unknownFields); } // @@protoc_insertion_point( } // @@protoc_insertion_point( private static final io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes DEFAULT_INSTANCE; static { DEFAULT_INSTANCE = new io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes(); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes getDefaultInstance() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } @java.lang.Deprecated public static final PARSER = new { @java.lang.Override public NonResourceAttributes parsePartialFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return new NonResourceAttributes(input, extensionRegistry); } }; public static parser() { return PARSER; } @java.lang.Override public getParserForType() { return PARSER; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes getDefaultInstanceForType() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } } public interface NonResourceRuleOrBuilder extends // @@protoc_insertion_point( { /** *
     * Verb is a list of kubernetes non-resource API verbs, like: get, post, put, delete, patch, head, options.  "*" means all.
* * repeated string verbs = 1; */ java.util.List getVerbsList(); /** *
     * Verb is a list of kubernetes non-resource API verbs, like: get, post, put, delete, patch, head, options.  "*" means all.
* * repeated string verbs = 1; */ int getVerbsCount(); /** *
     * Verb is a list of kubernetes non-resource API verbs, like: get, post, put, delete, patch, head, options.  "*" means all.
* * repeated string verbs = 1; */ java.lang.String getVerbs(int index); /** *
     * Verb is a list of kubernetes non-resource API verbs, like: get, post, put, delete, patch, head, options.  "*" means all.
* * repeated string verbs = 1; */ getVerbsBytes(int index); /** *
     * NonResourceURLs is a set of partial urls that a user should have access to.  *s are allowed, but only as the full,
     * final step in the path.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * repeated string nonResourceURLs = 2; */ java.util.List getNonResourceURLsList(); /** *
     * NonResourceURLs is a set of partial urls that a user should have access to.  *s are allowed, but only as the full,
     * final step in the path.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * repeated string nonResourceURLs = 2; */ int getNonResourceURLsCount(); /** *
     * NonResourceURLs is a set of partial urls that a user should have access to.  *s are allowed, but only as the full,
     * final step in the path.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * repeated string nonResourceURLs = 2; */ java.lang.String getNonResourceURLs(int index); /** *
     * NonResourceURLs is a set of partial urls that a user should have access to.  *s are allowed, but only as the full,
     * final step in the path.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * repeated string nonResourceURLs = 2; */ getNonResourceURLsBytes(int index); } /** *
   * NonResourceRule holds information that describes a rule for the non-resource
* * Protobuf type {@code} */ public static final class NonResourceRule extends implements // @@protoc_insertion_point( NonResourceRuleOrBuilder { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; // Use NonResourceRule.newBuilder() to construct. private NonResourceRule( builder) { super(builder); } private NonResourceRule() { verbs_ =; nonResourceURLs_ =; } @java.lang.Override public final getUnknownFields() { return this.unknownFields; } private NonResourceRule( input, extensionRegistry) throws { this(); if (extensionRegistry == null) { throw new java.lang.NullPointerException(); } int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; unknownFields =; try { boolean done = false; while (!done) { int tag = input.readTag(); switch (tag) { case 0: done = true; break; case 10: { bs = input.readBytes(); if (!((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { verbs_ = new; mutable_bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; } verbs_.add(bs); break; } case 18: { bs = input.readBytes(); if (!((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { nonResourceURLs_ = new; mutable_bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; } nonResourceURLs_.add(bs); break; } default: { if (!parseUnknownField( input, unknownFields, extensionRegistry, tag)) { done = true; } break; } } } } catch ( e) { throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); } catch ( e) { throw new e).setUnfinishedMessage(this); } finally { if (((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { verbs_ = verbs_.getUnmodifiableView(); } if (((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { nonResourceURLs_ = nonResourceURLs_.getUnmodifiableView(); } this.unknownFields =; makeExtensionsImmutable(); } } public static final getDescriptor() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_NonResourceRule_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_NonResourceRule_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule.class, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule.Builder.class); } public static final int VERBS_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private verbs_; /** *
     * Verb is a list of kubernetes non-resource API verbs, like: get, post, put, delete, patch, head, options.  "*" means all.
* * repeated string verbs = 1; */ public getVerbsList() { return verbs_; } /** *
     * Verb is a list of kubernetes non-resource API verbs, like: get, post, put, delete, patch, head, options.  "*" means all.
* * repeated string verbs = 1; */ public int getVerbsCount() { return verbs_.size(); } /** *
     * Verb is a list of kubernetes non-resource API verbs, like: get, post, put, delete, patch, head, options.  "*" means all.
* * repeated string verbs = 1; */ public java.lang.String getVerbs(int index) { return verbs_.get(index); } /** *
     * Verb is a list of kubernetes non-resource API verbs, like: get, post, put, delete, patch, head, options.  "*" means all.
* * repeated string verbs = 1; */ public getVerbsBytes(int index) { return verbs_.getByteString(index); } public static final int NONRESOURCEURLS_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private nonResourceURLs_; /** *
     * NonResourceURLs is a set of partial urls that a user should have access to.  *s are allowed, but only as the full,
     * final step in the path.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * repeated string nonResourceURLs = 2; */ public getNonResourceURLsList() { return nonResourceURLs_; } /** *
     * NonResourceURLs is a set of partial urls that a user should have access to.  *s are allowed, but only as the full,
     * final step in the path.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * repeated string nonResourceURLs = 2; */ public int getNonResourceURLsCount() { return nonResourceURLs_.size(); } /** *
     * NonResourceURLs is a set of partial urls that a user should have access to.  *s are allowed, but only as the full,
     * final step in the path.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * repeated string nonResourceURLs = 2; */ public java.lang.String getNonResourceURLs(int index) { return nonResourceURLs_.get(index); } /** *
     * NonResourceURLs is a set of partial urls that a user should have access to.  *s are allowed, but only as the full,
     * final step in the path.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * repeated string nonResourceURLs = 2; */ public getNonResourceURLsBytes(int index) { return nonResourceURLs_.getByteString(index); } private byte memoizedIsInitialized = -1; @java.lang.Override public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized == 1) return true; if (isInitialized == 0) return false; memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } @java.lang.Override public void writeTo( output) throws { for (int i = 0; i < verbs_.size(); i++) {, 1, verbs_.getRaw(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < nonResourceURLs_.size(); i++) {, 2, nonResourceURLs_.getRaw(i)); } unknownFields.writeTo(output); } @java.lang.Override public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSize; if (size != -1) return size; size = 0; { int dataSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < verbs_.size(); i++) { dataSize += computeStringSizeNoTag(verbs_.getRaw(i)); } size += dataSize; size += 1 * getVerbsList().size(); } { int dataSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nonResourceURLs_.size(); i++) { dataSize += computeStringSizeNoTag(nonResourceURLs_.getRaw(i)); } size += dataSize; size += 1 * getNonResourceURLsList().size(); } size += unknownFields.getSerializedSize(); memoizedSize = size; return size; } @java.lang.Override public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule)) { return super.equals(obj); } io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule other = (io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule) obj; boolean result = true; result = result && getVerbsList() .equals(other.getVerbsList()); result = result && getNonResourceURLsList() .equals(other.getNonResourceURLsList()); result = result && unknownFields.equals(other.unknownFields); return result; } @java.lang.Override public int hashCode() { if (memoizedHashCode != 0) { return memoizedHashCode; } int hash = 41; hash = (19 * hash) + getDescriptor().hashCode(); if (getVerbsCount() > 0) { hash = (37 * hash) + VERBS_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getVerbsList().hashCode(); } if (getNonResourceURLsCount() > 0) { hash = (37 * hash) + NONRESOURCEURLS_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getNonResourceURLsList().hashCode(); } hash = (29 * hash) + unknownFields.hashCode(); memoizedHashCode = hash; return hash; } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule parseFrom( java.nio.ByteBuffer data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule parseFrom( java.nio.ByteBuffer data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule parseFrom( data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule parseFrom( input) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { return .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule parseFrom( input) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } @java.lang.Override public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule prototype) { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } @java.lang.Override public Builder toBuilder() { return this == DEFAULT_INSTANCE ? new Builder() : new Builder().mergeFrom(this); } @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } /** *
     * NonResourceRule holds information that describes a rule for the non-resource
* * Protobuf type {@code} */ public static final class Builder extends implements // @@protoc_insertion_point( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRuleOrBuilder { public static final getDescriptor() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_NonResourceRule_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_NonResourceRule_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule.class, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule.Builder.class); } // Construct using io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } private Builder( parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } private void maybeForceBuilderInitialization() { if ( .alwaysUseFieldBuilders) { } } @java.lang.Override public Builder clear() { super.clear(); verbs_ =; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); nonResourceURLs_ =; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); return this; } @java.lang.Override public getDescriptorForType() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_NonResourceRule_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule getDefaultInstanceForType() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule.getDefaultInstance(); } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule build() { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { throw newUninitializedMessageException(result); } return result; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule buildPartial() { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule result = new io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { verbs_ = verbs_.getUnmodifiableView(); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); } result.verbs_ = verbs_; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { nonResourceURLs_ = nonResourceURLs_.getUnmodifiableView(); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); } result.nonResourceURLs_ = nonResourceURLs_; onBuilt(); return result; } @java.lang.Override public Builder clone() { return (Builder) super.clone(); } @java.lang.Override public Builder setField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.setField(field, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder clearField( field) { return (Builder) super.clearField(field); } @java.lang.Override public Builder clearOneof( oneof) { return (Builder) super.clearOneof(oneof); } @java.lang.Override public Builder setRepeatedField( field, int index, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.setRepeatedField(field, index, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder addRepeatedField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.addRepeatedField(field, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule) { return mergeFrom((io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule)other); } else { super.mergeFrom(other); return this; } } public Builder mergeFrom(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule other) { if (other == io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (!other.verbs_.isEmpty()) { if (verbs_.isEmpty()) { verbs_ = other.verbs_; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); } else { ensureVerbsIsMutable(); verbs_.addAll(other.verbs_); } onChanged(); } if (!other.nonResourceURLs_.isEmpty()) { if (nonResourceURLs_.isEmpty()) { nonResourceURLs_ = other.nonResourceURLs_; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); } else { ensureNonResourceURLsIsMutable(); nonResourceURLs_.addAll(other.nonResourceURLs_); } onChanged(); } this.mergeUnknownFields(other.unknownFields); onChanged(); return this; } @java.lang.Override public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } @java.lang.Override public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule parsedMessage = null; try { parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } catch ( e) { parsedMessage = (io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); throw e.unwrapIOException(); } finally { if (parsedMessage != null) { mergeFrom(parsedMessage); } } return this; } private int bitField0_; private verbs_ =; private void ensureVerbsIsMutable() { if (!((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { verbs_ = new; bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; } } /** *
       * Verb is a list of kubernetes non-resource API verbs, like: get, post, put, delete, patch, head, options.  "*" means all.
* * repeated string verbs = 1; */ public getVerbsList() { return verbs_.getUnmodifiableView(); } /** *
       * Verb is a list of kubernetes non-resource API verbs, like: get, post, put, delete, patch, head, options.  "*" means all.
* * repeated string verbs = 1; */ public int getVerbsCount() { return verbs_.size(); } /** *
       * Verb is a list of kubernetes non-resource API verbs, like: get, post, put, delete, patch, head, options.  "*" means all.
* * repeated string verbs = 1; */ public java.lang.String getVerbs(int index) { return verbs_.get(index); } /** *
       * Verb is a list of kubernetes non-resource API verbs, like: get, post, put, delete, patch, head, options.  "*" means all.
* * repeated string verbs = 1; */ public getVerbsBytes(int index) { return verbs_.getByteString(index); } /** *
       * Verb is a list of kubernetes non-resource API verbs, like: get, post, put, delete, patch, head, options.  "*" means all.
* * repeated string verbs = 1; */ public Builder setVerbs( int index, java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureVerbsIsMutable(); verbs_.set(index, value); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Verb is a list of kubernetes non-resource API verbs, like: get, post, put, delete, patch, head, options.  "*" means all.
* * repeated string verbs = 1; */ public Builder addVerbs( java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureVerbsIsMutable(); verbs_.add(value); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Verb is a list of kubernetes non-resource API verbs, like: get, post, put, delete, patch, head, options.  "*" means all.
* * repeated string verbs = 1; */ public Builder addAllVerbs( java.lang.Iterable values) { ensureVerbsIsMutable(); values, verbs_); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Verb is a list of kubernetes non-resource API verbs, like: get, post, put, delete, patch, head, options.  "*" means all.
* * repeated string verbs = 1; */ public Builder clearVerbs() { verbs_ =; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Verb is a list of kubernetes non-resource API verbs, like: get, post, put, delete, patch, head, options.  "*" means all.
* * repeated string verbs = 1; */ public Builder addVerbsBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureVerbsIsMutable(); verbs_.add(value); onChanged(); return this; } private nonResourceURLs_ =; private void ensureNonResourceURLsIsMutable() { if (!((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { nonResourceURLs_ = new; bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; } } /** *
       * NonResourceURLs is a set of partial urls that a user should have access to.  *s are allowed, but only as the full,
       * final step in the path.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * repeated string nonResourceURLs = 2; */ public getNonResourceURLsList() { return nonResourceURLs_.getUnmodifiableView(); } /** *
       * NonResourceURLs is a set of partial urls that a user should have access to.  *s are allowed, but only as the full,
       * final step in the path.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * repeated string nonResourceURLs = 2; */ public int getNonResourceURLsCount() { return nonResourceURLs_.size(); } /** *
       * NonResourceURLs is a set of partial urls that a user should have access to.  *s are allowed, but only as the full,
       * final step in the path.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * repeated string nonResourceURLs = 2; */ public java.lang.String getNonResourceURLs(int index) { return nonResourceURLs_.get(index); } /** *
       * NonResourceURLs is a set of partial urls that a user should have access to.  *s are allowed, but only as the full,
       * final step in the path.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * repeated string nonResourceURLs = 2; */ public getNonResourceURLsBytes(int index) { return nonResourceURLs_.getByteString(index); } /** *
       * NonResourceURLs is a set of partial urls that a user should have access to.  *s are allowed, but only as the full,
       * final step in the path.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * repeated string nonResourceURLs = 2; */ public Builder setNonResourceURLs( int index, java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureNonResourceURLsIsMutable(); nonResourceURLs_.set(index, value); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * NonResourceURLs is a set of partial urls that a user should have access to.  *s are allowed, but only as the full,
       * final step in the path.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * repeated string nonResourceURLs = 2; */ public Builder addNonResourceURLs( java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureNonResourceURLsIsMutable(); nonResourceURLs_.add(value); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * NonResourceURLs is a set of partial urls that a user should have access to.  *s are allowed, but only as the full,
       * final step in the path.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * repeated string nonResourceURLs = 2; */ public Builder addAllNonResourceURLs( java.lang.Iterable values) { ensureNonResourceURLsIsMutable(); values, nonResourceURLs_); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * NonResourceURLs is a set of partial urls that a user should have access to.  *s are allowed, but only as the full,
       * final step in the path.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * repeated string nonResourceURLs = 2; */ public Builder clearNonResourceURLs() { nonResourceURLs_ =; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * NonResourceURLs is a set of partial urls that a user should have access to.  *s are allowed, but only as the full,
       * final step in the path.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * repeated string nonResourceURLs = 2; */ public Builder addNonResourceURLsBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureNonResourceURLsIsMutable(); nonResourceURLs_.add(value); onChanged(); return this; } @java.lang.Override public final Builder setUnknownFields( final unknownFields) { return super.setUnknownFields(unknownFields); } @java.lang.Override public final Builder mergeUnknownFields( final unknownFields) { return super.mergeUnknownFields(unknownFields); } // @@protoc_insertion_point( } // @@protoc_insertion_point( private static final io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule DEFAULT_INSTANCE; static { DEFAULT_INSTANCE = new io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule(); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule getDefaultInstance() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } @java.lang.Deprecated public static final PARSER = new { @java.lang.Override public NonResourceRule parsePartialFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return new NonResourceRule(input, extensionRegistry); } }; public static parser() { return PARSER; } @java.lang.Override public getParserForType() { return PARSER; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule getDefaultInstanceForType() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } } public interface ResourceAttributesOrBuilder extends // @@protoc_insertion_point( { /** *
     * Namespace is the namespace of the action being requested.  Currently, there is no distinction between no namespace and all namespaces
     * "" (empty) is defaulted for LocalSubjectAccessReviews
     * "" (empty) is empty for cluster-scoped resources
     * "" (empty) means "all" for namespace scoped resources from a SubjectAccessReview or SelfSubjectAccessReview
     * +optional
* * optional string namespace = 1; */ boolean hasNamespace(); /** *
     * Namespace is the namespace of the action being requested.  Currently, there is no distinction between no namespace and all namespaces
     * "" (empty) is defaulted for LocalSubjectAccessReviews
     * "" (empty) is empty for cluster-scoped resources
     * "" (empty) means "all" for namespace scoped resources from a SubjectAccessReview or SelfSubjectAccessReview
     * +optional
* * optional string namespace = 1; */ java.lang.String getNamespace(); /** *
     * Namespace is the namespace of the action being requested.  Currently, there is no distinction between no namespace and all namespaces
     * "" (empty) is defaulted for LocalSubjectAccessReviews
     * "" (empty) is empty for cluster-scoped resources
     * "" (empty) means "all" for namespace scoped resources from a SubjectAccessReview or SelfSubjectAccessReview
     * +optional
* * optional string namespace = 1; */ getNamespaceBytes(); /** *
     * Verb is a kubernetes resource API verb, like: get, list, watch, create, update, delete, proxy.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * optional string verb = 2; */ boolean hasVerb(); /** *
     * Verb is a kubernetes resource API verb, like: get, list, watch, create, update, delete, proxy.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * optional string verb = 2; */ java.lang.String getVerb(); /** *
     * Verb is a kubernetes resource API verb, like: get, list, watch, create, update, delete, proxy.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * optional string verb = 2; */ getVerbBytes(); /** *
     * Group is the API Group of the Resource.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * optional string group = 3; */ boolean hasGroup(); /** *
     * Group is the API Group of the Resource.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * optional string group = 3; */ java.lang.String getGroup(); /** *
     * Group is the API Group of the Resource.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * optional string group = 3; */ getGroupBytes(); /** *
     * Version is the API Version of the Resource.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * optional string version = 4; */ boolean hasVersion(); /** *
     * Version is the API Version of the Resource.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * optional string version = 4; */ java.lang.String getVersion(); /** *
     * Version is the API Version of the Resource.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * optional string version = 4; */ getVersionBytes(); /** *
     * Resource is one of the existing resource types.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * optional string resource = 5; */ boolean hasResource(); /** *
     * Resource is one of the existing resource types.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * optional string resource = 5; */ java.lang.String getResource(); /** *
     * Resource is one of the existing resource types.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * optional string resource = 5; */ getResourceBytes(); /** *
     * Subresource is one of the existing resource types.  "" means none.
     * +optional
* * optional string subresource = 6; */ boolean hasSubresource(); /** *
     * Subresource is one of the existing resource types.  "" means none.
     * +optional
* * optional string subresource = 6; */ java.lang.String getSubresource(); /** *
     * Subresource is one of the existing resource types.  "" means none.
     * +optional
* * optional string subresource = 6; */ getSubresourceBytes(); /** *
     * Name is the name of the resource being requested for a "get" or deleted for a "delete". "" (empty) means all.
     * +optional
* * optional string name = 7; */ boolean hasName(); /** *
     * Name is the name of the resource being requested for a "get" or deleted for a "delete". "" (empty) means all.
     * +optional
* * optional string name = 7; */ java.lang.String getName(); /** *
     * Name is the name of the resource being requested for a "get" or deleted for a "delete". "" (empty) means all.
     * +optional
* * optional string name = 7; */ getNameBytes(); } /** *
   * ResourceAttributes includes the authorization attributes available for resource requests to the Authorizer interface
* * Protobuf type {@code} */ public static final class ResourceAttributes extends implements // @@protoc_insertion_point( ResourceAttributesOrBuilder { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; // Use ResourceAttributes.newBuilder() to construct. private ResourceAttributes( builder) { super(builder); } private ResourceAttributes() { namespace_ = ""; verb_ = ""; group_ = ""; version_ = ""; resource_ = ""; subresource_ = ""; name_ = ""; } @java.lang.Override public final getUnknownFields() { return this.unknownFields; } private ResourceAttributes( input, extensionRegistry) throws { this(); if (extensionRegistry == null) { throw new java.lang.NullPointerException(); } int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; unknownFields =; try { boolean done = false; while (!done) { int tag = input.readTag(); switch (tag) { case 0: done = true; break; case 10: { bs = input.readBytes(); bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; namespace_ = bs; break; } case 18: { bs = input.readBytes(); bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; verb_ = bs; break; } case 26: { bs = input.readBytes(); bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; group_ = bs; break; } case 34: { bs = input.readBytes(); bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; version_ = bs; break; } case 42: { bs = input.readBytes(); bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; resource_ = bs; break; } case 50: { bs = input.readBytes(); bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; subresource_ = bs; break; } case 58: { bs = input.readBytes(); bitField0_ |= 0x00000040; name_ = bs; break; } default: { if (!parseUnknownField( input, unknownFields, extensionRegistry, tag)) { done = true; } break; } } } } catch ( e) { throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); } catch ( e) { throw new e).setUnfinishedMessage(this); } finally { this.unknownFields =; makeExtensionsImmutable(); } } public static final getDescriptor() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_ResourceAttributes_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_ResourceAttributes_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes.class, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes.Builder.class); } private int bitField0_; public static final int NAMESPACE_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private volatile java.lang.Object namespace_; /** *
     * Namespace is the namespace of the action being requested.  Currently, there is no distinction between no namespace and all namespaces
     * "" (empty) is defaulted for LocalSubjectAccessReviews
     * "" (empty) is empty for cluster-scoped resources
     * "" (empty) means "all" for namespace scoped resources from a SubjectAccessReview or SelfSubjectAccessReview
     * +optional
* * optional string namespace = 1; */ public boolean hasNamespace() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } /** *
     * Namespace is the namespace of the action being requested.  Currently, there is no distinction between no namespace and all namespaces
     * "" (empty) is defaulted for LocalSubjectAccessReviews
     * "" (empty) is empty for cluster-scoped resources
     * "" (empty) means "all" for namespace scoped resources from a SubjectAccessReview or SelfSubjectAccessReview
     * +optional
* * optional string namespace = 1; */ public java.lang.String getNamespace() { java.lang.Object ref = namespace_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { namespace_ = s; } return s; } } /** *
     * Namespace is the namespace of the action being requested.  Currently, there is no distinction between no namespace and all namespaces
     * "" (empty) is defaulted for LocalSubjectAccessReviews
     * "" (empty) is empty for cluster-scoped resources
     * "" (empty) means "all" for namespace scoped resources from a SubjectAccessReview or SelfSubjectAccessReview
     * +optional
* * optional string namespace = 1; */ public getNamespaceBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = namespace_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); namespace_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } public static final int VERB_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private volatile java.lang.Object verb_; /** *
     * Verb is a kubernetes resource API verb, like: get, list, watch, create, update, delete, proxy.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * optional string verb = 2; */ public boolean hasVerb() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } /** *
     * Verb is a kubernetes resource API verb, like: get, list, watch, create, update, delete, proxy.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * optional string verb = 2; */ public java.lang.String getVerb() { java.lang.Object ref = verb_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { verb_ = s; } return s; } } /** *
     * Verb is a kubernetes resource API verb, like: get, list, watch, create, update, delete, proxy.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * optional string verb = 2; */ public getVerbBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = verb_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); verb_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } public static final int GROUP_FIELD_NUMBER = 3; private volatile java.lang.Object group_; /** *
     * Group is the API Group of the Resource.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * optional string group = 3; */ public boolean hasGroup() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } /** *
     * Group is the API Group of the Resource.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * optional string group = 3; */ public java.lang.String getGroup() { java.lang.Object ref = group_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { group_ = s; } return s; } } /** *
     * Group is the API Group of the Resource.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * optional string group = 3; */ public getGroupBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = group_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); group_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } public static final int VERSION_FIELD_NUMBER = 4; private volatile java.lang.Object version_; /** *
     * Version is the API Version of the Resource.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * optional string version = 4; */ public boolean hasVersion() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008); } /** *
     * Version is the API Version of the Resource.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * optional string version = 4; */ public java.lang.String getVersion() { java.lang.Object ref = version_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { version_ = s; } return s; } } /** *
     * Version is the API Version of the Resource.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * optional string version = 4; */ public getVersionBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = version_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); version_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } public static final int RESOURCE_FIELD_NUMBER = 5; private volatile java.lang.Object resource_; /** *
     * Resource is one of the existing resource types.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * optional string resource = 5; */ public boolean hasResource() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010); } /** *
     * Resource is one of the existing resource types.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * optional string resource = 5; */ public java.lang.String getResource() { java.lang.Object ref = resource_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { resource_ = s; } return s; } } /** *
     * Resource is one of the existing resource types.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * optional string resource = 5; */ public getResourceBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = resource_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); resource_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } public static final int SUBRESOURCE_FIELD_NUMBER = 6; private volatile java.lang.Object subresource_; /** *
     * Subresource is one of the existing resource types.  "" means none.
     * +optional
* * optional string subresource = 6; */ public boolean hasSubresource() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000020) == 0x00000020); } /** *
     * Subresource is one of the existing resource types.  "" means none.
     * +optional
* * optional string subresource = 6; */ public java.lang.String getSubresource() { java.lang.Object ref = subresource_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { subresource_ = s; } return s; } } /** *
     * Subresource is one of the existing resource types.  "" means none.
     * +optional
* * optional string subresource = 6; */ public getSubresourceBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = subresource_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); subresource_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } public static final int NAME_FIELD_NUMBER = 7; private volatile java.lang.Object name_; /** *
     * Name is the name of the resource being requested for a "get" or deleted for a "delete". "" (empty) means all.
     * +optional
* * optional string name = 7; */ public boolean hasName() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000040) == 0x00000040); } /** *
     * Name is the name of the resource being requested for a "get" or deleted for a "delete". "" (empty) means all.
     * +optional
* * optional string name = 7; */ public java.lang.String getName() { java.lang.Object ref = name_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { name_ = s; } return s; } } /** *
     * Name is the name of the resource being requested for a "get" or deleted for a "delete". "" (empty) means all.
     * +optional
* * optional string name = 7; */ public getNameBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = name_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); name_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } private byte memoizedIsInitialized = -1; @java.lang.Override public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized == 1) return true; if (isInitialized == 0) return false; memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } @java.lang.Override public void writeTo( output) throws { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) {, 1, namespace_); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) {, 2, verb_); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) {, 3, group_); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008)) {, 4, version_); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010)) {, 5, resource_); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000020) == 0x00000020)) {, 6, subresource_); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000040) == 0x00000040)) {, 7, name_); } unknownFields.writeTo(output); } @java.lang.Override public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSize; if (size != -1) return size; size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size +=, namespace_); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { size +=, verb_); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { size +=, group_); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008)) { size +=, version_); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010)) { size +=, resource_); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000020) == 0x00000020)) { size +=, subresource_); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000040) == 0x00000040)) { size +=, name_); } size += unknownFields.getSerializedSize(); memoizedSize = size; return size; } @java.lang.Override public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes)) { return super.equals(obj); } io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes other = (io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes) obj; boolean result = true; result = result && (hasNamespace() == other.hasNamespace()); if (hasNamespace()) { result = result && getNamespace() .equals(other.getNamespace()); } result = result && (hasVerb() == other.hasVerb()); if (hasVerb()) { result = result && getVerb() .equals(other.getVerb()); } result = result && (hasGroup() == other.hasGroup()); if (hasGroup()) { result = result && getGroup() .equals(other.getGroup()); } result = result && (hasVersion() == other.hasVersion()); if (hasVersion()) { result = result && getVersion() .equals(other.getVersion()); } result = result && (hasResource() == other.hasResource()); if (hasResource()) { result = result && getResource() .equals(other.getResource()); } result = result && (hasSubresource() == other.hasSubresource()); if (hasSubresource()) { result = result && getSubresource() .equals(other.getSubresource()); } result = result && (hasName() == other.hasName()); if (hasName()) { result = result && getName() .equals(other.getName()); } result = result && unknownFields.equals(other.unknownFields); return result; } @java.lang.Override public int hashCode() { if (memoizedHashCode != 0) { return memoizedHashCode; } int hash = 41; hash = (19 * hash) + getDescriptor().hashCode(); if (hasNamespace()) { hash = (37 * hash) + NAMESPACE_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getNamespace().hashCode(); } if (hasVerb()) { hash = (37 * hash) + VERB_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getVerb().hashCode(); } if (hasGroup()) { hash = (37 * hash) + GROUP_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getGroup().hashCode(); } if (hasVersion()) { hash = (37 * hash) + VERSION_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getVersion().hashCode(); } if (hasResource()) { hash = (37 * hash) + RESOURCE_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getResource().hashCode(); } if (hasSubresource()) { hash = (37 * hash) + SUBRESOURCE_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getSubresource().hashCode(); } if (hasName()) { hash = (37 * hash) + NAME_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getName().hashCode(); } hash = (29 * hash) + unknownFields.hashCode(); memoizedHashCode = hash; return hash; } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes parseFrom( java.nio.ByteBuffer data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes parseFrom( java.nio.ByteBuffer data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes parseFrom( data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes parseFrom( input) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { return .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes parseFrom( input) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } @java.lang.Override public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes prototype) { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } @java.lang.Override public Builder toBuilder() { return this == DEFAULT_INSTANCE ? new Builder() : new Builder().mergeFrom(this); } @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } /** *
     * ResourceAttributes includes the authorization attributes available for resource requests to the Authorizer interface
* * Protobuf type {@code} */ public static final class Builder extends implements // @@protoc_insertion_point( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributesOrBuilder { public static final getDescriptor() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_ResourceAttributes_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_ResourceAttributes_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes.class, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes.Builder.class); } // Construct using io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } private Builder( parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } private void maybeForceBuilderInitialization() { if ( .alwaysUseFieldBuilders) { } } @java.lang.Override public Builder clear() { super.clear(); namespace_ = ""; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); verb_ = ""; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); group_ = ""; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); version_ = ""; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); resource_ = ""; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000010); subresource_ = ""; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000020); name_ = ""; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000040); return this; } @java.lang.Override public getDescriptorForType() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_ResourceAttributes_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes getDefaultInstanceForType() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes.getDefaultInstance(); } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes build() { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { throw newUninitializedMessageException(result); } return result; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes buildPartial() { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes result = new io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; int to_bitField0_ = 0; if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; } result.namespace_ = namespace_; if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; } result.verb_ = verb_; if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; } result.group_ = group_; if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008)) { to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; } result.version_ = version_; if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010)) { to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; } result.resource_ = resource_; if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000020) == 0x00000020)) { to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; } result.subresource_ = subresource_; if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000040) == 0x00000040)) { to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000040; } result.name_ = name_; result.bitField0_ = to_bitField0_; onBuilt(); return result; } @java.lang.Override public Builder clone() { return (Builder) super.clone(); } @java.lang.Override public Builder setField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.setField(field, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder clearField( field) { return (Builder) super.clearField(field); } @java.lang.Override public Builder clearOneof( oneof) { return (Builder) super.clearOneof(oneof); } @java.lang.Override public Builder setRepeatedField( field, int index, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.setRepeatedField(field, index, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder addRepeatedField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.addRepeatedField(field, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes) { return mergeFrom((io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes)other); } else { super.mergeFrom(other); return this; } } public Builder mergeFrom(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes other) { if (other == io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasNamespace()) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; namespace_ = other.namespace_; onChanged(); } if (other.hasVerb()) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; verb_ = other.verb_; onChanged(); } if (other.hasGroup()) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; group_ = other.group_; onChanged(); } if (other.hasVersion()) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; version_ = other.version_; onChanged(); } if (other.hasResource()) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; resource_ = other.resource_; onChanged(); } if (other.hasSubresource()) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; subresource_ = other.subresource_; onChanged(); } if (other.hasName()) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000040; name_ = other.name_; onChanged(); } this.mergeUnknownFields(other.unknownFields); onChanged(); return this; } @java.lang.Override public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } @java.lang.Override public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes parsedMessage = null; try { parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } catch ( e) { parsedMessage = (io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); throw e.unwrapIOException(); } finally { if (parsedMessage != null) { mergeFrom(parsedMessage); } } return this; } private int bitField0_; private java.lang.Object namespace_ = ""; /** *
       * Namespace is the namespace of the action being requested.  Currently, there is no distinction between no namespace and all namespaces
       * "" (empty) is defaulted for LocalSubjectAccessReviews
       * "" (empty) is empty for cluster-scoped resources
       * "" (empty) means "all" for namespace scoped resources from a SubjectAccessReview or SelfSubjectAccessReview
       * +optional
* * optional string namespace = 1; */ public boolean hasNamespace() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } /** *
       * Namespace is the namespace of the action being requested.  Currently, there is no distinction between no namespace and all namespaces
       * "" (empty) is defaulted for LocalSubjectAccessReviews
       * "" (empty) is empty for cluster-scoped resources
       * "" (empty) means "all" for namespace scoped resources from a SubjectAccessReview or SelfSubjectAccessReview
       * +optional
* * optional string namespace = 1; */ public java.lang.String getNamespace() { java.lang.Object ref = namespace_; if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { namespace_ = s; } return s; } else { return (java.lang.String) ref; } } /** *
       * Namespace is the namespace of the action being requested.  Currently, there is no distinction between no namespace and all namespaces
       * "" (empty) is defaulted for LocalSubjectAccessReviews
       * "" (empty) is empty for cluster-scoped resources
       * "" (empty) means "all" for namespace scoped resources from a SubjectAccessReview or SelfSubjectAccessReview
       * +optional
* * optional string namespace = 1; */ public getNamespaceBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = namespace_; if (ref instanceof String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); namespace_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } /** *
       * Namespace is the namespace of the action being requested.  Currently, there is no distinction between no namespace and all namespaces
       * "" (empty) is defaulted for LocalSubjectAccessReviews
       * "" (empty) is empty for cluster-scoped resources
       * "" (empty) means "all" for namespace scoped resources from a SubjectAccessReview or SelfSubjectAccessReview
       * +optional
* * optional string namespace = 1; */ public Builder setNamespace( java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; namespace_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Namespace is the namespace of the action being requested.  Currently, there is no distinction between no namespace and all namespaces
       * "" (empty) is defaulted for LocalSubjectAccessReviews
       * "" (empty) is empty for cluster-scoped resources
       * "" (empty) means "all" for namespace scoped resources from a SubjectAccessReview or SelfSubjectAccessReview
       * +optional
* * optional string namespace = 1; */ public Builder clearNamespace() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); namespace_ = getDefaultInstance().getNamespace(); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Namespace is the namespace of the action being requested.  Currently, there is no distinction between no namespace and all namespaces
       * "" (empty) is defaulted for LocalSubjectAccessReviews
       * "" (empty) is empty for cluster-scoped resources
       * "" (empty) means "all" for namespace scoped resources from a SubjectAccessReview or SelfSubjectAccessReview
       * +optional
* * optional string namespace = 1; */ public Builder setNamespaceBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; namespace_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } private java.lang.Object verb_ = ""; /** *
       * Verb is a kubernetes resource API verb, like: get, list, watch, create, update, delete, proxy.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * optional string verb = 2; */ public boolean hasVerb() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } /** *
       * Verb is a kubernetes resource API verb, like: get, list, watch, create, update, delete, proxy.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * optional string verb = 2; */ public java.lang.String getVerb() { java.lang.Object ref = verb_; if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { verb_ = s; } return s; } else { return (java.lang.String) ref; } } /** *
       * Verb is a kubernetes resource API verb, like: get, list, watch, create, update, delete, proxy.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * optional string verb = 2; */ public getVerbBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = verb_; if (ref instanceof String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); verb_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } /** *
       * Verb is a kubernetes resource API verb, like: get, list, watch, create, update, delete, proxy.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * optional string verb = 2; */ public Builder setVerb( java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; verb_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Verb is a kubernetes resource API verb, like: get, list, watch, create, update, delete, proxy.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * optional string verb = 2; */ public Builder clearVerb() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); verb_ = getDefaultInstance().getVerb(); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Verb is a kubernetes resource API verb, like: get, list, watch, create, update, delete, proxy.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * optional string verb = 2; */ public Builder setVerbBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; verb_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } private java.lang.Object group_ = ""; /** *
       * Group is the API Group of the Resource.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * optional string group = 3; */ public boolean hasGroup() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } /** *
       * Group is the API Group of the Resource.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * optional string group = 3; */ public java.lang.String getGroup() { java.lang.Object ref = group_; if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { group_ = s; } return s; } else { return (java.lang.String) ref; } } /** *
       * Group is the API Group of the Resource.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * optional string group = 3; */ public getGroupBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = group_; if (ref instanceof String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); group_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } /** *
       * Group is the API Group of the Resource.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * optional string group = 3; */ public Builder setGroup( java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; group_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Group is the API Group of the Resource.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * optional string group = 3; */ public Builder clearGroup() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); group_ = getDefaultInstance().getGroup(); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Group is the API Group of the Resource.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * optional string group = 3; */ public Builder setGroupBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; group_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } private java.lang.Object version_ = ""; /** *
       * Version is the API Version of the Resource.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * optional string version = 4; */ public boolean hasVersion() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008); } /** *
       * Version is the API Version of the Resource.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * optional string version = 4; */ public java.lang.String getVersion() { java.lang.Object ref = version_; if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { version_ = s; } return s; } else { return (java.lang.String) ref; } } /** *
       * Version is the API Version of the Resource.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * optional string version = 4; */ public getVersionBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = version_; if (ref instanceof String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); version_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } /** *
       * Version is the API Version of the Resource.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * optional string version = 4; */ public Builder setVersion( java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; version_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Version is the API Version of the Resource.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * optional string version = 4; */ public Builder clearVersion() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); version_ = getDefaultInstance().getVersion(); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Version is the API Version of the Resource.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * optional string version = 4; */ public Builder setVersionBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; version_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } private java.lang.Object resource_ = ""; /** *
       * Resource is one of the existing resource types.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * optional string resource = 5; */ public boolean hasResource() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010); } /** *
       * Resource is one of the existing resource types.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * optional string resource = 5; */ public java.lang.String getResource() { java.lang.Object ref = resource_; if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { resource_ = s; } return s; } else { return (java.lang.String) ref; } } /** *
       * Resource is one of the existing resource types.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * optional string resource = 5; */ public getResourceBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = resource_; if (ref instanceof String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); resource_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } /** *
       * Resource is one of the existing resource types.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * optional string resource = 5; */ public Builder setResource( java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; resource_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Resource is one of the existing resource types.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * optional string resource = 5; */ public Builder clearResource() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000010); resource_ = getDefaultInstance().getResource(); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Resource is one of the existing resource types.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * optional string resource = 5; */ public Builder setResourceBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; resource_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } private java.lang.Object subresource_ = ""; /** *
       * Subresource is one of the existing resource types.  "" means none.
       * +optional
* * optional string subresource = 6; */ public boolean hasSubresource() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000020) == 0x00000020); } /** *
       * Subresource is one of the existing resource types.  "" means none.
       * +optional
* * optional string subresource = 6; */ public java.lang.String getSubresource() { java.lang.Object ref = subresource_; if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { subresource_ = s; } return s; } else { return (java.lang.String) ref; } } /** *
       * Subresource is one of the existing resource types.  "" means none.
       * +optional
* * optional string subresource = 6; */ public getSubresourceBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = subresource_; if (ref instanceof String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); subresource_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } /** *
       * Subresource is one of the existing resource types.  "" means none.
       * +optional
* * optional string subresource = 6; */ public Builder setSubresource( java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; subresource_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Subresource is one of the existing resource types.  "" means none.
       * +optional
* * optional string subresource = 6; */ public Builder clearSubresource() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000020); subresource_ = getDefaultInstance().getSubresource(); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Subresource is one of the existing resource types.  "" means none.
       * +optional
* * optional string subresource = 6; */ public Builder setSubresourceBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; subresource_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } private java.lang.Object name_ = ""; /** *
       * Name is the name of the resource being requested for a "get" or deleted for a "delete". "" (empty) means all.
       * +optional
* * optional string name = 7; */ public boolean hasName() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000040) == 0x00000040); } /** *
       * Name is the name of the resource being requested for a "get" or deleted for a "delete". "" (empty) means all.
       * +optional
* * optional string name = 7; */ public java.lang.String getName() { java.lang.Object ref = name_; if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { name_ = s; } return s; } else { return (java.lang.String) ref; } } /** *
       * Name is the name of the resource being requested for a "get" or deleted for a "delete". "" (empty) means all.
       * +optional
* * optional string name = 7; */ public getNameBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = name_; if (ref instanceof String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); name_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } /** *
       * Name is the name of the resource being requested for a "get" or deleted for a "delete". "" (empty) means all.
       * +optional
* * optional string name = 7; */ public Builder setName( java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000040; name_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Name is the name of the resource being requested for a "get" or deleted for a "delete". "" (empty) means all.
       * +optional
* * optional string name = 7; */ public Builder clearName() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000040); name_ = getDefaultInstance().getName(); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Name is the name of the resource being requested for a "get" or deleted for a "delete". "" (empty) means all.
       * +optional
* * optional string name = 7; */ public Builder setNameBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000040; name_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } @java.lang.Override public final Builder setUnknownFields( final unknownFields) { return super.setUnknownFields(unknownFields); } @java.lang.Override public final Builder mergeUnknownFields( final unknownFields) { return super.mergeUnknownFields(unknownFields); } // @@protoc_insertion_point( } // @@protoc_insertion_point( private static final io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes DEFAULT_INSTANCE; static { DEFAULT_INSTANCE = new io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes(); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes getDefaultInstance() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } @java.lang.Deprecated public static final PARSER = new { @java.lang.Override public ResourceAttributes parsePartialFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return new ResourceAttributes(input, extensionRegistry); } }; public static parser() { return PARSER; } @java.lang.Override public getParserForType() { return PARSER; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes getDefaultInstanceForType() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } } public interface ResourceRuleOrBuilder extends // @@protoc_insertion_point( { /** *
     * Verb is a list of kubernetes resource API verbs, like: get, list, watch, create, update, delete, proxy.  "*" means all.
* * repeated string verbs = 1; */ java.util.List getVerbsList(); /** *
     * Verb is a list of kubernetes resource API verbs, like: get, list, watch, create, update, delete, proxy.  "*" means all.
* * repeated string verbs = 1; */ int getVerbsCount(); /** *
     * Verb is a list of kubernetes resource API verbs, like: get, list, watch, create, update, delete, proxy.  "*" means all.
* * repeated string verbs = 1; */ java.lang.String getVerbs(int index); /** *
     * Verb is a list of kubernetes resource API verbs, like: get, list, watch, create, update, delete, proxy.  "*" means all.
* * repeated string verbs = 1; */ getVerbsBytes(int index); /** *
     * APIGroups is the name of the APIGroup that contains the resources.  If multiple API groups are specified, any action requested against one of
     * the enumerated resources in any API group will be allowed.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * repeated string apiGroups = 2; */ java.util.List getApiGroupsList(); /** *
     * APIGroups is the name of the APIGroup that contains the resources.  If multiple API groups are specified, any action requested against one of
     * the enumerated resources in any API group will be allowed.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * repeated string apiGroups = 2; */ int getApiGroupsCount(); /** *
     * APIGroups is the name of the APIGroup that contains the resources.  If multiple API groups are specified, any action requested against one of
     * the enumerated resources in any API group will be allowed.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * repeated string apiGroups = 2; */ java.lang.String getApiGroups(int index); /** *
     * APIGroups is the name of the APIGroup that contains the resources.  If multiple API groups are specified, any action requested against one of
     * the enumerated resources in any API group will be allowed.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * repeated string apiGroups = 2; */ getApiGroupsBytes(int index); /** *
     * Resources is a list of resources this rule applies to.  "*" means all in the specified apiGroups.
     *  "*/foo" represents the subresource 'foo' for all resources in the specified apiGroups.
     * +optional
* * repeated string resources = 3; */ java.util.List getResourcesList(); /** *
     * Resources is a list of resources this rule applies to.  "*" means all in the specified apiGroups.
     *  "*/foo" represents the subresource 'foo' for all resources in the specified apiGroups.
     * +optional
* * repeated string resources = 3; */ int getResourcesCount(); /** *
     * Resources is a list of resources this rule applies to.  "*" means all in the specified apiGroups.
     *  "*/foo" represents the subresource 'foo' for all resources in the specified apiGroups.
     * +optional
* * repeated string resources = 3; */ java.lang.String getResources(int index); /** *
     * Resources is a list of resources this rule applies to.  "*" means all in the specified apiGroups.
     *  "*/foo" represents the subresource 'foo' for all resources in the specified apiGroups.
     * +optional
* * repeated string resources = 3; */ getResourcesBytes(int index); /** *
     * ResourceNames is an optional white list of names that the rule applies to.  An empty set means that everything is allowed.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * repeated string resourceNames = 4; */ java.util.List getResourceNamesList(); /** *
     * ResourceNames is an optional white list of names that the rule applies to.  An empty set means that everything is allowed.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * repeated string resourceNames = 4; */ int getResourceNamesCount(); /** *
     * ResourceNames is an optional white list of names that the rule applies to.  An empty set means that everything is allowed.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * repeated string resourceNames = 4; */ java.lang.String getResourceNames(int index); /** *
     * ResourceNames is an optional white list of names that the rule applies to.  An empty set means that everything is allowed.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * repeated string resourceNames = 4; */ getResourceNamesBytes(int index); } /** *
   * ResourceRule is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on resources. The list ordering isn't significant,
   * may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * Protobuf type {@code} */ public static final class ResourceRule extends implements // @@protoc_insertion_point( ResourceRuleOrBuilder { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; // Use ResourceRule.newBuilder() to construct. private ResourceRule( builder) { super(builder); } private ResourceRule() { verbs_ =; apiGroups_ =; resources_ =; resourceNames_ =; } @java.lang.Override public final getUnknownFields() { return this.unknownFields; } private ResourceRule( input, extensionRegistry) throws { this(); if (extensionRegistry == null) { throw new java.lang.NullPointerException(); } int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; unknownFields =; try { boolean done = false; while (!done) { int tag = input.readTag(); switch (tag) { case 0: done = true; break; case 10: { bs = input.readBytes(); if (!((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { verbs_ = new; mutable_bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; } verbs_.add(bs); break; } case 18: { bs = input.readBytes(); if (!((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { apiGroups_ = new; mutable_bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; } apiGroups_.add(bs); break; } case 26: { bs = input.readBytes(); if (!((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { resources_ = new; mutable_bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; } resources_.add(bs); break; } case 34: { bs = input.readBytes(); if (!((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008)) { resourceNames_ = new; mutable_bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; } resourceNames_.add(bs); break; } default: { if (!parseUnknownField( input, unknownFields, extensionRegistry, tag)) { done = true; } break; } } } } catch ( e) { throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); } catch ( e) { throw new e).setUnfinishedMessage(this); } finally { if (((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { verbs_ = verbs_.getUnmodifiableView(); } if (((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { apiGroups_ = apiGroups_.getUnmodifiableView(); } if (((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { resources_ = resources_.getUnmodifiableView(); } if (((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008)) { resourceNames_ = resourceNames_.getUnmodifiableView(); } this.unknownFields =; makeExtensionsImmutable(); } } public static final getDescriptor() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_ResourceRule_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_ResourceRule_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule.class, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule.Builder.class); } public static final int VERBS_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private verbs_; /** *
     * Verb is a list of kubernetes resource API verbs, like: get, list, watch, create, update, delete, proxy.  "*" means all.
* * repeated string verbs = 1; */ public getVerbsList() { return verbs_; } /** *
     * Verb is a list of kubernetes resource API verbs, like: get, list, watch, create, update, delete, proxy.  "*" means all.
* * repeated string verbs = 1; */ public int getVerbsCount() { return verbs_.size(); } /** *
     * Verb is a list of kubernetes resource API verbs, like: get, list, watch, create, update, delete, proxy.  "*" means all.
* * repeated string verbs = 1; */ public java.lang.String getVerbs(int index) { return verbs_.get(index); } /** *
     * Verb is a list of kubernetes resource API verbs, like: get, list, watch, create, update, delete, proxy.  "*" means all.
* * repeated string verbs = 1; */ public getVerbsBytes(int index) { return verbs_.getByteString(index); } public static final int APIGROUPS_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private apiGroups_; /** *
     * APIGroups is the name of the APIGroup that contains the resources.  If multiple API groups are specified, any action requested against one of
     * the enumerated resources in any API group will be allowed.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * repeated string apiGroups = 2; */ public getApiGroupsList() { return apiGroups_; } /** *
     * APIGroups is the name of the APIGroup that contains the resources.  If multiple API groups are specified, any action requested against one of
     * the enumerated resources in any API group will be allowed.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * repeated string apiGroups = 2; */ public int getApiGroupsCount() { return apiGroups_.size(); } /** *
     * APIGroups is the name of the APIGroup that contains the resources.  If multiple API groups are specified, any action requested against one of
     * the enumerated resources in any API group will be allowed.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * repeated string apiGroups = 2; */ public java.lang.String getApiGroups(int index) { return apiGroups_.get(index); } /** *
     * APIGroups is the name of the APIGroup that contains the resources.  If multiple API groups are specified, any action requested against one of
     * the enumerated resources in any API group will be allowed.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * repeated string apiGroups = 2; */ public getApiGroupsBytes(int index) { return apiGroups_.getByteString(index); } public static final int RESOURCES_FIELD_NUMBER = 3; private resources_; /** *
     * Resources is a list of resources this rule applies to.  "*" means all in the specified apiGroups.
     *  "*/foo" represents the subresource 'foo' for all resources in the specified apiGroups.
     * +optional
* * repeated string resources = 3; */ public getResourcesList() { return resources_; } /** *
     * Resources is a list of resources this rule applies to.  "*" means all in the specified apiGroups.
     *  "*/foo" represents the subresource 'foo' for all resources in the specified apiGroups.
     * +optional
* * repeated string resources = 3; */ public int getResourcesCount() { return resources_.size(); } /** *
     * Resources is a list of resources this rule applies to.  "*" means all in the specified apiGroups.
     *  "*/foo" represents the subresource 'foo' for all resources in the specified apiGroups.
     * +optional
* * repeated string resources = 3; */ public java.lang.String getResources(int index) { return resources_.get(index); } /** *
     * Resources is a list of resources this rule applies to.  "*" means all in the specified apiGroups.
     *  "*/foo" represents the subresource 'foo' for all resources in the specified apiGroups.
     * +optional
* * repeated string resources = 3; */ public getResourcesBytes(int index) { return resources_.getByteString(index); } public static final int RESOURCENAMES_FIELD_NUMBER = 4; private resourceNames_; /** *
     * ResourceNames is an optional white list of names that the rule applies to.  An empty set means that everything is allowed.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * repeated string resourceNames = 4; */ public getResourceNamesList() { return resourceNames_; } /** *
     * ResourceNames is an optional white list of names that the rule applies to.  An empty set means that everything is allowed.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * repeated string resourceNames = 4; */ public int getResourceNamesCount() { return resourceNames_.size(); } /** *
     * ResourceNames is an optional white list of names that the rule applies to.  An empty set means that everything is allowed.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * repeated string resourceNames = 4; */ public java.lang.String getResourceNames(int index) { return resourceNames_.get(index); } /** *
     * ResourceNames is an optional white list of names that the rule applies to.  An empty set means that everything is allowed.  "*" means all.
     * +optional
* * repeated string resourceNames = 4; */ public getResourceNamesBytes(int index) { return resourceNames_.getByteString(index); } private byte memoizedIsInitialized = -1; @java.lang.Override public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized == 1) return true; if (isInitialized == 0) return false; memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } @java.lang.Override public void writeTo( output) throws { for (int i = 0; i < verbs_.size(); i++) {, 1, verbs_.getRaw(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < apiGroups_.size(); i++) {, 2, apiGroups_.getRaw(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < resources_.size(); i++) {, 3, resources_.getRaw(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < resourceNames_.size(); i++) {, 4, resourceNames_.getRaw(i)); } unknownFields.writeTo(output); } @java.lang.Override public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSize; if (size != -1) return size; size = 0; { int dataSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < verbs_.size(); i++) { dataSize += computeStringSizeNoTag(verbs_.getRaw(i)); } size += dataSize; size += 1 * getVerbsList().size(); } { int dataSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < apiGroups_.size(); i++) { dataSize += computeStringSizeNoTag(apiGroups_.getRaw(i)); } size += dataSize; size += 1 * getApiGroupsList().size(); } { int dataSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < resources_.size(); i++) { dataSize += computeStringSizeNoTag(resources_.getRaw(i)); } size += dataSize; size += 1 * getResourcesList().size(); } { int dataSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < resourceNames_.size(); i++) { dataSize += computeStringSizeNoTag(resourceNames_.getRaw(i)); } size += dataSize; size += 1 * getResourceNamesList().size(); } size += unknownFields.getSerializedSize(); memoizedSize = size; return size; } @java.lang.Override public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule)) { return super.equals(obj); } io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule other = (io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule) obj; boolean result = true; result = result && getVerbsList() .equals(other.getVerbsList()); result = result && getApiGroupsList() .equals(other.getApiGroupsList()); result = result && getResourcesList() .equals(other.getResourcesList()); result = result && getResourceNamesList() .equals(other.getResourceNamesList()); result = result && unknownFields.equals(other.unknownFields); return result; } @java.lang.Override public int hashCode() { if (memoizedHashCode != 0) { return memoizedHashCode; } int hash = 41; hash = (19 * hash) + getDescriptor().hashCode(); if (getVerbsCount() > 0) { hash = (37 * hash) + VERBS_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getVerbsList().hashCode(); } if (getApiGroupsCount() > 0) { hash = (37 * hash) + APIGROUPS_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getApiGroupsList().hashCode(); } if (getResourcesCount() > 0) { hash = (37 * hash) + RESOURCES_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getResourcesList().hashCode(); } if (getResourceNamesCount() > 0) { hash = (37 * hash) + RESOURCENAMES_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getResourceNamesList().hashCode(); } hash = (29 * hash) + unknownFields.hashCode(); memoizedHashCode = hash; return hash; } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule parseFrom( java.nio.ByteBuffer data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule parseFrom( java.nio.ByteBuffer data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule parseFrom( data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule parseFrom( input) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { return .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule parseFrom( input) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } @java.lang.Override public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule prototype) { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } @java.lang.Override public Builder toBuilder() { return this == DEFAULT_INSTANCE ? new Builder() : new Builder().mergeFrom(this); } @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } /** *
     * ResourceRule is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on resources. The list ordering isn't significant,
     * may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * Protobuf type {@code} */ public static final class Builder extends implements // @@protoc_insertion_point( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRuleOrBuilder { public static final getDescriptor() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_ResourceRule_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_ResourceRule_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule.class, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule.Builder.class); } // Construct using io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } private Builder( parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } private void maybeForceBuilderInitialization() { if ( .alwaysUseFieldBuilders) { } } @java.lang.Override public Builder clear() { super.clear(); verbs_ =; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); apiGroups_ =; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); resources_ =; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); resourceNames_ =; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); return this; } @java.lang.Override public getDescriptorForType() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_ResourceRule_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule getDefaultInstanceForType() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule.getDefaultInstance(); } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule build() { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { throw newUninitializedMessageException(result); } return result; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule buildPartial() { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule result = new io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { verbs_ = verbs_.getUnmodifiableView(); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); } result.verbs_ = verbs_; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { apiGroups_ = apiGroups_.getUnmodifiableView(); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); } result.apiGroups_ = apiGroups_; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { resources_ = resources_.getUnmodifiableView(); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); } result.resources_ = resources_; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008)) { resourceNames_ = resourceNames_.getUnmodifiableView(); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); } result.resourceNames_ = resourceNames_; onBuilt(); return result; } @java.lang.Override public Builder clone() { return (Builder) super.clone(); } @java.lang.Override public Builder setField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.setField(field, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder clearField( field) { return (Builder) super.clearField(field); } @java.lang.Override public Builder clearOneof( oneof) { return (Builder) super.clearOneof(oneof); } @java.lang.Override public Builder setRepeatedField( field, int index, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.setRepeatedField(field, index, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder addRepeatedField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.addRepeatedField(field, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule) { return mergeFrom((io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule)other); } else { super.mergeFrom(other); return this; } } public Builder mergeFrom(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule other) { if (other == io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (!other.verbs_.isEmpty()) { if (verbs_.isEmpty()) { verbs_ = other.verbs_; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); } else { ensureVerbsIsMutable(); verbs_.addAll(other.verbs_); } onChanged(); } if (!other.apiGroups_.isEmpty()) { if (apiGroups_.isEmpty()) { apiGroups_ = other.apiGroups_; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); } else { ensureApiGroupsIsMutable(); apiGroups_.addAll(other.apiGroups_); } onChanged(); } if (!other.resources_.isEmpty()) { if (resources_.isEmpty()) { resources_ = other.resources_; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); } else { ensureResourcesIsMutable(); resources_.addAll(other.resources_); } onChanged(); } if (!other.resourceNames_.isEmpty()) { if (resourceNames_.isEmpty()) { resourceNames_ = other.resourceNames_; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); } else { ensureResourceNamesIsMutable(); resourceNames_.addAll(other.resourceNames_); } onChanged(); } this.mergeUnknownFields(other.unknownFields); onChanged(); return this; } @java.lang.Override public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } @java.lang.Override public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule parsedMessage = null; try { parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } catch ( e) { parsedMessage = (io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); throw e.unwrapIOException(); } finally { if (parsedMessage != null) { mergeFrom(parsedMessage); } } return this; } private int bitField0_; private verbs_ =; private void ensureVerbsIsMutable() { if (!((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { verbs_ = new; bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; } } /** *
       * Verb is a list of kubernetes resource API verbs, like: get, list, watch, create, update, delete, proxy.  "*" means all.
* * repeated string verbs = 1; */ public getVerbsList() { return verbs_.getUnmodifiableView(); } /** *
       * Verb is a list of kubernetes resource API verbs, like: get, list, watch, create, update, delete, proxy.  "*" means all.
* * repeated string verbs = 1; */ public int getVerbsCount() { return verbs_.size(); } /** *
       * Verb is a list of kubernetes resource API verbs, like: get, list, watch, create, update, delete, proxy.  "*" means all.
* * repeated string verbs = 1; */ public java.lang.String getVerbs(int index) { return verbs_.get(index); } /** *
       * Verb is a list of kubernetes resource API verbs, like: get, list, watch, create, update, delete, proxy.  "*" means all.
* * repeated string verbs = 1; */ public getVerbsBytes(int index) { return verbs_.getByteString(index); } /** *
       * Verb is a list of kubernetes resource API verbs, like: get, list, watch, create, update, delete, proxy.  "*" means all.
* * repeated string verbs = 1; */ public Builder setVerbs( int index, java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureVerbsIsMutable(); verbs_.set(index, value); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Verb is a list of kubernetes resource API verbs, like: get, list, watch, create, update, delete, proxy.  "*" means all.
* * repeated string verbs = 1; */ public Builder addVerbs( java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureVerbsIsMutable(); verbs_.add(value); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Verb is a list of kubernetes resource API verbs, like: get, list, watch, create, update, delete, proxy.  "*" means all.
* * repeated string verbs = 1; */ public Builder addAllVerbs( java.lang.Iterable values) { ensureVerbsIsMutable(); values, verbs_); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Verb is a list of kubernetes resource API verbs, like: get, list, watch, create, update, delete, proxy.  "*" means all.
* * repeated string verbs = 1; */ public Builder clearVerbs() { verbs_ =; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Verb is a list of kubernetes resource API verbs, like: get, list, watch, create, update, delete, proxy.  "*" means all.
* * repeated string verbs = 1; */ public Builder addVerbsBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureVerbsIsMutable(); verbs_.add(value); onChanged(); return this; } private apiGroups_ =; private void ensureApiGroupsIsMutable() { if (!((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { apiGroups_ = new; bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; } } /** *
       * APIGroups is the name of the APIGroup that contains the resources.  If multiple API groups are specified, any action requested against one of
       * the enumerated resources in any API group will be allowed.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * repeated string apiGroups = 2; */ public getApiGroupsList() { return apiGroups_.getUnmodifiableView(); } /** *
       * APIGroups is the name of the APIGroup that contains the resources.  If multiple API groups are specified, any action requested against one of
       * the enumerated resources in any API group will be allowed.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * repeated string apiGroups = 2; */ public int getApiGroupsCount() { return apiGroups_.size(); } /** *
       * APIGroups is the name of the APIGroup that contains the resources.  If multiple API groups are specified, any action requested against one of
       * the enumerated resources in any API group will be allowed.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * repeated string apiGroups = 2; */ public java.lang.String getApiGroups(int index) { return apiGroups_.get(index); } /** *
       * APIGroups is the name of the APIGroup that contains the resources.  If multiple API groups are specified, any action requested against one of
       * the enumerated resources in any API group will be allowed.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * repeated string apiGroups = 2; */ public getApiGroupsBytes(int index) { return apiGroups_.getByteString(index); } /** *
       * APIGroups is the name of the APIGroup that contains the resources.  If multiple API groups are specified, any action requested against one of
       * the enumerated resources in any API group will be allowed.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * repeated string apiGroups = 2; */ public Builder setApiGroups( int index, java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureApiGroupsIsMutable(); apiGroups_.set(index, value); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * APIGroups is the name of the APIGroup that contains the resources.  If multiple API groups are specified, any action requested against one of
       * the enumerated resources in any API group will be allowed.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * repeated string apiGroups = 2; */ public Builder addApiGroups( java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureApiGroupsIsMutable(); apiGroups_.add(value); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * APIGroups is the name of the APIGroup that contains the resources.  If multiple API groups are specified, any action requested against one of
       * the enumerated resources in any API group will be allowed.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * repeated string apiGroups = 2; */ public Builder addAllApiGroups( java.lang.Iterable values) { ensureApiGroupsIsMutable(); values, apiGroups_); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * APIGroups is the name of the APIGroup that contains the resources.  If multiple API groups are specified, any action requested against one of
       * the enumerated resources in any API group will be allowed.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * repeated string apiGroups = 2; */ public Builder clearApiGroups() { apiGroups_ =; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * APIGroups is the name of the APIGroup that contains the resources.  If multiple API groups are specified, any action requested against one of
       * the enumerated resources in any API group will be allowed.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * repeated string apiGroups = 2; */ public Builder addApiGroupsBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureApiGroupsIsMutable(); apiGroups_.add(value); onChanged(); return this; } private resources_ =; private void ensureResourcesIsMutable() { if (!((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { resources_ = new; bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; } } /** *
       * Resources is a list of resources this rule applies to.  "*" means all in the specified apiGroups.
       *  "*/foo" represents the subresource 'foo' for all resources in the specified apiGroups.
       * +optional
* * repeated string resources = 3; */ public getResourcesList() { return resources_.getUnmodifiableView(); } /** *
       * Resources is a list of resources this rule applies to.  "*" means all in the specified apiGroups.
       *  "*/foo" represents the subresource 'foo' for all resources in the specified apiGroups.
       * +optional
* * repeated string resources = 3; */ public int getResourcesCount() { return resources_.size(); } /** *
       * Resources is a list of resources this rule applies to.  "*" means all in the specified apiGroups.
       *  "*/foo" represents the subresource 'foo' for all resources in the specified apiGroups.
       * +optional
* * repeated string resources = 3; */ public java.lang.String getResources(int index) { return resources_.get(index); } /** *
       * Resources is a list of resources this rule applies to.  "*" means all in the specified apiGroups.
       *  "*/foo" represents the subresource 'foo' for all resources in the specified apiGroups.
       * +optional
* * repeated string resources = 3; */ public getResourcesBytes(int index) { return resources_.getByteString(index); } /** *
       * Resources is a list of resources this rule applies to.  "*" means all in the specified apiGroups.
       *  "*/foo" represents the subresource 'foo' for all resources in the specified apiGroups.
       * +optional
* * repeated string resources = 3; */ public Builder setResources( int index, java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureResourcesIsMutable(); resources_.set(index, value); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Resources is a list of resources this rule applies to.  "*" means all in the specified apiGroups.
       *  "*/foo" represents the subresource 'foo' for all resources in the specified apiGroups.
       * +optional
* * repeated string resources = 3; */ public Builder addResources( java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureResourcesIsMutable(); resources_.add(value); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Resources is a list of resources this rule applies to.  "*" means all in the specified apiGroups.
       *  "*/foo" represents the subresource 'foo' for all resources in the specified apiGroups.
       * +optional
* * repeated string resources = 3; */ public Builder addAllResources( java.lang.Iterable values) { ensureResourcesIsMutable(); values, resources_); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Resources is a list of resources this rule applies to.  "*" means all in the specified apiGroups.
       *  "*/foo" represents the subresource 'foo' for all resources in the specified apiGroups.
       * +optional
* * repeated string resources = 3; */ public Builder clearResources() { resources_ =; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Resources is a list of resources this rule applies to.  "*" means all in the specified apiGroups.
       *  "*/foo" represents the subresource 'foo' for all resources in the specified apiGroups.
       * +optional
* * repeated string resources = 3; */ public Builder addResourcesBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureResourcesIsMutable(); resources_.add(value); onChanged(); return this; } private resourceNames_ =; private void ensureResourceNamesIsMutable() { if (!((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008)) { resourceNames_ = new; bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; } } /** *
       * ResourceNames is an optional white list of names that the rule applies to.  An empty set means that everything is allowed.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * repeated string resourceNames = 4; */ public getResourceNamesList() { return resourceNames_.getUnmodifiableView(); } /** *
       * ResourceNames is an optional white list of names that the rule applies to.  An empty set means that everything is allowed.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * repeated string resourceNames = 4; */ public int getResourceNamesCount() { return resourceNames_.size(); } /** *
       * ResourceNames is an optional white list of names that the rule applies to.  An empty set means that everything is allowed.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * repeated string resourceNames = 4; */ public java.lang.String getResourceNames(int index) { return resourceNames_.get(index); } /** *
       * ResourceNames is an optional white list of names that the rule applies to.  An empty set means that everything is allowed.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * repeated string resourceNames = 4; */ public getResourceNamesBytes(int index) { return resourceNames_.getByteString(index); } /** *
       * ResourceNames is an optional white list of names that the rule applies to.  An empty set means that everything is allowed.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * repeated string resourceNames = 4; */ public Builder setResourceNames( int index, java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureResourceNamesIsMutable(); resourceNames_.set(index, value); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * ResourceNames is an optional white list of names that the rule applies to.  An empty set means that everything is allowed.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * repeated string resourceNames = 4; */ public Builder addResourceNames( java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureResourceNamesIsMutable(); resourceNames_.add(value); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * ResourceNames is an optional white list of names that the rule applies to.  An empty set means that everything is allowed.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * repeated string resourceNames = 4; */ public Builder addAllResourceNames( java.lang.Iterable values) { ensureResourceNamesIsMutable(); values, resourceNames_); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * ResourceNames is an optional white list of names that the rule applies to.  An empty set means that everything is allowed.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * repeated string resourceNames = 4; */ public Builder clearResourceNames() { resourceNames_ =; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * ResourceNames is an optional white list of names that the rule applies to.  An empty set means that everything is allowed.  "*" means all.
       * +optional
* * repeated string resourceNames = 4; */ public Builder addResourceNamesBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureResourceNamesIsMutable(); resourceNames_.add(value); onChanged(); return this; } @java.lang.Override public final Builder setUnknownFields( final unknownFields) { return super.setUnknownFields(unknownFields); } @java.lang.Override public final Builder mergeUnknownFields( final unknownFields) { return super.mergeUnknownFields(unknownFields); } // @@protoc_insertion_point( } // @@protoc_insertion_point( private static final io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule DEFAULT_INSTANCE; static { DEFAULT_INSTANCE = new io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule(); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule getDefaultInstance() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } @java.lang.Deprecated public static final PARSER = new { @java.lang.Override public ResourceRule parsePartialFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return new ResourceRule(input, extensionRegistry); } }; public static parser() { return PARSER; } @java.lang.Override public getParserForType() { return PARSER; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule getDefaultInstanceForType() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } } public interface SelfSubjectAccessReviewOrBuilder extends // @@protoc_insertion_point( { /** *
     * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ boolean hasMetadata(); /** *
     * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta getMetadata(); /** *
     * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMetaOrBuilder getMetadataOrBuilder(); /** *
     * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.  user and groups must be empty
* * optional spec = 2; */ boolean hasSpec(); /** *
     * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.  user and groups must be empty
* * optional spec = 2; */ io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec getSpec(); /** *
     * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.  user and groups must be empty
* * optional spec = 2; */ io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpecOrBuilder getSpecOrBuilder(); /** *
     * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
     * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ boolean hasStatus(); /** *
     * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
     * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus getStatus(); /** *
     * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
     * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatusOrBuilder getStatusOrBuilder(); } /** *
   * SelfSubjectAccessReview checks whether or the current user can perform an action.  Not filling in a
   * spec.namespace means "in all namespaces".  Self is a special case, because users should always be able
   * to check whether they can perform an action
* * Protobuf type {@code} */ public static final class SelfSubjectAccessReview extends implements // @@protoc_insertion_point( SelfSubjectAccessReviewOrBuilder { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; // Use SelfSubjectAccessReview.newBuilder() to construct. private SelfSubjectAccessReview( builder) { super(builder); } private SelfSubjectAccessReview() { } @java.lang.Override public final getUnknownFields() { return this.unknownFields; } private SelfSubjectAccessReview( input, extensionRegistry) throws { this(); if (extensionRegistry == null) { throw new java.lang.NullPointerException(); } int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; unknownFields =; try { boolean done = false; while (!done) { int tag = input.readTag(); switch (tag) { case 0: done = true; break; case 10: { io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.Builder subBuilder = null; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { subBuilder = metadata_.toBuilder(); } metadata_ = input.readMessage(io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.PARSER, extensionRegistry); if (subBuilder != null) { subBuilder.mergeFrom(metadata_); metadata_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; break; } case 18: { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec.Builder subBuilder = null; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { subBuilder = spec_.toBuilder(); } spec_ = input.readMessage(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec.PARSER, extensionRegistry); if (subBuilder != null) { subBuilder.mergeFrom(spec_); spec_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; break; } case 26: { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.Builder subBuilder = null; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { subBuilder = status_.toBuilder(); } status_ = input.readMessage(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.PARSER, extensionRegistry); if (subBuilder != null) { subBuilder.mergeFrom(status_); status_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; break; } default: { if (!parseUnknownField( input, unknownFields, extensionRegistry, tag)) { done = true; } break; } } } } catch ( e) { throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); } catch ( e) { throw new e).setUnfinishedMessage(this); } finally { this.unknownFields =; makeExtensionsImmutable(); } } public static final getDescriptor() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectAccessReview_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectAccessReview_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReview.class, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReview.Builder.class); } private int bitField0_; public static final int METADATA_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta metadata_; /** *
     * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public boolean hasMetadata() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } /** *
     * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta getMetadata() { return metadata_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.getDefaultInstance() : metadata_; } /** *
     * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMetaOrBuilder getMetadataOrBuilder() { return metadata_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.getDefaultInstance() : metadata_; } public static final int SPEC_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec spec_; /** *
     * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.  user and groups must be empty
* * optional spec = 2; */ public boolean hasSpec() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } /** *
     * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.  user and groups must be empty
* * optional spec = 2; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec getSpec() { return spec_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec.getDefaultInstance() : spec_; } /** *
     * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.  user and groups must be empty
* * optional spec = 2; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpecOrBuilder getSpecOrBuilder() { return spec_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec.getDefaultInstance() : spec_; } public static final int STATUS_FIELD_NUMBER = 3; private io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus status_; /** *
     * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
     * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public boolean hasStatus() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } /** *
     * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
     * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus getStatus() { return status_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.getDefaultInstance() : status_; } /** *
     * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
     * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatusOrBuilder getStatusOrBuilder() { return status_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.getDefaultInstance() : status_; } private byte memoizedIsInitialized = -1; @java.lang.Override public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized == 1) return true; if (isInitialized == 0) return false; memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } @java.lang.Override public void writeTo( output) throws { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { output.writeMessage(1, getMetadata()); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { output.writeMessage(2, getSpec()); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { output.writeMessage(3, getStatus()); } unknownFields.writeTo(output); } @java.lang.Override public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSize; if (size != -1) return size; size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += .computeMessageSize(1, getMetadata()); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { size += .computeMessageSize(2, getSpec()); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { size += .computeMessageSize(3, getStatus()); } size += unknownFields.getSerializedSize(); memoizedSize = size; return size; } @java.lang.Override public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReview)) { return super.equals(obj); } io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReview other = (io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReview) obj; boolean result = true; result = result && (hasMetadata() == other.hasMetadata()); if (hasMetadata()) { result = result && getMetadata() .equals(other.getMetadata()); } result = result && (hasSpec() == other.hasSpec()); if (hasSpec()) { result = result && getSpec() .equals(other.getSpec()); } result = result && (hasStatus() == other.hasStatus()); if (hasStatus()) { result = result && getStatus() .equals(other.getStatus()); } result = result && unknownFields.equals(other.unknownFields); return result; } @java.lang.Override public int hashCode() { if (memoizedHashCode != 0) { return memoizedHashCode; } int hash = 41; hash = (19 * hash) + getDescriptor().hashCode(); if (hasMetadata()) { hash = (37 * hash) + METADATA_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getMetadata().hashCode(); } if (hasSpec()) { hash = (37 * hash) + SPEC_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getSpec().hashCode(); } if (hasStatus()) { hash = (37 * hash) + STATUS_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getStatus().hashCode(); } hash = (29 * hash) + unknownFields.hashCode(); memoizedHashCode = hash; return hash; } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReview parseFrom( java.nio.ByteBuffer data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReview parseFrom( java.nio.ByteBuffer data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReview parseFrom( data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReview parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReview parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReview parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReview parseFrom( input) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReview parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReview parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { return .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReview parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReview parseFrom( input) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReview parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } @java.lang.Override public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReview prototype) { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } @java.lang.Override public Builder toBuilder() { return this == DEFAULT_INSTANCE ? new Builder() : new Builder().mergeFrom(this); } @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } /** *
     * SelfSubjectAccessReview checks whether or the current user can perform an action.  Not filling in a
     * spec.namespace means "in all namespaces".  Self is a special case, because users should always be able
     * to check whether they can perform an action
* * Protobuf type {@code} */ public static final class Builder extends implements // @@protoc_insertion_point( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewOrBuilder { public static final getDescriptor() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectAccessReview_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectAccessReview_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReview.class, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReview.Builder.class); } // Construct using io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReview.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } private Builder( parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } private void maybeForceBuilderInitialization() { if ( .alwaysUseFieldBuilders) { getMetadataFieldBuilder(); getSpecFieldBuilder(); getStatusFieldBuilder(); } } @java.lang.Override public Builder clear() { super.clear(); if (metadataBuilder_ == null) { metadata_ = null; } else { metadataBuilder_.clear(); } bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); if (specBuilder_ == null) { spec_ = null; } else { specBuilder_.clear(); } bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); if (statusBuilder_ == null) { status_ = null; } else { statusBuilder_.clear(); } bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); return this; } @java.lang.Override public getDescriptorForType() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectAccessReview_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReview getDefaultInstanceForType() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReview.getDefaultInstance(); } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReview build() { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReview result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { throw newUninitializedMessageException(result); } return result; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReview buildPartial() { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReview result = new io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReview(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; int to_bitField0_ = 0; if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; } if (metadataBuilder_ == null) { result.metadata_ = metadata_; } else { result.metadata_ =; } if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; } if (specBuilder_ == null) { result.spec_ = spec_; } else { result.spec_ =; } if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; } if (statusBuilder_ == null) { result.status_ = status_; } else { result.status_ =; } result.bitField0_ = to_bitField0_; onBuilt(); return result; } @java.lang.Override public Builder clone() { return (Builder) super.clone(); } @java.lang.Override public Builder setField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.setField(field, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder clearField( field) { return (Builder) super.clearField(field); } @java.lang.Override public Builder clearOneof( oneof) { return (Builder) super.clearOneof(oneof); } @java.lang.Override public Builder setRepeatedField( field, int index, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.setRepeatedField(field, index, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder addRepeatedField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.addRepeatedField(field, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReview) { return mergeFrom((io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReview)other); } else { super.mergeFrom(other); return this; } } public Builder mergeFrom(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReview other) { if (other == io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReview.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasMetadata()) { mergeMetadata(other.getMetadata()); } if (other.hasSpec()) { mergeSpec(other.getSpec()); } if (other.hasStatus()) { mergeStatus(other.getStatus()); } this.mergeUnknownFields(other.unknownFields); onChanged(); return this; } @java.lang.Override public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } @java.lang.Override public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReview parsedMessage = null; try { parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } catch ( e) { parsedMessage = (io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReview) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); throw e.unwrapIOException(); } finally { if (parsedMessage != null) { mergeFrom(parsedMessage); } } return this; } private int bitField0_; private io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta metadata_ = null; private< io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta, io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMetaOrBuilder> metadataBuilder_; /** *
       * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public boolean hasMetadata() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } /** *
       * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta getMetadata() { if (metadataBuilder_ == null) { return metadata_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.getDefaultInstance() : metadata_; } else { return metadataBuilder_.getMessage(); } } /** *
       * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public Builder setMetadata(io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta value) { if (metadataBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } metadata_ = value; onChanged(); } else { metadataBuilder_.setMessage(value); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; return this; } /** *
       * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public Builder setMetadata( io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.Builder builderForValue) { if (metadataBuilder_ == null) { metadata_ =; onChanged(); } else { metadataBuilder_.setMessage(; } bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; return this; } /** *
       * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public Builder mergeMetadata(io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta value) { if (metadataBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001) && metadata_ != null && metadata_ != io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.getDefaultInstance()) { metadata_ = io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.newBuilder(metadata_).mergeFrom(value).buildPartial(); } else { metadata_ = value; } onChanged(); } else { metadataBuilder_.mergeFrom(value); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; return this; } /** *
       * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public Builder clearMetadata() { if (metadataBuilder_ == null) { metadata_ = null; onChanged(); } else { metadataBuilder_.clear(); } bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); return this; } /** *
       * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.Builder getMetadataBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; onChanged(); return getMetadataFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } /** *
       * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMetaOrBuilder getMetadataOrBuilder() { if (metadataBuilder_ != null) { return metadataBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); } else { return metadata_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.getDefaultInstance() : metadata_; } } /** *
       * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ private< io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta, io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMetaOrBuilder> getMetadataFieldBuilder() { if (metadataBuilder_ == null) { metadataBuilder_ = new< io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta, io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMetaOrBuilder>( getMetadata(), getParentForChildren(), isClean()); metadata_ = null; } return metadataBuilder_; } private io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec spec_ = null; private< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpecOrBuilder> specBuilder_; /** *
       * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.  user and groups must be empty
* * optional spec = 2; */ public boolean hasSpec() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } /** *
       * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.  user and groups must be empty
* * optional spec = 2; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec getSpec() { if (specBuilder_ == null) { return spec_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec.getDefaultInstance() : spec_; } else { return specBuilder_.getMessage(); } } /** *
       * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.  user and groups must be empty
* * optional spec = 2; */ public Builder setSpec(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec value) { if (specBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } spec_ = value; onChanged(); } else { specBuilder_.setMessage(value); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } /** *
       * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.  user and groups must be empty
* * optional spec = 2; */ public Builder setSpec( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec.Builder builderForValue) { if (specBuilder_ == null) { spec_ =; onChanged(); } else { specBuilder_.setMessage(; } bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } /** *
       * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.  user and groups must be empty
* * optional spec = 2; */ public Builder mergeSpec(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec value) { if (specBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002) && spec_ != null && spec_ != io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec.getDefaultInstance()) { spec_ = io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec.newBuilder(spec_).mergeFrom(value).buildPartial(); } else { spec_ = value; } onChanged(); } else { specBuilder_.mergeFrom(value); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } /** *
       * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.  user and groups must be empty
* * optional spec = 2; */ public Builder clearSpec() { if (specBuilder_ == null) { spec_ = null; onChanged(); } else { specBuilder_.clear(); } bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); return this; } /** *
       * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.  user and groups must be empty
* * optional spec = 2; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec.Builder getSpecBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; onChanged(); return getSpecFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } /** *
       * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.  user and groups must be empty
* * optional spec = 2; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpecOrBuilder getSpecOrBuilder() { if (specBuilder_ != null) { return specBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); } else { return spec_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec.getDefaultInstance() : spec_; } } /** *
       * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.  user and groups must be empty
* * optional spec = 2; */ private< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpecOrBuilder> getSpecFieldBuilder() { if (specBuilder_ == null) { specBuilder_ = new< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpecOrBuilder>( getSpec(), getParentForChildren(), isClean()); spec_ = null; } return specBuilder_; } private io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus status_ = null; private< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatusOrBuilder> statusBuilder_; /** *
       * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
       * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public boolean hasStatus() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } /** *
       * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
       * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus getStatus() { if (statusBuilder_ == null) { return status_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.getDefaultInstance() : status_; } else { return statusBuilder_.getMessage(); } } /** *
       * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
       * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public Builder setStatus(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus value) { if (statusBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } status_ = value; onChanged(); } else { statusBuilder_.setMessage(value); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } /** *
       * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
       * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public Builder setStatus( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.Builder builderForValue) { if (statusBuilder_ == null) { status_ =; onChanged(); } else { statusBuilder_.setMessage(; } bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } /** *
       * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
       * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public Builder mergeStatus(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus value) { if (statusBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004) && status_ != null && status_ != io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.getDefaultInstance()) { status_ = io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.newBuilder(status_).mergeFrom(value).buildPartial(); } else { status_ = value; } onChanged(); } else { statusBuilder_.mergeFrom(value); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } /** *
       * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
       * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public Builder clearStatus() { if (statusBuilder_ == null) { status_ = null; onChanged(); } else { statusBuilder_.clear(); } bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); return this; } /** *
       * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
       * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.Builder getStatusBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; onChanged(); return getStatusFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } /** *
       * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
       * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatusOrBuilder getStatusOrBuilder() { if (statusBuilder_ != null) { return statusBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); } else { return status_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.getDefaultInstance() : status_; } } /** *
       * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
       * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ private< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatusOrBuilder> getStatusFieldBuilder() { if (statusBuilder_ == null) { statusBuilder_ = new< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatusOrBuilder>( getStatus(), getParentForChildren(), isClean()); status_ = null; } return statusBuilder_; } @java.lang.Override public final Builder setUnknownFields( final unknownFields) { return super.setUnknownFields(unknownFields); } @java.lang.Override public final Builder mergeUnknownFields( final unknownFields) { return super.mergeUnknownFields(unknownFields); } // @@protoc_insertion_point( } // @@protoc_insertion_point( private static final io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReview DEFAULT_INSTANCE; static { DEFAULT_INSTANCE = new io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReview(); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReview getDefaultInstance() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } @java.lang.Deprecated public static final PARSER = new { @java.lang.Override public SelfSubjectAccessReview parsePartialFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return new SelfSubjectAccessReview(input, extensionRegistry); } }; public static parser() { return PARSER; } @java.lang.Override public getParserForType() { return PARSER; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReview getDefaultInstanceForType() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } } public interface SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpecOrBuilder extends // @@protoc_insertion_point( { /** *
     * ResourceAuthorizationAttributes describes information for a resource access request
     * +optional
* * optional resourceAttributes = 1; */ boolean hasResourceAttributes(); /** *
     * ResourceAuthorizationAttributes describes information for a resource access request
     * +optional
* * optional resourceAttributes = 1; */ io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes getResourceAttributes(); /** *
     * ResourceAuthorizationAttributes describes information for a resource access request
     * +optional
* * optional resourceAttributes = 1; */ io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributesOrBuilder getResourceAttributesOrBuilder(); /** *
     * NonResourceAttributes describes information for a non-resource access request
     * +optional
* * optional nonResourceAttributes = 2; */ boolean hasNonResourceAttributes(); /** *
     * NonResourceAttributes describes information for a non-resource access request
     * +optional
* * optional nonResourceAttributes = 2; */ io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes getNonResourceAttributes(); /** *
     * NonResourceAttributes describes information for a non-resource access request
     * +optional
* * optional nonResourceAttributes = 2; */ io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributesOrBuilder getNonResourceAttributesOrBuilder(); } /** *
   * SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec is a description of the access request.  Exactly one of ResourceAuthorizationAttributes
   * and NonResourceAuthorizationAttributes must be set
* * Protobuf type {@code} */ public static final class SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec extends implements // @@protoc_insertion_point( SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpecOrBuilder { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; // Use SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec.newBuilder() to construct. private SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec( builder) { super(builder); } private SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec() { } @java.lang.Override public final getUnknownFields() { return this.unknownFields; } private SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec( input, extensionRegistry) throws { this(); if (extensionRegistry == null) { throw new java.lang.NullPointerException(); } int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; unknownFields =; try { boolean done = false; while (!done) { int tag = input.readTag(); switch (tag) { case 0: done = true; break; case 10: { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes.Builder subBuilder = null; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { subBuilder = resourceAttributes_.toBuilder(); } resourceAttributes_ = input.readMessage(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes.PARSER, extensionRegistry); if (subBuilder != null) { subBuilder.mergeFrom(resourceAttributes_); resourceAttributes_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; break; } case 18: { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes.Builder subBuilder = null; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { subBuilder = nonResourceAttributes_.toBuilder(); } nonResourceAttributes_ = input.readMessage(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes.PARSER, extensionRegistry); if (subBuilder != null) { subBuilder.mergeFrom(nonResourceAttributes_); nonResourceAttributes_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; break; } default: { if (!parseUnknownField( input, unknownFields, extensionRegistry, tag)) { done = true; } break; } } } } catch ( e) { throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); } catch ( e) { throw new e).setUnfinishedMessage(this); } finally { this.unknownFields =; makeExtensionsImmutable(); } } public static final getDescriptor() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec.class, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec.Builder.class); } private int bitField0_; public static final int RESOURCEATTRIBUTES_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes resourceAttributes_; /** *
     * ResourceAuthorizationAttributes describes information for a resource access request
     * +optional
* * optional resourceAttributes = 1; */ public boolean hasResourceAttributes() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } /** *
     * ResourceAuthorizationAttributes describes information for a resource access request
     * +optional
* * optional resourceAttributes = 1; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes getResourceAttributes() { return resourceAttributes_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes.getDefaultInstance() : resourceAttributes_; } /** *
     * ResourceAuthorizationAttributes describes information for a resource access request
     * +optional
* * optional resourceAttributes = 1; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributesOrBuilder getResourceAttributesOrBuilder() { return resourceAttributes_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes.getDefaultInstance() : resourceAttributes_; } public static final int NONRESOURCEATTRIBUTES_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes nonResourceAttributes_; /** *
     * NonResourceAttributes describes information for a non-resource access request
     * +optional
* * optional nonResourceAttributes = 2; */ public boolean hasNonResourceAttributes() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } /** *
     * NonResourceAttributes describes information for a non-resource access request
     * +optional
* * optional nonResourceAttributes = 2; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes getNonResourceAttributes() { return nonResourceAttributes_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes.getDefaultInstance() : nonResourceAttributes_; } /** *
     * NonResourceAttributes describes information for a non-resource access request
     * +optional
* * optional nonResourceAttributes = 2; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributesOrBuilder getNonResourceAttributesOrBuilder() { return nonResourceAttributes_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes.getDefaultInstance() : nonResourceAttributes_; } private byte memoizedIsInitialized = -1; @java.lang.Override public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized == 1) return true; if (isInitialized == 0) return false; memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } @java.lang.Override public void writeTo( output) throws { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { output.writeMessage(1, getResourceAttributes()); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { output.writeMessage(2, getNonResourceAttributes()); } unknownFields.writeTo(output); } @java.lang.Override public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSize; if (size != -1) return size; size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += .computeMessageSize(1, getResourceAttributes()); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { size += .computeMessageSize(2, getNonResourceAttributes()); } size += unknownFields.getSerializedSize(); memoizedSize = size; return size; } @java.lang.Override public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec)) { return super.equals(obj); } io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec other = (io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec) obj; boolean result = true; result = result && (hasResourceAttributes() == other.hasResourceAttributes()); if (hasResourceAttributes()) { result = result && getResourceAttributes() .equals(other.getResourceAttributes()); } result = result && (hasNonResourceAttributes() == other.hasNonResourceAttributes()); if (hasNonResourceAttributes()) { result = result && getNonResourceAttributes() .equals(other.getNonResourceAttributes()); } result = result && unknownFields.equals(other.unknownFields); return result; } @java.lang.Override public int hashCode() { if (memoizedHashCode != 0) { return memoizedHashCode; } int hash = 41; hash = (19 * hash) + getDescriptor().hashCode(); if (hasResourceAttributes()) { hash = (37 * hash) + RESOURCEATTRIBUTES_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getResourceAttributes().hashCode(); } if (hasNonResourceAttributes()) { hash = (37 * hash) + NONRESOURCEATTRIBUTES_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getNonResourceAttributes().hashCode(); } hash = (29 * hash) + unknownFields.hashCode(); memoizedHashCode = hash; return hash; } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec parseFrom( java.nio.ByteBuffer data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec parseFrom( java.nio.ByteBuffer data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec parseFrom( data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec parseFrom( input) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { return .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec parseFrom( input) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } @java.lang.Override public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec prototype) { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } @java.lang.Override public Builder toBuilder() { return this == DEFAULT_INSTANCE ? new Builder() : new Builder().mergeFrom(this); } @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } /** *
     * SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec is a description of the access request.  Exactly one of ResourceAuthorizationAttributes
     * and NonResourceAuthorizationAttributes must be set
* * Protobuf type {@code} */ public static final class Builder extends implements // @@protoc_insertion_point( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpecOrBuilder { public static final getDescriptor() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec.class, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec.Builder.class); } // Construct using io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } private Builder( parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } private void maybeForceBuilderInitialization() { if ( .alwaysUseFieldBuilders) { getResourceAttributesFieldBuilder(); getNonResourceAttributesFieldBuilder(); } } @java.lang.Override public Builder clear() { super.clear(); if (resourceAttributesBuilder_ == null) { resourceAttributes_ = null; } else { resourceAttributesBuilder_.clear(); } bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); if (nonResourceAttributesBuilder_ == null) { nonResourceAttributes_ = null; } else { nonResourceAttributesBuilder_.clear(); } bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); return this; } @java.lang.Override public getDescriptorForType() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec getDefaultInstanceForType() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec.getDefaultInstance(); } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec build() { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { throw newUninitializedMessageException(result); } return result; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec buildPartial() { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec result = new io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; int to_bitField0_ = 0; if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; } if (resourceAttributesBuilder_ == null) { result.resourceAttributes_ = resourceAttributes_; } else { result.resourceAttributes_ =; } if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; } if (nonResourceAttributesBuilder_ == null) { result.nonResourceAttributes_ = nonResourceAttributes_; } else { result.nonResourceAttributes_ =; } result.bitField0_ = to_bitField0_; onBuilt(); return result; } @java.lang.Override public Builder clone() { return (Builder) super.clone(); } @java.lang.Override public Builder setField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.setField(field, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder clearField( field) { return (Builder) super.clearField(field); } @java.lang.Override public Builder clearOneof( oneof) { return (Builder) super.clearOneof(oneof); } @java.lang.Override public Builder setRepeatedField( field, int index, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.setRepeatedField(field, index, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder addRepeatedField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.addRepeatedField(field, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec) { return mergeFrom((io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec)other); } else { super.mergeFrom(other); return this; } } public Builder mergeFrom(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec other) { if (other == io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasResourceAttributes()) { mergeResourceAttributes(other.getResourceAttributes()); } if (other.hasNonResourceAttributes()) { mergeNonResourceAttributes(other.getNonResourceAttributes()); } this.mergeUnknownFields(other.unknownFields); onChanged(); return this; } @java.lang.Override public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } @java.lang.Override public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec parsedMessage = null; try { parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } catch ( e) { parsedMessage = (io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); throw e.unwrapIOException(); } finally { if (parsedMessage != null) { mergeFrom(parsedMessage); } } return this; } private int bitField0_; private io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes resourceAttributes_ = null; private< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributesOrBuilder> resourceAttributesBuilder_; /** *
       * ResourceAuthorizationAttributes describes information for a resource access request
       * +optional
* * optional resourceAttributes = 1; */ public boolean hasResourceAttributes() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } /** *
       * ResourceAuthorizationAttributes describes information for a resource access request
       * +optional
* * optional resourceAttributes = 1; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes getResourceAttributes() { if (resourceAttributesBuilder_ == null) { return resourceAttributes_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes.getDefaultInstance() : resourceAttributes_; } else { return resourceAttributesBuilder_.getMessage(); } } /** *
       * ResourceAuthorizationAttributes describes information for a resource access request
       * +optional
* * optional resourceAttributes = 1; */ public Builder setResourceAttributes(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes value) { if (resourceAttributesBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } resourceAttributes_ = value; onChanged(); } else { resourceAttributesBuilder_.setMessage(value); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; return this; } /** *
       * ResourceAuthorizationAttributes describes information for a resource access request
       * +optional
* * optional resourceAttributes = 1; */ public Builder setResourceAttributes( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes.Builder builderForValue) { if (resourceAttributesBuilder_ == null) { resourceAttributes_ =; onChanged(); } else { resourceAttributesBuilder_.setMessage(; } bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; return this; } /** *
       * ResourceAuthorizationAttributes describes information for a resource access request
       * +optional
* * optional resourceAttributes = 1; */ public Builder mergeResourceAttributes(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes value) { if (resourceAttributesBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001) && resourceAttributes_ != null && resourceAttributes_ != io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes.getDefaultInstance()) { resourceAttributes_ = io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes.newBuilder(resourceAttributes_).mergeFrom(value).buildPartial(); } else { resourceAttributes_ = value; } onChanged(); } else { resourceAttributesBuilder_.mergeFrom(value); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; return this; } /** *
       * ResourceAuthorizationAttributes describes information for a resource access request
       * +optional
* * optional resourceAttributes = 1; */ public Builder clearResourceAttributes() { if (resourceAttributesBuilder_ == null) { resourceAttributes_ = null; onChanged(); } else { resourceAttributesBuilder_.clear(); } bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); return this; } /** *
       * ResourceAuthorizationAttributes describes information for a resource access request
       * +optional
* * optional resourceAttributes = 1; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes.Builder getResourceAttributesBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; onChanged(); return getResourceAttributesFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } /** *
       * ResourceAuthorizationAttributes describes information for a resource access request
       * +optional
* * optional resourceAttributes = 1; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributesOrBuilder getResourceAttributesOrBuilder() { if (resourceAttributesBuilder_ != null) { return resourceAttributesBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); } else { return resourceAttributes_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes.getDefaultInstance() : resourceAttributes_; } } /** *
       * ResourceAuthorizationAttributes describes information for a resource access request
       * +optional
* * optional resourceAttributes = 1; */ private< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributesOrBuilder> getResourceAttributesFieldBuilder() { if (resourceAttributesBuilder_ == null) { resourceAttributesBuilder_ = new< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributesOrBuilder>( getResourceAttributes(), getParentForChildren(), isClean()); resourceAttributes_ = null; } return resourceAttributesBuilder_; } private io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes nonResourceAttributes_ = null; private< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributesOrBuilder> nonResourceAttributesBuilder_; /** *
       * NonResourceAttributes describes information for a non-resource access request
       * +optional
* * optional nonResourceAttributes = 2; */ public boolean hasNonResourceAttributes() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } /** *
       * NonResourceAttributes describes information for a non-resource access request
       * +optional
* * optional nonResourceAttributes = 2; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes getNonResourceAttributes() { if (nonResourceAttributesBuilder_ == null) { return nonResourceAttributes_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes.getDefaultInstance() : nonResourceAttributes_; } else { return nonResourceAttributesBuilder_.getMessage(); } } /** *
       * NonResourceAttributes describes information for a non-resource access request
       * +optional
* * optional nonResourceAttributes = 2; */ public Builder setNonResourceAttributes(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes value) { if (nonResourceAttributesBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } nonResourceAttributes_ = value; onChanged(); } else { nonResourceAttributesBuilder_.setMessage(value); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } /** *
       * NonResourceAttributes describes information for a non-resource access request
       * +optional
* * optional nonResourceAttributes = 2; */ public Builder setNonResourceAttributes( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes.Builder builderForValue) { if (nonResourceAttributesBuilder_ == null) { nonResourceAttributes_ =; onChanged(); } else { nonResourceAttributesBuilder_.setMessage(; } bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } /** *
       * NonResourceAttributes describes information for a non-resource access request
       * +optional
* * optional nonResourceAttributes = 2; */ public Builder mergeNonResourceAttributes(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes value) { if (nonResourceAttributesBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002) && nonResourceAttributes_ != null && nonResourceAttributes_ != io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes.getDefaultInstance()) { nonResourceAttributes_ = io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes.newBuilder(nonResourceAttributes_).mergeFrom(value).buildPartial(); } else { nonResourceAttributes_ = value; } onChanged(); } else { nonResourceAttributesBuilder_.mergeFrom(value); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } /** *
       * NonResourceAttributes describes information for a non-resource access request
       * +optional
* * optional nonResourceAttributes = 2; */ public Builder clearNonResourceAttributes() { if (nonResourceAttributesBuilder_ == null) { nonResourceAttributes_ = null; onChanged(); } else { nonResourceAttributesBuilder_.clear(); } bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); return this; } /** *
       * NonResourceAttributes describes information for a non-resource access request
       * +optional
* * optional nonResourceAttributes = 2; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes.Builder getNonResourceAttributesBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; onChanged(); return getNonResourceAttributesFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } /** *
       * NonResourceAttributes describes information for a non-resource access request
       * +optional
* * optional nonResourceAttributes = 2; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributesOrBuilder getNonResourceAttributesOrBuilder() { if (nonResourceAttributesBuilder_ != null) { return nonResourceAttributesBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); } else { return nonResourceAttributes_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes.getDefaultInstance() : nonResourceAttributes_; } } /** *
       * NonResourceAttributes describes information for a non-resource access request
       * +optional
* * optional nonResourceAttributes = 2; */ private< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributesOrBuilder> getNonResourceAttributesFieldBuilder() { if (nonResourceAttributesBuilder_ == null) { nonResourceAttributesBuilder_ = new< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributesOrBuilder>( getNonResourceAttributes(), getParentForChildren(), isClean()); nonResourceAttributes_ = null; } return nonResourceAttributesBuilder_; } @java.lang.Override public final Builder setUnknownFields( final unknownFields) { return super.setUnknownFields(unknownFields); } @java.lang.Override public final Builder mergeUnknownFields( final unknownFields) { return super.mergeUnknownFields(unknownFields); } // @@protoc_insertion_point( } // @@protoc_insertion_point( private static final io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec DEFAULT_INSTANCE; static { DEFAULT_INSTANCE = new io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec(); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec getDefaultInstance() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } @java.lang.Deprecated public static final PARSER = new { @java.lang.Override public SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec parsePartialFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return new SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec(input, extensionRegistry); } }; public static parser() { return PARSER; } @java.lang.Override public getParserForType() { return PARSER; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec getDefaultInstanceForType() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } } public interface SelfSubjectRulesReviewOrBuilder extends // @@protoc_insertion_point( { /** *
     * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ boolean hasMetadata(); /** *
     * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta getMetadata(); /** *
     * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMetaOrBuilder getMetadataOrBuilder(); /** *
     * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.
* * optional spec = 2; */ boolean hasSpec(); /** *
     * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.
* * optional spec = 2; */ io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec getSpec(); /** *
     * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.
* * optional spec = 2; */ io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpecOrBuilder getSpecOrBuilder(); /** *
     * Status is filled in by the server and indicates the set of actions a user can perform.
     * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ boolean hasStatus(); /** *
     * Status is filled in by the server and indicates the set of actions a user can perform.
     * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus getStatus(); /** *
     * Status is filled in by the server and indicates the set of actions a user can perform.
     * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatusOrBuilder getStatusOrBuilder(); } /** *
   * SelfSubjectRulesReview enumerates the set of actions the current user can perform within a namespace.
   * The returned list of actions may be incomplete depending on the server's authorization mode,
   * and any errors experienced during the evaluation. SelfSubjectRulesReview should be used by UIs to show/hide actions,
   * or to quickly let an end user reason about their permissions. It should NOT Be used by external systems to
   * drive authorization decisions as this raises confused deputy, cache lifetime/revocation, and correctness concerns.
   * SubjectAccessReview, and LocalAccessReview are the correct way to defer authorization decisions to the API server.
* * Protobuf type {@code} */ public static final class SelfSubjectRulesReview extends implements // @@protoc_insertion_point( SelfSubjectRulesReviewOrBuilder { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; // Use SelfSubjectRulesReview.newBuilder() to construct. private SelfSubjectRulesReview( builder) { super(builder); } private SelfSubjectRulesReview() { } @java.lang.Override public final getUnknownFields() { return this.unknownFields; } private SelfSubjectRulesReview( input, extensionRegistry) throws { this(); if (extensionRegistry == null) { throw new java.lang.NullPointerException(); } int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; unknownFields =; try { boolean done = false; while (!done) { int tag = input.readTag(); switch (tag) { case 0: done = true; break; case 10: { io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.Builder subBuilder = null; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { subBuilder = metadata_.toBuilder(); } metadata_ = input.readMessage(io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.PARSER, extensionRegistry); if (subBuilder != null) { subBuilder.mergeFrom(metadata_); metadata_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; break; } case 18: { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec.Builder subBuilder = null; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { subBuilder = spec_.toBuilder(); } spec_ = input.readMessage(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec.PARSER, extensionRegistry); if (subBuilder != null) { subBuilder.mergeFrom(spec_); spec_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; break; } case 26: { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus.Builder subBuilder = null; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { subBuilder = status_.toBuilder(); } status_ = input.readMessage(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus.PARSER, extensionRegistry); if (subBuilder != null) { subBuilder.mergeFrom(status_); status_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; break; } default: { if (!parseUnknownField( input, unknownFields, extensionRegistry, tag)) { done = true; } break; } } } } catch ( e) { throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); } catch ( e) { throw new e).setUnfinishedMessage(this); } finally { this.unknownFields =; makeExtensionsImmutable(); } } public static final getDescriptor() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectRulesReview_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectRulesReview_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReview.class, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReview.Builder.class); } private int bitField0_; public static final int METADATA_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta metadata_; /** *
     * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public boolean hasMetadata() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } /** *
     * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta getMetadata() { return metadata_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.getDefaultInstance() : metadata_; } /** *
     * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMetaOrBuilder getMetadataOrBuilder() { return metadata_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.getDefaultInstance() : metadata_; } public static final int SPEC_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec spec_; /** *
     * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.
* * optional spec = 2; */ public boolean hasSpec() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } /** *
     * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.
* * optional spec = 2; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec getSpec() { return spec_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec.getDefaultInstance() : spec_; } /** *
     * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.
* * optional spec = 2; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpecOrBuilder getSpecOrBuilder() { return spec_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec.getDefaultInstance() : spec_; } public static final int STATUS_FIELD_NUMBER = 3; private io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus status_; /** *
     * Status is filled in by the server and indicates the set of actions a user can perform.
     * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public boolean hasStatus() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } /** *
     * Status is filled in by the server and indicates the set of actions a user can perform.
     * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus getStatus() { return status_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus.getDefaultInstance() : status_; } /** *
     * Status is filled in by the server and indicates the set of actions a user can perform.
     * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatusOrBuilder getStatusOrBuilder() { return status_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus.getDefaultInstance() : status_; } private byte memoizedIsInitialized = -1; @java.lang.Override public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized == 1) return true; if (isInitialized == 0) return false; memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } @java.lang.Override public void writeTo( output) throws { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { output.writeMessage(1, getMetadata()); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { output.writeMessage(2, getSpec()); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { output.writeMessage(3, getStatus()); } unknownFields.writeTo(output); } @java.lang.Override public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSize; if (size != -1) return size; size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += .computeMessageSize(1, getMetadata()); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { size += .computeMessageSize(2, getSpec()); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { size += .computeMessageSize(3, getStatus()); } size += unknownFields.getSerializedSize(); memoizedSize = size; return size; } @java.lang.Override public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReview)) { return super.equals(obj); } io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReview other = (io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReview) obj; boolean result = true; result = result && (hasMetadata() == other.hasMetadata()); if (hasMetadata()) { result = result && getMetadata() .equals(other.getMetadata()); } result = result && (hasSpec() == other.hasSpec()); if (hasSpec()) { result = result && getSpec() .equals(other.getSpec()); } result = result && (hasStatus() == other.hasStatus()); if (hasStatus()) { result = result && getStatus() .equals(other.getStatus()); } result = result && unknownFields.equals(other.unknownFields); return result; } @java.lang.Override public int hashCode() { if (memoizedHashCode != 0) { return memoizedHashCode; } int hash = 41; hash = (19 * hash) + getDescriptor().hashCode(); if (hasMetadata()) { hash = (37 * hash) + METADATA_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getMetadata().hashCode(); } if (hasSpec()) { hash = (37 * hash) + SPEC_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getSpec().hashCode(); } if (hasStatus()) { hash = (37 * hash) + STATUS_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getStatus().hashCode(); } hash = (29 * hash) + unknownFields.hashCode(); memoizedHashCode = hash; return hash; } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReview parseFrom( java.nio.ByteBuffer data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReview parseFrom( java.nio.ByteBuffer data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReview parseFrom( data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReview parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReview parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReview parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReview parseFrom( input) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReview parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReview parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { return .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReview parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReview parseFrom( input) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReview parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } @java.lang.Override public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReview prototype) { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } @java.lang.Override public Builder toBuilder() { return this == DEFAULT_INSTANCE ? new Builder() : new Builder().mergeFrom(this); } @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } /** *
     * SelfSubjectRulesReview enumerates the set of actions the current user can perform within a namespace.
     * The returned list of actions may be incomplete depending on the server's authorization mode,
     * and any errors experienced during the evaluation. SelfSubjectRulesReview should be used by UIs to show/hide actions,
     * or to quickly let an end user reason about their permissions. It should NOT Be used by external systems to
     * drive authorization decisions as this raises confused deputy, cache lifetime/revocation, and correctness concerns.
     * SubjectAccessReview, and LocalAccessReview are the correct way to defer authorization decisions to the API server.
* * Protobuf type {@code} */ public static final class Builder extends implements // @@protoc_insertion_point( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewOrBuilder { public static final getDescriptor() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectRulesReview_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectRulesReview_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReview.class, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReview.Builder.class); } // Construct using io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReview.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } private Builder( parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } private void maybeForceBuilderInitialization() { if ( .alwaysUseFieldBuilders) { getMetadataFieldBuilder(); getSpecFieldBuilder(); getStatusFieldBuilder(); } } @java.lang.Override public Builder clear() { super.clear(); if (metadataBuilder_ == null) { metadata_ = null; } else { metadataBuilder_.clear(); } bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); if (specBuilder_ == null) { spec_ = null; } else { specBuilder_.clear(); } bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); if (statusBuilder_ == null) { status_ = null; } else { statusBuilder_.clear(); } bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); return this; } @java.lang.Override public getDescriptorForType() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectRulesReview_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReview getDefaultInstanceForType() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReview.getDefaultInstance(); } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReview build() { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReview result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { throw newUninitializedMessageException(result); } return result; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReview buildPartial() { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReview result = new io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReview(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; int to_bitField0_ = 0; if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; } if (metadataBuilder_ == null) { result.metadata_ = metadata_; } else { result.metadata_ =; } if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; } if (specBuilder_ == null) { result.spec_ = spec_; } else { result.spec_ =; } if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; } if (statusBuilder_ == null) { result.status_ = status_; } else { result.status_ =; } result.bitField0_ = to_bitField0_; onBuilt(); return result; } @java.lang.Override public Builder clone() { return (Builder) super.clone(); } @java.lang.Override public Builder setField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.setField(field, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder clearField( field) { return (Builder) super.clearField(field); } @java.lang.Override public Builder clearOneof( oneof) { return (Builder) super.clearOneof(oneof); } @java.lang.Override public Builder setRepeatedField( field, int index, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.setRepeatedField(field, index, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder addRepeatedField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.addRepeatedField(field, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReview) { return mergeFrom((io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReview)other); } else { super.mergeFrom(other); return this; } } public Builder mergeFrom(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReview other) { if (other == io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReview.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasMetadata()) { mergeMetadata(other.getMetadata()); } if (other.hasSpec()) { mergeSpec(other.getSpec()); } if (other.hasStatus()) { mergeStatus(other.getStatus()); } this.mergeUnknownFields(other.unknownFields); onChanged(); return this; } @java.lang.Override public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } @java.lang.Override public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReview parsedMessage = null; try { parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } catch ( e) { parsedMessage = (io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReview) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); throw e.unwrapIOException(); } finally { if (parsedMessage != null) { mergeFrom(parsedMessage); } } return this; } private int bitField0_; private io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta metadata_ = null; private< io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta, io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMetaOrBuilder> metadataBuilder_; /** *
       * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public boolean hasMetadata() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } /** *
       * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta getMetadata() { if (metadataBuilder_ == null) { return metadata_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.getDefaultInstance() : metadata_; } else { return metadataBuilder_.getMessage(); } } /** *
       * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public Builder setMetadata(io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta value) { if (metadataBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } metadata_ = value; onChanged(); } else { metadataBuilder_.setMessage(value); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; return this; } /** *
       * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public Builder setMetadata( io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.Builder builderForValue) { if (metadataBuilder_ == null) { metadata_ =; onChanged(); } else { metadataBuilder_.setMessage(; } bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; return this; } /** *
       * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public Builder mergeMetadata(io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta value) { if (metadataBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001) && metadata_ != null && metadata_ != io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.getDefaultInstance()) { metadata_ = io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.newBuilder(metadata_).mergeFrom(value).buildPartial(); } else { metadata_ = value; } onChanged(); } else { metadataBuilder_.mergeFrom(value); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; return this; } /** *
       * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public Builder clearMetadata() { if (metadataBuilder_ == null) { metadata_ = null; onChanged(); } else { metadataBuilder_.clear(); } bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); return this; } /** *
       * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.Builder getMetadataBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; onChanged(); return getMetadataFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } /** *
       * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMetaOrBuilder getMetadataOrBuilder() { if (metadataBuilder_ != null) { return metadataBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); } else { return metadata_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.getDefaultInstance() : metadata_; } } /** *
       * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ private< io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta, io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMetaOrBuilder> getMetadataFieldBuilder() { if (metadataBuilder_ == null) { metadataBuilder_ = new< io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta, io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMetaOrBuilder>( getMetadata(), getParentForChildren(), isClean()); metadata_ = null; } return metadataBuilder_; } private io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec spec_ = null; private< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpecOrBuilder> specBuilder_; /** *
       * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.
* * optional spec = 2; */ public boolean hasSpec() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } /** *
       * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.
* * optional spec = 2; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec getSpec() { if (specBuilder_ == null) { return spec_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec.getDefaultInstance() : spec_; } else { return specBuilder_.getMessage(); } } /** *
       * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.
* * optional spec = 2; */ public Builder setSpec(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec value) { if (specBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } spec_ = value; onChanged(); } else { specBuilder_.setMessage(value); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } /** *
       * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.
* * optional spec = 2; */ public Builder setSpec( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec.Builder builderForValue) { if (specBuilder_ == null) { spec_ =; onChanged(); } else { specBuilder_.setMessage(; } bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } /** *
       * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.
* * optional spec = 2; */ public Builder mergeSpec(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec value) { if (specBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002) && spec_ != null && spec_ != io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec.getDefaultInstance()) { spec_ = io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec.newBuilder(spec_).mergeFrom(value).buildPartial(); } else { spec_ = value; } onChanged(); } else { specBuilder_.mergeFrom(value); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } /** *
       * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.
* * optional spec = 2; */ public Builder clearSpec() { if (specBuilder_ == null) { spec_ = null; onChanged(); } else { specBuilder_.clear(); } bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); return this; } /** *
       * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.
* * optional spec = 2; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec.Builder getSpecBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; onChanged(); return getSpecFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } /** *
       * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.
* * optional spec = 2; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpecOrBuilder getSpecOrBuilder() { if (specBuilder_ != null) { return specBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); } else { return spec_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec.getDefaultInstance() : spec_; } } /** *
       * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated.
* * optional spec = 2; */ private< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpecOrBuilder> getSpecFieldBuilder() { if (specBuilder_ == null) { specBuilder_ = new< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpecOrBuilder>( getSpec(), getParentForChildren(), isClean()); spec_ = null; } return specBuilder_; } private io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus status_ = null; private< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatusOrBuilder> statusBuilder_; /** *
       * Status is filled in by the server and indicates the set of actions a user can perform.
       * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public boolean hasStatus() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } /** *
       * Status is filled in by the server and indicates the set of actions a user can perform.
       * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus getStatus() { if (statusBuilder_ == null) { return status_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus.getDefaultInstance() : status_; } else { return statusBuilder_.getMessage(); } } /** *
       * Status is filled in by the server and indicates the set of actions a user can perform.
       * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public Builder setStatus(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus value) { if (statusBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } status_ = value; onChanged(); } else { statusBuilder_.setMessage(value); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } /** *
       * Status is filled in by the server and indicates the set of actions a user can perform.
       * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public Builder setStatus( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus.Builder builderForValue) { if (statusBuilder_ == null) { status_ =; onChanged(); } else { statusBuilder_.setMessage(; } bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } /** *
       * Status is filled in by the server and indicates the set of actions a user can perform.
       * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public Builder mergeStatus(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus value) { if (statusBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004) && status_ != null && status_ != io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus.getDefaultInstance()) { status_ = io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus.newBuilder(status_).mergeFrom(value).buildPartial(); } else { status_ = value; } onChanged(); } else { statusBuilder_.mergeFrom(value); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } /** *
       * Status is filled in by the server and indicates the set of actions a user can perform.
       * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public Builder clearStatus() { if (statusBuilder_ == null) { status_ = null; onChanged(); } else { statusBuilder_.clear(); } bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); return this; } /** *
       * Status is filled in by the server and indicates the set of actions a user can perform.
       * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus.Builder getStatusBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; onChanged(); return getStatusFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } /** *
       * Status is filled in by the server and indicates the set of actions a user can perform.
       * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatusOrBuilder getStatusOrBuilder() { if (statusBuilder_ != null) { return statusBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); } else { return status_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus.getDefaultInstance() : status_; } } /** *
       * Status is filled in by the server and indicates the set of actions a user can perform.
       * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ private< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatusOrBuilder> getStatusFieldBuilder() { if (statusBuilder_ == null) { statusBuilder_ = new< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatusOrBuilder>( getStatus(), getParentForChildren(), isClean()); status_ = null; } return statusBuilder_; } @java.lang.Override public final Builder setUnknownFields( final unknownFields) { return super.setUnknownFields(unknownFields); } @java.lang.Override public final Builder mergeUnknownFields( final unknownFields) { return super.mergeUnknownFields(unknownFields); } // @@protoc_insertion_point( } // @@protoc_insertion_point( private static final io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReview DEFAULT_INSTANCE; static { DEFAULT_INSTANCE = new io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReview(); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReview getDefaultInstance() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } @java.lang.Deprecated public static final PARSER = new { @java.lang.Override public SelfSubjectRulesReview parsePartialFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return new SelfSubjectRulesReview(input, extensionRegistry); } }; public static parser() { return PARSER; } @java.lang.Override public getParserForType() { return PARSER; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReview getDefaultInstanceForType() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } } public interface SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpecOrBuilder extends // @@protoc_insertion_point( { /** *
     * Namespace to evaluate rules for. Required.
* * optional string namespace = 1; */ boolean hasNamespace(); /** *
     * Namespace to evaluate rules for. Required.
* * optional string namespace = 1; */ java.lang.String getNamespace(); /** *
     * Namespace to evaluate rules for. Required.
* * optional string namespace = 1; */ getNamespaceBytes(); } /** * Protobuf type {@code} */ public static final class SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec extends implements // @@protoc_insertion_point( SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpecOrBuilder { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; // Use SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec.newBuilder() to construct. private SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec( builder) { super(builder); } private SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec() { namespace_ = ""; } @java.lang.Override public final getUnknownFields() { return this.unknownFields; } private SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec( input, extensionRegistry) throws { this(); if (extensionRegistry == null) { throw new java.lang.NullPointerException(); } int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; unknownFields =; try { boolean done = false; while (!done) { int tag = input.readTag(); switch (tag) { case 0: done = true; break; case 10: { bs = input.readBytes(); bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; namespace_ = bs; break; } default: { if (!parseUnknownField( input, unknownFields, extensionRegistry, tag)) { done = true; } break; } } } } catch ( e) { throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); } catch ( e) { throw new e).setUnfinishedMessage(this); } finally { this.unknownFields =; makeExtensionsImmutable(); } } public static final getDescriptor() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec.class, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec.Builder.class); } private int bitField0_; public static final int NAMESPACE_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private volatile java.lang.Object namespace_; /** *
     * Namespace to evaluate rules for. Required.
* * optional string namespace = 1; */ public boolean hasNamespace() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } /** *
     * Namespace to evaluate rules for. Required.
* * optional string namespace = 1; */ public java.lang.String getNamespace() { java.lang.Object ref = namespace_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { namespace_ = s; } return s; } } /** *
     * Namespace to evaluate rules for. Required.
* * optional string namespace = 1; */ public getNamespaceBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = namespace_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); namespace_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } private byte memoizedIsInitialized = -1; @java.lang.Override public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized == 1) return true; if (isInitialized == 0) return false; memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } @java.lang.Override public void writeTo( output) throws { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) {, 1, namespace_); } unknownFields.writeTo(output); } @java.lang.Override public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSize; if (size != -1) return size; size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size +=, namespace_); } size += unknownFields.getSerializedSize(); memoizedSize = size; return size; } @java.lang.Override public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec)) { return super.equals(obj); } io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec other = (io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec) obj; boolean result = true; result = result && (hasNamespace() == other.hasNamespace()); if (hasNamespace()) { result = result && getNamespace() .equals(other.getNamespace()); } result = result && unknownFields.equals(other.unknownFields); return result; } @java.lang.Override public int hashCode() { if (memoizedHashCode != 0) { return memoizedHashCode; } int hash = 41; hash = (19 * hash) + getDescriptor().hashCode(); if (hasNamespace()) { hash = (37 * hash) + NAMESPACE_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getNamespace().hashCode(); } hash = (29 * hash) + unknownFields.hashCode(); memoizedHashCode = hash; return hash; } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec parseFrom( java.nio.ByteBuffer data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec parseFrom( java.nio.ByteBuffer data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec parseFrom( data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec parseFrom( input) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { return .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec parseFrom( input) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } @java.lang.Override public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec prototype) { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } @java.lang.Override public Builder toBuilder() { return this == DEFAULT_INSTANCE ? new Builder() : new Builder().mergeFrom(this); } @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } /** * Protobuf type {@code} */ public static final class Builder extends implements // @@protoc_insertion_point( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpecOrBuilder { public static final getDescriptor() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec.class, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec.Builder.class); } // Construct using io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } private Builder( parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } private void maybeForceBuilderInitialization() { if ( .alwaysUseFieldBuilders) { } } @java.lang.Override public Builder clear() { super.clear(); namespace_ = ""; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); return this; } @java.lang.Override public getDescriptorForType() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec getDefaultInstanceForType() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec.getDefaultInstance(); } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec build() { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { throw newUninitializedMessageException(result); } return result; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec buildPartial() { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec result = new io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; int to_bitField0_ = 0; if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; } result.namespace_ = namespace_; result.bitField0_ = to_bitField0_; onBuilt(); return result; } @java.lang.Override public Builder clone() { return (Builder) super.clone(); } @java.lang.Override public Builder setField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.setField(field, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder clearField( field) { return (Builder) super.clearField(field); } @java.lang.Override public Builder clearOneof( oneof) { return (Builder) super.clearOneof(oneof); } @java.lang.Override public Builder setRepeatedField( field, int index, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.setRepeatedField(field, index, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder addRepeatedField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.addRepeatedField(field, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec) { return mergeFrom((io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec)other); } else { super.mergeFrom(other); return this; } } public Builder mergeFrom(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec other) { if (other == io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasNamespace()) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; namespace_ = other.namespace_; onChanged(); } this.mergeUnknownFields(other.unknownFields); onChanged(); return this; } @java.lang.Override public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } @java.lang.Override public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec parsedMessage = null; try { parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } catch ( e) { parsedMessage = (io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); throw e.unwrapIOException(); } finally { if (parsedMessage != null) { mergeFrom(parsedMessage); } } return this; } private int bitField0_; private java.lang.Object namespace_ = ""; /** *
       * Namespace to evaluate rules for. Required.
* * optional string namespace = 1; */ public boolean hasNamespace() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } /** *
       * Namespace to evaluate rules for. Required.
* * optional string namespace = 1; */ public java.lang.String getNamespace() { java.lang.Object ref = namespace_; if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { namespace_ = s; } return s; } else { return (java.lang.String) ref; } } /** *
       * Namespace to evaluate rules for. Required.
* * optional string namespace = 1; */ public getNamespaceBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = namespace_; if (ref instanceof String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); namespace_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } /** *
       * Namespace to evaluate rules for. Required.
* * optional string namespace = 1; */ public Builder setNamespace( java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; namespace_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Namespace to evaluate rules for. Required.
* * optional string namespace = 1; */ public Builder clearNamespace() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); namespace_ = getDefaultInstance().getNamespace(); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Namespace to evaluate rules for. Required.
* * optional string namespace = 1; */ public Builder setNamespaceBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; namespace_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } @java.lang.Override public final Builder setUnknownFields( final unknownFields) { return super.setUnknownFields(unknownFields); } @java.lang.Override public final Builder mergeUnknownFields( final unknownFields) { return super.mergeUnknownFields(unknownFields); } // @@protoc_insertion_point( } // @@protoc_insertion_point( private static final io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec DEFAULT_INSTANCE; static { DEFAULT_INSTANCE = new io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec(); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec getDefaultInstance() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } @java.lang.Deprecated public static final PARSER = new { @java.lang.Override public SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec parsePartialFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return new SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec(input, extensionRegistry); } }; public static parser() { return PARSER; } @java.lang.Override public getParserForType() { return PARSER; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec getDefaultInstanceForType() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } } public interface SubjectAccessReviewOrBuilder extends // @@protoc_insertion_point( { /** *
     * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ boolean hasMetadata(); /** *
     * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta getMetadata(); /** *
     * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMetaOrBuilder getMetadataOrBuilder(); /** *
     * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated
* * optional spec = 2; */ boolean hasSpec(); /** *
     * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated
* * optional spec = 2; */ io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec getSpec(); /** *
     * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated
* * optional spec = 2; */ io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpecOrBuilder getSpecOrBuilder(); /** *
     * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
     * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ boolean hasStatus(); /** *
     * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
     * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus getStatus(); /** *
     * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
     * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatusOrBuilder getStatusOrBuilder(); } /** *
   * SubjectAccessReview checks whether or not a user or group can perform an action.
* * Protobuf type {@code} */ public static final class SubjectAccessReview extends implements // @@protoc_insertion_point( SubjectAccessReviewOrBuilder { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; // Use SubjectAccessReview.newBuilder() to construct. private SubjectAccessReview( builder) { super(builder); } private SubjectAccessReview() { } @java.lang.Override public final getUnknownFields() { return this.unknownFields; } private SubjectAccessReview( input, extensionRegistry) throws { this(); if (extensionRegistry == null) { throw new java.lang.NullPointerException(); } int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; unknownFields =; try { boolean done = false; while (!done) { int tag = input.readTag(); switch (tag) { case 0: done = true; break; case 10: { io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.Builder subBuilder = null; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { subBuilder = metadata_.toBuilder(); } metadata_ = input.readMessage(io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.PARSER, extensionRegistry); if (subBuilder != null) { subBuilder.mergeFrom(metadata_); metadata_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; break; } case 18: { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec.Builder subBuilder = null; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { subBuilder = spec_.toBuilder(); } spec_ = input.readMessage(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec.PARSER, extensionRegistry); if (subBuilder != null) { subBuilder.mergeFrom(spec_); spec_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; break; } case 26: { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.Builder subBuilder = null; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { subBuilder = status_.toBuilder(); } status_ = input.readMessage(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.PARSER, extensionRegistry); if (subBuilder != null) { subBuilder.mergeFrom(status_); status_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; break; } default: { if (!parseUnknownField( input, unknownFields, extensionRegistry, tag)) { done = true; } break; } } } } catch ( e) { throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); } catch ( e) { throw new e).setUnfinishedMessage(this); } finally { this.unknownFields =; makeExtensionsImmutable(); } } public static final getDescriptor() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectAccessReview_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectAccessReview_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReview.class, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReview.Builder.class); } private int bitField0_; public static final int METADATA_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta metadata_; /** *
     * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public boolean hasMetadata() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } /** *
     * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta getMetadata() { return metadata_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.getDefaultInstance() : metadata_; } /** *
     * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMetaOrBuilder getMetadataOrBuilder() { return metadata_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.getDefaultInstance() : metadata_; } public static final int SPEC_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec spec_; /** *
     * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated
* * optional spec = 2; */ public boolean hasSpec() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } /** *
     * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated
* * optional spec = 2; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec getSpec() { return spec_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec.getDefaultInstance() : spec_; } /** *
     * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated
* * optional spec = 2; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpecOrBuilder getSpecOrBuilder() { return spec_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec.getDefaultInstance() : spec_; } public static final int STATUS_FIELD_NUMBER = 3; private io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus status_; /** *
     * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
     * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public boolean hasStatus() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } /** *
     * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
     * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus getStatus() { return status_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.getDefaultInstance() : status_; } /** *
     * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
     * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatusOrBuilder getStatusOrBuilder() { return status_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.getDefaultInstance() : status_; } private byte memoizedIsInitialized = -1; @java.lang.Override public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized == 1) return true; if (isInitialized == 0) return false; memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } @java.lang.Override public void writeTo( output) throws { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { output.writeMessage(1, getMetadata()); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { output.writeMessage(2, getSpec()); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { output.writeMessage(3, getStatus()); } unknownFields.writeTo(output); } @java.lang.Override public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSize; if (size != -1) return size; size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += .computeMessageSize(1, getMetadata()); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { size += .computeMessageSize(2, getSpec()); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { size += .computeMessageSize(3, getStatus()); } size += unknownFields.getSerializedSize(); memoizedSize = size; return size; } @java.lang.Override public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReview)) { return super.equals(obj); } io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReview other = (io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReview) obj; boolean result = true; result = result && (hasMetadata() == other.hasMetadata()); if (hasMetadata()) { result = result && getMetadata() .equals(other.getMetadata()); } result = result && (hasSpec() == other.hasSpec()); if (hasSpec()) { result = result && getSpec() .equals(other.getSpec()); } result = result && (hasStatus() == other.hasStatus()); if (hasStatus()) { result = result && getStatus() .equals(other.getStatus()); } result = result && unknownFields.equals(other.unknownFields); return result; } @java.lang.Override public int hashCode() { if (memoizedHashCode != 0) { return memoizedHashCode; } int hash = 41; hash = (19 * hash) + getDescriptor().hashCode(); if (hasMetadata()) { hash = (37 * hash) + METADATA_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getMetadata().hashCode(); } if (hasSpec()) { hash = (37 * hash) + SPEC_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getSpec().hashCode(); } if (hasStatus()) { hash = (37 * hash) + STATUS_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getStatus().hashCode(); } hash = (29 * hash) + unknownFields.hashCode(); memoizedHashCode = hash; return hash; } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReview parseFrom( java.nio.ByteBuffer data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReview parseFrom( java.nio.ByteBuffer data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReview parseFrom( data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReview parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReview parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReview parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReview parseFrom( input) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReview parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReview parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { return .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReview parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReview parseFrom( input) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReview parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } @java.lang.Override public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReview prototype) { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } @java.lang.Override public Builder toBuilder() { return this == DEFAULT_INSTANCE ? new Builder() : new Builder().mergeFrom(this); } @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } /** *
     * SubjectAccessReview checks whether or not a user or group can perform an action.
* * Protobuf type {@code} */ public static final class Builder extends implements // @@protoc_insertion_point( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewOrBuilder { public static final getDescriptor() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectAccessReview_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectAccessReview_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReview.class, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReview.Builder.class); } // Construct using io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReview.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } private Builder( parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } private void maybeForceBuilderInitialization() { if ( .alwaysUseFieldBuilders) { getMetadataFieldBuilder(); getSpecFieldBuilder(); getStatusFieldBuilder(); } } @java.lang.Override public Builder clear() { super.clear(); if (metadataBuilder_ == null) { metadata_ = null; } else { metadataBuilder_.clear(); } bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); if (specBuilder_ == null) { spec_ = null; } else { specBuilder_.clear(); } bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); if (statusBuilder_ == null) { status_ = null; } else { statusBuilder_.clear(); } bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); return this; } @java.lang.Override public getDescriptorForType() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectAccessReview_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReview getDefaultInstanceForType() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReview.getDefaultInstance(); } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReview build() { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReview result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { throw newUninitializedMessageException(result); } return result; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReview buildPartial() { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReview result = new io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReview(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; int to_bitField0_ = 0; if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; } if (metadataBuilder_ == null) { result.metadata_ = metadata_; } else { result.metadata_ =; } if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; } if (specBuilder_ == null) { result.spec_ = spec_; } else { result.spec_ =; } if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; } if (statusBuilder_ == null) { result.status_ = status_; } else { result.status_ =; } result.bitField0_ = to_bitField0_; onBuilt(); return result; } @java.lang.Override public Builder clone() { return (Builder) super.clone(); } @java.lang.Override public Builder setField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.setField(field, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder clearField( field) { return (Builder) super.clearField(field); } @java.lang.Override public Builder clearOneof( oneof) { return (Builder) super.clearOneof(oneof); } @java.lang.Override public Builder setRepeatedField( field, int index, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.setRepeatedField(field, index, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder addRepeatedField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.addRepeatedField(field, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReview) { return mergeFrom((io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReview)other); } else { super.mergeFrom(other); return this; } } public Builder mergeFrom(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReview other) { if (other == io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReview.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasMetadata()) { mergeMetadata(other.getMetadata()); } if (other.hasSpec()) { mergeSpec(other.getSpec()); } if (other.hasStatus()) { mergeStatus(other.getStatus()); } this.mergeUnknownFields(other.unknownFields); onChanged(); return this; } @java.lang.Override public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } @java.lang.Override public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReview parsedMessage = null; try { parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } catch ( e) { parsedMessage = (io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReview) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); throw e.unwrapIOException(); } finally { if (parsedMessage != null) { mergeFrom(parsedMessage); } } return this; } private int bitField0_; private io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta metadata_ = null; private< io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta, io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMetaOrBuilder> metadataBuilder_; /** *
       * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public boolean hasMetadata() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } /** *
       * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta getMetadata() { if (metadataBuilder_ == null) { return metadata_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.getDefaultInstance() : metadata_; } else { return metadataBuilder_.getMessage(); } } /** *
       * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public Builder setMetadata(io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta value) { if (metadataBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } metadata_ = value; onChanged(); } else { metadataBuilder_.setMessage(value); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; return this; } /** *
       * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public Builder setMetadata( io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.Builder builderForValue) { if (metadataBuilder_ == null) { metadata_ =; onChanged(); } else { metadataBuilder_.setMessage(; } bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; return this; } /** *
       * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public Builder mergeMetadata(io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta value) { if (metadataBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001) && metadata_ != null && metadata_ != io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.getDefaultInstance()) { metadata_ = io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.newBuilder(metadata_).mergeFrom(value).buildPartial(); } else { metadata_ = value; } onChanged(); } else { metadataBuilder_.mergeFrom(value); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; return this; } /** *
       * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public Builder clearMetadata() { if (metadataBuilder_ == null) { metadata_ = null; onChanged(); } else { metadataBuilder_.clear(); } bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); return this; } /** *
       * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.Builder getMetadataBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; onChanged(); return getMetadataFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } /** *
       * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMetaOrBuilder getMetadataOrBuilder() { if (metadataBuilder_ != null) { return metadataBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); } else { return metadata_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.getDefaultInstance() : metadata_; } } /** *
       * +optional
* * optional metadata = 1; */ private< io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta, io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMetaOrBuilder> getMetadataFieldBuilder() { if (metadataBuilder_ == null) { metadataBuilder_ = new< io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta, io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMeta.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.ObjectMetaOrBuilder>( getMetadata(), getParentForChildren(), isClean()); metadata_ = null; } return metadataBuilder_; } private io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec spec_ = null; private< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpecOrBuilder> specBuilder_; /** *
       * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated
* * optional spec = 2; */ public boolean hasSpec() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } /** *
       * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated
* * optional spec = 2; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec getSpec() { if (specBuilder_ == null) { return spec_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec.getDefaultInstance() : spec_; } else { return specBuilder_.getMessage(); } } /** *
       * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated
* * optional spec = 2; */ public Builder setSpec(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec value) { if (specBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } spec_ = value; onChanged(); } else { specBuilder_.setMessage(value); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } /** *
       * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated
* * optional spec = 2; */ public Builder setSpec( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec.Builder builderForValue) { if (specBuilder_ == null) { spec_ =; onChanged(); } else { specBuilder_.setMessage(; } bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } /** *
       * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated
* * optional spec = 2; */ public Builder mergeSpec(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec value) { if (specBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002) && spec_ != null && spec_ != io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec.getDefaultInstance()) { spec_ = io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec.newBuilder(spec_).mergeFrom(value).buildPartial(); } else { spec_ = value; } onChanged(); } else { specBuilder_.mergeFrom(value); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } /** *
       * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated
* * optional spec = 2; */ public Builder clearSpec() { if (specBuilder_ == null) { spec_ = null; onChanged(); } else { specBuilder_.clear(); } bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); return this; } /** *
       * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated
* * optional spec = 2; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec.Builder getSpecBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; onChanged(); return getSpecFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } /** *
       * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated
* * optional spec = 2; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpecOrBuilder getSpecOrBuilder() { if (specBuilder_ != null) { return specBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); } else { return spec_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec.getDefaultInstance() : spec_; } } /** *
       * Spec holds information about the request being evaluated
* * optional spec = 2; */ private< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpecOrBuilder> getSpecFieldBuilder() { if (specBuilder_ == null) { specBuilder_ = new< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpecOrBuilder>( getSpec(), getParentForChildren(), isClean()); spec_ = null; } return specBuilder_; } private io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus status_ = null; private< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatusOrBuilder> statusBuilder_; /** *
       * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
       * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public boolean hasStatus() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } /** *
       * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
       * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus getStatus() { if (statusBuilder_ == null) { return status_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.getDefaultInstance() : status_; } else { return statusBuilder_.getMessage(); } } /** *
       * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
       * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public Builder setStatus(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus value) { if (statusBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } status_ = value; onChanged(); } else { statusBuilder_.setMessage(value); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } /** *
       * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
       * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public Builder setStatus( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.Builder builderForValue) { if (statusBuilder_ == null) { status_ =; onChanged(); } else { statusBuilder_.setMessage(; } bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } /** *
       * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
       * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public Builder mergeStatus(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus value) { if (statusBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004) && status_ != null && status_ != io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.getDefaultInstance()) { status_ = io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.newBuilder(status_).mergeFrom(value).buildPartial(); } else { status_ = value; } onChanged(); } else { statusBuilder_.mergeFrom(value); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; return this; } /** *
       * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
       * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public Builder clearStatus() { if (statusBuilder_ == null) { status_ = null; onChanged(); } else { statusBuilder_.clear(); } bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); return this; } /** *
       * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
       * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.Builder getStatusBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; onChanged(); return getStatusFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } /** *
       * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
       * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatusOrBuilder getStatusOrBuilder() { if (statusBuilder_ != null) { return statusBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); } else { return status_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.getDefaultInstance() : status_; } } /** *
       * Status is filled in by the server and indicates whether the request is allowed or not
       * +optional
* * optional status = 3; */ private< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatusOrBuilder> getStatusFieldBuilder() { if (statusBuilder_ == null) { statusBuilder_ = new< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatusOrBuilder>( getStatus(), getParentForChildren(), isClean()); status_ = null; } return statusBuilder_; } @java.lang.Override public final Builder setUnknownFields( final unknownFields) { return super.setUnknownFields(unknownFields); } @java.lang.Override public final Builder mergeUnknownFields( final unknownFields) { return super.mergeUnknownFields(unknownFields); } // @@protoc_insertion_point( } // @@protoc_insertion_point( private static final io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReview DEFAULT_INSTANCE; static { DEFAULT_INSTANCE = new io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReview(); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReview getDefaultInstance() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } @java.lang.Deprecated public static final PARSER = new { @java.lang.Override public SubjectAccessReview parsePartialFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return new SubjectAccessReview(input, extensionRegistry); } }; public static parser() { return PARSER; } @java.lang.Override public getParserForType() { return PARSER; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReview getDefaultInstanceForType() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } } public interface SubjectAccessReviewSpecOrBuilder extends // @@protoc_insertion_point( { /** *
     * ResourceAuthorizationAttributes describes information for a resource access request
     * +optional
* * optional resourceAttributes = 1; */ boolean hasResourceAttributes(); /** *
     * ResourceAuthorizationAttributes describes information for a resource access request
     * +optional
* * optional resourceAttributes = 1; */ io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes getResourceAttributes(); /** *
     * ResourceAuthorizationAttributes describes information for a resource access request
     * +optional
* * optional resourceAttributes = 1; */ io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributesOrBuilder getResourceAttributesOrBuilder(); /** *
     * NonResourceAttributes describes information for a non-resource access request
     * +optional
* * optional nonResourceAttributes = 2; */ boolean hasNonResourceAttributes(); /** *
     * NonResourceAttributes describes information for a non-resource access request
     * +optional
* * optional nonResourceAttributes = 2; */ io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes getNonResourceAttributes(); /** *
     * NonResourceAttributes describes information for a non-resource access request
     * +optional
* * optional nonResourceAttributes = 2; */ io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributesOrBuilder getNonResourceAttributesOrBuilder(); /** *
     * User is the user you're testing for.
     * If you specify "User" but not "Group", then is it interpreted as "What if User were not a member of any groups
     * +optional
* * optional string user = 3; */ boolean hasUser(); /** *
     * User is the user you're testing for.
     * If you specify "User" but not "Group", then is it interpreted as "What if User were not a member of any groups
     * +optional
* * optional string user = 3; */ java.lang.String getUser(); /** *
     * User is the user you're testing for.
     * If you specify "User" but not "Group", then is it interpreted as "What if User were not a member of any groups
     * +optional
* * optional string user = 3; */ getUserBytes(); /** *
     * Groups is the groups you're testing for.
     * +optional
* * repeated string group = 4; */ java.util.List getGroupList(); /** *
     * Groups is the groups you're testing for.
     * +optional
* * repeated string group = 4; */ int getGroupCount(); /** *
     * Groups is the groups you're testing for.
     * +optional
* * repeated string group = 4; */ java.lang.String getGroup(int index); /** *
     * Groups is the groups you're testing for.
     * +optional
* * repeated string group = 4; */ getGroupBytes(int index); /** *
     * Extra corresponds to the user.Info.GetExtra() method from the authenticator.  Since that is input to the authorizer
     * it needs a reflection here.
     * +optional
* * map<string,> extra = 5; */ int getExtraCount(); /** *
     * Extra corresponds to the user.Info.GetExtra() method from the authenticator.  Since that is input to the authorizer
     * it needs a reflection here.
     * +optional
* * map<string,> extra = 5; */ boolean containsExtra( java.lang.String key); /** * Use {@link #getExtraMap()} instead. */ @java.lang.Deprecated java.util.Map getExtra(); /** *
     * Extra corresponds to the user.Info.GetExtra() method from the authenticator.  Since that is input to the authorizer
     * it needs a reflection here.
     * +optional
* * map<string,> extra = 5; */ java.util.Map getExtraMap(); /** *
     * Extra corresponds to the user.Info.GetExtra() method from the authenticator.  Since that is input to the authorizer
     * it needs a reflection here.
     * +optional
* * map<string,> extra = 5; */ io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue getExtraOrDefault( java.lang.String key, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue defaultValue); /** *
     * Extra corresponds to the user.Info.GetExtra() method from the authenticator.  Since that is input to the authorizer
     * it needs a reflection here.
     * +optional
* * map<string,> extra = 5; */ io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue getExtraOrThrow( java.lang.String key); /** *
     * UID information about the requesting user.
     * +optional
* * optional string uid = 6; */ boolean hasUid(); /** *
     * UID information about the requesting user.
     * +optional
* * optional string uid = 6; */ java.lang.String getUid(); /** *
     * UID information about the requesting user.
     * +optional
* * optional string uid = 6; */ getUidBytes(); } /** *
   * SubjectAccessReviewSpec is a description of the access request.  Exactly one of ResourceAuthorizationAttributes
   * and NonResourceAuthorizationAttributes must be set
* * Protobuf type {@code} */ public static final class SubjectAccessReviewSpec extends implements // @@protoc_insertion_point( SubjectAccessReviewSpecOrBuilder { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; // Use SubjectAccessReviewSpec.newBuilder() to construct. private SubjectAccessReviewSpec( builder) { super(builder); } private SubjectAccessReviewSpec() { user_ = ""; group_ =; uid_ = ""; } @java.lang.Override public final getUnknownFields() { return this.unknownFields; } private SubjectAccessReviewSpec( input, extensionRegistry) throws { this(); if (extensionRegistry == null) { throw new java.lang.NullPointerException(); } int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; unknownFields =; try { boolean done = false; while (!done) { int tag = input.readTag(); switch (tag) { case 0: done = true; break; case 10: { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes.Builder subBuilder = null; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { subBuilder = resourceAttributes_.toBuilder(); } resourceAttributes_ = input.readMessage(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes.PARSER, extensionRegistry); if (subBuilder != null) { subBuilder.mergeFrom(resourceAttributes_); resourceAttributes_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; break; } case 18: { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes.Builder subBuilder = null; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { subBuilder = nonResourceAttributes_.toBuilder(); } nonResourceAttributes_ = input.readMessage(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes.PARSER, extensionRegistry); if (subBuilder != null) { subBuilder.mergeFrom(nonResourceAttributes_); nonResourceAttributes_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; break; } case 26: { bs = input.readBytes(); bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; user_ = bs; break; } case 34: { bs = input.readBytes(); if (!((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008)) { group_ = new; mutable_bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; } group_.add(bs); break; } case 42: { if (!((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010)) { extra_ = ExtraDefaultEntryHolder.defaultEntry); mutable_bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; } extra__ = input.readMessage( ExtraDefaultEntryHolder.defaultEntry.getParserForType(), extensionRegistry); extra_.getMutableMap().put( extra__.getKey(), extra__.getValue()); break; } case 50: { bs = input.readBytes(); bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; uid_ = bs; break; } default: { if (!parseUnknownField( input, unknownFields, extensionRegistry, tag)) { done = true; } break; } } } } catch ( e) { throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); } catch ( e) { throw new e).setUnfinishedMessage(this); } finally { if (((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008)) { group_ = group_.getUnmodifiableView(); } this.unknownFields =; makeExtensionsImmutable(); } } public static final getDescriptor() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectAccessReviewSpec_descriptor; } @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes"}) @java.lang.Override protected internalGetMapField( int number) { switch (number) { case 5: return internalGetExtra(); default: throw new RuntimeException( "Invalid map field number: " + number); } } @java.lang.Override protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectAccessReviewSpec_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec.class, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec.Builder.class); } private int bitField0_; public static final int RESOURCEATTRIBUTES_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes resourceAttributes_; /** *
     * ResourceAuthorizationAttributes describes information for a resource access request
     * +optional
* * optional resourceAttributes = 1; */ public boolean hasResourceAttributes() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } /** *
     * ResourceAuthorizationAttributes describes information for a resource access request
     * +optional
* * optional resourceAttributes = 1; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes getResourceAttributes() { return resourceAttributes_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes.getDefaultInstance() : resourceAttributes_; } /** *
     * ResourceAuthorizationAttributes describes information for a resource access request
     * +optional
* * optional resourceAttributes = 1; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributesOrBuilder getResourceAttributesOrBuilder() { return resourceAttributes_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes.getDefaultInstance() : resourceAttributes_; } public static final int NONRESOURCEATTRIBUTES_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes nonResourceAttributes_; /** *
     * NonResourceAttributes describes information for a non-resource access request
     * +optional
* * optional nonResourceAttributes = 2; */ public boolean hasNonResourceAttributes() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } /** *
     * NonResourceAttributes describes information for a non-resource access request
     * +optional
* * optional nonResourceAttributes = 2; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes getNonResourceAttributes() { return nonResourceAttributes_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes.getDefaultInstance() : nonResourceAttributes_; } /** *
     * NonResourceAttributes describes information for a non-resource access request
     * +optional
* * optional nonResourceAttributes = 2; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributesOrBuilder getNonResourceAttributesOrBuilder() { return nonResourceAttributes_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes.getDefaultInstance() : nonResourceAttributes_; } public static final int USER_FIELD_NUMBER = 3; private volatile java.lang.Object user_; /** *
     * User is the user you're testing for.
     * If you specify "User" but not "Group", then is it interpreted as "What if User were not a member of any groups
     * +optional
* * optional string user = 3; */ public boolean hasUser() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } /** *
     * User is the user you're testing for.
     * If you specify "User" but not "Group", then is it interpreted as "What if User were not a member of any groups
     * +optional
* * optional string user = 3; */ public java.lang.String getUser() { java.lang.Object ref = user_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { user_ = s; } return s; } } /** *
     * User is the user you're testing for.
     * If you specify "User" but not "Group", then is it interpreted as "What if User were not a member of any groups
     * +optional
* * optional string user = 3; */ public getUserBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = user_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); user_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } public static final int GROUP_FIELD_NUMBER = 4; private group_; /** *
     * Groups is the groups you're testing for.
     * +optional
* * repeated string group = 4; */ public getGroupList() { return group_; } /** *
     * Groups is the groups you're testing for.
     * +optional
* * repeated string group = 4; */ public int getGroupCount() { return group_.size(); } /** *
     * Groups is the groups you're testing for.
     * +optional
* * repeated string group = 4; */ public java.lang.String getGroup(int index) { return group_.get(index); } /** *
     * Groups is the groups you're testing for.
     * +optional
* * repeated string group = 4; */ public getGroupBytes(int index) { return group_.getByteString(index); } public static final int EXTRA_FIELD_NUMBER = 5; private static final class ExtraDefaultEntryHolder { static final< java.lang.String, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue> defaultEntry = .newDefaultInstance( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectAccessReviewSpec_ExtraEntry_descriptor,, "",, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue.getDefaultInstance()); } private< java.lang.String, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue> extra_; private internalGetExtra() { if (extra_ == null) { return ExtraDefaultEntryHolder.defaultEntry); } return extra_; } public int getExtraCount() { return internalGetExtra().getMap().size(); } /** *
     * Extra corresponds to the user.Info.GetExtra() method from the authenticator.  Since that is input to the authorizer
     * it needs a reflection here.
     * +optional
* * map<string,> extra = 5; */ public boolean containsExtra( java.lang.String key) { if (key == null) { throw new java.lang.NullPointerException(); } return internalGetExtra().getMap().containsKey(key); } /** * Use {@link #getExtraMap()} instead. */ @java.lang.Deprecated public java.util.Map getExtra() { return getExtraMap(); } /** *
     * Extra corresponds to the user.Info.GetExtra() method from the authenticator.  Since that is input to the authorizer
     * it needs a reflection here.
     * +optional
* * map<string,> extra = 5; */ public java.util.Map getExtraMap() { return internalGetExtra().getMap(); } /** *
     * Extra corresponds to the user.Info.GetExtra() method from the authenticator.  Since that is input to the authorizer
     * it needs a reflection here.
     * +optional
* * map<string,> extra = 5; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue getExtraOrDefault( java.lang.String key, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue defaultValue) { if (key == null) { throw new java.lang.NullPointerException(); } java.util.Map map = internalGetExtra().getMap(); return map.containsKey(key) ? map.get(key) : defaultValue; } /** *
     * Extra corresponds to the user.Info.GetExtra() method from the authenticator.  Since that is input to the authorizer
     * it needs a reflection here.
     * +optional
* * map<string,> extra = 5; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue getExtraOrThrow( java.lang.String key) { if (key == null) { throw new java.lang.NullPointerException(); } java.util.Map map = internalGetExtra().getMap(); if (!map.containsKey(key)) { throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException(); } return map.get(key); } public static final int UID_FIELD_NUMBER = 6; private volatile java.lang.Object uid_; /** *
     * UID information about the requesting user.
     * +optional
* * optional string uid = 6; */ public boolean hasUid() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008); } /** *
     * UID information about the requesting user.
     * +optional
* * optional string uid = 6; */ public java.lang.String getUid() { java.lang.Object ref = uid_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { uid_ = s; } return s; } } /** *
     * UID information about the requesting user.
     * +optional
* * optional string uid = 6; */ public getUidBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = uid_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); uid_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } private byte memoizedIsInitialized = -1; @java.lang.Override public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized == 1) return true; if (isInitialized == 0) return false; memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } @java.lang.Override public void writeTo( output) throws { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { output.writeMessage(1, getResourceAttributes()); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { output.writeMessage(2, getNonResourceAttributes()); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) {, 3, user_); } for (int i = 0; i < group_.size(); i++) {, 4, group_.getRaw(i)); } .serializeStringMapTo( output, internalGetExtra(), ExtraDefaultEntryHolder.defaultEntry, 5); if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008)) {, 6, uid_); } unknownFields.writeTo(output); } @java.lang.Override public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSize; if (size != -1) return size; size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += .computeMessageSize(1, getResourceAttributes()); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { size += .computeMessageSize(2, getNonResourceAttributes()); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { size +=, user_); } { int dataSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < group_.size(); i++) { dataSize += computeStringSizeNoTag(group_.getRaw(i)); } size += dataSize; size += 1 * getGroupList().size(); } for (java.util.Map.Entry entry : internalGetExtra().getMap().entrySet()) { extra__ = ExtraDefaultEntryHolder.defaultEntry.newBuilderForType() .setKey(entry.getKey()) .setValue(entry.getValue()) .build(); size += .computeMessageSize(5, extra__); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008)) { size +=, uid_); } size += unknownFields.getSerializedSize(); memoizedSize = size; return size; } @java.lang.Override public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec)) { return super.equals(obj); } io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec other = (io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec) obj; boolean result = true; result = result && (hasResourceAttributes() == other.hasResourceAttributes()); if (hasResourceAttributes()) { result = result && getResourceAttributes() .equals(other.getResourceAttributes()); } result = result && (hasNonResourceAttributes() == other.hasNonResourceAttributes()); if (hasNonResourceAttributes()) { result = result && getNonResourceAttributes() .equals(other.getNonResourceAttributes()); } result = result && (hasUser() == other.hasUser()); if (hasUser()) { result = result && getUser() .equals(other.getUser()); } result = result && getGroupList() .equals(other.getGroupList()); result = result && internalGetExtra().equals( other.internalGetExtra()); result = result && (hasUid() == other.hasUid()); if (hasUid()) { result = result && getUid() .equals(other.getUid()); } result = result && unknownFields.equals(other.unknownFields); return result; } @java.lang.Override public int hashCode() { if (memoizedHashCode != 0) { return memoizedHashCode; } int hash = 41; hash = (19 * hash) + getDescriptor().hashCode(); if (hasResourceAttributes()) { hash = (37 * hash) + RESOURCEATTRIBUTES_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getResourceAttributes().hashCode(); } if (hasNonResourceAttributes()) { hash = (37 * hash) + NONRESOURCEATTRIBUTES_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getNonResourceAttributes().hashCode(); } if (hasUser()) { hash = (37 * hash) + USER_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getUser().hashCode(); } if (getGroupCount() > 0) { hash = (37 * hash) + GROUP_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getGroupList().hashCode(); } if (!internalGetExtra().getMap().isEmpty()) { hash = (37 * hash) + EXTRA_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + internalGetExtra().hashCode(); } if (hasUid()) { hash = (37 * hash) + UID_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getUid().hashCode(); } hash = (29 * hash) + unknownFields.hashCode(); memoizedHashCode = hash; return hash; } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec parseFrom( java.nio.ByteBuffer data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec parseFrom( java.nio.ByteBuffer data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec parseFrom( data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec parseFrom( input) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { return .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec parseFrom( input) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } @java.lang.Override public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec prototype) { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } @java.lang.Override public Builder toBuilder() { return this == DEFAULT_INSTANCE ? new Builder() : new Builder().mergeFrom(this); } @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } /** *
     * SubjectAccessReviewSpec is a description of the access request.  Exactly one of ResourceAuthorizationAttributes
     * and NonResourceAuthorizationAttributes must be set
* * Protobuf type {@code} */ public static final class Builder extends implements // @@protoc_insertion_point( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpecOrBuilder { public static final getDescriptor() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectAccessReviewSpec_descriptor; } @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes"}) protected internalGetMapField( int number) { switch (number) { case 5: return internalGetExtra(); default: throw new RuntimeException( "Invalid map field number: " + number); } } @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes"}) protected internalGetMutableMapField( int number) { switch (number) { case 5: return internalGetMutableExtra(); default: throw new RuntimeException( "Invalid map field number: " + number); } } @java.lang.Override protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectAccessReviewSpec_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec.class, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec.Builder.class); } // Construct using io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } private Builder( parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } private void maybeForceBuilderInitialization() { if ( .alwaysUseFieldBuilders) { getResourceAttributesFieldBuilder(); getNonResourceAttributesFieldBuilder(); } } @java.lang.Override public Builder clear() { super.clear(); if (resourceAttributesBuilder_ == null) { resourceAttributes_ = null; } else { resourceAttributesBuilder_.clear(); } bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); if (nonResourceAttributesBuilder_ == null) { nonResourceAttributes_ = null; } else { nonResourceAttributesBuilder_.clear(); } bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); user_ = ""; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); group_ =; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); internalGetMutableExtra().clear(); uid_ = ""; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000020); return this; } @java.lang.Override public getDescriptorForType() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectAccessReviewSpec_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec getDefaultInstanceForType() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec.getDefaultInstance(); } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec build() { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { throw newUninitializedMessageException(result); } return result; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec buildPartial() { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec result = new io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; int to_bitField0_ = 0; if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; } if (resourceAttributesBuilder_ == null) { result.resourceAttributes_ = resourceAttributes_; } else { result.resourceAttributes_ =; } if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; } if (nonResourceAttributesBuilder_ == null) { result.nonResourceAttributes_ = nonResourceAttributes_; } else { result.nonResourceAttributes_ =; } if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; } result.user_ = user_; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008)) { group_ = group_.getUnmodifiableView(); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); } result.group_ = group_; result.extra_ = internalGetExtra(); result.extra_.makeImmutable(); if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000020) == 0x00000020)) { to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; } result.uid_ = uid_; result.bitField0_ = to_bitField0_; onBuilt(); return result; } @java.lang.Override public Builder clone() { return (Builder) super.clone(); } @java.lang.Override public Builder setField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.setField(field, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder clearField( field) { return (Builder) super.clearField(field); } @java.lang.Override public Builder clearOneof( oneof) { return (Builder) super.clearOneof(oneof); } @java.lang.Override public Builder setRepeatedField( field, int index, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.setRepeatedField(field, index, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder addRepeatedField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.addRepeatedField(field, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec) { return mergeFrom((io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec)other); } else { super.mergeFrom(other); return this; } } public Builder mergeFrom(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec other) { if (other == io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasResourceAttributes()) { mergeResourceAttributes(other.getResourceAttributes()); } if (other.hasNonResourceAttributes()) { mergeNonResourceAttributes(other.getNonResourceAttributes()); } if (other.hasUser()) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; user_ = other.user_; onChanged(); } if (!other.group_.isEmpty()) { if (group_.isEmpty()) { group_ = other.group_; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); } else { ensureGroupIsMutable(); group_.addAll(other.group_); } onChanged(); } internalGetMutableExtra().mergeFrom( other.internalGetExtra()); if (other.hasUid()) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; uid_ = other.uid_; onChanged(); } this.mergeUnknownFields(other.unknownFields); onChanged(); return this; } @java.lang.Override public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } @java.lang.Override public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec parsedMessage = null; try { parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } catch ( e) { parsedMessage = (io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); throw e.unwrapIOException(); } finally { if (parsedMessage != null) { mergeFrom(parsedMessage); } } return this; } private int bitField0_; private io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes resourceAttributes_ = null; private< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributesOrBuilder> resourceAttributesBuilder_; /** *
       * ResourceAuthorizationAttributes describes information for a resource access request
       * +optional
* * optional resourceAttributes = 1; */ public boolean hasResourceAttributes() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } /** *
       * ResourceAuthorizationAttributes describes information for a resource access request
       * +optional
* * optional resourceAttributes = 1; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes getResourceAttributes() { if (resourceAttributesBuilder_ == null) { return resourceAttributes_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes.getDefaultInstance() : resourceAttributes_; } else { return resourceAttributesBuilder_.getMessage(); } } /** *
       * ResourceAuthorizationAttributes describes information for a resource access request
       * +optional
* * optional resourceAttributes = 1; */ public Builder setResourceAttributes(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes value) { if (resourceAttributesBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } resourceAttributes_ = value; onChanged(); } else { resourceAttributesBuilder_.setMessage(value); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; return this; } /** *
       * ResourceAuthorizationAttributes describes information for a resource access request
       * +optional
* * optional resourceAttributes = 1; */ public Builder setResourceAttributes( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes.Builder builderForValue) { if (resourceAttributesBuilder_ == null) { resourceAttributes_ =; onChanged(); } else { resourceAttributesBuilder_.setMessage(; } bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; return this; } /** *
       * ResourceAuthorizationAttributes describes information for a resource access request
       * +optional
* * optional resourceAttributes = 1; */ public Builder mergeResourceAttributes(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes value) { if (resourceAttributesBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001) && resourceAttributes_ != null && resourceAttributes_ != io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes.getDefaultInstance()) { resourceAttributes_ = io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes.newBuilder(resourceAttributes_).mergeFrom(value).buildPartial(); } else { resourceAttributes_ = value; } onChanged(); } else { resourceAttributesBuilder_.mergeFrom(value); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; return this; } /** *
       * ResourceAuthorizationAttributes describes information for a resource access request
       * +optional
* * optional resourceAttributes = 1; */ public Builder clearResourceAttributes() { if (resourceAttributesBuilder_ == null) { resourceAttributes_ = null; onChanged(); } else { resourceAttributesBuilder_.clear(); } bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); return this; } /** *
       * ResourceAuthorizationAttributes describes information for a resource access request
       * +optional
* * optional resourceAttributes = 1; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes.Builder getResourceAttributesBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; onChanged(); return getResourceAttributesFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } /** *
       * ResourceAuthorizationAttributes describes information for a resource access request
       * +optional
* * optional resourceAttributes = 1; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributesOrBuilder getResourceAttributesOrBuilder() { if (resourceAttributesBuilder_ != null) { return resourceAttributesBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); } else { return resourceAttributes_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes.getDefaultInstance() : resourceAttributes_; } } /** *
       * ResourceAuthorizationAttributes describes information for a resource access request
       * +optional
* * optional resourceAttributes = 1; */ private< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributesOrBuilder> getResourceAttributesFieldBuilder() { if (resourceAttributesBuilder_ == null) { resourceAttributesBuilder_ = new< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributes.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceAttributesOrBuilder>( getResourceAttributes(), getParentForChildren(), isClean()); resourceAttributes_ = null; } return resourceAttributesBuilder_; } private io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes nonResourceAttributes_ = null; private< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributesOrBuilder> nonResourceAttributesBuilder_; /** *
       * NonResourceAttributes describes information for a non-resource access request
       * +optional
* * optional nonResourceAttributes = 2; */ public boolean hasNonResourceAttributes() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } /** *
       * NonResourceAttributes describes information for a non-resource access request
       * +optional
* * optional nonResourceAttributes = 2; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes getNonResourceAttributes() { if (nonResourceAttributesBuilder_ == null) { return nonResourceAttributes_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes.getDefaultInstance() : nonResourceAttributes_; } else { return nonResourceAttributesBuilder_.getMessage(); } } /** *
       * NonResourceAttributes describes information for a non-resource access request
       * +optional
* * optional nonResourceAttributes = 2; */ public Builder setNonResourceAttributes(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes value) { if (nonResourceAttributesBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } nonResourceAttributes_ = value; onChanged(); } else { nonResourceAttributesBuilder_.setMessage(value); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } /** *
       * NonResourceAttributes describes information for a non-resource access request
       * +optional
* * optional nonResourceAttributes = 2; */ public Builder setNonResourceAttributes( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes.Builder builderForValue) { if (nonResourceAttributesBuilder_ == null) { nonResourceAttributes_ =; onChanged(); } else { nonResourceAttributesBuilder_.setMessage(; } bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } /** *
       * NonResourceAttributes describes information for a non-resource access request
       * +optional
* * optional nonResourceAttributes = 2; */ public Builder mergeNonResourceAttributes(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes value) { if (nonResourceAttributesBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002) && nonResourceAttributes_ != null && nonResourceAttributes_ != io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes.getDefaultInstance()) { nonResourceAttributes_ = io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes.newBuilder(nonResourceAttributes_).mergeFrom(value).buildPartial(); } else { nonResourceAttributes_ = value; } onChanged(); } else { nonResourceAttributesBuilder_.mergeFrom(value); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; return this; } /** *
       * NonResourceAttributes describes information for a non-resource access request
       * +optional
* * optional nonResourceAttributes = 2; */ public Builder clearNonResourceAttributes() { if (nonResourceAttributesBuilder_ == null) { nonResourceAttributes_ = null; onChanged(); } else { nonResourceAttributesBuilder_.clear(); } bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); return this; } /** *
       * NonResourceAttributes describes information for a non-resource access request
       * +optional
* * optional nonResourceAttributes = 2; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes.Builder getNonResourceAttributesBuilder() { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; onChanged(); return getNonResourceAttributesFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } /** *
       * NonResourceAttributes describes information for a non-resource access request
       * +optional
* * optional nonResourceAttributes = 2; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributesOrBuilder getNonResourceAttributesOrBuilder() { if (nonResourceAttributesBuilder_ != null) { return nonResourceAttributesBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); } else { return nonResourceAttributes_ == null ? io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes.getDefaultInstance() : nonResourceAttributes_; } } /** *
       * NonResourceAttributes describes information for a non-resource access request
       * +optional
* * optional nonResourceAttributes = 2; */ private< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributesOrBuilder> getNonResourceAttributesFieldBuilder() { if (nonResourceAttributesBuilder_ == null) { nonResourceAttributesBuilder_ = new< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributes.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceAttributesOrBuilder>( getNonResourceAttributes(), getParentForChildren(), isClean()); nonResourceAttributes_ = null; } return nonResourceAttributesBuilder_; } private java.lang.Object user_ = ""; /** *
       * User is the user you're testing for.
       * If you specify "User" but not "Group", then is it interpreted as "What if User were not a member of any groups
       * +optional
* * optional string user = 3; */ public boolean hasUser() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } /** *
       * User is the user you're testing for.
       * If you specify "User" but not "Group", then is it interpreted as "What if User were not a member of any groups
       * +optional
* * optional string user = 3; */ public java.lang.String getUser() { java.lang.Object ref = user_; if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { user_ = s; } return s; } else { return (java.lang.String) ref; } } /** *
       * User is the user you're testing for.
       * If you specify "User" but not "Group", then is it interpreted as "What if User were not a member of any groups
       * +optional
* * optional string user = 3; */ public getUserBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = user_; if (ref instanceof String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); user_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } /** *
       * User is the user you're testing for.
       * If you specify "User" but not "Group", then is it interpreted as "What if User were not a member of any groups
       * +optional
* * optional string user = 3; */ public Builder setUser( java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; user_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * User is the user you're testing for.
       * If you specify "User" but not "Group", then is it interpreted as "What if User were not a member of any groups
       * +optional
* * optional string user = 3; */ public Builder clearUser() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); user_ = getDefaultInstance().getUser(); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * User is the user you're testing for.
       * If you specify "User" but not "Group", then is it interpreted as "What if User were not a member of any groups
       * +optional
* * optional string user = 3; */ public Builder setUserBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; user_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } private group_ =; private void ensureGroupIsMutable() { if (!((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008)) { group_ = new; bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; } } /** *
       * Groups is the groups you're testing for.
       * +optional
* * repeated string group = 4; */ public getGroupList() { return group_.getUnmodifiableView(); } /** *
       * Groups is the groups you're testing for.
       * +optional
* * repeated string group = 4; */ public int getGroupCount() { return group_.size(); } /** *
       * Groups is the groups you're testing for.
       * +optional
* * repeated string group = 4; */ public java.lang.String getGroup(int index) { return group_.get(index); } /** *
       * Groups is the groups you're testing for.
       * +optional
* * repeated string group = 4; */ public getGroupBytes(int index) { return group_.getByteString(index); } /** *
       * Groups is the groups you're testing for.
       * +optional
* * repeated string group = 4; */ public Builder setGroup( int index, java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureGroupIsMutable(); group_.set(index, value); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Groups is the groups you're testing for.
       * +optional
* * repeated string group = 4; */ public Builder addGroup( java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureGroupIsMutable(); group_.add(value); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Groups is the groups you're testing for.
       * +optional
* * repeated string group = 4; */ public Builder addAllGroup( java.lang.Iterable values) { ensureGroupIsMutable(); values, group_); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Groups is the groups you're testing for.
       * +optional
* * repeated string group = 4; */ public Builder clearGroup() { group_ =; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Groups is the groups you're testing for.
       * +optional
* * repeated string group = 4; */ public Builder addGroupBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureGroupIsMutable(); group_.add(value); onChanged(); return this; } private< java.lang.String, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue> extra_; private internalGetExtra() { if (extra_ == null) { return ExtraDefaultEntryHolder.defaultEntry); } return extra_; } private internalGetMutableExtra() { onChanged();; if (extra_ == null) { extra_ = ExtraDefaultEntryHolder.defaultEntry); } if (!extra_.isMutable()) { extra_ = extra_.copy(); } return extra_; } public int getExtraCount() { return internalGetExtra().getMap().size(); } /** *
       * Extra corresponds to the user.Info.GetExtra() method from the authenticator.  Since that is input to the authorizer
       * it needs a reflection here.
       * +optional
* * map<string,> extra = 5; */ public boolean containsExtra( java.lang.String key) { if (key == null) { throw new java.lang.NullPointerException(); } return internalGetExtra().getMap().containsKey(key); } /** * Use {@link #getExtraMap()} instead. */ @java.lang.Deprecated public java.util.Map getExtra() { return getExtraMap(); } /** *
       * Extra corresponds to the user.Info.GetExtra() method from the authenticator.  Since that is input to the authorizer
       * it needs a reflection here.
       * +optional
* * map<string,> extra = 5; */ public java.util.Map getExtraMap() { return internalGetExtra().getMap(); } /** *
       * Extra corresponds to the user.Info.GetExtra() method from the authenticator.  Since that is input to the authorizer
       * it needs a reflection here.
       * +optional
* * map<string,> extra = 5; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue getExtraOrDefault( java.lang.String key, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue defaultValue) { if (key == null) { throw new java.lang.NullPointerException(); } java.util.Map map = internalGetExtra().getMap(); return map.containsKey(key) ? map.get(key) : defaultValue; } /** *
       * Extra corresponds to the user.Info.GetExtra() method from the authenticator.  Since that is input to the authorizer
       * it needs a reflection here.
       * +optional
* * map<string,> extra = 5; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue getExtraOrThrow( java.lang.String key) { if (key == null) { throw new java.lang.NullPointerException(); } java.util.Map map = internalGetExtra().getMap(); if (!map.containsKey(key)) { throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException(); } return map.get(key); } public Builder clearExtra() { internalGetMutableExtra().getMutableMap() .clear(); return this; } /** *
       * Extra corresponds to the user.Info.GetExtra() method from the authenticator.  Since that is input to the authorizer
       * it needs a reflection here.
       * +optional
* * map<string,> extra = 5; */ public Builder removeExtra( java.lang.String key) { if (key == null) { throw new java.lang.NullPointerException(); } internalGetMutableExtra().getMutableMap() .remove(key); return this; } /** * Use alternate mutation accessors instead. */ @java.lang.Deprecated public java.util.Map getMutableExtra() { return internalGetMutableExtra().getMutableMap(); } /** *
       * Extra corresponds to the user.Info.GetExtra() method from the authenticator.  Since that is input to the authorizer
       * it needs a reflection here.
       * +optional
* * map<string,> extra = 5; */ public Builder putExtra( java.lang.String key, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ExtraValue value) { if (key == null) { throw new java.lang.NullPointerException(); } if (value == null) { throw new java.lang.NullPointerException(); } internalGetMutableExtra().getMutableMap() .put(key, value); return this; } /** *
       * Extra corresponds to the user.Info.GetExtra() method from the authenticator.  Since that is input to the authorizer
       * it needs a reflection here.
       * +optional
* * map<string,> extra = 5; */ public Builder putAllExtra( java.util.Map values) { internalGetMutableExtra().getMutableMap() .putAll(values); return this; } private java.lang.Object uid_ = ""; /** *
       * UID information about the requesting user.
       * +optional
* * optional string uid = 6; */ public boolean hasUid() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000020) == 0x00000020); } /** *
       * UID information about the requesting user.
       * +optional
* * optional string uid = 6; */ public java.lang.String getUid() { java.lang.Object ref = uid_; if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { uid_ = s; } return s; } else { return (java.lang.String) ref; } } /** *
       * UID information about the requesting user.
       * +optional
* * optional string uid = 6; */ public getUidBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = uid_; if (ref instanceof String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); uid_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } /** *
       * UID information about the requesting user.
       * +optional
* * optional string uid = 6; */ public Builder setUid( java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; uid_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * UID information about the requesting user.
       * +optional
* * optional string uid = 6; */ public Builder clearUid() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000020); uid_ = getDefaultInstance().getUid(); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * UID information about the requesting user.
       * +optional
* * optional string uid = 6; */ public Builder setUidBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000020; uid_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } @java.lang.Override public final Builder setUnknownFields( final unknownFields) { return super.setUnknownFields(unknownFields); } @java.lang.Override public final Builder mergeUnknownFields( final unknownFields) { return super.mergeUnknownFields(unknownFields); } // @@protoc_insertion_point( } // @@protoc_insertion_point( private static final io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec DEFAULT_INSTANCE; static { DEFAULT_INSTANCE = new io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec(); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec getDefaultInstance() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } @java.lang.Deprecated public static final PARSER = new { @java.lang.Override public SubjectAccessReviewSpec parsePartialFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return new SubjectAccessReviewSpec(input, extensionRegistry); } }; public static parser() { return PARSER; } @java.lang.Override public getParserForType() { return PARSER; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec getDefaultInstanceForType() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } } public interface SubjectAccessReviewStatusOrBuilder extends // @@protoc_insertion_point( { /** *
     * Allowed is required. True if the action would be allowed, false otherwise.
* * optional bool allowed = 1; */ boolean hasAllowed(); /** *
     * Allowed is required. True if the action would be allowed, false otherwise.
* * optional bool allowed = 1; */ boolean getAllowed(); /** *
     * Denied is optional. True if the action would be denied, otherwise
     * false. If both allowed is false and denied is false, then the
     * authorizer has no opinion on whether to authorize the action. Denied
     * may not be true if Allowed is true.
     * +optional
* * optional bool denied = 4; */ boolean hasDenied(); /** *
     * Denied is optional. True if the action would be denied, otherwise
     * false. If both allowed is false and denied is false, then the
     * authorizer has no opinion on whether to authorize the action. Denied
     * may not be true if Allowed is true.
     * +optional
* * optional bool denied = 4; */ boolean getDenied(); /** *
     * Reason is optional.  It indicates why a request was allowed or denied.
     * +optional
* * optional string reason = 2; */ boolean hasReason(); /** *
     * Reason is optional.  It indicates why a request was allowed or denied.
     * +optional
* * optional string reason = 2; */ java.lang.String getReason(); /** *
     * Reason is optional.  It indicates why a request was allowed or denied.
     * +optional
* * optional string reason = 2; */ getReasonBytes(); /** *
     * EvaluationError is an indication that some error occurred during the authorization check.
     * It is entirely possible to get an error and be able to continue determine authorization status in spite of it.
     * For instance, RBAC can be missing a role, but enough roles are still present and bound to reason about the request.
     * +optional
* * optional string evaluationError = 3; */ boolean hasEvaluationError(); /** *
     * EvaluationError is an indication that some error occurred during the authorization check.
     * It is entirely possible to get an error and be able to continue determine authorization status in spite of it.
     * For instance, RBAC can be missing a role, but enough roles are still present and bound to reason about the request.
     * +optional
* * optional string evaluationError = 3; */ java.lang.String getEvaluationError(); /** *
     * EvaluationError is an indication that some error occurred during the authorization check.
     * It is entirely possible to get an error and be able to continue determine authorization status in spite of it.
     * For instance, RBAC can be missing a role, but enough roles are still present and bound to reason about the request.
     * +optional
* * optional string evaluationError = 3; */ getEvaluationErrorBytes(); } /** *
   * SubjectAccessReviewStatus
* * Protobuf type {@code} */ public static final class SubjectAccessReviewStatus extends implements // @@protoc_insertion_point( SubjectAccessReviewStatusOrBuilder { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; // Use SubjectAccessReviewStatus.newBuilder() to construct. private SubjectAccessReviewStatus( builder) { super(builder); } private SubjectAccessReviewStatus() { allowed_ = false; denied_ = false; reason_ = ""; evaluationError_ = ""; } @java.lang.Override public final getUnknownFields() { return this.unknownFields; } private SubjectAccessReviewStatus( input, extensionRegistry) throws { this(); if (extensionRegistry == null) { throw new java.lang.NullPointerException(); } int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; unknownFields =; try { boolean done = false; while (!done) { int tag = input.readTag(); switch (tag) { case 0: done = true; break; case 8: { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; allowed_ = input.readBool(); break; } case 18: { bs = input.readBytes(); bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; reason_ = bs; break; } case 26: { bs = input.readBytes(); bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; evaluationError_ = bs; break; } case 32: { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; denied_ = input.readBool(); break; } default: { if (!parseUnknownField( input, unknownFields, extensionRegistry, tag)) { done = true; } break; } } } } catch ( e) { throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); } catch ( e) { throw new e).setUnfinishedMessage(this); } finally { this.unknownFields =; makeExtensionsImmutable(); } } public static final getDescriptor() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectAccessReviewStatus_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectAccessReviewStatus_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.class, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.Builder.class); } private int bitField0_; public static final int ALLOWED_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private boolean allowed_; /** *
     * Allowed is required. True if the action would be allowed, false otherwise.
* * optional bool allowed = 1; */ public boolean hasAllowed() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } /** *
     * Allowed is required. True if the action would be allowed, false otherwise.
* * optional bool allowed = 1; */ public boolean getAllowed() { return allowed_; } public static final int DENIED_FIELD_NUMBER = 4; private boolean denied_; /** *
     * Denied is optional. True if the action would be denied, otherwise
     * false. If both allowed is false and denied is false, then the
     * authorizer has no opinion on whether to authorize the action. Denied
     * may not be true if Allowed is true.
     * +optional
* * optional bool denied = 4; */ public boolean hasDenied() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } /** *
     * Denied is optional. True if the action would be denied, otherwise
     * false. If both allowed is false and denied is false, then the
     * authorizer has no opinion on whether to authorize the action. Denied
     * may not be true if Allowed is true.
     * +optional
* * optional bool denied = 4; */ public boolean getDenied() { return denied_; } public static final int REASON_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private volatile java.lang.Object reason_; /** *
     * Reason is optional.  It indicates why a request was allowed or denied.
     * +optional
* * optional string reason = 2; */ public boolean hasReason() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } /** *
     * Reason is optional.  It indicates why a request was allowed or denied.
     * +optional
* * optional string reason = 2; */ public java.lang.String getReason() { java.lang.Object ref = reason_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { reason_ = s; } return s; } } /** *
     * Reason is optional.  It indicates why a request was allowed or denied.
     * +optional
* * optional string reason = 2; */ public getReasonBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = reason_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); reason_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } public static final int EVALUATIONERROR_FIELD_NUMBER = 3; private volatile java.lang.Object evaluationError_; /** *
     * EvaluationError is an indication that some error occurred during the authorization check.
     * It is entirely possible to get an error and be able to continue determine authorization status in spite of it.
     * For instance, RBAC can be missing a role, but enough roles are still present and bound to reason about the request.
     * +optional
* * optional string evaluationError = 3; */ public boolean hasEvaluationError() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008); } /** *
     * EvaluationError is an indication that some error occurred during the authorization check.
     * It is entirely possible to get an error and be able to continue determine authorization status in spite of it.
     * For instance, RBAC can be missing a role, but enough roles are still present and bound to reason about the request.
     * +optional
* * optional string evaluationError = 3; */ public java.lang.String getEvaluationError() { java.lang.Object ref = evaluationError_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { evaluationError_ = s; } return s; } } /** *
     * EvaluationError is an indication that some error occurred during the authorization check.
     * It is entirely possible to get an error and be able to continue determine authorization status in spite of it.
     * For instance, RBAC can be missing a role, but enough roles are still present and bound to reason about the request.
     * +optional
* * optional string evaluationError = 3; */ public getEvaluationErrorBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = evaluationError_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); evaluationError_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } private byte memoizedIsInitialized = -1; @java.lang.Override public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized == 1) return true; if (isInitialized == 0) return false; memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } @java.lang.Override public void writeTo( output) throws { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { output.writeBool(1, allowed_); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) {, 2, reason_); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008)) {, 3, evaluationError_); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { output.writeBool(4, denied_); } unknownFields.writeTo(output); } @java.lang.Override public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSize; if (size != -1) return size; size = 0; if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += .computeBoolSize(1, allowed_); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { size +=, reason_); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008)) { size +=, evaluationError_); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { size += .computeBoolSize(4, denied_); } size += unknownFields.getSerializedSize(); memoizedSize = size; return size; } @java.lang.Override public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus)) { return super.equals(obj); } io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus other = (io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus) obj; boolean result = true; result = result && (hasAllowed() == other.hasAllowed()); if (hasAllowed()) { result = result && (getAllowed() == other.getAllowed()); } result = result && (hasDenied() == other.hasDenied()); if (hasDenied()) { result = result && (getDenied() == other.getDenied()); } result = result && (hasReason() == other.hasReason()); if (hasReason()) { result = result && getReason() .equals(other.getReason()); } result = result && (hasEvaluationError() == other.hasEvaluationError()); if (hasEvaluationError()) { result = result && getEvaluationError() .equals(other.getEvaluationError()); } result = result && unknownFields.equals(other.unknownFields); return result; } @java.lang.Override public int hashCode() { if (memoizedHashCode != 0) { return memoizedHashCode; } int hash = 41; hash = (19 * hash) + getDescriptor().hashCode(); if (hasAllowed()) { hash = (37 * hash) + ALLOWED_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getAllowed()); } if (hasDenied()) { hash = (37 * hash) + DENIED_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getDenied()); } if (hasReason()) { hash = (37 * hash) + REASON_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getReason().hashCode(); } if (hasEvaluationError()) { hash = (37 * hash) + EVALUATIONERROR_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getEvaluationError().hashCode(); } hash = (29 * hash) + unknownFields.hashCode(); memoizedHashCode = hash; return hash; } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus parseFrom( java.nio.ByteBuffer data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus parseFrom( java.nio.ByteBuffer data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus parseFrom( data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus parseFrom( input) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { return .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus parseFrom( input) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } @java.lang.Override public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus prototype) { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } @java.lang.Override public Builder toBuilder() { return this == DEFAULT_INSTANCE ? new Builder() : new Builder().mergeFrom(this); } @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } /** *
     * SubjectAccessReviewStatus
* * Protobuf type {@code} */ public static final class Builder extends implements // @@protoc_insertion_point( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatusOrBuilder { public static final getDescriptor() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectAccessReviewStatus_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectAccessReviewStatus_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.class, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.Builder.class); } // Construct using io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } private Builder( parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } private void maybeForceBuilderInitialization() { if ( .alwaysUseFieldBuilders) { } } @java.lang.Override public Builder clear() { super.clear(); allowed_ = false; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); denied_ = false; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); reason_ = ""; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); evaluationError_ = ""; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); return this; } @java.lang.Override public getDescriptorForType() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectAccessReviewStatus_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus getDefaultInstanceForType() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.getDefaultInstance(); } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus build() { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { throw newUninitializedMessageException(result); } return result; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus buildPartial() { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus result = new io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; int to_bitField0_ = 0; if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; } result.allowed_ = allowed_; if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; } result.denied_ = denied_; if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; } result.reason_ = reason_; if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008)) { to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; } result.evaluationError_ = evaluationError_; result.bitField0_ = to_bitField0_; onBuilt(); return result; } @java.lang.Override public Builder clone() { return (Builder) super.clone(); } @java.lang.Override public Builder setField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.setField(field, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder clearField( field) { return (Builder) super.clearField(field); } @java.lang.Override public Builder clearOneof( oneof) { return (Builder) super.clearOneof(oneof); } @java.lang.Override public Builder setRepeatedField( field, int index, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.setRepeatedField(field, index, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder addRepeatedField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.addRepeatedField(field, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus) { return mergeFrom((io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus)other); } else { super.mergeFrom(other); return this; } } public Builder mergeFrom(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus other) { if (other == io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (other.hasAllowed()) { setAllowed(other.getAllowed()); } if (other.hasDenied()) { setDenied(other.getDenied()); } if (other.hasReason()) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; reason_ = other.reason_; onChanged(); } if (other.hasEvaluationError()) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; evaluationError_ = other.evaluationError_; onChanged(); } this.mergeUnknownFields(other.unknownFields); onChanged(); return this; } @java.lang.Override public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } @java.lang.Override public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus parsedMessage = null; try { parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } catch ( e) { parsedMessage = (io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); throw e.unwrapIOException(); } finally { if (parsedMessage != null) { mergeFrom(parsedMessage); } } return this; } private int bitField0_; private boolean allowed_ ; /** *
       * Allowed is required. True if the action would be allowed, false otherwise.
* * optional bool allowed = 1; */ public boolean hasAllowed() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } /** *
       * Allowed is required. True if the action would be allowed, false otherwise.
* * optional bool allowed = 1; */ public boolean getAllowed() { return allowed_; } /** *
       * Allowed is required. True if the action would be allowed, false otherwise.
* * optional bool allowed = 1; */ public Builder setAllowed(boolean value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; allowed_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Allowed is required. True if the action would be allowed, false otherwise.
* * optional bool allowed = 1; */ public Builder clearAllowed() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); allowed_ = false; onChanged(); return this; } private boolean denied_ ; /** *
       * Denied is optional. True if the action would be denied, otherwise
       * false. If both allowed is false and denied is false, then the
       * authorizer has no opinion on whether to authorize the action. Denied
       * may not be true if Allowed is true.
       * +optional
* * optional bool denied = 4; */ public boolean hasDenied() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } /** *
       * Denied is optional. True if the action would be denied, otherwise
       * false. If both allowed is false and denied is false, then the
       * authorizer has no opinion on whether to authorize the action. Denied
       * may not be true if Allowed is true.
       * +optional
* * optional bool denied = 4; */ public boolean getDenied() { return denied_; } /** *
       * Denied is optional. True if the action would be denied, otherwise
       * false. If both allowed is false and denied is false, then the
       * authorizer has no opinion on whether to authorize the action. Denied
       * may not be true if Allowed is true.
       * +optional
* * optional bool denied = 4; */ public Builder setDenied(boolean value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; denied_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Denied is optional. True if the action would be denied, otherwise
       * false. If both allowed is false and denied is false, then the
       * authorizer has no opinion on whether to authorize the action. Denied
       * may not be true if Allowed is true.
       * +optional
* * optional bool denied = 4; */ public Builder clearDenied() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); denied_ = false; onChanged(); return this; } private java.lang.Object reason_ = ""; /** *
       * Reason is optional.  It indicates why a request was allowed or denied.
       * +optional
* * optional string reason = 2; */ public boolean hasReason() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } /** *
       * Reason is optional.  It indicates why a request was allowed or denied.
       * +optional
* * optional string reason = 2; */ public java.lang.String getReason() { java.lang.Object ref = reason_; if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { reason_ = s; } return s; } else { return (java.lang.String) ref; } } /** *
       * Reason is optional.  It indicates why a request was allowed or denied.
       * +optional
* * optional string reason = 2; */ public getReasonBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = reason_; if (ref instanceof String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); reason_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } /** *
       * Reason is optional.  It indicates why a request was allowed or denied.
       * +optional
* * optional string reason = 2; */ public Builder setReason( java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; reason_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Reason is optional.  It indicates why a request was allowed or denied.
       * +optional
* * optional string reason = 2; */ public Builder clearReason() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); reason_ = getDefaultInstance().getReason(); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Reason is optional.  It indicates why a request was allowed or denied.
       * +optional
* * optional string reason = 2; */ public Builder setReasonBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; reason_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } private java.lang.Object evaluationError_ = ""; /** *
       * EvaluationError is an indication that some error occurred during the authorization check.
       * It is entirely possible to get an error and be able to continue determine authorization status in spite of it.
       * For instance, RBAC can be missing a role, but enough roles are still present and bound to reason about the request.
       * +optional
* * optional string evaluationError = 3; */ public boolean hasEvaluationError() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008); } /** *
       * EvaluationError is an indication that some error occurred during the authorization check.
       * It is entirely possible to get an error and be able to continue determine authorization status in spite of it.
       * For instance, RBAC can be missing a role, but enough roles are still present and bound to reason about the request.
       * +optional
* * optional string evaluationError = 3; */ public java.lang.String getEvaluationError() { java.lang.Object ref = evaluationError_; if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { evaluationError_ = s; } return s; } else { return (java.lang.String) ref; } } /** *
       * EvaluationError is an indication that some error occurred during the authorization check.
       * It is entirely possible to get an error and be able to continue determine authorization status in spite of it.
       * For instance, RBAC can be missing a role, but enough roles are still present and bound to reason about the request.
       * +optional
* * optional string evaluationError = 3; */ public getEvaluationErrorBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = evaluationError_; if (ref instanceof String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); evaluationError_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } /** *
       * EvaluationError is an indication that some error occurred during the authorization check.
       * It is entirely possible to get an error and be able to continue determine authorization status in spite of it.
       * For instance, RBAC can be missing a role, but enough roles are still present and bound to reason about the request.
       * +optional
* * optional string evaluationError = 3; */ public Builder setEvaluationError( java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; evaluationError_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * EvaluationError is an indication that some error occurred during the authorization check.
       * It is entirely possible to get an error and be able to continue determine authorization status in spite of it.
       * For instance, RBAC can be missing a role, but enough roles are still present and bound to reason about the request.
       * +optional
* * optional string evaluationError = 3; */ public Builder clearEvaluationError() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); evaluationError_ = getDefaultInstance().getEvaluationError(); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * EvaluationError is an indication that some error occurred during the authorization check.
       * It is entirely possible to get an error and be able to continue determine authorization status in spite of it.
       * For instance, RBAC can be missing a role, but enough roles are still present and bound to reason about the request.
       * +optional
* * optional string evaluationError = 3; */ public Builder setEvaluationErrorBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; evaluationError_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } @java.lang.Override public final Builder setUnknownFields( final unknownFields) { return super.setUnknownFields(unknownFields); } @java.lang.Override public final Builder mergeUnknownFields( final unknownFields) { return super.mergeUnknownFields(unknownFields); } // @@protoc_insertion_point( } // @@protoc_insertion_point( private static final io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus DEFAULT_INSTANCE; static { DEFAULT_INSTANCE = new io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus(); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus getDefaultInstance() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } @java.lang.Deprecated public static final PARSER = new { @java.lang.Override public SubjectAccessReviewStatus parsePartialFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return new SubjectAccessReviewStatus(input, extensionRegistry); } }; public static parser() { return PARSER; } @java.lang.Override public getParserForType() { return PARSER; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus getDefaultInstanceForType() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } } public interface SubjectRulesReviewStatusOrBuilder extends // @@protoc_insertion_point( { /** *
     * ResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on resources.
     * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated resourceRules = 1; */ java.util.List getResourceRulesList(); /** *
     * ResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on resources.
     * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated resourceRules = 1; */ io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule getResourceRules(int index); /** *
     * ResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on resources.
     * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated resourceRules = 1; */ int getResourceRulesCount(); /** *
     * ResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on resources.
     * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated resourceRules = 1; */ java.util.List getResourceRulesOrBuilderList(); /** *
     * ResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on resources.
     * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated resourceRules = 1; */ io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRuleOrBuilder getResourceRulesOrBuilder( int index); /** *
     * NonResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on non-resources.
     * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated nonResourceRules = 2; */ java.util.List getNonResourceRulesList(); /** *
     * NonResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on non-resources.
     * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated nonResourceRules = 2; */ io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule getNonResourceRules(int index); /** *
     * NonResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on non-resources.
     * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated nonResourceRules = 2; */ int getNonResourceRulesCount(); /** *
     * NonResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on non-resources.
     * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated nonResourceRules = 2; */ java.util.List getNonResourceRulesOrBuilderList(); /** *
     * NonResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on non-resources.
     * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated nonResourceRules = 2; */ io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRuleOrBuilder getNonResourceRulesOrBuilder( int index); /** *
     * Incomplete is true when the rules returned by this call are incomplete. This is most commonly
     * encountered when an authorizer, such as an external authorizer, doesn't support rules evaluation.
* * optional bool incomplete = 3; */ boolean hasIncomplete(); /** *
     * Incomplete is true when the rules returned by this call are incomplete. This is most commonly
     * encountered when an authorizer, such as an external authorizer, doesn't support rules evaluation.
* * optional bool incomplete = 3; */ boolean getIncomplete(); /** *
     * EvaluationError can appear in combination with Rules. It indicates an error occurred during
     * rule evaluation, such as an authorizer that doesn't support rule evaluation, and that
     * ResourceRules and/or NonResourceRules may be incomplete.
     * +optional
* * optional string evaluationError = 4; */ boolean hasEvaluationError(); /** *
     * EvaluationError can appear in combination with Rules. It indicates an error occurred during
     * rule evaluation, such as an authorizer that doesn't support rule evaluation, and that
     * ResourceRules and/or NonResourceRules may be incomplete.
     * +optional
* * optional string evaluationError = 4; */ java.lang.String getEvaluationError(); /** *
     * EvaluationError can appear in combination with Rules. It indicates an error occurred during
     * rule evaluation, such as an authorizer that doesn't support rule evaluation, and that
     * ResourceRules and/or NonResourceRules may be incomplete.
     * +optional
* * optional string evaluationError = 4; */ getEvaluationErrorBytes(); } /** *
   * SubjectRulesReviewStatus contains the result of a rules check. This check can be incomplete depending on
   * the set of authorizers the server is configured with and any errors experienced during evaluation.
   * Because authorization rules are additive, if a rule appears in a list it's safe to assume the subject has that permission,
   * even if that list is incomplete.
* * Protobuf type {@code} */ public static final class SubjectRulesReviewStatus extends implements // @@protoc_insertion_point( SubjectRulesReviewStatusOrBuilder { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; // Use SubjectRulesReviewStatus.newBuilder() to construct. private SubjectRulesReviewStatus( builder) { super(builder); } private SubjectRulesReviewStatus() { resourceRules_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); nonResourceRules_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); incomplete_ = false; evaluationError_ = ""; } @java.lang.Override public final getUnknownFields() { return this.unknownFields; } private SubjectRulesReviewStatus( input, extensionRegistry) throws { this(); if (extensionRegistry == null) { throw new java.lang.NullPointerException(); } int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; unknownFields =; try { boolean done = false; while (!done) { int tag = input.readTag(); switch (tag) { case 0: done = true; break; case 10: { if (!((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { resourceRules_ = new java.util.ArrayList(); mutable_bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; } resourceRules_.add( input.readMessage(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule.PARSER, extensionRegistry)); break; } case 18: { if (!((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { nonResourceRules_ = new java.util.ArrayList(); mutable_bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; } nonResourceRules_.add( input.readMessage(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule.PARSER, extensionRegistry)); break; } case 24: { bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; incomplete_ = input.readBool(); break; } case 34: { bs = input.readBytes(); bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; evaluationError_ = bs; break; } default: { if (!parseUnknownField( input, unknownFields, extensionRegistry, tag)) { done = true; } break; } } } } catch ( e) { throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); } catch ( e) { throw new e).setUnfinishedMessage(this); } finally { if (((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { resourceRules_ = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(resourceRules_); } if (((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { nonResourceRules_ = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(nonResourceRules_); } this.unknownFields =; makeExtensionsImmutable(); } } public static final getDescriptor() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectRulesReviewStatus_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectRulesReviewStatus_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus.class, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus.Builder.class); } private int bitField0_; public static final int RESOURCERULES_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private java.util.List resourceRules_; /** *
     * ResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on resources.
     * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated resourceRules = 1; */ public java.util.List getResourceRulesList() { return resourceRules_; } /** *
     * ResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on resources.
     * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated resourceRules = 1; */ public java.util.List getResourceRulesOrBuilderList() { return resourceRules_; } /** *
     * ResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on resources.
     * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated resourceRules = 1; */ public int getResourceRulesCount() { return resourceRules_.size(); } /** *
     * ResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on resources.
     * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated resourceRules = 1; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule getResourceRules(int index) { return resourceRules_.get(index); } /** *
     * ResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on resources.
     * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated resourceRules = 1; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRuleOrBuilder getResourceRulesOrBuilder( int index) { return resourceRules_.get(index); } public static final int NONRESOURCERULES_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private java.util.List nonResourceRules_; /** *
     * NonResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on non-resources.
     * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated nonResourceRules = 2; */ public java.util.List getNonResourceRulesList() { return nonResourceRules_; } /** *
     * NonResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on non-resources.
     * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated nonResourceRules = 2; */ public java.util.List getNonResourceRulesOrBuilderList() { return nonResourceRules_; } /** *
     * NonResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on non-resources.
     * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated nonResourceRules = 2; */ public int getNonResourceRulesCount() { return nonResourceRules_.size(); } /** *
     * NonResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on non-resources.
     * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated nonResourceRules = 2; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule getNonResourceRules(int index) { return nonResourceRules_.get(index); } /** *
     * NonResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on non-resources.
     * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated nonResourceRules = 2; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRuleOrBuilder getNonResourceRulesOrBuilder( int index) { return nonResourceRules_.get(index); } public static final int INCOMPLETE_FIELD_NUMBER = 3; private boolean incomplete_; /** *
     * Incomplete is true when the rules returned by this call are incomplete. This is most commonly
     * encountered when an authorizer, such as an external authorizer, doesn't support rules evaluation.
* * optional bool incomplete = 3; */ public boolean hasIncomplete() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); } /** *
     * Incomplete is true when the rules returned by this call are incomplete. This is most commonly
     * encountered when an authorizer, such as an external authorizer, doesn't support rules evaluation.
* * optional bool incomplete = 3; */ public boolean getIncomplete() { return incomplete_; } public static final int EVALUATIONERROR_FIELD_NUMBER = 4; private volatile java.lang.Object evaluationError_; /** *
     * EvaluationError can appear in combination with Rules. It indicates an error occurred during
     * rule evaluation, such as an authorizer that doesn't support rule evaluation, and that
     * ResourceRules and/or NonResourceRules may be incomplete.
     * +optional
* * optional string evaluationError = 4; */ public boolean hasEvaluationError() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); } /** *
     * EvaluationError can appear in combination with Rules. It indicates an error occurred during
     * rule evaluation, such as an authorizer that doesn't support rule evaluation, and that
     * ResourceRules and/or NonResourceRules may be incomplete.
     * +optional
* * optional string evaluationError = 4; */ public java.lang.String getEvaluationError() { java.lang.Object ref = evaluationError_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { evaluationError_ = s; } return s; } } /** *
     * EvaluationError can appear in combination with Rules. It indicates an error occurred during
     * rule evaluation, such as an authorizer that doesn't support rule evaluation, and that
     * ResourceRules and/or NonResourceRules may be incomplete.
     * +optional
* * optional string evaluationError = 4; */ public getEvaluationErrorBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = evaluationError_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); evaluationError_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } private byte memoizedIsInitialized = -1; @java.lang.Override public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized == 1) return true; if (isInitialized == 0) return false; memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } @java.lang.Override public void writeTo( output) throws { for (int i = 0; i < resourceRules_.size(); i++) { output.writeMessage(1, resourceRules_.get(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < nonResourceRules_.size(); i++) { output.writeMessage(2, nonResourceRules_.get(i)); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { output.writeBool(3, incomplete_); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) {, 4, evaluationError_); } unknownFields.writeTo(output); } @java.lang.Override public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSize; if (size != -1) return size; size = 0; for (int i = 0; i < resourceRules_.size(); i++) { size += .computeMessageSize(1, resourceRules_.get(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < nonResourceRules_.size(); i++) { size += .computeMessageSize(2, nonResourceRules_.get(i)); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { size += .computeBoolSize(3, incomplete_); } if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { size +=, evaluationError_); } size += unknownFields.getSerializedSize(); memoizedSize = size; return size; } @java.lang.Override public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus)) { return super.equals(obj); } io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus other = (io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus) obj; boolean result = true; result = result && getResourceRulesList() .equals(other.getResourceRulesList()); result = result && getNonResourceRulesList() .equals(other.getNonResourceRulesList()); result = result && (hasIncomplete() == other.hasIncomplete()); if (hasIncomplete()) { result = result && (getIncomplete() == other.getIncomplete()); } result = result && (hasEvaluationError() == other.hasEvaluationError()); if (hasEvaluationError()) { result = result && getEvaluationError() .equals(other.getEvaluationError()); } result = result && unknownFields.equals(other.unknownFields); return result; } @java.lang.Override public int hashCode() { if (memoizedHashCode != 0) { return memoizedHashCode; } int hash = 41; hash = (19 * hash) + getDescriptor().hashCode(); if (getResourceRulesCount() > 0) { hash = (37 * hash) + RESOURCERULES_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getResourceRulesList().hashCode(); } if (getNonResourceRulesCount() > 0) { hash = (37 * hash) + NONRESOURCERULES_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getNonResourceRulesList().hashCode(); } if (hasIncomplete()) { hash = (37 * hash) + INCOMPLETE_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getIncomplete()); } if (hasEvaluationError()) { hash = (37 * hash) + EVALUATIONERROR_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getEvaluationError().hashCode(); } hash = (29 * hash) + unknownFields.hashCode(); memoizedHashCode = hash; return hash; } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus parseFrom( java.nio.ByteBuffer data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus parseFrom( java.nio.ByteBuffer data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus parseFrom( data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus parseFrom( input) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { return .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus parseFrom( input) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } @java.lang.Override public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus prototype) { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } @java.lang.Override public Builder toBuilder() { return this == DEFAULT_INSTANCE ? new Builder() : new Builder().mergeFrom(this); } @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } /** *
     * SubjectRulesReviewStatus contains the result of a rules check. This check can be incomplete depending on
     * the set of authorizers the server is configured with and any errors experienced during evaluation.
     * Because authorization rules are additive, if a rule appears in a list it's safe to assume the subject has that permission,
     * even if that list is incomplete.
* * Protobuf type {@code} */ public static final class Builder extends implements // @@protoc_insertion_point( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatusOrBuilder { public static final getDescriptor() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectRulesReviewStatus_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectRulesReviewStatus_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus.class, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus.Builder.class); } // Construct using io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } private Builder( parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } private void maybeForceBuilderInitialization() { if ( .alwaysUseFieldBuilders) { getResourceRulesFieldBuilder(); getNonResourceRulesFieldBuilder(); } } @java.lang.Override public Builder clear() { super.clear(); if (resourceRulesBuilder_ == null) { resourceRules_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); } else { resourceRulesBuilder_.clear(); } if (nonResourceRulesBuilder_ == null) { nonResourceRules_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); } else { nonResourceRulesBuilder_.clear(); } incomplete_ = false; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); evaluationError_ = ""; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); return this; } @java.lang.Override public getDescriptorForType() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectRulesReviewStatus_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus getDefaultInstanceForType() { return io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus.getDefaultInstance(); } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus build() { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { throw newUninitializedMessageException(result); } return result; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus buildPartial() { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus result = new io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; int to_bitField0_ = 0; if (resourceRulesBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { resourceRules_ = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(resourceRules_); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); } result.resourceRules_ = resourceRules_; } else { result.resourceRules_ =; } if (nonResourceRulesBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { nonResourceRules_ = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(nonResourceRules_); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); } result.nonResourceRules_ = nonResourceRules_; } else { result.nonResourceRules_ =; } if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004)) { to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; } result.incomplete_ = incomplete_; if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008)) { to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; } result.evaluationError_ = evaluationError_; result.bitField0_ = to_bitField0_; onBuilt(); return result; } @java.lang.Override public Builder clone() { return (Builder) super.clone(); } @java.lang.Override public Builder setField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.setField(field, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder clearField( field) { return (Builder) super.clearField(field); } @java.lang.Override public Builder clearOneof( oneof) { return (Builder) super.clearOneof(oneof); } @java.lang.Override public Builder setRepeatedField( field, int index, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.setRepeatedField(field, index, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder addRepeatedField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return (Builder) super.addRepeatedField(field, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus) { return mergeFrom((io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus)other); } else { super.mergeFrom(other); return this; } } public Builder mergeFrom(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus other) { if (other == io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (resourceRulesBuilder_ == null) { if (!other.resourceRules_.isEmpty()) { if (resourceRules_.isEmpty()) { resourceRules_ = other.resourceRules_; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); } else { ensureResourceRulesIsMutable(); resourceRules_.addAll(other.resourceRules_); } onChanged(); } } else { if (!other.resourceRules_.isEmpty()) { if (resourceRulesBuilder_.isEmpty()) { resourceRulesBuilder_.dispose(); resourceRulesBuilder_ = null; resourceRules_ = other.resourceRules_; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); resourceRulesBuilder_ = ? getResourceRulesFieldBuilder() : null; } else { resourceRulesBuilder_.addAllMessages(other.resourceRules_); } } } if (nonResourceRulesBuilder_ == null) { if (!other.nonResourceRules_.isEmpty()) { if (nonResourceRules_.isEmpty()) { nonResourceRules_ = other.nonResourceRules_; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); } else { ensureNonResourceRulesIsMutable(); nonResourceRules_.addAll(other.nonResourceRules_); } onChanged(); } } else { if (!other.nonResourceRules_.isEmpty()) { if (nonResourceRulesBuilder_.isEmpty()) { nonResourceRulesBuilder_.dispose(); nonResourceRulesBuilder_ = null; nonResourceRules_ = other.nonResourceRules_; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); nonResourceRulesBuilder_ = ? getNonResourceRulesFieldBuilder() : null; } else { nonResourceRulesBuilder_.addAllMessages(other.nonResourceRules_); } } } if (other.hasIncomplete()) { setIncomplete(other.getIncomplete()); } if (other.hasEvaluationError()) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; evaluationError_ = other.evaluationError_; onChanged(); } this.mergeUnknownFields(other.unknownFields); onChanged(); return this; } @java.lang.Override public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } @java.lang.Override public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus parsedMessage = null; try { parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } catch ( e) { parsedMessage = (io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); throw e.unwrapIOException(); } finally { if (parsedMessage != null) { mergeFrom(parsedMessage); } } return this; } private int bitField0_; private java.util.List resourceRules_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); private void ensureResourceRulesIsMutable() { if (!((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) { resourceRules_ = new java.util.ArrayList(resourceRules_); bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; } } private< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRuleOrBuilder> resourceRulesBuilder_; /** *
       * ResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on resources.
       * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated resourceRules = 1; */ public java.util.List getResourceRulesList() { if (resourceRulesBuilder_ == null) { return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(resourceRules_); } else { return resourceRulesBuilder_.getMessageList(); } } /** *
       * ResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on resources.
       * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated resourceRules = 1; */ public int getResourceRulesCount() { if (resourceRulesBuilder_ == null) { return resourceRules_.size(); } else { return resourceRulesBuilder_.getCount(); } } /** *
       * ResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on resources.
       * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated resourceRules = 1; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule getResourceRules(int index) { if (resourceRulesBuilder_ == null) { return resourceRules_.get(index); } else { return resourceRulesBuilder_.getMessage(index); } } /** *
       * ResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on resources.
       * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated resourceRules = 1; */ public Builder setResourceRules( int index, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule value) { if (resourceRulesBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureResourceRulesIsMutable(); resourceRules_.set(index, value); onChanged(); } else { resourceRulesBuilder_.setMessage(index, value); } return this; } /** *
       * ResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on resources.
       * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated resourceRules = 1; */ public Builder setResourceRules( int index, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule.Builder builderForValue) { if (resourceRulesBuilder_ == null) { ensureResourceRulesIsMutable(); resourceRules_.set(index,; onChanged(); } else { resourceRulesBuilder_.setMessage(index,; } return this; } /** *
       * ResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on resources.
       * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated resourceRules = 1; */ public Builder addResourceRules(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule value) { if (resourceRulesBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureResourceRulesIsMutable(); resourceRules_.add(value); onChanged(); } else { resourceRulesBuilder_.addMessage(value); } return this; } /** *
       * ResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on resources.
       * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated resourceRules = 1; */ public Builder addResourceRules( int index, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule value) { if (resourceRulesBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureResourceRulesIsMutable(); resourceRules_.add(index, value); onChanged(); } else { resourceRulesBuilder_.addMessage(index, value); } return this; } /** *
       * ResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on resources.
       * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated resourceRules = 1; */ public Builder addResourceRules( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule.Builder builderForValue) { if (resourceRulesBuilder_ == null) { ensureResourceRulesIsMutable(); resourceRules_.add(; onChanged(); } else { resourceRulesBuilder_.addMessage(; } return this; } /** *
       * ResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on resources.
       * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated resourceRules = 1; */ public Builder addResourceRules( int index, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule.Builder builderForValue) { if (resourceRulesBuilder_ == null) { ensureResourceRulesIsMutable(); resourceRules_.add(index,; onChanged(); } else { resourceRulesBuilder_.addMessage(index,; } return this; } /** *
       * ResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on resources.
       * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated resourceRules = 1; */ public Builder addAllResourceRules( java.lang.Iterable values) { if (resourceRulesBuilder_ == null) { ensureResourceRulesIsMutable(); values, resourceRules_); onChanged(); } else { resourceRulesBuilder_.addAllMessages(values); } return this; } /** *
       * ResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on resources.
       * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated resourceRules = 1; */ public Builder clearResourceRules() { if (resourceRulesBuilder_ == null) { resourceRules_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); onChanged(); } else { resourceRulesBuilder_.clear(); } return this; } /** *
       * ResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on resources.
       * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated resourceRules = 1; */ public Builder removeResourceRules(int index) { if (resourceRulesBuilder_ == null) { ensureResourceRulesIsMutable(); resourceRules_.remove(index); onChanged(); } else { resourceRulesBuilder_.remove(index); } return this; } /** *
       * ResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on resources.
       * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated resourceRules = 1; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule.Builder getResourceRulesBuilder( int index) { return getResourceRulesFieldBuilder().getBuilder(index); } /** *
       * ResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on resources.
       * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated resourceRules = 1; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRuleOrBuilder getResourceRulesOrBuilder( int index) { if (resourceRulesBuilder_ == null) { return resourceRules_.get(index); } else { return resourceRulesBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(index); } } /** *
       * ResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on resources.
       * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated resourceRules = 1; */ public java.util.List getResourceRulesOrBuilderList() { if (resourceRulesBuilder_ != null) { return resourceRulesBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilderList(); } else { return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(resourceRules_); } } /** *
       * ResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on resources.
       * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated resourceRules = 1; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule.Builder addResourceRulesBuilder() { return getResourceRulesFieldBuilder().addBuilder( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule.getDefaultInstance()); } /** *
       * ResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on resources.
       * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated resourceRules = 1; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule.Builder addResourceRulesBuilder( int index) { return getResourceRulesFieldBuilder().addBuilder( index, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule.getDefaultInstance()); } /** *
       * ResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on resources.
       * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated resourceRules = 1; */ public java.util.List getResourceRulesBuilderList() { return getResourceRulesFieldBuilder().getBuilderList(); } private< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRuleOrBuilder> getResourceRulesFieldBuilder() { if (resourceRulesBuilder_ == null) { resourceRulesBuilder_ = new< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRule.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.ResourceRuleOrBuilder>( resourceRules_, ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001), getParentForChildren(), isClean()); resourceRules_ = null; } return resourceRulesBuilder_; } private java.util.List nonResourceRules_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); private void ensureNonResourceRulesIsMutable() { if (!((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) { nonResourceRules_ = new java.util.ArrayList(nonResourceRules_); bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; } } private< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRuleOrBuilder> nonResourceRulesBuilder_; /** *
       * NonResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on non-resources.
       * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated nonResourceRules = 2; */ public java.util.List getNonResourceRulesList() { if (nonResourceRulesBuilder_ == null) { return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(nonResourceRules_); } else { return nonResourceRulesBuilder_.getMessageList(); } } /** *
       * NonResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on non-resources.
       * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated nonResourceRules = 2; */ public int getNonResourceRulesCount() { if (nonResourceRulesBuilder_ == null) { return nonResourceRules_.size(); } else { return nonResourceRulesBuilder_.getCount(); } } /** *
       * NonResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on non-resources.
       * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated nonResourceRules = 2; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule getNonResourceRules(int index) { if (nonResourceRulesBuilder_ == null) { return nonResourceRules_.get(index); } else { return nonResourceRulesBuilder_.getMessage(index); } } /** *
       * NonResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on non-resources.
       * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated nonResourceRules = 2; */ public Builder setNonResourceRules( int index, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule value) { if (nonResourceRulesBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureNonResourceRulesIsMutable(); nonResourceRules_.set(index, value); onChanged(); } else { nonResourceRulesBuilder_.setMessage(index, value); } return this; } /** *
       * NonResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on non-resources.
       * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated nonResourceRules = 2; */ public Builder setNonResourceRules( int index, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule.Builder builderForValue) { if (nonResourceRulesBuilder_ == null) { ensureNonResourceRulesIsMutable(); nonResourceRules_.set(index,; onChanged(); } else { nonResourceRulesBuilder_.setMessage(index,; } return this; } /** *
       * NonResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on non-resources.
       * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated nonResourceRules = 2; */ public Builder addNonResourceRules(io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule value) { if (nonResourceRulesBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureNonResourceRulesIsMutable(); nonResourceRules_.add(value); onChanged(); } else { nonResourceRulesBuilder_.addMessage(value); } return this; } /** *
       * NonResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on non-resources.
       * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated nonResourceRules = 2; */ public Builder addNonResourceRules( int index, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule value) { if (nonResourceRulesBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureNonResourceRulesIsMutable(); nonResourceRules_.add(index, value); onChanged(); } else { nonResourceRulesBuilder_.addMessage(index, value); } return this; } /** *
       * NonResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on non-resources.
       * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated nonResourceRules = 2; */ public Builder addNonResourceRules( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule.Builder builderForValue) { if (nonResourceRulesBuilder_ == null) { ensureNonResourceRulesIsMutable(); nonResourceRules_.add(; onChanged(); } else { nonResourceRulesBuilder_.addMessage(; } return this; } /** *
       * NonResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on non-resources.
       * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated nonResourceRules = 2; */ public Builder addNonResourceRules( int index, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule.Builder builderForValue) { if (nonResourceRulesBuilder_ == null) { ensureNonResourceRulesIsMutable(); nonResourceRules_.add(index,; onChanged(); } else { nonResourceRulesBuilder_.addMessage(index,; } return this; } /** *
       * NonResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on non-resources.
       * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated nonResourceRules = 2; */ public Builder addAllNonResourceRules( java.lang.Iterable values) { if (nonResourceRulesBuilder_ == null) { ensureNonResourceRulesIsMutable(); values, nonResourceRules_); onChanged(); } else { nonResourceRulesBuilder_.addAllMessages(values); } return this; } /** *
       * NonResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on non-resources.
       * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated nonResourceRules = 2; */ public Builder clearNonResourceRules() { if (nonResourceRulesBuilder_ == null) { nonResourceRules_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); onChanged(); } else { nonResourceRulesBuilder_.clear(); } return this; } /** *
       * NonResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on non-resources.
       * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated nonResourceRules = 2; */ public Builder removeNonResourceRules(int index) { if (nonResourceRulesBuilder_ == null) { ensureNonResourceRulesIsMutable(); nonResourceRules_.remove(index); onChanged(); } else { nonResourceRulesBuilder_.remove(index); } return this; } /** *
       * NonResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on non-resources.
       * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated nonResourceRules = 2; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule.Builder getNonResourceRulesBuilder( int index) { return getNonResourceRulesFieldBuilder().getBuilder(index); } /** *
       * NonResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on non-resources.
       * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated nonResourceRules = 2; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRuleOrBuilder getNonResourceRulesOrBuilder( int index) { if (nonResourceRulesBuilder_ == null) { return nonResourceRules_.get(index); } else { return nonResourceRulesBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(index); } } /** *
       * NonResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on non-resources.
       * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated nonResourceRules = 2; */ public java.util.List getNonResourceRulesOrBuilderList() { if (nonResourceRulesBuilder_ != null) { return nonResourceRulesBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilderList(); } else { return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(nonResourceRules_); } } /** *
       * NonResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on non-resources.
       * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated nonResourceRules = 2; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule.Builder addNonResourceRulesBuilder() { return getNonResourceRulesFieldBuilder().addBuilder( io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule.getDefaultInstance()); } /** *
       * NonResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on non-resources.
       * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated nonResourceRules = 2; */ public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule.Builder addNonResourceRulesBuilder( int index) { return getNonResourceRulesFieldBuilder().addBuilder( index, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule.getDefaultInstance()); } /** *
       * NonResourceRules is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on non-resources.
       * The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
* * repeated nonResourceRules = 2; */ public java.util.List getNonResourceRulesBuilderList() { return getNonResourceRulesFieldBuilder().getBuilderList(); } private< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRuleOrBuilder> getNonResourceRulesFieldBuilder() { if (nonResourceRulesBuilder_ == null) { nonResourceRulesBuilder_ = new< io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRule.Builder, io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.NonResourceRuleOrBuilder>( nonResourceRules_, ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002), getParentForChildren(), isClean()); nonResourceRules_ = null; } return nonResourceRulesBuilder_; } private boolean incomplete_ ; /** *
       * Incomplete is true when the rules returned by this call are incomplete. This is most commonly
       * encountered when an authorizer, such as an external authorizer, doesn't support rules evaluation.
* * optional bool incomplete = 3; */ public boolean hasIncomplete() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) == 0x00000004); } /** *
       * Incomplete is true when the rules returned by this call are incomplete. This is most commonly
       * encountered when an authorizer, such as an external authorizer, doesn't support rules evaluation.
* * optional bool incomplete = 3; */ public boolean getIncomplete() { return incomplete_; } /** *
       * Incomplete is true when the rules returned by this call are incomplete. This is most commonly
       * encountered when an authorizer, such as an external authorizer, doesn't support rules evaluation.
* * optional bool incomplete = 3; */ public Builder setIncomplete(boolean value) { bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; incomplete_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * Incomplete is true when the rules returned by this call are incomplete. This is most commonly
       * encountered when an authorizer, such as an external authorizer, doesn't support rules evaluation.
* * optional bool incomplete = 3; */ public Builder clearIncomplete() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); incomplete_ = false; onChanged(); return this; } private java.lang.Object evaluationError_ = ""; /** *
       * EvaluationError can appear in combination with Rules. It indicates an error occurred during
       * rule evaluation, such as an authorizer that doesn't support rule evaluation, and that
       * ResourceRules and/or NonResourceRules may be incomplete.
       * +optional
* * optional string evaluationError = 4; */ public boolean hasEvaluationError() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) == 0x00000008); } /** *
       * EvaluationError can appear in combination with Rules. It indicates an error occurred during
       * rule evaluation, such as an authorizer that doesn't support rule evaluation, and that
       * ResourceRules and/or NonResourceRules may be incomplete.
       * +optional
* * optional string evaluationError = 4; */ public java.lang.String getEvaluationError() { java.lang.Object ref = evaluationError_; if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); if (bs.isValidUtf8()) { evaluationError_ = s; } return s; } else { return (java.lang.String) ref; } } /** *
       * EvaluationError can appear in combination with Rules. It indicates an error occurred during
       * rule evaluation, such as an authorizer that doesn't support rule evaluation, and that
       * ResourceRules and/or NonResourceRules may be incomplete.
       * +optional
* * optional string evaluationError = 4; */ public getEvaluationErrorBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = evaluationError_; if (ref instanceof String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); evaluationError_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } /** *
       * EvaluationError can appear in combination with Rules. It indicates an error occurred during
       * rule evaluation, such as an authorizer that doesn't support rule evaluation, and that
       * ResourceRules and/or NonResourceRules may be incomplete.
       * +optional
* * optional string evaluationError = 4; */ public Builder setEvaluationError( java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; evaluationError_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * EvaluationError can appear in combination with Rules. It indicates an error occurred during
       * rule evaluation, such as an authorizer that doesn't support rule evaluation, and that
       * ResourceRules and/or NonResourceRules may be incomplete.
       * +optional
* * optional string evaluationError = 4; */ public Builder clearEvaluationError() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); evaluationError_ = getDefaultInstance().getEvaluationError(); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
       * EvaluationError can appear in combination with Rules. It indicates an error occurred during
       * rule evaluation, such as an authorizer that doesn't support rule evaluation, and that
       * ResourceRules and/or NonResourceRules may be incomplete.
       * +optional
* * optional string evaluationError = 4; */ public Builder setEvaluationErrorBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; evaluationError_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } @java.lang.Override public final Builder setUnknownFields( final unknownFields) { return super.setUnknownFields(unknownFields); } @java.lang.Override public final Builder mergeUnknownFields( final unknownFields) { return super.mergeUnknownFields(unknownFields); } // @@protoc_insertion_point( } // @@protoc_insertion_point( private static final io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus DEFAULT_INSTANCE; static { DEFAULT_INSTANCE = new io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus(); } public static io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus getDefaultInstance() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } @java.lang.Deprecated public static final PARSER = new { @java.lang.Override public SubjectRulesReviewStatus parsePartialFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return new SubjectRulesReviewStatus(input, extensionRegistry); } }; public static parser() { return PARSER; } @java.lang.Override public getParserForType() { return PARSER; } @java.lang.Override public io.kubernetes.client.proto.V1beta1Authorization.SubjectRulesReviewStatus getDefaultInstanceForType() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } } private static final internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_ExtraValue_descriptor; private static final internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_ExtraValue_fieldAccessorTable; private static final internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_LocalSubjectAccessReview_descriptor; private static final internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_LocalSubjectAccessReview_fieldAccessorTable; private static final internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_NonResourceAttributes_descriptor; private static final internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_NonResourceAttributes_fieldAccessorTable; private static final internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_NonResourceRule_descriptor; private static final internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_NonResourceRule_fieldAccessorTable; private static final internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_ResourceAttributes_descriptor; private static final internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_ResourceAttributes_fieldAccessorTable; private static final internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_ResourceRule_descriptor; private static final internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_ResourceRule_fieldAccessorTable; private static final internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectAccessReview_descriptor; private static final internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectAccessReview_fieldAccessorTable; private static final internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec_descriptor; private static final internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec_fieldAccessorTable; private static final internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectRulesReview_descriptor; private static final internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectRulesReview_fieldAccessorTable; private static final internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec_descriptor; private static final internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec_fieldAccessorTable; private static final internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectAccessReview_descriptor; private static final internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectAccessReview_fieldAccessorTable; private static final internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectAccessReviewSpec_descriptor; private static final internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectAccessReviewSpec_fieldAccessorTable; private static final internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectAccessReviewSpec_ExtraEntry_descriptor; private static final internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectAccessReviewSpec_ExtraEntry_fieldAccessorTable; private static final internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectAccessReviewStatus_descriptor; private static final internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectAccessReviewStatus_fieldAccessorTable; private static final internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectRulesReviewStatus_descriptor; private static final internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectRulesReviewStatus_fieldAccessorTable; public static getDescriptor() { return descriptor; } private static descriptor; static { java.lang.String[] descriptorData = { "\" + "ated.proto\022" + "eta1\" + "v1/generated.proto\032/" + "pkg/runtime/generated.proto\" + "achinery/pkg/runtime/schema/" + "oto\"\033\n\nExtraValue\022\r\n\005items\030\001 \003(\t\"\364\001\n\030Loc" + "alSubjectAccessReview\022B\n\010metadata\030\001 \001(\0132" + "" + "bjectMeta\022G\n\004spec\030\002 \001(\" + "horization.v1beta1.SubjectAccessReviewSp" + "ec\022K\n\006status\030\003 \001(\0132;" + "ation.v1beta1.SubjectAccessReviewStatus\"" + "3\n\025NonResourceAttributes\022\014\n\004path\030\001 \001(\t\022\014" + "\n\004verb\030\002 \001(\t\"9\n\017NonResourceRule\022\r\n\005verbs" + "\030\001 \003(\t\022\027\n\017nonResourceURLs\030\002 \003(\t\"\212\001\n\022Reso" + "urceAttributes\022\021\n\tnamespace\030\001 \001(\t\022\014\n\004ver" + "b\030\002 \001(\t\022\r\n\005group\030\003 \001(\t\022\017\n\007version\030\004 \001(\t\022" + "\020\n\010resource\030\005 \001(\t\022\023\n\013subresource\030\006 \001(\t\022\014" + "\n\004name\030\007 \001(\t\"Z\n\014ResourceRule\022\r\n\005verbs\030\001 " + "\003(\t\022\021\n\tapiGroups\030\002 \003(\t\022\021\n\tresources\030\003 \003(" + "\t\022\025\n\rresourceNames\030\004 \003(\t\"\367\001\n\027SelfSubject" + "AccessReview\022B\n\010metadata\030\001 \001(\" + "apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta" + "\022K\n\004spec\030\002 \001(\" + "n.v1beta1.SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec\022K\n" + "\006status\030\003 \001(\0132;" + ".v1beta1.SubjectAccessReviewStatus\"\307\001\n\033S" + "elfSubjectAccessReviewSpec\022P\n\022resourceAt" + "tributes\030\001 \001(\" + "n.v1beta1.ResourceAttributes\022V\n\025nonResou" + "rceAttributes\030\002 \001(\" + "zation.v1beta1.NonResourceAttributes\"\364\001\n" + "\026SelfSubjectRulesReview\022B\n\010metadata\030\001 \001(" + "\" + ".ObjectMeta\022J\n\004spec\030\002 \001(\0132<" + "uthorization.v1beta1.SelfSubjectRulesRev" + "iewSpec\022J\n\006status\030\003 \001(\" + "horization.v1beta1.SubjectRulesReviewSta" + "tus\"/\n\032SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec\022\021\n\tnam" + "espace\030\001 \001(\t\"\357\001\n\023SubjectAccessReview\022B\n\010" + "metadata\030\001 \001(\" + ".apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta\022G\n\004spec\030\002 \001(\01329" + "" + "tAccessReviewSpec\022K\n\006status\030\003 \001(\0132;.k8s." + "io.api.authorization.v1beta1.SubjectAcce" + "ssReviewStatus\"\236\003\n\027SubjectAccessReviewSp" + "ec\022P\n\022resourceAttributes\030\001 \001(\" + "api.authorization.v1beta1.ResourceAttrib" + "utes\022V\n\025nonResourceAttributes\030\002 \001(\01327.k8" + "" + "ceAttributes\022\014\n\004user\030\003 \001(\t\022\r\n\005group\030\004 \003(" + "\t\022S\n\005extra\030\005 \003(\" + "ion.v1beta1.SubjectAccessReviewSpec.Extr" + "aEntry\022\013\n\003uid\030\006 \001(\t\032Z\n\nExtraEntry\022\013\n\003key" + "\030\001 \001(\t\022;\n\005value\030\002 \001(\0132," + "rization.v1beta1.ExtraValue:\0028\001\"e\n\031Subje" + "ctAccessReviewStatus\022\017\n\007allowed\030\001 \001(\010\022\016\n" + "\006denied\030\004 \001(\010\022\016\n\006reason\030\002 \001(\t\022\027\n\017evaluat" + "ionError\030\003 \001(\t\"\333\001\n\030SubjectRulesReviewSta" + "tus\022E\n\rresourceRules\030\001 \003(\" + "authorization.v1beta1.ResourceRule\022K\n\020no" + "nResourceRules\030\002 \003(\" + "ization.v1beta1.NonResourceRule\022\022\n\nincom" + "plete\030\003 \001(\010\022\027\n\017evaluationError\030\004 \001(\tB;\n\032" + "io.kubernetes.client.protoB\024V1beta1Autho" + "rizationZ\007v1beta1" }; assigner = new InternalDescriptorAssigner() { public assignDescriptors( root) { descriptor = root; return null; } }; .internalBuildGeneratedFileFrom(descriptorData, new[] { io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.getDescriptor(), io.kubernetes.client.proto.Runtime.getDescriptor(), io.kubernetes.client.proto.RuntimeSchema.getDescriptor(), }, assigner); internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_ExtraValue_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(0); internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_ExtraValue_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_ExtraValue_descriptor, new java.lang.String[] { "Items", }); internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_LocalSubjectAccessReview_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(1); internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_LocalSubjectAccessReview_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_LocalSubjectAccessReview_descriptor, new java.lang.String[] { "Metadata", "Spec", "Status", }); internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_NonResourceAttributes_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(2); internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_NonResourceAttributes_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_NonResourceAttributes_descriptor, new java.lang.String[] { "Path", "Verb", }); internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_NonResourceRule_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(3); internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_NonResourceRule_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_NonResourceRule_descriptor, new java.lang.String[] { "Verbs", "NonResourceURLs", }); internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_ResourceAttributes_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(4); internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_ResourceAttributes_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_ResourceAttributes_descriptor, new java.lang.String[] { "Namespace", "Verb", "Group", "Version", "Resource", "Subresource", "Name", }); internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_ResourceRule_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(5); internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_ResourceRule_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_ResourceRule_descriptor, new java.lang.String[] { "Verbs", "ApiGroups", "Resources", "ResourceNames", }); internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectAccessReview_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(6); internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectAccessReview_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectAccessReview_descriptor, new java.lang.String[] { "Metadata", "Spec", "Status", }); internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(7); internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec_descriptor, new java.lang.String[] { "ResourceAttributes", "NonResourceAttributes", }); internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectRulesReview_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(8); internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectRulesReview_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectRulesReview_descriptor, new java.lang.String[] { "Metadata", "Spec", "Status", }); internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(9); internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec_descriptor, new java.lang.String[] { "Namespace", }); internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectAccessReview_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(10); internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectAccessReview_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectAccessReview_descriptor, new java.lang.String[] { "Metadata", "Spec", "Status", }); internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectAccessReviewSpec_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(11); internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectAccessReviewSpec_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectAccessReviewSpec_descriptor, new java.lang.String[] { "ResourceAttributes", "NonResourceAttributes", "User", "Group", "Extra", "Uid", }); internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectAccessReviewSpec_ExtraEntry_descriptor = internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectAccessReviewSpec_descriptor.getNestedTypes().get(0); internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectAccessReviewSpec_ExtraEntry_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectAccessReviewSpec_ExtraEntry_descriptor, new java.lang.String[] { "Key", "Value", }); internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectAccessReviewStatus_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(12); internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectAccessReviewStatus_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectAccessReviewStatus_descriptor, new java.lang.String[] { "Allowed", "Denied", "Reason", "EvaluationError", }); internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectRulesReviewStatus_descriptor = getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(13); internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectRulesReviewStatus_fieldAccessorTable = new internal_static_k8s_io_api_authorization_v1beta1_SubjectRulesReviewStatus_descriptor, new java.lang.String[] { "ResourceRules", "NonResourceRules", "Incomplete", "EvaluationError", }); io.kubernetes.client.proto.Meta.getDescriptor(); io.kubernetes.client.proto.Runtime.getDescriptor(); io.kubernetes.client.proto.RuntimeSchema.getDescriptor(); } // @@protoc_insertion_point(outer_class_scope) }

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