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package io.mats3.serial.json;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectReader;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;
import io.mats3.serial.MatsSerializer;
import io.mats3.serial.MatsTrace;
import io.mats3.serial.MatsTrace.KeepMatsTrace;
import io.mats3.util.FieldBasedJacksonMapper;
import io.mats3.util.compression.ByteArrayDeflaterOutputStreamWithStats;
import io.mats3.util.compression.InflaterInputStreamWithStats;
* Implementation of {@link MatsSerializer} that employs Jackson JSON
* library for serialization and deserialization, and compress and decompress using {@link Deflater} and
* {@link Inflater}.
* The Jackson {@link ObjectMapper} is configured to only handle fields (think "data struct"), i.e. not use setters or
* getters; and to only include non-null fields; and upon deserialization to ignore properties from the JSON that has no
* field in the class to be deserialized into (both to enable the modification of DTOs on the client side by removing
* fields that aren't used in that client scenario, and to handle widening conversions for incoming DTOs), and to
* use string serialization for dates (and handle the JSR310 new dates):
* // Create Jackson ObjectMapper
* ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
* // Do not use setters and getters, thus only fields, and ignore visibility modifiers.
* mapper.setVisibility(PropertyAccessor.ALL, Visibility.NONE);
* mapper.setVisibility(PropertyAccessor.FIELD, Visibility.ANY);
* // Drop null fields (null fields in DTOs are dropped from serialization to JSON)
* mapper.setSerializationInclusion(Include.NON_NULL);
* // Do not fail on unknown fields (i.e. if DTO class to deserialize to lacks fields that are present in the JSON)
* mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false);
* // Handle the java.time classes sanely, i.e. as dates, not a bunch of integers.
* mapper.registerModule(new JavaTimeModule());
* // .. and write dates and times as Strings, e.g. 2020-11-15
* mapper.configure(SerializationFeature.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS, false);
* // Handle JDK8 Optionals as normal fields.
* mapper.registerModule(new Jdk8Module());
* @author Endre Stølsvik - 2015 -
public class MatsSerializerJson implements MatsSerializer {
public static String IDENTIFICATION = "MatsTrace_JSON_v1";
* The default compression level - which I chose to be {@link Deflater#BEST_SPEED} (compression level 1), since I
* assume that the rather small incremental reduction in size does not outweigh the pretty large increase in time,
* as one hopefully runs on a pretty fast network (and that the MQ backing store is fast).
public static int DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_LEVEL = Deflater.BEST_SPEED;
private final int _compressionLevel;
private final ObjectMapper _objectMapper;
private final ObjectReader _matsTraceJson_Reader;
private final ObjectWriter _matsTraceJson_Writer;
* Constructs a MatsSerializer, using the {@link #DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_LEVEL} (which is {@link Deflater#BEST_SPEED},
* which is 1).
public static MatsSerializerJson create() {
return new MatsSerializerJson(DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_LEVEL);
* Constructs a MatsSerializer, using the specified Compression Level - refer to {@link Deflater}'s constants and
* levels.
* @param compressionLevel
* the compression level given to {@link Deflater} to use.
public static MatsSerializerJson create(int compressionLevel) {
return new MatsSerializerJson(compressionLevel);
* Constructs a MatsSerializer, using the specified Compression Level - refer to {@link Deflater}'s constants and
* levels.
* @param compressionLevel
* the compression level given to {@link Deflater} to use.
protected MatsSerializerJson(int compressionLevel) {
_compressionLevel = compressionLevel;
ObjectMapper mapper = FieldBasedJacksonMapper.getMats3DefaultJacksonObjectMapper();
// Allow for configuration in override - which is not recommended, but if you need..
// Store the ObjectMapper
_objectMapper = mapper;
// Make specific Reader and Writer for MatsTraceStringImpl
_matsTraceJson_Reader = mapper.readerFor(MatsTraceStringImpl.class);
_matsTraceJson_Writer = mapper.writerFor(MatsTraceStringImpl.class);
* Override if you want to change the Jackson ObjectMapper. Not really recommended.
protected void extraConfigureObjectMapper(ObjectMapper mapper) {
/* no-op */
public boolean handlesMeta(String meta) {
if (meta == null) {
return false;
// ?: If the meta starts with the identification String "MatsTrace_JSON_v1", we handle it.
return meta.startsWith(IDENTIFICATION);
public MatsTrace createNewMatsTrace(String traceId, String flowId,
KeepMatsTrace keepMatsTrace, boolean nonPersistent, boolean interactive, long ttlMillis, boolean noAudit) {
return MatsTraceStringImpl.createNew(traceId, flowId, keepMatsTrace, nonPersistent, interactive, ttlMillis,
private static final String COMPRESS_DEFLATE = "deflate";
private static final String COMPRESS_PLAIN = "plain";
private static final String DECOMPRESSED_SIZE_ATTRIBUTE = ";decompSize=";
public SerializedMatsTrace serializeMatsTrace(MatsTrace matsTrace) {
try {
long nanosAtStart_SerializationAndCompression = System.nanoTime();
// :: We now always compress since we don't know whether the result will be small.
// Compress using DeflaterOutputStreamWithStats, which will give us the time taken for compression.
ByteArrayDeflaterOutputStreamWithStats out = new ByteArrayDeflaterOutputStreamWithStats();
// Set the compression level on the underlying Deflater.
// Write the MatsTrace to the compressed stream.
try {
_matsTraceJson_Writer.writeValue(out, matsTrace);
finally {
// .. even though .writeValue() should close the stream, we do it here as well in case of exceptions.
// Rationale: We must ensure that the contained Deflater is .end()'ed, as it uses off-heap memory.
// Get the time taken for compression.
long nanosTaken_Compression = out.getDeflateAndWriteTimeNanos();
// Calculate the time taken for serialization, by subtracting the compression time from the total.
long nanosTaken_Serialization = System.nanoTime() - nanosAtStart_SerializationAndCompression
- nanosTaken_Compression;
// Get the compressed bytes from the ByteArrayOutputStream.
byte[] resultBytes = out.toByteArray(); // Note: Closes the stream.
long serializedBytesLength = resultBytes.length;
// Create the meta string, which is the identification, the compression method, and the decompressed size.
return new SerializedMatsTraceImpl(resultBytes, meta, (int) serializedBytesLength, nanosTaken_Serialization,
catch (IOException e) {
throw new SerializationException("Couldn't serialize MatsTrace, which is crazy!\n" + matsTrace, e);
private static class SerializedMatsTraceImpl implements SerializedMatsTrace {
private final byte[] _matsTraceBytes;
private final String _meta;
private final int _sizeUncompressed;
private final long _nanosSerialization;
private final long _nanosCompression;
public SerializedMatsTraceImpl(byte[] matsTraceBytes, String meta, int sizeUncompressed,
long nanosSerialization, long nanosCompression) {
_matsTraceBytes = matsTraceBytes;
_meta = meta;
_sizeUncompressed = sizeUncompressed;
_nanosSerialization = nanosSerialization;
_nanosCompression = nanosCompression;
public byte[] getMatsTraceBytes() {
return _matsTraceBytes;
public String getMeta() {
return _meta;
public int getSizeUncompressed() {
return _sizeUncompressed;
public long getNanosSerialization() {
return _nanosSerialization;
public long getNanosCompression() {
return _nanosCompression;
public DeserializedMatsTrace deserializeMatsTrace(byte[] matsTraceBytes, String meta) {
return deserializeMatsTrace(matsTraceBytes, 0, matsTraceBytes.length, meta);
public DeserializedMatsTrace deserializeMatsTrace(byte[] matsTraceBytes, int offset, int length,
String meta) {
try {
long nanosTaken_Decompression;
long nanosTaken_Deserialization;
int decompressedBytesLength;
// ?: Is there a colon in the meta string?
if (meta.indexOf(':') != -1) {
// -> Yes, there is. This is the identification-meta, so chop off everything before it.
meta = meta.substring(meta.indexOf(':') + 1);
// NOTE: As of 2024-09-15, we always serialize with "deflate", but due to the existing user base, we need
// to handle both "deflate" and "plain" for incoming - the latter for when we earlier didn't compress small
// payloads.
MatsTrace matsTrace;
if (meta.startsWith(COMPRESS_DEFLATE)) {
// -> Compressed, so decompress the incoming bytes
long nanosStart_DecompressionAndDeserialization = System.nanoTime();
// Decompress using InflaterInputStreamWithStats, and the offset and length.
InflaterInputStreamWithStats in = new InflaterInputStreamWithStats(matsTraceBytes, offset, length);
// Read the MatsTrace from the decompressed stream.
// NOTE: Upon having fully read the MatsTrace, it will close the underlying InflaterOutputStream
matsTrace = _matsTraceJson_Reader.readValue(in);
// Get the decompressed bytes length, and the decompression time.
decompressedBytesLength = (int) in.getUncompressedBytesOutput();
nanosTaken_Decompression = in.getReadAndInflateTimeNanos();
// Calculate the time taken for deserialization, by subtracting the decompression time from the total.
nanosTaken_Deserialization = System.nanoTime() - nanosStart_DecompressionAndDeserialization
- nanosTaken_Decompression;
else if (meta.startsWith(COMPRESS_PLAIN)) {
// -> Plain, no compression - use the incoming bytes directly
// There is no decompression, so we "start deserialization timer" at the beginning.
long nanosStart_Deserialization = System.nanoTime();
// It per definition (and API contract) takes 0 nanos to NOT decompress.
nanosTaken_Decompression = 0L;
// The decompressed bytes length is the same as the incoming length, since we do not decompress.
decompressedBytesLength = length;
// Deserialize directly from the incoming bytes, using offset and length.
matsTrace = _matsTraceJson_Reader.readValue(matsTraceBytes, offset, length);
nanosTaken_Deserialization = System.nanoTime() - nanosStart_Deserialization;
else {
throw new AssertionError("Can only deserialize 'plain' and 'deflate'.");
return new DeserializedMatsTraceImpl(matsTrace, matsTraceBytes.length, decompressedBytesLength,
nanosTaken_Deserialization, nanosTaken_Decompression);
catch (IOException e) {
throw new SerializationException("Couldn't deserialize MatsTrace from given JSON, which is crazy!\n"
+ new String(matsTraceBytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8), e);
private static final class DeserializedMatsTraceImpl implements DeserializedMatsTrace {
private final MatsTrace _matsTrace;
private final int _sizeIncoming;
private final int _sizeDecompressed;
private final long _nanosDeserialization;
private final long _nanosDecompression;
public DeserializedMatsTraceImpl(MatsTrace matsTrace, int sizeIncoming, int sizeDecompressed,
long nanosDeserialization, long nanosDecompression) {
_matsTrace = matsTrace;
_sizeIncoming = sizeIncoming;
_sizeDecompressed = sizeDecompressed;
_nanosDeserialization = nanosDeserialization;
_nanosDecompression = nanosDecompression;
public MatsTrace getMatsTrace() {
return _matsTrace;
public int getSizeIncoming() {
return _sizeIncoming;
public int getSizeDecompressed() {
return _sizeDecompressed;
public long getNanosDeserialization() {
return _nanosDeserialization;
public long getNanosDecompression() {
return _nanosDecompression;
public String serializeObject(Object object) {
if (object == null) {
return null;
try {
return _objectMapper.writeValueAsString(object);
catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
throw new SerializationException("Couldn't serialize Object [" + object + "].", e);
public int sizeOfSerialized(String s) {
if (s == null) {
return 0;
return s.length();
public T deserializeObject(String serialized, Class type) {
if (serialized == null) {
return null;
try {
return _objectMapper.readValue(serialized, type);
catch (IOException e) {
throw new SerializationException("Couldn't deserialize JSON into object of type [" + type + "].\n"
+ serialized, e);
public T newInstance(Class clazz) {
// ?: Boolean?
if ((Boolean.class == clazz) || (boolean.class == clazz)) {
// -> Yes, boolean - deserialize from "false".
// Note: Jackson also handles "0" and "1", but this is more general (GSON does not)
return deserializeObject("0", clazz);
// ?: Is it otherwise a primitive or primitive wrapper class?
if (clazz.isPrimitive() // Note: includes character.class
|| Number.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)
|| (Character.class == clazz)) {
// -> Yes number or char, so then "0" and "1" works for all.
return deserializeObject("0", clazz);
if (String.class == clazz) {
T t = (T) "";
return t;
// E-> No special case, so object
// :: Deserialize from JSON empty object "{}"
// Note: Newer Jackson and GSON also handles deserializing any Java Record from "{}".
try {
return deserializeObject("{}", clazz);
catch (SerializationException e) {
throw new CannotCreateEmptyInstanceException("Could not create an empty object of type [" + clazz + "] by"
+ " attempting to deserialize the empty object JSON string \"{}\".", e);
private static class CannotCreateEmptyInstanceException extends SerializationException {
CannotCreateEmptyInstanceException(String message, Throwable cause) {
super(message, cause);