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io.logspace.agent.shaded.mchange.v2.codegen.bean.BeangenUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Distributed as part of c3p0 v.
* Copyright (C) 2005 Machinery For Change, Inc.
* Author: Steve Waldman
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this software; see the file LICENSE. If not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package io.logspace.agent.shaded.mchange.v2.codegen.bean;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import io.logspace.agent.shaded.mchange.v1.lang.ClassUtils;
import io.logspace.agent.shaded.mchange.v2.codegen.CodegenUtils;
import io.logspace.agent.shaded.mchange.v2.codegen.IndentedWriter;
public final class BeangenUtils
public final static Comparator PROPERTY_COMPARATOR = new Comparator()
public int compare(Object a, Object b)
Property aa = (Property) a;
Property bb = (Property) b;
return, bb.getName() );
public static String capitalize( String propName )
char c = propName.charAt( 0 );
return Character.toUpperCase(c) + propName.substring(1);
// public static Class[] attemptResolveTypes(ClassInfo info, Property[] props)
// {
// String[] gen = info.getGeneralImports();
// String[] spc = info.getSpecificImports();
// Class[] out = new Class[ props.length ];
// for ( int i = 0, len = props.length; i < len; ++i )
// {
// String name = props[i].getSimpleTypeName();
// try
// { out[i] = ClassUtils.forName( name , gen, spc ); }
// catch ( Exception e )
// {
// e.printStackTrace();
// System.err.println("WARNING: " + this.getClass().getName() + " could not resolve " +
// "property type '" + name + "'.");
// out[i] = null;
// }
// }
// }
public static void writeExplicitDefaultConstructor( int ctor_modifiers, ClassInfo info, IndentedWriter iw) throws IOException
iw.print( CodegenUtils.getModifierString( ctor_modifiers ) );
iw.println(' ' + info.getClassName() + "()");
public static void writeArgList(Property[] props, boolean declare_types, IndentedWriter iw ) throws IOException
for (int i = 0, len = props.length; i < len; ++i)
if (i != 0)
iw.print(", ");
if (declare_types)
iw.print(props[i].getSimpleTypeName() + ' ');
iw.print( props[i].getName() );
* @deprecated use writePropertyVariable
public static void writePropertyMember( Property prop, IndentedWriter iw ) throws IOException
{ writePropertyVariable( prop, iw ); }
public static void writePropertyVariable( Property prop, IndentedWriter iw ) throws IOException
{ writePropertyVariable( prop, prop.getDefaultValueExpression(), iw ); }
* @deprecated use writePropertyVariable
public static void writePropertyMember( Property prop, String defaultValueExpression, IndentedWriter iw ) throws IOException
{ writePropertyVariable( prop, defaultValueExpression, iw ); }
public static void writePropertyVariable( Property prop, String defaultValueExpression, IndentedWriter iw ) throws IOException
iw.print( CodegenUtils.getModifierString( prop.getVariableModifiers() ) );
iw.print( ' ' + prop.getSimpleTypeName() + ' ' + prop.getName());
String dflt = defaultValueExpression;
if (dflt != null)
iw.print( " = " + dflt );
public static void writePropertyGetter( Property prop, IndentedWriter iw ) throws IOException
{ writePropertyGetter( prop, prop.getDefensiveCopyExpression(), iw ); }
public static void writePropertyGetter( Property prop, String defensiveCopyExpression, IndentedWriter iw ) throws IOException
String pfx = ("boolean".equals( prop.getSimpleTypeName() ) ? "is" : "get" );
iw.print( CodegenUtils.getModifierString( prop.getGetterModifiers() ) );
iw.println(' ' + prop.getSimpleTypeName() + ' ' + pfx + BeangenUtils.capitalize( prop.getName() ) + "()");
String retVal = defensiveCopyExpression;
if (retVal == null) retVal = prop.getName();
iw.println("{ return " + retVal + "; }");
public static void writePropertySetter( Property prop, IndentedWriter iw )
throws IOException
{ writePropertySetter( prop, prop.getDefensiveCopyExpression(), iw ); }
public static void writePropertySetter( Property prop, String setterDefensiveCopyExpression, IndentedWriter iw )
throws IOException
String setVal = setterDefensiveCopyExpression;
if (setVal == null) setVal = prop.getName();
String usualGetExpression = ("this." + prop.getName());
String usualSetStatement = ("this." + prop.getName() + " = " + setVal + ';');
writePropertySetterWithGetExpressionSetStatement(prop, usualGetExpression, usualSetStatement, iw);
public static void writePropertySetterWithGetExpressionSetStatement( Property prop, String getExpression, String setStatement, IndentedWriter iw )
throws IOException
iw.print( CodegenUtils.getModifierString( prop.getSetterModifiers() ) );
iw.print(" void set" + BeangenUtils.capitalize( prop.getName() ) + "( " + prop.getSimpleTypeName() + ' ' + prop.getName() + " )");
if ( prop.isConstrained() )
iw.println(" throws PropertyVetoException");
if ( changeMarked( prop ) )
iw.println( prop.getSimpleTypeName() + " oldVal = " + getExpression + ';');
String oldValExpr = "oldVal";
String newValExpr = prop.getName();
String changeCheck;
String simpleTypeName = prop.getSimpleTypeName();
if ( ClassUtils.isPrimitive( simpleTypeName ) )
Class propType = ClassUtils.classForPrimitive( simpleTypeName );
// PropertyChangeSupport already has overloads
// for boolean and int
if (propType == byte.class)
oldValExpr = "new Byte( "+ oldValExpr +" )";
newValExpr = "new Byte( "+ newValExpr +" )";
else if (propType == char.class)
oldValExpr = "new Character( "+ oldValExpr +" )";
newValExpr = "new Character( "+ newValExpr +" )";
else if (propType == short.class)
oldValExpr = "new Short( "+ oldValExpr +" )";
newValExpr = "new Short( "+ newValExpr +" )";
else if (propType == float.class)
oldValExpr = "new Float( "+ oldValExpr +" )";
newValExpr = "new Float( "+ newValExpr +" )";
else if (propType == double.class)
oldValExpr = "new Double( "+ oldValExpr +" )";
newValExpr = "new Double( "+ newValExpr +" )";
changeCheck = "oldVal != " + prop.getName();
changeCheck = "! eqOrBothNull( oldVal, " + prop.getName() + " )";
if ( prop.isConstrained() )
iw.println("if ( " + changeCheck + " )");
iw.println("vcs.fireVetoableChange( \"" + prop.getName() + "\", " + oldValExpr + ", " + newValExpr + " );");
iw.println( setStatement );
if ( prop.isBound() )
iw.println("if ( " + changeCheck + " )");
iw.println("pcs.firePropertyChange( \"" + prop.getName() + "\", " + oldValExpr + ", " + newValExpr + " );");
iw.println( setStatement );
public static boolean hasBoundProperties(Property[] props)
for (int i = 0, len = props.length; i < len; ++i)
if (props[i].isBound()) return true;
return false;
public static boolean hasConstrainedProperties(Property[] props)
for (int i = 0, len = props.length; i < len; ++i)
if (props[i].isConstrained()) return true;
return false;
private static boolean changeMarked( Property prop )
{ return prop.isBound() || prop.isConstrained(); }
private BeangenUtils()