io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2011-Present, Redis Ltd. and Contributors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License.
* This file contains contributions from third-party contributors
* licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.lettuce.core;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.ServiceConfigurationError;
import java.util.ServiceLoader;
import io.lettuce.core.api.StatefulConnection;
import io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceAssert;
import io.lettuce.core.json.JsonParser;
import io.lettuce.core.json.RedisJsonException;
import io.lettuce.core.protocol.DecodeBufferPolicies;
import io.lettuce.core.protocol.DecodeBufferPolicy;
import io.lettuce.core.protocol.ProtocolVersion;
import io.lettuce.core.protocol.ReadOnlyCommands;
import io.lettuce.core.resource.ClientResources;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
* Client Options to control the behavior of {@link RedisClient}.
* @author Mark Paluch
* @author Gavin Cook
* @author Jim Brunner
public class ClientOptions implements Serializable {
public static final boolean DEFAULT_AUTO_RECONNECT = true;
public static final int DEFAULT_BUFFER_USAGE_RATIO = 3;
public static final boolean DEFAULT_CANCEL_CMD_RECONNECT_FAIL = false;
public static final DisconnectedBehavior DEFAULT_DISCONNECTED_BEHAVIOR = DisconnectedBehavior.DEFAULT;
public static final ReauthenticateBehavior DEFAULT_REAUTHENTICATE_BEHAVIOUR = ReauthenticateBehavior.DEFAULT;
public static final boolean DEFAULT_PUBLISH_ON_SCHEDULER = false;
public static final boolean DEFAULT_PING_BEFORE_ACTIVATE_CONNECTION = true;
public static final ProtocolVersion DEFAULT_PROTOCOL_VERSION = ProtocolVersion.newestSupported();
public static final ReadOnlyCommands.ReadOnlyPredicate DEFAULT_READ_ONLY_COMMANDS = ReadOnlyCommands.asPredicate();
public static final int DEFAULT_REQUEST_QUEUE_SIZE = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
public static final Charset DEFAULT_SCRIPT_CHARSET = StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
public static final SocketOptions DEFAULT_SOCKET_OPTIONS = SocketOptions.create();
public static final Mono DEFAULT_JSON_PARSER = Mono.defer(() -> Mono.fromCallable(() -> {
try {
Iterator services = ServiceLoader.load(JsonParser.class).iterator();
return services.hasNext() ? services.next() : null;
} catch (ServiceConfigurationError e) {
throw new RedisJsonException("Could not load JsonParser, please consult the guide"
+ "at https://redis.github.io/lettuce/user-guide/redis-json/", e);
public static final SslOptions DEFAULT_SSL_OPTIONS = SslOptions.create();
public static final boolean DEFAULT_SUSPEND_RECONNECT_PROTO_FAIL = false;
public static final TimeoutOptions DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_OPTIONS = TimeoutOptions.enabled();
public static final boolean DEFAULT_USE_HASH_INDEX_QUEUE = true;
private final boolean autoReconnect;
private final boolean cancelCommandsOnReconnectFailure;
private final DecodeBufferPolicy decodeBufferPolicy;
private final DisconnectedBehavior disconnectedBehavior;
private final ReauthenticateBehavior reauthenticateBehavior;
private final boolean publishOnScheduler;
private final boolean pingBeforeActivateConnection;
private final ProtocolVersion protocolVersion;
private final ReadOnlyCommands.ReadOnlyPredicate readOnlyCommands;
private final int requestQueueSize;
private final Charset scriptCharset;
private final Mono jsonParser;
private final SocketOptions socketOptions;
private final SslOptions sslOptions;
private final boolean suspendReconnectOnProtocolFailure;
private final TimeoutOptions timeoutOptions;
private final boolean useHashIndexedQueue;
protected ClientOptions(Builder builder) {
this.autoReconnect = builder.autoReconnect;
this.cancelCommandsOnReconnectFailure = builder.cancelCommandsOnReconnectFailure;
this.decodeBufferPolicy = builder.decodeBufferPolicy;
this.disconnectedBehavior = builder.disconnectedBehavior;
this.reauthenticateBehavior = builder.reauthenticateBehavior;
this.publishOnScheduler = builder.publishOnScheduler;
this.pingBeforeActivateConnection = builder.pingBeforeActivateConnection;
this.protocolVersion = builder.protocolVersion;
this.readOnlyCommands = builder.readOnlyCommands;
this.requestQueueSize = builder.requestQueueSize;
this.scriptCharset = builder.scriptCharset;
this.jsonParser = builder.jsonParser;
this.socketOptions = builder.socketOptions;
this.sslOptions = builder.sslOptions;
this.suspendReconnectOnProtocolFailure = builder.suspendReconnectOnProtocolFailure;
this.timeoutOptions = builder.timeoutOptions;
this.useHashIndexedQueue = builder.useHashIndexedQueue;
protected ClientOptions(ClientOptions original) {
this.autoReconnect = original.isAutoReconnect();
this.cancelCommandsOnReconnectFailure = original.isCancelCommandsOnReconnectFailure();
this.decodeBufferPolicy = original.getDecodeBufferPolicy();
this.disconnectedBehavior = original.getDisconnectedBehavior();
this.reauthenticateBehavior = original.getReauthenticateBehaviour();
this.publishOnScheduler = original.isPublishOnScheduler();
this.pingBeforeActivateConnection = original.isPingBeforeActivateConnection();
this.protocolVersion = original.getConfiguredProtocolVersion();
this.readOnlyCommands = original.getReadOnlyCommands();
this.requestQueueSize = original.getRequestQueueSize();
this.scriptCharset = original.getScriptCharset();
this.jsonParser = original.getJsonParser();
this.socketOptions = original.getSocketOptions();
this.sslOptions = original.getSslOptions();
this.suspendReconnectOnProtocolFailure = original.isSuspendReconnectOnProtocolFailure();
this.timeoutOptions = original.getTimeoutOptions();
this.useHashIndexedQueue = original.isUseHashIndexedQueue();
* Create a copy of {@literal options}
* @param options the original
* @return A new instance of {@link ClientOptions} containing the values of {@literal options}
public static ClientOptions copyOf(ClientOptions options) {
return new ClientOptions(options);
* Returns a new {@link ClientOptions.Builder} to construct {@link ClientOptions}.
* @return a new {@link ClientOptions.Builder} to construct {@link ClientOptions}.
public static ClientOptions.Builder builder() {
return new ClientOptions.Builder();
* Create a new instance of {@link ClientOptions} with default settings.
* @return a new instance of {@link ClientOptions} with default settings
public static ClientOptions create() {
return builder().build();
* Builder for {@link ClientOptions}.
public static class Builder {
private boolean autoReconnect = DEFAULT_AUTO_RECONNECT;
private boolean cancelCommandsOnReconnectFailure = DEFAULT_CANCEL_CMD_RECONNECT_FAIL;
private DecodeBufferPolicy decodeBufferPolicy = DecodeBufferPolicies.ratio(DEFAULT_BUFFER_USAGE_RATIO);
private DisconnectedBehavior disconnectedBehavior = DEFAULT_DISCONNECTED_BEHAVIOR;
private boolean pingBeforeActivateConnection = DEFAULT_PING_BEFORE_ACTIVATE_CONNECTION;
private ProtocolVersion protocolVersion;
private boolean publishOnScheduler = DEFAULT_PUBLISH_ON_SCHEDULER;
private ReadOnlyCommands.ReadOnlyPredicate readOnlyCommands = DEFAULT_READ_ONLY_COMMANDS;
private int requestQueueSize = DEFAULT_REQUEST_QUEUE_SIZE;
private Charset scriptCharset = DEFAULT_SCRIPT_CHARSET;
private Mono jsonParser = DEFAULT_JSON_PARSER;
private SocketOptions socketOptions = DEFAULT_SOCKET_OPTIONS;
private SslOptions sslOptions = DEFAULT_SSL_OPTIONS;
private boolean suspendReconnectOnProtocolFailure = DEFAULT_SUSPEND_RECONNECT_PROTO_FAIL;
private TimeoutOptions timeoutOptions = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_OPTIONS;
private ReauthenticateBehavior reauthenticateBehavior = DEFAULT_REAUTHENTICATE_BEHAVIOUR;
private boolean useHashIndexedQueue = DEFAULT_USE_HASH_INDEX_QUEUE;
protected Builder() {
* Enables or disables auto reconnection on connection loss. Defaults to {@code true}. See
* @param autoReconnect true/false
* @return {@code this}
public Builder autoReconnect(boolean autoReconnect) {
this.autoReconnect = autoReconnect;
return this;
* Allows cancelling queued commands in case a reconnect fails.Defaults to {@code false}. See
* {@link #DEFAULT_CANCEL_CMD_RECONNECT_FAIL}. This flag is deprecated and should not be used as it can lead to race
* conditions and protocol offsets. The reason is that it internally calls reset() which causes a protocol offset.
* See {@link StatefulConnection#reset}
* @param cancelCommandsOnReconnectFailure true/false
* @return {@code this}
* @deprecated since 6.2, to be removed with 7.0. This feature is unsafe and may cause protocol offsets if true (i.e.
* Redis commands are completed with previous command values).
public Builder cancelCommandsOnReconnectFailure(boolean cancelCommandsOnReconnectFailure) {
this.cancelCommandsOnReconnectFailure = cancelCommandsOnReconnectFailure;
return this;
* Buffer usage ratio for {@link io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandHandler}. This ratio controls how often bytes are
* discarded during decoding. In particular, when buffer usage reaches {@code bufferUsageRatio / bufferUsageRatio + 1}.
* E.g. setting {@code bufferUsageRatio} to {@literal 3}, will discard read bytes once the buffer usage reaches 75
* percent. See {@link #DEFAULT_BUFFER_USAGE_RATIO}.
* @param bufferUsageRatio the buffer usage ratio. Must be between {@code 0} and {@code 2^31-1}, typically a value
* between 1 and 10 representing 50% to 90%.
* @return {@code this}
* @since 5.2
* @deprecated since 6.0 in favor of {@link DecodeBufferPolicy}.
public Builder bufferUsageRatio(int bufferUsageRatio) {
this.decodeBufferPolicy = DecodeBufferPolicies.ratio(bufferUsageRatio);
return this;
* Set the policy to discard read bytes from the decoding aggregation buffer to reclaim memory.
* @param policy the policy to use in {@link io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandHandler}
* @return {@code this}
* @see DecodeBufferPolicies
* @since 6.0
public Builder decodeBufferPolicy(DecodeBufferPolicy policy) {
LettuceAssert.notNull(policy, "DecodeBufferPolicy must not be null");
this.decodeBufferPolicy = policy;
return this;
* Sets the behavior for command invocation when connections are in a disconnected state. Defaults to {@code true}. See
* @param disconnectedBehavior must not be {@code null}.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder disconnectedBehavior(DisconnectedBehavior disconnectedBehavior) {
LettuceAssert.notNull(disconnectedBehavior, "DisconnectedBehavior must not be null");
this.disconnectedBehavior = disconnectedBehavior;
return this;
* Configure the {@link ReauthenticateBehavior} of the Lettuce driver. Defaults to
* {@link ReauthenticateBehavior#DEFAULT}.
* @param reauthenticateBehavior the {@link ReauthenticateBehavior} to use. Must not be {@code null}.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder reauthenticateBehavior(ReauthenticateBehavior reauthenticateBehavior) {
LettuceAssert.notNull(reauthenticateBehavior, "ReuthenticatBehavior must not be null");
this.reauthenticateBehavior = reauthenticateBehavior;
return this;
* Perform a lightweight {@literal PING} connection handshake when establishing a Redis connection. If {@code true}
* (default is {@code true}, {@link #DEFAULT_PING_BEFORE_ACTIVATE_CONNECTION}), every connection and reconnect will
* issue a {@literal PING} command and await its response before the connection is activated and enabled for use. If the
* check fails, the connect/reconnect is treated as a failure. This option has no effect unless forced to use the RESP 2
* protocol version. RESP 3/protocol discovery performs a {@code HELLO} handshake.
* The {@literal PING} handshake validates whether the other end of the connected socket is a service that behaves like
* a Redis server.
* @param pingBeforeActivateConnection true/false
* @return {@code this}
public Builder pingBeforeActivateConnection(boolean pingBeforeActivateConnection) {
this.pingBeforeActivateConnection = pingBeforeActivateConnection;
return this;
* Sets the {@link ProtocolVersion} to use. Defaults to {@literal RESP3}. See {@link #DEFAULT_PROTOCOL_VERSION}.
* @param protocolVersion version to use.
* @return {@code this}
* @see ProtocolVersion#newestSupported()
* @since 6.0
public Builder protocolVersion(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) {
this.protocolVersion = protocolVersion;
return this;
* Use a dedicated {@link reactor.core.scheduler.Scheduler} to emit reactive data signals. Enabling this option can be
* useful for reactive sequences that require a significant amount of processing with a single/a few Redis connections.
* A single Redis connection operates on a single thread. Operations that require a significant amount of processing can
* lead to a single-threaded-like behavior for all consumers of the Redis connection. When enabled, data signals will be
* emitted using a different thread served by {@link ClientResources#eventExecutorGroup()}. Defaults to {@code false} ,
* @param publishOnScheduler true/false
* @return {@code this}
* @see org.reactivestreams.Subscriber#onNext(Object)
* @see ClientResources#eventExecutorGroup()
* @since 5.2
public Builder publishOnScheduler(boolean publishOnScheduler) {
this.publishOnScheduler = publishOnScheduler;
return this;
* Identifies commands (e.g. module commands) as read-only. Defaults {@link #DEFAULT_READ_ONLY_COMMANDS}, see
* {@link ReadOnlyCommands}.
* @param readOnlyCommands must not be {@code null}.
* @return {@code this}
* @see 6.2.4
public Builder readOnlyCommands(ReadOnlyCommands.ReadOnlyPredicate readOnlyCommands) {
LettuceAssert.notNull(readOnlyCommands, "readOnlyCommands must not be null");
this.readOnlyCommands = readOnlyCommands;
return this;
* Set the per-connection request queue size. The command invocation will lead to a {@link RedisException} if the queue
* size is exceeded. Setting the {@code requestQueueSize} to a lower value will lead earlier to exceptions during
* overload or while the connection is in a disconnected state. A higher value means hitting the boundary will take
* longer to occur, but more requests will potentially be queued up and more heap space is used. Defaults to
* {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}. See {@link #DEFAULT_REQUEST_QUEUE_SIZE}.
* @param requestQueueSize the queue size.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder requestQueueSize(int requestQueueSize) {
this.requestQueueSize = requestQueueSize;
return this;
* Sets the Lua script {@link Charset} to use to encode {@link String scripts} to {@code byte[]}. Defaults to
* {@link StandardCharsets#UTF_8}. See {@link #DEFAULT_SCRIPT_CHARSET}.
* @param scriptCharset must not be {@code null}.
* @return {@code this}
* @since 6.0
public Builder scriptCharset(Charset scriptCharset) {
LettuceAssert.notNull(scriptCharset, "ScriptCharset must not be null");
this.scriptCharset = scriptCharset;
return this;
* Set a custom implementation for the {@link JsonParser} to use.
* @param parser a {@link Mono} that emits the {@link JsonParser} to use.
* @return {@code this}
* @see JsonParser
* @since 6.5
public Builder jsonParser(Mono parser) {
LettuceAssert.notNull(parser, "JsonParser must not be null");
this.jsonParser = parser;
return this;
* Sets the low-level {@link SocketOptions} for the connections kept to Redis servers. See
* @param socketOptions must not be {@code null}.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder socketOptions(SocketOptions socketOptions) {
LettuceAssert.notNull(socketOptions, "SocketOptions must not be null");
this.socketOptions = socketOptions;
return this;
* Sets the {@link SslOptions} for SSL connections kept to Redis servers. See {@link #DEFAULT_SSL_OPTIONS}.
* @param sslOptions must not be {@code null}.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder sslOptions(SslOptions sslOptions) {
LettuceAssert.notNull(sslOptions, "SslOptions must not be null");
this.sslOptions = sslOptions;
return this;
* Suspends reconnect when reconnects run into protocol failures (SSL verification, PING before connect fails). Defaults
* to {@code false}. See {@link #DEFAULT_SUSPEND_RECONNECT_PROTO_FAIL}.
* @param suspendReconnectOnProtocolFailure true/false
* @return {@code this}
public Builder suspendReconnectOnProtocolFailure(boolean suspendReconnectOnProtocolFailure) {
this.suspendReconnectOnProtocolFailure = suspendReconnectOnProtocolFailure;
return this;
* Sets the {@link TimeoutOptions} to expire and cancel commands. See {@link #DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_OPTIONS}.
* @param timeoutOptions must not be {@code null}.
* @return {@code this}
* @since 5.1
public Builder timeoutOptions(TimeoutOptions timeoutOptions) {
LettuceAssert.notNull(timeoutOptions, "TimeoutOptions must not be null");
this.timeoutOptions = timeoutOptions;
return this;
* Use hash indexed queue, which provides O(1) remove(Object) thus won't cause blocking issues.
* @param useHashIndexedQueue true/false
* @return {@code this}
* @see io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandHandler.AddToStack
* @since 6.6
public Builder useHashIndexQueue(boolean useHashIndexedQueue) {
this.useHashIndexedQueue = useHashIndexedQueue;
return this;
* Create a new instance of {@link ClientOptions}.
* @return new instance of {@link ClientOptions}
public ClientOptions build() {
return new ClientOptions(this);
* Returns a builder to create new {@link ClientOptions} whose settings are replicated from the current
* {@link ClientOptions}.
* @return a {@link ClientOptions.Builder} to create new {@link ClientOptions} whose settings are replicated from the
* current {@link ClientOptions}.
* @since 5.1
public ClientOptions.Builder mutate() {
Builder builder = new Builder();
return builder;
* Controls auto-reconnect behavior on connections. If auto-reconnect is {@code true} (default), it is enabled. As soon as a
* connection gets closed/reset without the intention to close it, the client will try to reconnect and re-issue any queued
* commands.
* This flag has also the effect that disconnected connections will refuse commands and cancel these with an exception.
* @return {@code true} if auto-reconnect is enabled.
public boolean isAutoReconnect() {
return autoReconnect;
* If this flag is {@code true} any queued commands will be canceled when a reconnect fails within the activation sequence.
* Default is {@code false}.
* @return {@code true} if commands should be cancelled on reconnect failures.
* @deprecated since 6.2, to be removed with 7.0. See {@link Builder#cancelCommandsOnReconnectFailure(boolean)}.
public boolean isCancelCommandsOnReconnectFailure() {
return cancelCommandsOnReconnectFailure;
* Returns the {@link DecodeBufferPolicy} used to reclaim memory.
* @return the {@link DecodeBufferPolicy}.
* @since 6.0
public DecodeBufferPolicy getDecodeBufferPolicy() {
return decodeBufferPolicy;
* Buffer usage ratio for {@link io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandHandler}. This ratio controls how often bytes are discarded
* during decoding. In particular, when buffer usage reaches {@code bufferUsageRatio / bufferUsageRatio + 1}. E.g. setting
* {@code bufferUsageRatio} to {@literal 3}, will discard read bytes once the buffer usage reaches 75 percent.
* @return zero.
* @since 5.2
* @deprecated since 6.0 in favor of {@link DecodeBufferPolicy}.
public int getBufferUsageRatio() {
return 0;
* Behavior for command invocation when connections are in a disconnected state. Defaults to
* {@link DisconnectedBehavior#DEFAULT true}. See {@link #DEFAULT_DISCONNECTED_BEHAVIOR}.
* @return the behavior for command invocation when connections are in a disconnected state
public DisconnectedBehavior getDisconnectedBehavior() {
return disconnectedBehavior;
* Behavior for re-authentication when the {@link RedisCredentialsProvider} emits new credentials. Defaults to
* {@link ReauthenticateBehavior#DEFAULT}.
* @return the currently set {@link ReauthenticateBehavior}.
public ReauthenticateBehavior getReauthenticateBehaviour() {
return reauthenticateBehavior;
* Predicate to identify commands as read-only. Defaults to {@link #DEFAULT_READ_ONLY_COMMANDS}.
* @return the predicate to identify read-only commands.
public ReadOnlyCommands.ReadOnlyPredicate getReadOnlyCommands() {
return readOnlyCommands;
* Request queue size for a connection. This value applies per connection. The command invocation will throw a
* {@link RedisException} if the queue size is exceeded and a new command is requested. Defaults to
* {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}.
* @return the request queue size.
public int getRequestQueueSize() {
return requestQueueSize;
* Perform a lightweight {@literal PING} connection handshake when establishing a Redis connection. If {@code true} (default
* is {@code true}), every connection and reconnect will issue a {@literal PING} command and await its response before the
* connection is activated and enabled for use. If the check fails, the connect/reconnect is treated as a failure. This
* option has no effect unless forced to use the RESP 2 protocol version. RESP 3/protocol discovery performs a {@code HELLO}
* handshake.
* The {@literal PING} handshake validates whether the other end of the connected socket is a service that behaves like a
* Redis server.
* @return {@code true} if {@literal PING} handshake is enabled.
public boolean isPingBeforeActivateConnection() {
return pingBeforeActivateConnection;
* Returns the {@link ProtocolVersion} to use.
* @return the {@link ProtocolVersion} to use.
public ProtocolVersion getProtocolVersion() {
ProtocolVersion protocolVersion = getConfiguredProtocolVersion();
return protocolVersion == null ? DEFAULT_PROTOCOL_VERSION : protocolVersion;
* Returns the configured {@link ProtocolVersion}. May return {@code null} if unconfigured.
* @return the {@link ProtocolVersion} to use. May be {@code null}.
* @since 6.0
public ProtocolVersion getConfiguredProtocolVersion() {
return protocolVersion;
* Use a dedicated {@link reactor.core.scheduler.Scheduler} to emit reactive data signals. Enabling this option can be
* useful for reactive sequences that require a significant amount of processing with a single/a few Redis connections.
* A single Redis connection operates on a single thread. Operations that require a significant amount of processing can
* lead to a single-threaded-like behavior for all consumers of the Redis connection. When enabled, data signals will be
* emitted using a different thread served by {@link ClientResources#eventExecutorGroup()}. Defaults to {@code false} , see
* @return {@code true} to use a dedicated {@link reactor.core.scheduler.Scheduler}
* @since 5.2
public boolean isPublishOnScheduler() {
return publishOnScheduler;
* If this flag is {@code true}, the reconnect will be suspended on protocol errors. Protocol errors are errors while SSL
* negotiation or when PING before connect fails.
* @return {@code true} if reconnect will be suspended on protocol errors.
public boolean isSuspendReconnectOnProtocolFailure() {
return suspendReconnectOnProtocolFailure;
* Returns the Lua script {@link Charset}.
* @return the script {@link Charset}.
* @since 6.0
public Charset getScriptCharset() {
return scriptCharset;
* Returns the currently set up {@link JsonParser}.
* @return the implementation of the {@link JsonParser} to use.
* @since 6.5
public Mono getJsonParser() {
return jsonParser;
* Returns the {@link SocketOptions}.
* @return the {@link SocketOptions}.
public SocketOptions getSocketOptions() {
return socketOptions;
* Returns the {@link SslOptions}.
* @return the {@link SslOptions}.
public SslOptions getSslOptions() {
return sslOptions;
* Returns the {@link TimeoutOptions}.
* @return the {@link TimeoutOptions}.
* @since 5.1
public TimeoutOptions getTimeoutOptions() {
return timeoutOptions;
* Defines the re-authentication behavior of the Redis client.
* Certain implementations of the {@link RedisCredentialsProvider} could emit new credentials at runtime. This setting
* controls how the driver reacts to these newly emitted credentials.
public enum ReauthenticateBehavior {
* This is the default behavior. The client will fetch current credentials from the underlying
* {@link RedisCredentialsProvider} only when the driver needs to, e.g. when the connection is first established or when
* it is re-established after a disconnect.
* No re-authentication is performed when new credentials are emitted by a {@link RedisCredentialsProvider} that
* supports streaming. The client does not subscribe to or react to any updates in the credential stream provided by
* {@link RedisCredentialsProvider#credentials()}.
* Automatically triggers re-authentication whenever new credentials are emitted by a {@link RedisCredentialsProvider}
* that supports streaming, as indicated by {@link RedisCredentialsProvider#supportsStreaming()}.
* When this behavior is enabled, the client subscribes to the credential stream provided by
* {@link RedisCredentialsProvider#credentials()} and issues an {@code AUTH} command to the Redis server each time new
* credentials are received. This behavior supports dynamic credential scenarios, such as token-based authentication, or
* credential rotation where credentials are refreshed periodically to maintain access.
* Note: {@code AUTH} commands issued as part of this behavior may interleave with user-submitted commands, as the
* client performs re-authentication independently of user command flow.
* Whether we should use hash indexed queue, which provides O(1) remove(Object)
* @return if hash indexed queue should be used
public boolean isUseHashIndexedQueue() {
return useHashIndexedQueue;
* Behavior of connections in disconnected state.
public enum DisconnectedBehavior {
* Accept commands when auto-reconnect is enabled, reject commands when auto-reconnect is disabled.
* Accept commands in disconnected state.
* Reject commands in disconnected state.