tamer.db.DbSetup.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package tamer
package db
import java.time.Instant
import doobie.Query0
import doobie.implicits._
import doobie.util.transactor.Transactor
import fs2.Stream
import log.effect.zio.ZioLogWriter.log4sFromName
import zio._
import zio.interop.catz._
sealed abstract case class DbSetup[K: Tag, V: Tag, SV: Tag: Hashable](
initialState: SV,
recordFrom: (SV, V) => Record[K, V],
query: SV => Query0[V],
stateFold: (SV, QueryResult[V]) => UIO[SV]
implicit ev: SerdesProvider[K, V, SV]
) extends Setup[Transactor[Task] with DbConfig, K, V, SV] {
private[this] final val sql = query(initialState).sql
private[this] final val queryHash = sql.hash
private[this] final val initialStateHash = initialState.hash
override final val stateKey = queryHash + initialStateHash
override final val repr: String =
s"""query: $sql
|query hash: $queryHash
|initial state: $initialState
|initial state hash: $initialStateHash
|state key: $stateKey
import compat._
private[this] final val logTask = log4sFromName.provideEnvironment(ZEnvironment("tamer.db"))
private[this] final def process(query: Query0[V], chunkSize: Int, tx: Transactor[Task], queue: Enqueue[NonEmptyChunk[Record[K, V]]], state: SV) =
.evalTap { c =>
val chunk = Chunk.fromIterable(c.chunk.iterator.to(LazyList).map(recordFrom(state, _)))
.flatMap(c => Stream.chunk(c.chunk).map(ValueWithMetadata(_, c.pulledAt)))
.map(values => values -> values.headOption.map(_.pulledAt).getOrElse(java.lang.System.nanoTime()))
override def iteration(currentState: SV, queue: Enqueue[NonEmptyChunk[Record[K, V]]]): RIO[Transactor[Task] with DbConfig, SV] = for {
log <- logTask
transactor <- ZIO.service[Transactor[Task]]
chunkSize <- ZIO.service[DbConfig].map(_.fetchChunkSize)
query <- ZIO.succeed(query(currentState))
_ <- log.debug(s"running ${query.sql} with params derived from $currentState")
start <- Clock.nanoTime
tuple <- process(query, chunkSize, transactor, queue, currentState)
(values, time) = tuple
newState <- stateFold(currentState, QueryResult(ResultMetadata(time - start), values.map(_.value)))
} yield newState
object DbSetup {
final def apply[K: Tag, V: Tag, SV: Tag: Hashable](
initialState: SV
query: SV => Query0[V]
recordFrom: (SV, V) => Record[K, V],
stateFold: (SV, QueryResult[V]) => UIO[SV]
implicit ev: SerdesProvider[K, V, SV]
): DbSetup[K, V, SV] = new DbSetup(initialState, recordFrom, query, stateFold) {}
final def tumbling[K: Tag, V <: Timestamped: Tag: Ordering](
query: Window => Query0[V]
recordFrom: (Window, V) => Record[K, V],
from: Instant = Instant.now,
tumblingStep: Duration = 5.minutes,
lag: Duration = 0.seconds
implicit ev: SerdesProvider[K, V, Window]
): DbSetup[K, V, Window] = {
def stateFold(currentWindow: Window, queryResult: QueryResult[V]): UIO[Window] =
if (queryResult.results.isEmpty) {
Clock.instant.map(now => Window(currentWindow.from, (currentWindow.to + tumblingStep).or(now, lag)))
} else {
val mostRecent = queryResult.results.max.timestamp
Clock.instant.map(now => Window(mostRecent, (mostRecent + tumblingStep).or(now, lag)))
DbSetup(Window(from, from + tumblingStep))(query)(recordFrom, stateFold)
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