io.mantisrx.extensions.dynamodb.DynamoDBStore Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2024 Netflix, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.mantisrx.extensions.dynamodb;
import io.mantisrx.server.core.IKeyValueStore;
import io.mantisrx.shaded.com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import software.amazon.awssdk.services.dynamodb.DynamoDbClient;
import software.amazon.awssdk.services.dynamodb.model.*;
public class DynamoDBStore implements IKeyValueStore {
// Helper class to track pagination with DynamoDB queries
// lastEventuatedKey is used as a pagination cursor
private class DynamoPaginationResult {
public T result;
public Map lastEvaluatedKey;
DynamoPaginationResult(T result, Map lastEvaluatedKey) {
this.result = result;
this.lastEvaluatedKey = lastEvaluatedKey;
public static final String PK = "PK";
public static final String SK = "SK";
public static final String PARTITION_KEY = "partitionKey";
public static final String SECONDARY_KEY = "secondaryKey";
public static final String TABLE_NAME_KEY = "tableName";
public static final String TTL_KEY = "expiresAt";
public static final String DATA_KEY = "data";
private static final String PK_E = "#PK";
private static final String PK_V = ":PK";
private static final String SK_E = "#SK";
private static final String SK_V = ":SK";
private static final String MPK_E = "#MPK";
private static final int MAX_ITEMS = 25;
public static final int QUERY_LIMIT = 100;
private final String mantisTable;
private final DynamoDbClient client;
public DynamoDBStore() {
final DynamoDBConfig conf = DynamoDBClientSingleton.getDynamoDBConf();
mantisTable = conf.getDynamoDBStoreTable();
if(mantisTable == null || mantisTable.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("mantis.ext.dynamodb.leader.table is null or empty and must be set");
client = DynamoDBClientSingleton.getDynamoDBClient();
public DynamoDBStore(DynamoDbClient client, String tableName ) {
this.client = client;
this.mantisTable = tableName;
private DynamoPaginationResult> _getAllPartitionKeys(String tableName, Map lastEvaluatedKey) {
Map expressionAttributesNames = new HashMap<>();
expressionAttributesNames.put(PK_E, PK);
expressionAttributesNames.put(MPK_E, PARTITION_KEY);
Map expressionAttributeValues = new HashMap<>();
expressionAttributeValues.put(PK_V, AttributeValue.builder().s(tableName).build());
QueryRequest.Builder builder = QueryRequest.builder()
.keyConditionExpression(String.format("%s = %s", PK_E, PK_V))
if(lastEvaluatedKey != null) {
builder = builder.exclusiveStartKey(lastEvaluatedKey);
final QueryRequest request = builder.build();
final QueryResponse response = this.client.query(request);
final Map pks = new HashMap<>();
response.items().forEach(v -> pks.put(v.get(PARTITION_KEY).s(), ""));
return new DynamoPaginationResult<>(new ArrayList<>(pks.keySet()), response.lastEvaluatedKey());
* Gets all partition keys from the table.
* This could be beneficial to call instead of getAllRows
* if the data volume in the table is large and you want
* to process rows iteratively.
* It iterates on partitionKey instead of primaryKey to
* prevent keys from the same partition coming out of order.
* @param tableName the table to read from
* @return list of all partition keys
public List getAllPartitionKeys(String tableName) {
final List results = new ArrayList<>();
Map lastEvaluatedKey = null;
while(true) {
DynamoPaginationResult> result = this._getAllPartitionKeys(tableName, lastEvaluatedKey);
if (!result.lastEvaluatedKey.isEmpty()) {
log.info("partial result for all partition keys query, left off at partitionKey={} of table={}", result.lastEvaluatedKey.get("SK").s(), tableName);
lastEvaluatedKey = result.lastEvaluatedKey;
} else {
log.info("found {} items when querying for all partition keys in table={}", results.size(), tableName);
return results;
private DynamoPaginationResult>> _getAll(String tableName, String partitionKey, Map lastEvaluatedKey) {
Map expressionAttributesNames = new HashMap<>();
expressionAttributesNames.put(PK_E, PK);
expressionAttributesNames.put(SK_E, SK);
Map expressionAttributeValues = new HashMap<>();
expressionAttributeValues.put(PK_V, AttributeValue.builder().s(tableName).build());
expressionAttributeValues.put(SK_V, AttributeValue.builder().s(String.format("%s#", partitionKey)).build());
QueryRequest.Builder builder = QueryRequest.builder()
.keyConditionExpression(String.format("%s = %s and begins_with(%s, %s)", PK_E, PK_V, SK_E, SK_V))
if(lastEvaluatedKey != null) {
builder = builder.exclusiveStartKey(lastEvaluatedKey);
final QueryRequest request = builder.build();
final QueryResponse response = this.client.query(request);
return new DynamoPaginationResult<>(response.items(), response.lastEvaluatedKey());
* Gets all rows corresponding to partition key
* @param tableName the tableName/table to read from
* @param partitionKey partitionKey for the record
* @return all records corresponding to partitionKey as a map of secondaryKey -> data
public Map getAll(String tableName, String partitionKey) throws IOException {
final Map items = new HashMap<>();
Map lastEvaluatedKey = null;
while(true) {
DynamoPaginationResult>> result = this._getAll(tableName, partitionKey, lastEvaluatedKey);
result.result.forEach(v -> items.put(v.get(SECONDARY_KEY).s(), v.get(DATA_KEY).s()));
if (!result.lastEvaluatedKey.isEmpty()) {
log.info("partial result for get all query, left off at SK={} of table={}", result.lastEvaluatedKey.get("SK").s(), tableName);
lastEvaluatedKey = result.lastEvaluatedKey;
} else {
log.info("found {} items when querying for all items in partition {} in table {}", items.size(), partitionKey, tableName);
return items;
* Adds all row corresponding to partition key.
* The rows are passed as a map of secondaryKey -> data
* @param tableName the tableName/table to read from
* @param partitionKey partitionKey for the record
* @param all map of rows
* @param ttl ttl for the record in millis (use null or Duration.ZERO for no expiry)
* @return boolean if the data was saved
public boolean upsertAll(String tableName, String partitionKey, Map all, Duration ttl)
throws IOException {
final Duration expiresIn = (ttl == null || ttl.isZero()) ? Duration.ZERO : ttl;
final List writeRequests = writeRequestsFrom(tableName, partitionKey,all, expiresIn);
return doBatchWriteRequest(writeRequests);
* Deletes a row corresponding to the primary key (partitionKey, secondaryKey)
* @param tableName the tableName/table to read from
* @param partitionKey partitionKey for the record
* @param secondaryKey secondaryKey for the record
* @return boolean if row was deleted
public boolean delete(String tableName, String partitionKey, String secondaryKey) throws IOException {
Map expressionAttributeValues = new HashMap<>();
expressionAttributeValues.put(PK, AttributeValue.builder().s(tableName).build());
expressionAttributeValues.put(SK, AttributeValue.builder().s(String.format("%s#%s", partitionKey, secondaryKey)).build());
final DeleteItemRequest request = DeleteItemRequest.builder()
final DeleteItemResponse response = this.client.deleteItem(request);
log.info("deleted item from table [{}], pk[{}], sk[{}] with request ID {}",
tableName, partitionKey, secondaryKey, response.responseMetadata().requestId());
return true;
* Deletes all rows corresponding to a partition key
* @param tableName the tableName/table to read from
* @param partitionKey partitionKey for the record
* @return boolean if the rows were deleted
public boolean deleteAll(String tableName, String partitionKey) throws IOException {
Map expressionAttributesNames = new HashMap<>();
expressionAttributesNames.put(PK_E, PK);
expressionAttributesNames.put(SK_E, SK);
Map expressionAttributeValues = new HashMap<>();
expressionAttributeValues.put(PK_V, AttributeValue.builder().s(tableName).build());
expressionAttributeValues.put(SK_V, AttributeValue.builder().s(String.format("%s#", partitionKey)).build());
final QueryRequest request = QueryRequest.builder()
.keyConditionExpression(String.format("%s = %s and begins_with(%s, %s)", PK_E, PK_V, SK_E, SK_V))
// .projectionExpression(String.format("%s,%s", PK_E, SK_E))
log.info("querying for all items in partition {} in table {}", partitionKey, tableName);
final QueryResponse response = this.client.query(request);
final List deleteRequests = new ArrayList<>();
log.info("retrieved {} from {} and {}", response.items().size(), tableName, partitionKey);
.forEach(v -> deleteRequests.add(WriteRequest.builder().deleteRequest(
PK, AttributeValue.builder().s(v.get(PK).s()).build(),
SK, AttributeValue.builder().s(v.get(SK).s()).build())).build()).build()
log.info("deleted {} from {} and {}", deleteRequests.size(), tableName, partitionKey);
return true;
private WriteRequest writeRequestFrom(String tableName, String partitionKey, String secondaryKey, String data, Duration ttl) {
final Map items = new HashMap<>();
items.put(PK, AttributeValue.builder().s(tableName).build());
items.put(SK, AttributeValue.builder().s(String.format("%s#%s", partitionKey, secondaryKey)).build());
items.put(DATA_KEY, AttributeValue.builder().s(data).build());
items.put(PARTITION_KEY, AttributeValue.builder().s(partitionKey).build());
items.put(SECONDARY_KEY, AttributeValue.builder().s(secondaryKey).build());
items.put(TABLE_NAME_KEY, AttributeValue.builder().s(tableName).build());
if (!ttl.isZero()) {
items.put(TTL_KEY, AttributeValue.builder()
.n(String.valueOf((System.currentTimeMillis()/1000L) + ttl.getSeconds())).build());
return WriteRequest.builder().putRequest(PutRequest.builder().item(items).build()).build();
private List writeRequestsFrom(String tableName, String partitionKey, Map mapSKToData, Duration ttl) {
List writeRequests = new ArrayList<>();
mapSKToData.forEach((key, value) -> writeRequests.add(
writeRequestFrom(tableName, partitionKey, key, value, ttl)
return writeRequests;
private WriteRequest deleteRequestFrom(String tableName, String partitionKey, String secondaryKey) {
final Map items = new HashMap<>();
items.put(PK, AttributeValue.builder().s(tableName).build());
items.put(SK, AttributeValue.builder().s(String.format("%s#%s", partitionKey, secondaryKey)).build());
return WriteRequest.builder().deleteRequest(DeleteRequest.builder().key(items).build()).build();
private WriteRequest deleteRequestFrom(String dyanmoPK, String dynamoSK) {
final Map items = new HashMap<>();
log.info("preparing to delete pk {} sk {}", dyanmoPK, dynamoSK);
items.put(PK, AttributeValue.builder().s(dyanmoPK).build());
items.put(SK, AttributeValue.builder().s(dynamoSK).build());
return WriteRequest.builder().deleteRequest(DeleteRequest.builder().key(items).build()).build();
private List deleteRequestsFrom(Map mapPKSK) {
List writeRequests = new ArrayList<>();
mapPKSK.forEach((key, value) -> writeRequests.add(
deleteRequestFrom(key, value)
return writeRequests;
private boolean doBatchWriteRequest(List writeRequests) throws IOException {
for(int i = 0; i < writeRequests.size(); i +=MAX_ITEMS) {
final List writes = writeRequests.subList(i, Integer.min(i+MAX_ITEMS,writeRequests.size()));
log.info("processing {} items to {}", writes.size(), this.mantisTable);
BatchWriteItemRequest batchWriteItemRequest = BatchWriteItemRequest.builder()
.requestItems(ImmutableMap.of(this.mantisTable, writes))
BatchWriteItemResponse batchWriteItemResponse = this.client.batchWriteItem(batchWriteItemRequest);
while (!batchWriteItemResponse.hasUnprocessedItems()) {
Map> unprocessedItems = batchWriteItemResponse.unprocessedItems();
log.warn("handling {} unprocessed items", unprocessedItems.size());
batchWriteItemResponse = this.client.batchWriteItem(batchWriteItemRequest);
return true;