Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import io.legaldocml.LegalDocMlException;
import io.legaldocml.unsafe.UnsafeHelper;
import io.legaldocml.unsafe.UnsafeString;
import sun.misc.Unsafe;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.LocalTime;
import java.time.OffsetDateTime;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* @author Jacques Militello
public abstract class XmlChannelWriter implements XmlWriter {
* Constant Char in byte for the start tag.
private static final byte START_TAG = '<';
* Constant Char in byte for the end tag.
private static final byte END_TAG = '>';
* Constant Char in byte for one space.
private static final byte SPACE = ' ';
* Constant Char in byte for the equal.
private static final byte EQUALS = '=';
* Constant Char in byte for double quote.
private static final byte DOUBLE_QUOTE = '"';
private static final byte CHAR_T = 'T';
private static final byte CHAR_DASH = '-';
private static final byte CHAR_COLON = ':';
* Unsafe instance for memory maniplulation.
private static final Unsafe UNSAFE = UnsafeHelper.getUnsafe();
* Xml Entity & in byte array format.
private static final MappedByteBuffer BUFFER_ENTITY_AMP = byte[]{'&', 'a', 'm', 'p', ';'});
private static final long ADDRESS_ENTITY_AMP = Buffers.address(BUFFER_ENTITY_AMP);
* Xml Entity < in byte array format.
private static final MappedByteBuffer BUFFER_ENTITY_LT = byte[]{'&', 'l', 't', ';'});
private static final long ADDRESS_ENTITY_LT = Buffers.address(BUFFER_ENTITY_LT);
* Xml Entity > in byte array format.
private static final MappedByteBuffer BUFFER_ENTITY_GT = byte[]{'&', 'g', 't', ';'});
private static final long ADDRESS_ENTITY_GT = Buffers.address(BUFFER_ENTITY_GT);
* Xml Entity " in byte array format.
private static final MappedByteBuffer BUFFER_ENTITY_QUOT = byte[]{'&', 'q', 'u', 'o', 't', ';'});
private static final long ADDRESS_ENTITY_QUOT = Buffers.address(BUFFER_ENTITY_QUOT);
* End tag ("/>") in byte array format.
private static final MappedByteBuffer BUFFER_END_SINGLE_TAG = byte[]{'/', '>'});
private static final long ADDRESS_END_SINGLE_TAG = Buffers.address(BUFFER_END_SINGLE_TAG);
* Array End ("") in byte array format.
private static final MappedByteBuffer BUFFER_ARRAY_END = byte[]{'<', '/'});
private static final long ADDRESS_ARRAY_END = Buffers.address(BUFFER_ARRAY_END);
* Header for xml file (prolog) in byte array format.
private static final MappedByteBuffer BUF_HEADER = Buffers
.direct(new byte[]{'<', '?', 'x', 'm', 'l', ' ', 'v', 'e', 'r', 's', 'i', 'o', 'n', '=', '"', '1', '.', '0', '"', ' ', 'e',
'n', 'c', 'o', 'd', 'i', 'n', 'g', '=', '"', 'U', 'T', 'F', '-', '8', '"', '?', '>'});
private static final long BUF_HEADER_ADDRESS = Buffers.address(BUF_HEADER);
* Start the PI instruction.
private static final byte[] PI_START = new byte[]{'<', '?'};
* End the PI instruction.
private static final byte[] PI_END = new byte[]{'?', '>'};
* Stack of elements
private final boolean[] hasElements = new boolean[128];
* Pointer for elements.
private int elem = 0;
* Stack of elements
private final long[] namespaces = new long[8];
* Stack of elements
private final long[] namespacesSize = new long[8];
* Pointer for elements.
private int namespacesPtr = -1;
* Channel to write elements, ...
private WritableByteChannel channel;
* Internal byteBuffer.
private final MappedByteBuffer buffer = (MappedByteBuffer) ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(32768);
* Internal Address.
private final Long address;
private boolean permissive;
private List exceptions;
* Private constructor : for poolableObject.
public XmlChannelWriter() {
this.address = Buffers.address(this.buffer);
this.permissive = false;
* @param channel the channel to set
public void setChannel(WritableByteChannel channel) { = channel;
* Flush the current outputStream.
public void flush() throws IOException {
* {@inheritDoc}
public void writeStartDocument(long address, int len) {
UNSAFE.copyMemory(BUF_HEADER_ADDRESS, this.address, 38);
int pos = 38;
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + (pos++), START_TAG);
UNSAFE.copyMemory(address, this.address + (pos), len);
pos += len;
hasElements[++elem] = true;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void writeEndDocument(long address, int len) throws IOException {
int pos = this.buffer.position();
UNSAFE.copyMemory(ADDRESS_ARRAY_END, this.address + pos, 2);
pos += 2;
UNSAFE.copyMemory(address, this.address + pos, len);
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++ + len, END_TAG);
this.buffer.position(pos + len);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void writeAttribute(long name, int nameLen, char[] value) throws IOException {
checkSize(nameLen + value.length + 4);
int pos = this.buffer.position();
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, SPACE);
UNSAFE.copyMemory(name, this.address + pos, nameLen);
pos += nameLen;
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, EQUALS);
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, DOUBLE_QUOTE);
pos = raw(value, 0, value.length, pos);
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, DOUBLE_QUOTE);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void writeAttribute(long name, int nameLen, byte[] value) throws IOException {
checkSize(nameLen + value.length + 16);
long addr = this.address + this.buffer.position();
UNSAFE.putByte(addr++, SPACE);
UNSAFE.copyMemory(name, addr, nameLen);
addr += nameLen;
UNSAFE.putByte(addr++, EQUALS);
UNSAFE.putByte(addr++, DOUBLE_QUOTE);
UNSAFE.copyMemory(value, UnsafeHelper.BYTE_ARRAY_BASE_OFFSET, null, addr, value.length);
addr += value.length;
UNSAFE.putByte(addr++, DOUBLE_QUOTE);
this.buffer.position((int) (addr - this.address));
* {@inheritDoc}
public void writeAttribute(long name, int nameLen, LocalDate date) throws IOException {
checkSize(nameLen + 20);
int pos = this.buffer.position();
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, SPACE);
UNSAFE.copyMemory(name, this.address + pos, nameLen);
pos += nameLen;
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, EQUALS);
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, DOUBLE_QUOTE);
pos = raw(date, pos);
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, DOUBLE_QUOTE);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void writeAttribute(long name, int nameLen, OffsetDateTime offsetDateTime) throws IOException {
checkSize(nameLen + 30);
int pos = this.buffer.position();
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, SPACE);
UNSAFE.copyMemory(name, this.address + pos, nameLen);
pos += nameLen;
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, EQUALS);
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, DOUBLE_QUOTE);
pos = raw(offsetDateTime, pos);
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, DOUBLE_QUOTE);
public void write(char[] text, int off, int len) throws IOException {
checkSize(text.length << 2);
int pos = this.buffer.position();
if (hasElements[elem]) {
hasElements[elem] = false;
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, END_TAG);
this.buffer.position(raw(text, off, len, pos));
* {@inheritDoc}
public void write(char[] text) throws IOException {
write(text, 0, text.length);
private int raw(LocalDate date, int pos) {
int year = date.getYear();
int month = date.getMonthValue();
int day = date.getDayOfMonth();
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (year / 1000)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (year / 100 % 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (year / 10 % 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (year % 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, CHAR_DASH);
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (month / 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (month % 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, CHAR_DASH);
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (day / 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (day % 10)));
return pos;
private int raw(OffsetDateTime dateTime, int pos) {
int year = dateTime.getYear();
int month = dateTime.getMonthValue();
int day = dateTime.getDayOfMonth();
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (year / 1000)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (year / 100 % 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (year / 10 % 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (year % 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, CHAR_DASH);
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (month / 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (month % 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, CHAR_DASH);
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (day / 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (day % 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, CHAR_T);
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (dateTime.getHour() / 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (dateTime.getHour() % 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, CHAR_COLON);
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (dateTime.getMinute() / 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (dateTime.getMinute() % 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, CHAR_COLON);
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (dateTime.getSecond() / 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (dateTime.getSecond() % 10)));
if (dateTime.getOffset().getTotalSeconds() != 0) {
char[] offset = UnsafeString.getChars(dateTime.getOffset().toString());
return raw(offset, 0, offset.length, pos);
return pos;
private int raw(char[] text, int off, int len, int pos) {
char c;
long addr = this.address + pos;
for (int i = off, n = off + len; i < n; i++) {
c = text[i];
// ascii
if (c < 0x80) {
switch (c) {
case '&':
UNSAFE.copyMemory(ADDRESS_ENTITY_AMP, addr, 5);
addr += 5;
case '<':
UNSAFE.copyMemory(ADDRESS_ENTITY_LT, addr, 4);
addr += 4;
case '>':
UNSAFE.copyMemory(ADDRESS_ENTITY_GT, addr, 4);
addr += 4;
case '"':
UNSAFE.copyMemory(ADDRESS_ENTITY_QUOT, addr, 6);
addr += 6;
UNSAFE.putByte(addr++, (byte) c);
} else {
// 2-byte
if (c < 0x800) {
UNSAFE.putByte(addr++, (byte) (0xc0 | (c >> 6)));
UNSAFE.putByte(addr++, (byte) (0x80 | (c & 0x3f)));
// 3 bytes
} else if (c <= 0xFFFF) {
UNSAFE.putByte(addr++, (byte) (0xe0 | (c >> 12)));
UNSAFE.putByte(addr++, (byte) (0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3f)));
UNSAFE.putByte(addr++, (byte) (0x80 | (c & 0x3f)));
} else {
// 4 bytes
if (c > 0x10FFFF) {
// illegal, as per RFC 3629
throw new IllegalStateException();
UNSAFE.putByte(addr++, (byte) (0xf0 | (c >> 18)));
UNSAFE.putByte(addr++, (byte) (0x80 | ((c >> 12) & 0x3f)));
UNSAFE.putByte(addr++, (byte) (0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3f)));
UNSAFE.putByte(addr++, (byte) (0x80 | (c & 0x3f)));
return (int) (addr - this.address);
* @param limit
private void checkSize(int limit) throws IOException {
if (this.buffer.remaining() < limit) {
public void write(long address, int len) throws IOException {
checkSize(len << 2);
int pos = this.buffer.position();
if (hasElements[elem]) {
hasElements[elem] = false;
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, END_TAG);
UNSAFE.copyMemory(address, this.address + pos, len);
this.buffer.position(pos + len);
public void write(long address, int len, Externalizable value) throws IOException {
checkSize(len << 2);
int pos = this.buffer.position();
if (hasElements[elem]) {
hasElements[elem] = false;
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, END_TAG);
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, START_TAG);
UNSAFE.copyMemory(address, this.address + pos, len);
pos += len;
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, END_TAG);
checkSize(len << 2);
pos = this.buffer.position();
UNSAFE.copyMemory(ADDRESS_ARRAY_END, this.address + pos, 2);
pos += 2;
UNSAFE.copyMemory(address, this.address + pos, len);
pos += len;
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, END_TAG);
public void write(LocalDateTime dateTime) throws IOException {
int pos = this.buffer.position();
if (hasElements[elem]) {
hasElements[elem] = false;
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, END_TAG);
int year = dateTime.getYear();
int month = dateTime.getMonthValue();
int day = dateTime.getDayOfMonth();
int hour = dateTime.getHour();
int minute = dateTime.getMinute();
int second = dateTime.getSecond();
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (year / 1000)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (year / 100 % 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (year / 10 % 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (year % 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, CHAR_DASH);
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (month / 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (month % 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, CHAR_DASH);
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (day / 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (day % 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, CHAR_T);
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (hour / 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (hour % 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, CHAR_COLON);
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (minute / 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (minute % 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, CHAR_COLON);
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (second / 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (second % 10)));
public void write(LocalTime dateTime) throws IOException {
int pos = this.buffer.position();
if (hasElements[elem]) {
hasElements[elem] = false;
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, END_TAG);
int hour = dateTime.getHour();
int minute = dateTime.getMinute();
int second = dateTime.getSecond();
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (hour / 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (hour % 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, CHAR_COLON);
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (minute / 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (minute % 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, CHAR_COLON);
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (second / 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (second % 10)));
* {@inheritDoc}
public void writeStart(long address, int len) throws IOException {
checkSize(len << 2);
long adr = this.address + this.buffer.position();
if (hasElements[elem]) {
hasElements[elem] = false;
UNSAFE.putByte(adr++, END_TAG);
UNSAFE.putByte(adr++, START_TAG);
if (this.namespacesPtr >= 0) {
long nsAdr = this.namespaces[namespacesPtr];
long nsLen = this.namespacesSize[namespacesPtr];
UNSAFE.copyMemory(nsAdr, adr, nsLen);
adr += nsLen;
UNSAFE.putByte(adr++, CHAR_COLON);
UNSAFE.copyMemory(address, adr, len);
this.buffer.position((int) (adr - this.address) + len);
hasElements[++elem] = true;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void writeEnd(long address, int len) throws IOException {
checkSize(len << 2);
if (!hasElements[elem--]) {
long adr = this.address + this.buffer.position();
UNSAFE.copyMemory(ADDRESS_ARRAY_END, adr, 2);
adr += 2;
if (this.namespacesPtr >= 0) {
long nsAdr = this.namespaces[namespacesPtr];
long nsLen = this.namespacesSize[namespacesPtr];
UNSAFE.copyMemory(nsAdr, adr, nsLen);
adr += nsLen;
UNSAFE.putByte(adr++, CHAR_COLON);
UNSAFE.copyMemory(address, adr, len);
UNSAFE.putByte(adr + len, END_TAG);
this.buffer.position(((int) (adr - this.address)) + len + 1);
} else {
int pos = this.buffer.position();
UNSAFE.copyMemory(ADDRESS_END_SINGLE_TAG, this.address + pos, 2);
this.buffer.position(pos + 2);
public void write(LocalDate date) throws IOException {
int pos = this.buffer.position();
if (hasElements[elem]) {
hasElements[elem] = false;
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, END_TAG);
int year = date.getYear();
int month = date.getMonthValue();
int day = date.getDayOfMonth();
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (year / 1000)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (year / 100 % 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (year / 10 % 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (year % 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, CHAR_DASH);
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (month / 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (month % 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, CHAR_DASH);
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (day / 10)));
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, (byte) (48 + (day % 10)));
* {@inheritDoc}
* @throws IOException
public void writeNamespace(long key, int keyLen, long value, int valueLen) throws IOException {
checkSize(keyLen + valueLen + 4);
int pos = this.buffer.position();
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, SPACE);
UNSAFE.copyMemory(key, this.address + pos, keyLen);
pos += keyLen;
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, EQUALS);
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, DOUBLE_QUOTE);
UNSAFE.copyMemory(value, this.address + pos, valueLen);
pos += valueLen;
UNSAFE.putByte(this.address + pos++, DOUBLE_QUOTE);
public static byte[] getPiStart() {
return PI_START.clone();
public static byte[] getPiEnd() {
return PI_END.clone();
public void pushNS(long addr, long size) {
this.namespaces[namespacesPtr] = addr;
this.namespacesSize[namespacesPtr] = size;
public void popNS() {
protected void reset() { = null;
this.elem = 0;
this.namespacesPtr = -1;
this.permissive = false;
this.exceptions = null;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void setPermissive(boolean value) {
this.permissive = value;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isPermissive() {
return permissive;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void addExpcetion(LegalDocMlException exception) {
if (this.exceptions == null) {
this.exceptions = new ArrayList<>(8);
public List getExceptions() {
return exceptions;
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