tamer.rest.model.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package tamer
package rest
import java.time.Instant
import zio._
import scala.annotation.unused
trait Authentication[-R] {
def addAuthentication(request: SttpRequest, supplementalSecret: Option[String]): SttpRequest
def setSecret(@unused secretRef: Ref[Option[String]]): RIO[R, Unit] = ZIO.unit
// TODO: could return the value to set instead of unit
def refreshSecret(secretRef: Ref[Option[String]]): RIO[R, Unit] = setSecret(secretRef)
object Authentication {
def basic[R](username: String, password: String): Authentication[R] =
(request: SttpRequest, _: Option[String]) => request.auth.basic(username, password)
final case class DecodedPage[V, S](data: List[V], nextState: Option[S])
object DecodedPage {
def fromString[R, V, S](decoder: String => RIO[R, List[V]]): String => RIO[R, DecodedPage[V, S]] =
decoder.andThen(_.map(DecodedPage(_, None)))
object EphemeralSecretCache {
val live: ULayer[EphemeralSecretCache] = ZLayer(Ref.make[Option[String]](None))
case class Offset(offset: Int, nextIndex: Int) {
def incrementedBy(increment: Int): Offset = this.copy(offset = offset + increment, nextIndex = 0)
def nextIndex(index: Int): Offset = this.copy(nextIndex = index)
object Offset {
implicit final val hashable: Hashable[Offset] = s => s.offset * s.nextIndex
case class PeriodicOffset(offset: Int, periodStart: Instant) {
def incrementedBy(increment: Int): PeriodicOffset = this.copy(offset = offset + increment)
object PeriodicOffset {
implicit final val hashable: Hashable[PeriodicOffset] = s => s.offset * (s.periodStart.getEpochSecond + s.periodStart.getNano.longValue).toInt
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