tamer.Tamer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package tamer
import log.effect.LogWriter
import log.effect.zio.ZioLogWriter.log4sFromName
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.{ConsumerConfig, OffsetAndMetadata}
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord
import org.apache.kafka.common.{KafkaException, TopicPartition}
import org.apache.kafka.common.config.{TopicConfig => KTopicConfig}
import zio._
import zio.kafka.admin._
import zio.kafka.admin.AdminClient.{DescribeTopicsOptions, ListTopicsOptions, NewTopic, TopicDescription}
import zio.kafka.admin.acl.AclOperation
import zio.kafka.consumer.Consumer.{AutoOffsetStrategy, OffsetRetrieval}
import zio.kafka.consumer._
import zio.kafka.producer.{ProducerSettings, Transaction, TransactionalProducer, TransactionalProducerSettings}
import zio.kafka.serde.{Serde => ZSerde, Serializer}
import zio.stream.{Stream, ZStream}
trait Tamer {
def runLoop: Task[Unit]
object Tamer {
private[tamer] sealed trait TxInfo extends Product with Serializable
private[tamer] object TxInfo {
final case class Delimiter(promise: Promise[Nothing, Unit]) extends TxInfo
final case class Context(transaction: Transaction) extends TxInfo
private[tamer] sealed trait StartupDecision extends Product with Serializable
private[tamer] object StartupDecision {
case object Initialize extends StartupDecision
case object Resume extends StartupDecision
final case class StateKey(stateKey: String, groupId: String)
private final val retries = Schedule.recurs(10L) && Schedule.exponential(100.milliseconds) // FIXME make configurable
private implicit final class OffsetOps(private val _underlying: Offset) extends AnyVal {
def info: String = s"${_underlying.topicPartition}@${_underlying.offset}"
private[tamer] final def sinkStream[K, V](
sinkTopic: String,
sinkKeySerializer: Serializer[Any, K],
sinkValueSerializer: Serializer[Any, V],
queue: Dequeue[(TxInfo, Chunk[Record[K, V]])],
log: LogWriter[Task]
): Stream[Throwable, Unit] =
.mapZIO {
case (TxInfo.Context(transaction), chunk) if chunk.nonEmpty =>
log.debug(s"pushing ${chunk.size} messages to $sinkTopic") *>
.produceChunk(chunk.map(_.toKafkaProducerRecord(sinkTopic)), sinkKeySerializer, sinkValueSerializer, None)
.tapError(e => log.info(s"failed pushing ${chunk.size} messages to $sinkTopic, will retry. Caused by: ${e.getMessage}"))
.retry(retries) // TODO: stop trying if the error is transaction related
.tapError(e => log.warn(s"finally failed pushing ${chunk.size} messages to $sinkTopic, will abort. Caused by: ${e.getMessage}", e))
.unit *> log.info(s"successfully pushed ${chunk.size} messages to $sinkTopic")
case (TxInfo.Delimiter(promise), _) =>
promise.succeed(()).unit <*
log.debug(s"user implicitly signalled end of data production")
case _ => log.debug(s"received an empty chunk for $sinkTopic")
private[tamer] final def sourceStream[K, V, SV](
stateTopic: String,
stateGroupId: String,
stateHash: Int,
stateKeySerde: ZSerde[Any, StateKey],
stateValueSerde: ZSerde[Any, SV],
initialState: SV,
consumer: Consumer,
producer: TransactionalProducer,
queue: Enqueue[(TxInfo, Chunk[Record[K, V]])],
iterationFunction: (SV, Enqueue[NonEmptyChunk[Record[K, V]]]) => Task[SV],
log: LogWriter[Task]
): Stream[Throwable, Unit] = {
val key = StateKey(stateHash.toHexString, stateGroupId)
val subscription = Subscription.topics(stateTopic)
val partitionSet = consumer.partitionsFor(stateTopic).map(_.map(pi => new TopicPartition(pi.topic(), pi.partition())).toSet)
def decide(committed: Map[TopicPartition, Option[OffsetAndMetadata]], endOffsets: Map[TopicPartition, Long]) = {
val topicPartitionOrdering: Ordering[TopicPartition] = Ordering.by(tp => (tp.topic(), tp.partition()))
implicit val topicPartitionOffsetOrdering: Ordering[(TopicPartition, Long)] = topicPartitionOrdering.on(_._1)
implicit val topicPartitionCommittedOffsetMetadataOrdering: Ordering[(TopicPartition, Option[OffsetAndMetadata])] =
val endOffsetIsAfterCommitted: ((TopicPartition, Long), (TopicPartition, Option[OffsetAndMetadata])) => Boolean = {
case ((tp1, endOffset), (tp2, Some(committedOffsetAndMetadata))) => tp1 == tp2 && endOffset > committedOffsetAndMetadata.offset()
case _ => false
if (endOffsets.keySet == committed.keySet && committed.values.forall(_.isEmpty)) ZIO.succeed(StartupDecision.Initialize)
else if (endOffsets.toList.sorted.zip(committed.toList.sorted).forall(endOffsetIsAfterCommitted.tupled)) ZIO.succeed(StartupDecision.Resume)
else ZIO.fail(TamerError("Tamer is stuck, it will not proceed unless state is restored manually"))
val startupDecision: Task[StartupDecision] = for {
_ <- log.debug(s"obtaining information on topic $stateTopic")
partitions <- partitionSet
_ <- log.debug(s"received the following information on topic $stateTopic: $partitionSet")
committed <- consumer.committed(partitions)
_ <- log.debug(s"received the following commited state information on topic $stateTopic for the group $stateGroupId: $committed")
endOffsets <- consumer.endOffsets(partitions)
_ <- log.debug(s"received the following end offsets information on the topic $stateTopic: $endOffsets")
decision <- decide(committed, endOffsets)
_ <- log.debug(s"decided to $decision")
} yield decision
val initialize: Task[Unit] = startupDecision.flatMap {
case StartupDecision.Initialize =>
log.info(s"consumer group $stateGroupId never consumed from topic $stateTopic") *>
ZIO.scoped {
producer.createTransaction.flatMap { transaction =>
.produce(stateTopic, key, initialState, stateKeySerde, stateValueSerde, None)
.tap(rmd => log.info(s"pushed initial state $initialState to $rmd"))
case StartupDecision.Resume => log.info(s"consumer group $stateGroupId resuming consumption from topic $stateTopic")
val stateStream: Stream[Throwable, Unit] = consumer
.plainStream(subscription, stateKeySerde, stateValueSerde)
.mapZIO {
case cr if cr.record.key == key =>
ZIO.scoped {
val offset = cr.offset
producer.createTransaction.flatMap { transaction =>
val enrichedQueue =
new EnrichedBoundedEnqueue(queue, (neChunk: NonEmptyChunk[Record[K, V]]) => (TxInfo.Context(transaction), neChunk.toChunk))
log.debug(s"consumer group $stateGroupId consumed state ${cr.record.value} from ${offset.info}") *>
// we got a valid state to process, invoke the handler
log.debug(s"invoking the iteration function under $stateGroupId") *> iterationFunction(cr.record.value, enrichedQueue).flatMap {
newState =>
// now that the handler has concluded its job, we've got to commit the offset and push the new state to Kafka
// we do these two operations within a transactional boundary as there is no guarantee whatsoever that
// both will successfully complete
Promise.make[Nothing, Unit].flatMap { p =>
// we enqueue a transaction delimiter because at this point, since we have a newState, we presume that
// the user has finished publishing data to the queue
queue.offer((TxInfo.Delimiter(p), Chunk.empty)) *>
// whenever we get the transaction delimiter back (via promise) it means that at least production of
// data has been enqueue in the kafka client buffer, so we can proceed with committing the transaction
} *>
log.debug(s"consumer group $stateGroupId will commit offset ${offset.info}") <*
.produce(stateTopic, key, newState, stateKeySerde, stateValueSerde, Some(offset))
.tap(rmd => log.debug(s"pushed state $newState to $rmd for $stateGroupId"))
case cr =>
val offset = cr.offset
log.debug(s"consumer group $stateGroupId ignored state (wrong key: ${cr.record.key} != $key) from ${offset.info}") *>
offset.commitOrRetry(retries) <*
log.debug(s"consumer group $stateGroupId committed offset ${offset.info}")
ZStream.fromZIO(initialize).drain ++ stateStream
final class LiveTamer[K, V, SV](
config: KafkaConfig,
serdes: Serdes[K, V, SV],
initialState: SV,
stateHash: Int,
iterationFunction: (SV, Enqueue[NonEmptyChunk[Record[K, V]]]) => Task[SV],
repr: String,
adminClient: AdminClient,
consumer: Consumer,
producer: TransactionalProducer
) extends Tamer {
private val logTask = log4sFromName.provideEnvironment(ZEnvironment("tamer.LiveTamer"))
private val sinkTopicConfig @ TopicConfig(sinkTopicName, maybeSinkTopicOptions) = config.sink
private val stateTopicConfig @ TopicConfig(stateTopicName, maybeStateTopicOptions) = config.state
private val keySerializer = serdes.keySerializer
private val valueSerializer = serdes.valueSerializer
private val stateKeySerde = serdes.stateKeySerde
private val stateValueSerde = serdes.stateValueSerde
private def source(queue: Enqueue[(TxInfo, Chunk[Record[K, V]])], log: LogWriter[Task]) =
private def stopSource(log: LogWriter[Task]) =
log.info(s"stopping consuming of topic $stateTopicName").ignore *>
consumer.stopConsumption <*
log.info(s"consumer of topic $stateTopicName stopped").ignore
private def sink(queue: Dequeue[(TxInfo, Chunk[Record[K, V]])], log: LogWriter[Task]) =
sinkStream(config.sink.topicName, keySerializer, valueSerializer, queue, log)
private def drainSink(queue: Dequeue[(TxInfo, Chunk[Record[K, V]])], log: LogWriter[Task]) =
log.info("running final drain on sink queue").ignore *>
sink(queue, log).runDrain.orDie.fork <*
log.info("sink queue drained").ignore *>
queue.size.repeatWhile(_ > 0) *>
private def runLoop(queue: Queue[(TxInfo, Chunk[Record[K, V]])], log: LogWriter[Task]) = {
val runSink = log.info(s"running sink on topic $sinkTopicName perpetually") *>
sink(queue, log).runDrain.onInterrupt(log.info(s"stopping producing to $sinkTopicName").ignore)
val runSource = source(queue, log).ensuring(stopSource(log)).ensuring(drainSink(queue, log)).runDrain
runSink <&> runSource
private final val listTopicsOptions = Some(ListTopicsOptions(listInternal = false, timeout = None))
private final val describeTopicsOptions = Some(DescribeTopicsOptions(includeAuthorizedOperations = true, timeout = None))
private def filterSinkAndState(topic: String): Boolean = topic == sinkTopicName || topic == stateTopicName
private def describeTopics(log: LogWriter[Task]) = for {
topics <- adminClient.listTopics(listTopicsOptions).map(_.keySet.filter(filterSinkAndState))
maybeTopicDesc <- ZIO.when(topics.nonEmpty)(log.debug(s"describing $topics") *> adminClient.describeTopics(topics, describeTopicsOptions))
_ <- log.debug(s"result of describing $topics: $maybeTopicDesc")
} yield maybeTopicDesc.getOrElse(Map.empty)
private def verifyOrCreateTopic(
topics: Map[String, TopicDescription],
topicConfig: TopicConfig,
expectedACL: Set[AclOperation],
log: LogWriter[Task]
) =
.mapBoth(_ => topicConfig.maybeTopicOptions, (_, topicConfig.maybeTopicOptions))
case Some(TopicOptions(partitions, replicas, true)) =>
s"topic ${topicConfig.topicName} does not exist in Kafka. Given auto_create is set to true, creating it with $partitions partitions, $replicas replicas and compaction enabled"
) *> adminClient.createTopic(
NewTopic(topicConfig.topicName, partitions, replicas, Map(KTopicConfig.CLEANUP_POLICY_CONFIG -> KTopicConfig.CLEANUP_POLICY_COMPACT))
case Some(TopicOptions(partitions, replicas, false)) =>
s"topic ${topicConfig.topicName} does not exist in Kafka. Given auto_create is set to true, creating it with $partitions partitions and $replicas replicas"
) *> adminClient.createTopic(NewTopic(topicConfig.topicName, partitions, replicas))
case _ =>
TamerError(s"Topic ${topicConfig.topicName} does not exist in Kafka and its corresponding auto_create flag is set to false, aborting")
case (TopicDescription(_, _, tpInfo, Some(acls)), Some(TopicOptions(partitions, replicas, _)))
if tpInfo.size == partitions && tpInfo.forall(_.replicas.size == replicas) && expectedACL.subsetOf(acls) =>
s"verified topic ${topicConfig.topicName} successfully. It has the expected $partitions partitions and expected $replicas replicas, and it satisfies all expected ACLs (${expectedACL
.mkString(", ")}), proceeding"
case (TopicDescription(_, _, tpInfo, Some(acls)), None) if expectedACL.subsetOf(acls) =>
s"verified topic ${topicConfig.topicName} successfully. Kafka informs us that it has ${tpInfo.size} partitions and ${tpInfo.head.replicas.size} replicas, but it satisfies all expected ACLs (${expectedACL
.mkString(", ")}), proceeding"
case (TopicDescription(_, _, tpInfo, Some(acls)), Some(TopicOptions(partitions, replicas, _))) if expectedACL.subsetOf(acls) =>
s"inconsistencies in topic ${topicConfig.topicName}. Kafka informs us that it has ${tpInfo.size} partitions and ${tpInfo.head.replicas.size} replicas, expecting $partitions partitions and ${tpInfo.head.replicas.size} replicas, but it satisfies all expected ACLs (${expectedACL
.mkString(", ")}), proceeding"
case (TopicDescription(_, _, _, Some(acls)), _) =>
s"Topic ${topicConfig.topicName} does not satisfy all expected ACLs. Kafka informs us that it has ${acls
.mkString(", ")}, expecting ${expectedACL.mkString(", ")}"
case (other, _) =>
TamerError(s"Topic ${topicConfig.topicName} cannot be verified. Kafka informs us the following about this topic: $other")
private def initTopics(log: LogWriter[Task]) = for {
topics <- describeTopics(log)
_ <- verifyOrCreateTopic(topics, sinkTopicConfig, Set(AclOperation.Write), log)
_ <- verifyOrCreateTopic(topics, stateTopicConfig, Set(AclOperation.Read, AclOperation.Write), log)
} yield ()
override val runLoop: Task[Unit] = for {
log <- logTask
_ <- log.info(s"initializing Tamer with setup:\n$repr")
_ <- initTopics(log)
queue <- Queue.bounded[(TxInfo, Chunk[Record[K, V]])](config.bufferSize)
_ <- runLoop(queue, log)
} yield ()
object LiveTamer {
private[tamer] final def getService[K, V, SV](
config: KafkaConfig,
serdesProvider: SerdesProvider[K, V, SV],
initialState: SV,
stateKey: Int,
iterationFunction: (SV, Enqueue[NonEmptyChunk[Record[K, V]]]) => Task[SV],
repr: String
): RIO[Scope, LiveTamer[K, V, SV]] = {
val KafkaConfig(brokers, _, closeTimeout, _, _, _, groupId, clientId, transactionalId, properties) = config
val adminClientSettings = AdminClientSettings(closeTimeout, properties)
val consumerSettings = ConsumerSettings(brokers)
.withProperty(ConsumerConfig.ISOLATION_LEVEL_CONFIG, "read_committed")
val producerSettings = ProducerSettings(brokers)
val txProducerSettings = TransactionalProducerSettings(producerSettings, transactionalId)
val serdes = serdesProvider.using(config.maybeRegistry)
val adminClient = AdminClient.make(adminClientSettings)
val consumer = Consumer.make(consumerSettings)
val producer = TransactionalProducer.make(txProducerSettings)
(serdes <*> adminClient <*> consumer <*> producer)
.map { case (serdes, adminClient, consumer, producer) =>
new LiveTamer(config, serdes, initialState, stateKey, iterationFunction, repr, adminClient, consumer, producer)
.mapError(TamerError("Could not build Kafka client", _))
private[tamer] final def getLayer[R, K: Tag, V: Tag, SV: Tag](setup: Setup[R, K, V, SV]): RLayer[R with KafkaConfig, Tamer] =
ZLayer.scoped[R with KafkaConfig] {
for {
config <- ZIO.service[KafkaConfig]
res <- {
val iterationFunction = ZIO.environment[R].map(r => Function.untupled((setup.iteration _).tupled.andThen(_.provideEnvironment(r))))
iterationFunction.flatMap(getService(config, setup.serdesProvider, setup.initialState, setup.stateKey, _, setup.repr))
} yield res
final def live[R, K: Tag, V: Tag, SV: Tag](setup: Setup[R, K, V, SV]): RLayer[R with KafkaConfig, Tamer] = LiveTamer.getLayer(setup)
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