tamer.s3.S3Setup.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package tamer
package s3
import java.time.{Duration, Instant, ZoneId}
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
import log.effect.LogWriter
import log.effect.zio.ZioLogWriter.log4sFromName
import zio._
import zio.s3._
import zio.stream.ZPipeline
import scala.math.Ordering.Implicits.infixOrderingOps
sealed abstract case class S3Setup[R, K: Tag, V: Tag, SV: Tag: Hashable](
initialState: SV,
recordFrom: (SV, V) => Record[K, V],
bucket: String,
prefix: String,
parallelism: Int,
minimumIntervalForBucketFetch: Duration,
maximumIntervalForBucketFetch: Duration,
selectObjectForState: (SV, Keys) => Option[String],
stateFold: (KeysR, SV, Queue[Unit]) => UIO[SV],
pipeline: ZPipeline[R, Throwable, Byte, V]
implicit ev: SerdesProvider[K, V, SV]
) extends Setup[R with S3, K, V, SV] {
private[this] sealed trait EphemeralChange extends Product with Serializable
private[this] object EphemeralChange {
case object Detected extends EphemeralChange
case object NotDetected extends EphemeralChange
def apply(b: Boolean): EphemeralChange = if (b) Detected else NotDetected
private[this] final val bucketHash = bucket.hash
private[this] final val prefixHash = prefix.hash
private[this] final val initialStateHash = initialState.hash
override final val stateKey = bucketHash + prefixHash + initialStateHash
override final val repr =
s"""bucket: $bucket
|bucket hash: $bucketHash
|prefix: $prefix
|prefix hash: $prefixHash
|parallelism: $parallelism
private final val logTask = log4sFromName.provideEnvironment(ZEnvironment("tamer.s3"))
private final val initialEphemeralState = Ref.make(List.empty[String])
private final val fetchSchedule = Schedule.exponential(minimumIntervalForBucketFetch) || Schedule.spaced(maximumIntervalForBucketFetch)
private final val ephemeralChangeSchedule = Schedule.once ++ fetchSchedule.untilInput((_: EphemeralChange) == EphemeralChange.Detected)
private final def updatedSourceState(keysR: KeysR, keysChangedToken: Queue[Unit]): ZIO[S3, Throwable, EphemeralChange] = {
val paginationMaxKeys = 1000L // FIXME magic
val paginationMaxPages = 1000L // FIXME magic
val defaultTimeoutBucketFetch = 60.seconds // FIXME magic
val timeoutForFetchAllKeys =
if (minimumIntervalForBucketFetch < defaultTimeoutBucketFetch) minimumIntervalForBucketFetch
else defaultTimeoutBucketFetch
def warnAboutSpuriousKeys(log: LogWriter[Task], keyList: List[String]) = {
val witness = keyList.find(!_.startsWith(prefix)).getOrElse("")
log.warn(s"""server returned '$witness' (and maybe more files) which don't match prefix "$prefix"""")
for {
log <- logTask
_ <- log.info(s"getting list of keys in bucket $bucket with prefix $prefix")
initialObjListing <- listObjects(bucket, ListObjectOptions.from(prefix, paginationMaxKeys))
allObjListings <- paginate(initialObjListing).take(paginationMaxPages).timeout(timeoutForFetchAllKeys).runCollect.map(_.toList)
keyList <- ZIO.succeed(allObjListings.flatMap(_.objectSummaries.map(_.key)).sorted)
cleanKeyList <- ZIO.succeed(keyList.filter(_.startsWith(prefix)))
_ <- ZIO.when(keyList.size != cleanKeyList.size)(warnAboutSpuriousKeys(log, keyList))
_ <- log.debug(s"current key list has ${cleanKeyList.length} elements")
_ <- log.debug(s"the first and last elements are ${cleanKeyList.headOption} and ${cleanKeyList.lastOption}")
previousListOfKeys <- keysR.getAndSet(cleanKeyList)
detectedKeyListChanged <- ZIO.succeed(cleanKeyList != previousListOfKeys)
_ <- ZIO.when(detectedKeyListChanged)(log.debug("detected change in key list") *> keysChangedToken.offer(()))
} yield EphemeralChange(detectedKeyListChanged)
protected final def process(keysR: KeysR, keysChangedToken: Queue[Unit], currentState: SV, queue: Enqueue[NonEmptyChunk[Record[K, V]]]) = for {
log <- logTask
nextState <- stateFold(keysR, currentState, keysChangedToken)
_ <- log.debug(s"next state computed to be $nextState")
keys <- keysR.get
optKey <- ZIO.succeed(selectObjectForState(nextState, keys))
_ <- log.debug(s"will ask for key $optKey") *> optKey
getObject(bucket, _)
.map(recordFrom(nextState, _))
.runForeachChunk(chunk => NonEmptyChunk.fromChunk(chunk).map(queue.offer).getOrElse(ZIO.unit))
.getOrElse(ZIO.fail(TamerError(s"File not found with key $optKey for state $nextState"))) // FIXME: relies on nextState.toString
} yield nextState
override def iteration(currentState: SV, queue: Enqueue[NonEmptyChunk[Record[K, V]]]): RIO[R with S3, SV] = for {
sourceState <- initialEphemeralState
token <- Queue.dropping[Unit](requestedCapacity = 1)
_ <- updatedSourceState(sourceState, token).scheduleFrom(EphemeralChange.Detected)(ephemeralChangeSchedule).forever.fork
newState <- process(sourceState, token, currentState, queue)
} yield newState
object S3Setup {
private[this] final val defaultPipeline = ZPipeline.utf8Decode >>> ZPipeline.splitLines
def apply[R, K: Tag, V: Tag, SV: Tag: Hashable](
bucket: String,
prefix: String,
minimumIntervalForBucketFetch: Duration,
maximumIntervalForBucketFetch: Duration,
initialState: SV
recordFrom: (SV, V) => Record[K, V],
selectObjectForState: (SV, Keys) => Option[String],
stateFold: (KeysR, SV, Queue[Unit]) => UIO[SV],
parallelism: Int = 1,
pipeline: ZPipeline[R, Throwable, Byte, V] = defaultPipeline
implicit ev: SerdesProvider[K, V, SV]
): S3Setup[R, K, V, SV] = new S3Setup(
) {}
private[s3] final def suffixWithoutFileExtension(key: String, prefix: String, formatter: ZonedDateTimeFormatter): String = {
val dotCountInDate = formatter.format(Instant.EPOCH).count(_ == '.')
val keyWithoutExtension =
if (key.count(_ == '.') > dotCountInDate) key.split('.').splitAt(dotCountInDate + 1)._1.mkString(".") else key
private[s3] final def parseInstantFromKey(key: String, prefix: String, formatter: ZonedDateTimeFormatter): Instant =
Instant.from(formatter.parse(suffixWithoutFileExtension(key, prefix, formatter)))
private final def getNextInstant(keysR: KeysR, from: Instant, prefix: String, formatter: ZonedDateTimeFormatter): UIO[Option[Instant]] =
keysR.get.map(_.map(parseInstantFromKey(_, prefix, formatter)).filter(_ > from).sorted.headOption)
private[s3] final def getNextState(prefix: String, formatter: ZonedDateTimeFormatter)(
keysR: KeysR,
from: Instant,
keysChangedToken: Queue[Unit]
): UIO[Instant] = getNextInstant(keysR, from, prefix, formatter).flatMap {
case Some(newInstant) if newInstant > from => ZIO.succeed(newInstant)
case _ => keysChangedToken.take *> getNextState(prefix, formatter)(keysR, from, keysChangedToken)
private final def selectObjectForInstant(formatter: ZonedDateTimeFormatter)(from: Instant, keys: Keys): Option[String] =
final def timed[R, K: Tag, V: Tag](
bucket: String,
prefix: String,
from: Instant,
recordFrom: (Instant, V) => Record[K, V] = (l: Instant, v: String) => Record(l, v),
pipeline: ZPipeline[R, Throwable, Byte, V] = defaultPipeline,
parallelism: Int = 1,
dateTimeFormatter: ZonedDateTimeFormatter = ZonedDateTimeFormatter(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_INSTANT, ZoneId.systemDefault()),
minimumIntervalForBucketFetch: Duration = 5.minutes,
maximumIntervalForBucketFetch: Duration = 5.minutes
implicit ev: SerdesProvider[K, V, Instant]
): S3Setup[R, K, V, Instant] = new S3Setup(
selectObjectForInstant(dateTimeFormatter) _,
getNextState(prefix, dateTimeFormatter) _,
) {}
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