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io.lettuce.core.codec.CipherCodec Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Advanced and thread-safe Java Redis client for synchronous, asynchronous, and
reactive usage. Supports Cluster, Sentinel, Pipelining, Auto-Reconnect, Codecs
and much more.
package io.lettuce.core.codec;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceAssert;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
* A crypto {@link RedisCodec} that that allows transparent encryption/decryption of values. This codec uses {@link Cipher}
* instances provided by {@link CipherSupplier} to process encryption and decryption.
* This codec supports various encryption keys by encoding the key name and used key version in the value that is stored in
* Redis. The message format for encryption is:
* $<key name>+<key version>$<cipher text>
* Each value is prefixed with the key message that is enclosed with dollar ({@code $}) signs and using the plus sign
* ({@code +}) to denote the key version. Decryption decodes the key name and requests a {@link Cipher} from
* {@link CipherSupplier} to decrypt values with an appropriate key/{@link Cipher}.
* This {@link RedisCodec codec} does not provide re-wrapping or key rotation features.
* @author Mark Paluch
* @since 5.2
* @see CipherSupplier
* @see KeyDescriptor
public abstract class CipherCodec {
private CipherCodec() {
* A {@link RedisCodec} that compresses values from a delegating {@link RedisCodec}.
* @param delegate codec used for key-value encoding/decoding, must not be {@code null}.
* @param encrypt the {@link CipherSupplier} of encryption {@link Cipher} to use.
* @param decrypt the {@link CipherSupplier} of decryption {@link Cipher} to use.
* @param Key type.
* @param Value type.
* @return Cipher codec.
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public static RedisCodec forValues(RedisCodec delegate, CipherSupplier encrypt, CipherSupplier decrypt) {
LettuceAssert.notNull(delegate, "RedisCodec must not be null");
LettuceAssert.notNull(encrypt, "Encryption Supplier must not be null");
LettuceAssert.notNull(decrypt, "Decryption Supplier must not be null");
return (RedisCodec) new CipherCodecWrapper((RedisCodec) delegate, encrypt, decrypt);
private static class CipherCodecWrapper implements RedisCodec, ToByteBufEncoder {
private RedisCodec delegate;
private CipherSupplier encrypt;
private CipherSupplier decrypt;
CipherCodecWrapper(RedisCodec delegate, CipherSupplier encrypt, CipherSupplier decrypt) {
this.delegate = delegate;
this.encrypt = encrypt;
this.decrypt = decrypt;
public Object decodeKey(ByteBuffer bytes) {
return delegate.decodeKey(bytes);
public Object decodeValue(ByteBuffer bytes) {
KeyDescriptor keyDescriptor = KeyDescriptor.from(bytes);
try {
return delegate.decodeValue(doWithCipher(this.decrypt.get(keyDescriptor), bytes));
} catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
public void encodeKey(Object key, ByteBuf target) {
if (delegate instanceof ToByteBufEncoder) {
((ToByteBufEncoder) delegate).encodeKey(key, target);
public void encodeValue(Object value, ByteBuf target) {
ByteBuf serialized;
if (delegate instanceof ToByteBufEncoder) {
serialized = target.alloc().buffer(estimateSize(value));
((ToByteBufEncoder) delegate).encodeKey(value, serialized);
} else {
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = delegate.encodeValue(value);
serialized = target.alloc().buffer(byteBuffer.remaining());
try {
KeyDescriptor keyDescriptor = this.encrypt.encryptionKey();
Cipher cipher = this.encrypt.get(keyDescriptor);
doWithCipher(cipher, serialized, target);
} catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
} finally {
public int estimateSize(Object keyOrValue) {
if (delegate instanceof ToByteBufEncoder) {
return ((ToByteBufEncoder) delegate).estimateSize(keyOrValue);
return /* blocksize */16 + /* avg key descriptor size */8;
public ByteBuffer encodeKey(Object key) {
return delegate.encodeKey(key);
public ByteBuffer encodeValue(Object value) {
try {
ByteBuffer serialized = delegate.encodeValue(value);
KeyDescriptor keyDescriptor = this.encrypt.encryptionKey();
Cipher cipher = this.encrypt.get(keyDescriptor);
ByteBuffer intermediate = ByteBuffer
.allocate(cipher.getOutputSize(serialized.remaining() + 3 + + 10));
intermediate.put(doWithCipher(cipher, serialized));
return intermediate;
} catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
private void doWithCipher(Cipher cipher, ByteBuf serialized, ByteBuf target) throws GeneralSecurityException {
ByteBuffer intermediate = ByteBuffer.allocate(cipher.getOutputSize(serialized.readableBytes()));
ByteBuffer buffer = serialized.nioBuffer();
cipher.update(buffer, intermediate);
cipher.doFinal(buffer, intermediate);
private ByteBuffer doWithCipher(Cipher cipher, ByteBuffer source) throws GeneralSecurityException {
byte[] encrypted = new byte[source.remaining()];
byte[] update = cipher.update(encrypted);
byte[] finalBytes = cipher.doFinal();
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(update.length + finalBytes.length);
return buffer;
* Represents a supplier of {@link Cipher}. Requires to return a new {@link Cipher} instance as ciphers are one-time use
* only.
public interface CipherSupplier {
* Creates a new {@link Cipher}.
* @return a new {@link Cipher}.
* @throws GeneralSecurityException
* @param keyDescriptor the key to use for the returned {@link Cipher}.
Cipher get(KeyDescriptor keyDescriptor) throws GeneralSecurityException;
* Returns the latest {@link KeyDescriptor} to use for encryption.
* @return the {@link KeyDescriptor} to use for encryption.
default KeyDescriptor encryptionKey() {
return KeyDescriptor.unnamed();
* Descriptor to determine which crypto key to use. Allows versioning and usage of named keys. Key names must not contain
* dollar {@code $} or plus {@code +} characters as these characters are used within the message format to encode key name
* and key version.
public static class KeyDescriptor {
private static final KeyDescriptor UNNAMED = new KeyDescriptor("".getBytes(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII), 0);
private final byte[] name;
private final int version;
private KeyDescriptor(byte[] name, int version) {
for (byte b : name) {
if (b == '+' || b == '$') {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
String.format("Key name %s must not contain plus (+) or dollar ($) characters", new String(name)));
} = name;
this.version = version;
* Returns the default {@link KeyDescriptor} that has no specified name.
* @return the default {@link KeyDescriptor}.
public static KeyDescriptor unnamed() {
return UNNAMED;
* Create a named {@link KeyDescriptor} without version. Version defaults to zero.
* @param name the key name. Must not contain plus or dollar character.
* @return the {@link KeyDescriptor} for {@code name}.
public static KeyDescriptor create(String name) {
return create(name, 0);
* Create a named and versioned {@link KeyDescriptor}.
* @param name the key name. Must not contain plus or dollar character.
* @param version the key version.
* @return the {@link KeyDescriptor} for {@code name}.
public static KeyDescriptor create(String name, int version) {
return create(name, version, Charset.defaultCharset());
* Create a named and versioned {@link KeyDescriptor} using {@link Charset} to encode {@code name} to its binary
* representation.
* @param name the key name. Must not contain plus or dollar character.
* @param version the key version.
* @param charset must not be {@code null}.
* @return the {@link KeyDescriptor} for {@code name}.
public static KeyDescriptor create(String name, int version, Charset charset) {
LettuceAssert.notNull(name, "Name must not be null");
LettuceAssert.notNull(charset, "Charset must not be null");
return new KeyDescriptor(name.getBytes(charset), version);
static KeyDescriptor from(ByteBuffer bytes) {
int end = -1;
int version = -1;
if (bytes.get() != '$') {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot extract KeyDescriptor. Malformed message header.");
int startPosition = bytes.position();
for (int i = 0; i < bytes.remaining(); i++) {
if (bytes.get(bytes.position() + i) == '$') {
end = (bytes.position() - startPosition) + i;
if (bytes.get(bytes.position() + i) == '+') {
version = (bytes.position() - startPosition) + i;
if (end == -1 || version == -1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot extract KeyDescriptor");
byte[] name = new byte[version];
byte[] versionBytes = new byte[end - version - 1];
bytes.get(); // skip last char
return new KeyDescriptor(name, Integer.parseInt(new String(versionBytes)));
public int getVersion() {
return version;
* Returns the key {@code name} by decoding name bytes using the {@link Charset#defaultCharset() default charset}.
* @return the key name.
public String getName() {
return getName(Charset.defaultCharset());
* Returns the key {@code name} by decoding name bytes using the given {@link Charset}.
* @param charset the {@link Charset} to use to decode the key name, must not be {@code null}.
* @return the key name.
public String getName(Charset charset) {
LettuceAssert.notNull(charset, "Charset must not be null");
return new String(name, charset);
void writeTo(ByteBuf target) {
void writeTo(ByteBuffer target) {
target.put((byte) '$').put( '+').put(Integer.toString(this.version).getBytes())
.put((byte) '$');