Download io.leonard JAR files with all dependencies
base58 from group io.leonard (version 0.0.2)
Java implementation of the base58 algorithm
onebusaway-gtfs-merge from group io.leonard (version 1.3.113)
A tool for merging GTFS feeds.
onebusaway-gtfs-hibernate from group io.leonard (version 1.3.113)
A Java library for reading and writing General Transit Feed Spec feeds into a database
onebusaway-gtfs-merge-cli from group io.leonard (version 1.3.113)
Command-line interface to the GTFS merge tool.
onebusaway-gtfs-transformer from group io.leonard (version 1.3.113)
A Java library for transforming Google Transit Feed Spec feeds
onebusaway-gtfs-transformer-cli from group io.leonard (version 1.3.113)
A Java application for transforming Google Transit Feed Spec feeds
onebusaway-gtfs-modules from group io.leonard (version 1.3.113)
A collection of GTFS libraries and tools.
Group: io.leonard Artifact: onebusaway-gtfs-modules
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
onebusaway-gtfs from group io.leonard (version 1.3.113)
A Java library for reading and writing General Transit Feed Spec feeds
onebusaway-gtfs-hibernate-cli from group io.leonard (version 1.3.113)
A command-line utility for loading GTFS data into a database.
opening-hours-evaluator from group io.leonard (version 1.3.0)
Evaluator for OpenStreetMap-formatted opening hours
gtfs-realtime-bindings from group io.leonard (version 0.0.7)
Java classes generated from the GTFS-realtime protocol buffer specification.
profiledb_2.13 from group io.leonard (version 0.0.3)
scalac-profiling_2.13 from group io.leonard (version 0.0.3)
play-json-traits_2.12 from group io.leonard (version 1.5.1)
play-json-traits_2.13 from group io.leonard (version 1.5.1)
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